Newmarket Era, 29 Oct 1915, p. 7

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S3aHsV r i Sfi I ft CHINA A HALL Weeks Presbyterian Church The Willing Worker met 03 EI Next Sunday evening the singing will be led by the Mens Choir- Spe cial sermon by the Pastor to Our local hunters are preparing to leave tomorrow on ttaeir tramp- home or Mrs afternoon TITilrr- Fall Fair- from r St Pauls Dramatic Club ias Commenced rehearsals a new piay by J Byron the of Further a merits later will be anxious to sefi this after the success of Our We are now offering specially good value in One line of a very nice pattern with gold line edge at is well worth In specting Another line which we are now selling freely Is a very FINE QUALITY ELITE LIMOGES FRENCH CHINA In a very neat border pattern The price today for this line Is Our price is for pieces The above lines are owing to war conditions very and hard to get We would suggest your early attention as we look for Higher Prices soon Working All Night For some time Wood at the SpeciaifftWorks doing night onArmv orders but finding that the is not equal to- the contract Another set of men were put on on Wednesday night using Town electric power and this will continue until the contract is filled Importer of Staple Fancy China New Cadet Corps A Boys Cadet Corps is about to organized in Town as an adjunct to the Home Guards The use the Town Hall to drill every Wednesday night has been granted by the Coun cil provided it is not required for other purposes All boys from 14 17 years of age eligible About hae joined already under Mr French Form out at oclock Presbyterian Convention All the Presbyterian Schools of this District except Aurora were well represented at the Sunday School Convention in the Pres byterian Church here last Friday and a very helpful and inspiring gathering took place There were live ministers present and the discussions were very practical many Dollars Wasted In the ash heaps A Sifter save those dollars and you can bet be needed See them at Binns Junior Christian Endeavor All the boys and girls from six to fourteen years of age are requested to attend the Junior Christian En deavor Society in the room of the Christian Church Saturday afternoon at 330 China Hall Grocery Mrs Waylinga Will It is stated in the prees that jthe will of Mrs Harriett of Sharon has been entered for pro bate Deceased Passrri away on Oct left an estate Several legacies are bequeathed while the residue of the estate is to be equally divided between two rela tives We omit names given as are not certain to their being cor rect Preserving Time Calls for the Best Sugar to make your preserving a success We handle lliat Good Sugar Give an order for Sugar and you will be Satisfied We carry a full line of Jars In all Value in Rubbers at FOR When Pickling you should try our Pure We have a FirstClass Quality of Cider While Wine and Eng lish Malt Vinegar in bulk and in bottle The Leading Phone CORNER OF Main Timothy GEO Harness Main Death of Mrs We clip the following from the Ev ening TimesStarr published at Ala California Oct Last rites were held yesterday at the First Methodist Church for Mrs Emily M who died at her home Central avenue The ser vices were impressive and were con ducted by Rev pastor the church Many oral pieces were sent as expressions of regret among them being that of the For eign Missionary Society in which Mrs took an active interest The pallbearers were Messrs Hayes Stevenson and Hicks Mrs passing was sudden her death following closely that of her husband The Calendar of the First Methodist Episcopal Church at Alameda dated Sunday Oct the following paragraph- Only yesterday morning months alter the of her hus band Earnest Mrs Emily aged fi8 left this world for the heavenly home She was an earnest Christian woman a member of this church Brother Walter her is member of our Official Hoard We extend our heartfelt sympathy to him and to the others bereaved The funeral service will be held from Fowlers undertak ing parlors tomorrow Monday at a Many friends in Newmarket will re gret to learn of Mrs death and we extend their sympathy to the bereaved family P P The first meeting of Young Peoples Patriotic Club held last Thursday evening was very large ly attended The work of the Club was got under way the col lection taken up amounting to and nil who attended pass ed a pleasant evening The officers are delighted with the response of the young peo ple a- well as he generous help of many of the townspeople in supplying the necessaries of the Club gratis The Club will meet again Thursday evening of this Dont Miss It One of the finest entertain- merits in this town for years given by children