Newmarket Era, 29 Oct 1915, p. 8

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IP SB MZLLC C Jan suffered for many years with terrible Indigestion and Constipation I thin and miserable freqnent spells and became so run down that I never thought I would well again A neighbor advised me to try Fruit- did so and to the surprise my doctor I began to improve and Fruitatives I continued this medicine and all my Indigestion and Constipation was relieved I consider that I owe my life to Truit-a- tires and I want to say to those who suffer from Indigestion Constipation or Headaches try Give this lovely fruit medicine fair chance and you will get well the tame as I did GAUDREAU a box 6 for trial size At all dealers or sent postpaid by Limited Ottawa A TO LET House and Stable per month Apply to Box New market FOR Building on Park Avenues Apply Newmarket FOR SALE OR RENT and Houses one located on one on Joseph Ave Possesion Oct Apply to J Gallwaith Box Newmarket 32tf FOR OR TO RENT Brick House on Prospect Ave All modern conveniences good table and cistern Enquire of Grace Newmarket TO RENT Two Houses on Huron St nearly opposite Hamilton Bros Grocery Each seven rooms town water cement cellar Eight dollars per month Apply Rev Huron or Acre Farm valuable farm ing land containing gravel and sand pits Good buildings some Umber and some pasture Im mediate possession Phone or write It Armstrong Newmarket J AND SALE In Newmarket Houghcast with and Stable situated on Church St Newmarket and owned For particulars apply to Lewis Or to Vend ors Solicitor Newmarket LOCH Mr who has spent couple of months in the west returned to bis home last week Quite a number tooW in the at Methodist Church on Sunday Mr and Mrs J who spent a few months in the west turned home on Friday Miss Davis spent a few days with her sister Mrs Ro bert Stewart There was no serviced in Pauls church last Sunday on account of in the eleventh the church AURORA On Wednesday morning fire was dis covered in the roof of Mr Fred residence at the south end of the town For some reason the fire alarm system did not wo pro perly and there was considerable de lay before the firemen were on hand The roof was badly damaged and considerable damage was done to the contents of the house by water Mr Stephens of church has been a very successful ex hibitor at the Fair thiif year He succeeded in winning prizes at and 37 at The Branch of the Wo mans Institute is making a collec tion of jams jellies and marmalades for the soldiers Contributions be left the home of Miss Mc- line Mrs Ballards line and Mrs D line Horn On Wednesday Oct 20th to Mr and Mrs J a daugh ter Mr John and family have removed to Mount Forest Mr Cliff White baa purchased Mr s dwelling and will move in it Mrs is on a visit to her daughter Mrs J Gould at Bol ton The anniversary services on Sunday in the Church drew large crowds The concert and- supper on were also most successful The farmers were never so busy as at the present time been BRADFORD Bible Society collectors have busy during the past week Mr lias had a new colonial verandah built on his resi dence Mr Lukes and Mist are leading this week on a visit to lives in Springfield Mass A representative of the Dominion Alliance took part the services in the Methodist Church last Sunday Miss Dodder milliner for Miss on Saturday for Toronto owing to the closing of the millinery establishment A deanery meeting was held in Trinity Church on Monday and Tues day most of the clergymen from this deanery being present Mr John Lloyd of the Scotch Set tlement has purchased the Wellington on the Bond Head road for the sum of Work has n commenced on Mr Win Woods new residence on Street Rev L of the Presbyte rian Church exchanged pulpits last Sunday evening with Rev R A of the Methodist Church Rev A Robinson of Toronto took charge of the anniversary ser vices in the scotch settlement Church last Sunday The services were well attended a number going out from Bradford them A new photographer Mr Brown of Sutton is opening up a business here It is some years since Bradford has had a photographer The Kind You Have Always Bought has borne the of Chas Fletcher and under- his personal years Allow no one todeceive you in this justagood but experiments and endanger the Children Is is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Paregoric Drops and Soothing Syrups It is pleasant It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic Its age is its guarantee It destroys Worms and For more than thirty years it has been in constant use relief of Con- stipatioiii Flatulency Wiad folic all Teething Troubles and It regulatesthe StomachandBowels the Food giving healthy and natural sleep The Childrens Panacea The Mothers Friend be Kind