is to come off in the Methodist Church on Fri day Nov 5th under the auspices of the Mission Circle Read a few of the Press com ments Toronto Mail and Empire The Symphony Orchestra was assist ed by Miss Edith Walsh who though only fourteen years of age sang a difficult aria in a manner that made the vast audi ence disposed to predict a bril liant career for this young so prano Her voice is unusually sweet and powerful while the selection chosen was one that re quires marked ability to render successfully particularly with orchestral accompaniment Hall A recitation was given in surprisingly good style by little creating quite a furore He re cited with striking elocutionary power The Oxbridge Master Da- vies Rita and their moth er Mrs Davies were very highly appreciated and added great variety to the programme Childrens Jubilee AND VEGETABLES Collection of vegetables- Stephens Collection of potatoes phens Potatoes Plunk- ett T Stephens American Won Step hens Plunkell T W Stephens Irish Cobbler Plun- T Stephens Delaware Plunkelt T Stephens Vermont Plunkett T Stephens Any other kind Step hens Swedish lurnipsC Plunkett H Brandon Grekslone turnips Kitely C Long rots T Stephens Short carrots W Brandon Plunkett Table carrots Mrs Hugh McCann J R Atkinson Parsnips Plunkelt Step hens Globe mangelwurzel Plunkelt Stephens Long red mangclTWurzel Edwards Plunkett Yellow intermediate mangelwurzel Plunkett Eo wards Any other kind of mangel- wurzel John Coffey Step hens Long blood Plunkelt Short blood beets Stephens Sugar beets Stephens Jumho sugar beeta W Edwards Yellow oninoris Guilds Stephens Common pump kins C Davis Mammoth pumpkins W Brandon Mammoth squashes Stephens Com mon squashes Stephens Red C Plunkett Stephens While onions Stephens Pickling onions Robinson Ramsden Cab bages J Calhoun C Plunkett Red peppers Plunkelt Stephens Robinson Celery Citrons Stephens citrons Stephens Brown Ramsden Cauliflowers J FRUIT Apples I greening W Cal houn A Brandon B Davis A Bennett Northern spy Lloyd Davis Baldwin M A Brandon King of K- Lloyd Duchess of Oldenburg Palmer Bros To I man Sweet Plunkett J Calhoun Golden russet A Brandon russet J Calhoun Mann E A Brandon Alexandria A Ferguson M A Brandon John McDonald St Lawrence Lloyd Snow J Coffey A Winter Cooper Fall Mrs John McDonald Crab Miss Eve A Bennel Grapes Mrs Mc Donald Mrs Dove Comb honey Rolph Davis Extracted honey Rolph Davis Maple sugar Mrs Alf Lloyd Maple syrup- Airs Cooper Edwards Brandon Mrs W Display of fruit Marchanl Another Big acturars a- 2 i i J fit If you want to buy the best finished durable shoes at decidedly less than actual values it would be wrong for you to miss this offer You know what samples are and without going Into figures here we ask you to have faith enough in us come and see Just what we mean by saving you money In the best of solid leather shoes I VI s Bai A Notwithstanding the fact that prices are so low we stand back of every pair bought of us guaranteeing satisfaction with every purchase just as If fall price had been paid for these goods The Men Main West T I Collars Faced Harness Bags and Repaired NOTE THE ADDRESS Main of King George NEWMARKET promptly attended to Prices reasonable orders CUT ON HAND PHONE WANTED NOW Reliable Salesman to act as Agent In York County PAY WEEKLY Outfit free exclusive territory I and money making specialties Our agencies are the best in the business for we sell the highest grade of stock at roost reasonable prices and guar antee deliveries In first class Condition Nursery stock is well this year and good money can he made In lids district For particulars write Kales Manager NURSERY Toronto Out A One of those pencil Illinois Vacuum Carpet Sweepers Good new Cost 7 sell for w W use having an electric at Era Office Where Does the Water Go The Council had a lengthy on Monday night over the question of water supply Mr P Pearson had figured up the amount of water that paid for by meter and finds a loss of gals day excepting what Is usri In the schools Pickering College and the factories the latter being only par tially metered Mr Tench reported that a meter had been placed on King school and as to reduce the quantity of water used He thought there should be a meter on Pickering College so as to know the quantity of used there al though the estimate is within what the College Is to have free of charge He also felt satisfied that there was a big leak on Huron St from the quantity of water that draining Into the creek continually The cost of metering the factories will be over as the fire pro tection requires a Inch main and a Inch water meter would allow all the waste that a factory Would or dinarily use To overcome the dif ficulty entirely would cost more than the water used In many years He would rather tee the money put into new wells Mr from what he had that meters were clogged with dirt and not registering the amount of water used The Mayor still maintained that notwithstanding the enormous ex pense- of meters throughout the Town the revenue was not as great as un der the flat rate system and water pumped Mr Tench thought something should be done to Increaee the water sup ply pumping from the large wells has diminished the supply from the small Mr Eve favored the idea suggest ed In the Era two ago by se curing water at tb North Knd and pumping by electric motor The P Committee will try to find the leak first and then con sider the question of further supply The new electric motor for pump ing the wells arrived on Monday and ft is hoped that the pump to here In time to connect up this week Over a thousand children gather ered last night in the Presbyterian Schoolroom the oc casion being a childrens jubilee concert to celebrate the inaugu ration of the new buildings The chief performers were the Family the children and being specially appre ciated It is a regular 25c concert hut owing to so many demands at this time the tickets are being placed at only Your Auto Will be used very the next months A set of Storage Jacks will save their cost in one season Block Binns FOR FLETCHERS CASTOR I A Canadians Preferred We clip the following from the State News published at Marck North Dakota business meeting of the Stale Hoard of Nurses Examin ers was held at the Ho tel Sept 2nd and 3rd Miss Jon- nie Mahoney of Grand Forks was elected president and inspector of Training Schools Miss Pearl B Wing and Miss of the Park Hospital at Jamestown Miss Mil dred Clark of the Devils Lake General Hospital and Sister of Johns Hospital at Fargo were the other members elected It was decided to moot with the educational and execu tive committees of the State As sociation for the purpose of adopting a carrlculurn for general use of tho Hospital Training Schools throughout the state The meeting adjourned at noon Sept 3rd Miss Mahoney is a North York girl was born at QucensvlIIo and lived with her parents a farm east of her brother still resides the death of her paronts sho went to New York City and studied nurs ing She nursed in New York for a few years and while spend ing a vacation In the West was offered a position In a hospital In North Dakota which she accept ed She now occupies the high est place in nursing affairs In the state Governor appointed her a member of Board of Nurse and at first meeting as shown above they elected her President of the Hoard and Slate Inspector of pilal Training 8ohools Congrat ulations Mfss has been a regular subscriber to Era ever since she left homo a An AMI DAIRY PRODUCTS Five 1Kb rolls of butler Mrs J Alkinson Mrs Hastings Mrs J McDonald roll of butter- Mrs J Mrs Win John ston Mrs John McDonald 5h crock of butter Mrs S Hastings Mrs John McDonald Mrs John ston crock of butler Mrs J ft- Atkinson Homemade bread Mrslt Dove Mrs John McDon ald Homemade bread made from special Hour Mrs D Davis Col lection of homemade baking Mrs Verner Mrs It W Dove Sponge cake Mis Dove Mrs Verner- Layer cake Miss Mrs John- McDonald Homemade biscuits Mrs J It Atk inson- Mrs John McDonald AMI PLANTS Colons land M Robinson Display of polled plants I and M Robinson Hanging basket M ftobinson Mrs Cooper Fuchsia and M W Robinson Chrysanthemums and 2 M Asparagus fern M Robinson Thos Cooper Fern any other kind Mrs Jos Kitchen Be gonia rex Mrs Cooper Mrs Fred Skinner Fancy geranium M Robinson Any other kind of geranium M and 2nd House rose 1st and 2nd M Robinson Table bouquet M W Mrs Lowe LADIES WORK Class A Ornamental Embroidery Silk on linen Miss Henry Miss Fisher Bilk on flannel Mrs Gra ham Mrs Bulgarian Mrs Hals to Mies McCutcheon Eyelet- Miss Mrs Willmot French Miss Fisher Mrs Graham Miss Fisher Mias Henry Mrs Miss Fisher Roman Cut work Miss Culcheon Mrs Kersey Punched Mrs Love Mrs Kersey Mrs Graham Miss Lace Miss Fisher Mrs Ker sey Duchess Mrs Mrs Jamleson Mrs- Kersey Miss McCutcheon Netting or Miss McCutcheon Mrs Irish McCutcheon Miss Fisher Crochet and fancy braid Miss McCutcheon Mrs Kcr soy Luncheon set Mrs Mrs Table Cloth and nap kinsMrs Halste Mrs Graham Apron Miss Mrs Baby pillow Mrs Lowe Miss McCutcheon Babys or childs dress- Mrs Jamleson Mrs Buffet or dresser scarf Mrs Miss McCutoheon Embroidered collar and cuffs Miss Mrs Graham collar arid cuffs Mrs Mrs Kereey Miss Centrepiece Miss McCut cheon- Miss Henry Pin cushion Mra Graham Miss McCutcheon Braid work Miss McCutoheon Mrs Korsey embroidered white Mrs Mrs Graham Centrepiece embroidered colored Mra Graham Miss Kino drawn work Mrs Mias Henry Italian drawn work- Mrs Willmot Miss Fisher Purse or shopping bagMrs Mrs Work bag Mrs Jamie- son Mrs Filet net and work Mrs Mrs Mrs Embroider ed five oclock lea cloth Mrs Miss Fisher Any other kind of live ocloth tea clothMiss Henry Mrs Hemstitching Mrs Gra ham Miss McCutcheon Initialed handkerchiefsMiss Miss Henry Fancy handkerchiefs- Mrs Graham Toilet Bet Mrs Mrs Lowe Serviettes Mrs Graham Table mats Miss Henry Miss McCutcheon Tailing Miss Mc- Water color scenery Miss Mrs Kersey Water color any subject Mrs Mrs Kersey Painting on glass or china Mrs Lowe Mrs Painting on plush or velvet- Mrs Painting on plush or velvet- Mrs Airs Kersey Painting on satin or silk Mrs Miss Henry Painting on bolting cloth Miss Henry Miss E Pencil drawing Miss Mrs Graham Crayon drawing- Mrs Mrs Graham Indian ink Willi brush Mrs Graham Pen and ink sketch Mrs Graham Mrs Kersey Mrs Jamleson Mrs Em broidered towels Mrs Mrs Any other kind of towels Mrs Mrs Tray and carving cloths hemstitched Mrs Walkin Mrs Tray and carving cloths embroidered edge Miss Mrs Pillow cases embroidered Mrs Graham Mrs Lowe Pillow cases envelope style Mrs Johnston Server and tray Mrs Em broidered sofa pillow Mrs Miss McCulcheon Any oilier kind of sofa pillowMrs Lowe Mrs Gra ham Work basketsMrs Willmot Work not elsewhere specified Miss Mrs Willmot marcrame cushion or table cover Mrs Kcracy Class Useful Kitchen apron- Miss Fisher Mrs Graham Babys set Miss Fisher Crocheted bed spreadMiss McCutcheon Mrs Ker sey Embroidered bedspread Mrs It Mrs Kersoy Knitted bed spread Mrs Kersey Miss Henry Dressed doll Mrs Willmot Em broidery by girl under Mrs A Creighton Mrs Graham Hem ming by girl under years Mrs Mrs A Silk mitts Miss McCutcheon- Miss Henry Miss eon Hand made ladies underwear Mrs Mias Machine made ladies underwear Mrs Graham Knitted Shawl Miss McCulcheon Hugh McCann Crocheted shawl Miss McCutcheon Mrs Graham Knit- led ladies slippers Miss Henry Miss Crocheted genie slippers Miss McCutcheon Miss fisher BhlrtwaialrMrs Graham Misa Fisher Cotton quill Mrs Ker sey- Silk quilt Mrs Kersoy Mrs Walkin Woollen quiltMrs B Hastings Fine socks Miss McCuU chcon Miss Coarse socks Mrs Stockings Mrs Kersoy Miss McCut cheon Fine mitts Miss McGul- Miss Fisher Coarse Mills Mias Fisher Mrs Kcrsey Ladys mills Miss Fisher Miss Henry Soldiers socks Mrs Mary Graham Mrs Lowe Mans night shirt Mrs Kersoy Now work by old lady over 70 Mrs Fisher Darning in wool slooking Mrs Graham Mrs A Creighton Darning In cotton stock Mrs Graham Mrs Patch on old garment Mlsa Fisher Mra Graham Button holes Mrs Graham Miss FINE ARTS Oil painting portrait or figure Mrs Oil painting scenery Miss Oil painting any subject Mrs Miss Henry Water color portrait or figure Mrs cosy Burnt wood work Miss Strangways Win Stirling of Fruit M W Robinson of Kcttle- Baking Mrs Ruth Dodds of Mrs of Butler Mrs Addis Winters of Mrs Sam of Ladies Work Class A Miss Milligan of Tottenham Class Mrs J Calhoun of Schpmborg Mrs A McDcvill of Fine Arts Mrs J Humphreys of lilt Mrs Kersey Burnt leather work- Miss Henry Miss Collection of photos Mrs Sofa cushion Miss Henry Mrs Hammered or pierced brass Mrs Miss Henry JUDGES Speeding Stewart of Newmar ket J Boll of Bceton E Beamish of Bolton W Stewart starter of Newmarket Heavy horses Alex Itusell of Carrville John A of Quecns- Light of Mt Albert A of Cheltenham Gallic II JohVof Bond Head John of Bolton Sheep John Burns of King Hogs Teasdalc of Concord Poultry Geo Donovan of To ronto Grain and seeds Robert a PINE ORCHARD A very quiet but pretty wedding took place Wednesday 20th at oclock at the home of trie brides parents Mr and Mrs Win Marshall when their second daughter Mary Blanche was united In marriage to Mr Wesley Thompson son oi David Thompson Sutton West The cere mony was performed by the Rev Charles Fetch of Pine Orchard The looked beautiful In Ivory satin with lace bodice carrying lovely bouquet of Brides roses and lilies the valley After a sumptuous re past happy couple left on the tr for their home at Niagara Falls The bride travelling a military suit of midnight blue with hat to match mid showers ol rice and confetti and best wishes of their many friends I pedal odd lot offering of Thoaa who have available for investment in email or large and to whom safety is first and paramount can- not do better than select municipal debentures They are available in various amounts and yield from to A copy of the Odd Lot List and our leaflet What I a Municipal Debenture will be sent to yoy on request and without obligation on your part A Investment Bankers Union Bank Building Toronto tJ Established I 1

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