You Always Bought Boars the Y art dot of onto- XtwuW be it light straw It Wghlf- odor or brick or mucus present to the kidnera They re out of order PILLS t once regularly ScUtlca rroin or u to fa the or the pressing tor PILLS Gfa Puis re worth their weight la because they drive these pains clean- out of the listed only cost a with the absolute Six boxes for or a treatment if write to National Drag Chamsca y LimHea In Year on Friday at the age ot 28 years She is survived by her hus band but no children anniversary services ol Baptist Church were held on Sunday Oct 24th Dr Kixstead McMaster University the preach er Special music by the choir Miss Florence Wood has been spend ing a days with her brother Mr Harry Wood before for the home of her sister in Saskatchewan where she will spend the winter- In the spring she expects to go to England as a Nurse Among the visitors from distance at the fair here on Friday were no ticed the following Father Wedlock of J Walton of Au rora Roach of Newmarket of of Toronto Mr and Mrs Leavens Bolton Huehes and son of Toronto A boy lately employed by Mr Geo in the Scotch Settlement decamped one day last wees during their absence relieving them of aboit in gold and some change He proceeded to where he was having a good time and getting of his change when Constable Simpkins of Bradford arrested him and took him back to Toronto states IcidoJBWttcontroltbo liquor traffic axe ahead thehthert betVreeh the quantity of liquor used and progress is very remarkable The per ceot increase In the paid to the prohibition state less remarkable 9t9r states i- the increase iin tea years was per cent In the hear prohibition states it was per cent the licensed states the increase was per cent while in the states it was only per cent These figures completely refute the liquor falsehood that prohibition labor It is a only in but many other ways H also shows that the sober man Can and does do nore work than the drinking man who often goes to his work with a fuddled brain and un- hands Probably the worst showing of all is labors share in the manufacture of liquor as compared with other tries In all the Industries of the United States the aVerage percentage of all expenses that goes to labor Is 544 while the percentage paid for wages in the manufacture of melt liquors Is and the portion that goes to wages in the manufacture of dis tilled liquors is less than two per With these facts before ub we must organize arid fight this great- ob stacle to business prosperity M MCPS BOO NEWMARKET TO ARRIVE THIS WEEK From the Fruit Growers r This Is an exceptionally oar They are King of all Canadian Fruits Wo are Booking Orders Mow Order early QUICK DELIVERY QUALITY GUARANTEED CITY It J WE HAVE FOR A desirable properly situated on Prospect Ave A largesized dwelling all conveniences- in Ural Quarter of an acre of grounds with apple and small fruit trees Frame stable and cement hen This we consider the best buy in town act quickly Terms can be arranged to suit purchase Apply to Morton box Newmarket Away In Land Value to Hie man who wants a ISO acres of good land some choice clay This Farm has all uptodate Build ings consisting of a modern Brick House also Hip Roof Barn built from all new material with modern Stables together with all other Outbuildings In good re pair Rural Mall Delivery We ask you to go over this Farm Put a fair value on Land also Build ings then come down to New market and ve will satisfy you as to the amount away Vc wind up Busi ness Will accept a Mortgage at per cent fortn with a mall deposit down You must act quick in Mils matter or this chance Kaet of Pleasant on the Centre Road known as the Tommy Glover Tp of North This farm has plenty of Water Good Orchard Good Bush and Fences convenient to or Church also Metropolitan tlou at P MORTON Lome Ave Building Co Newmarket SC1IOMBKRG from Beaton were Twelve here Fair day Walter of Newmarket attended the fair MrsTegart of Toronto and Miss Robinson of spent Fair day with MIks Walton Mr George Gordon who has been a resident of Tottenham for forty years visited the Fair here on Friday for the first time Miss Belle Porter who is teaching at school during the absence at Mr spent the weekend at her home here Mr A If Lloyd spent a few days with his son Gladstone In who expects to sail for England in the near future Mr who conducted greenhouse here has retired from business in and moved to Toronto About twenty were present at the Junior League Saturday Next Saturday the meeting will commense oclock All Juniors will be welcomed Mr J A Armstrong returned home on Saturday evening after a trip far as Winnipeg on the transcontinental train on the Cana dian Northern Hallway Rev and Mrs J Humphreys of He attended the fair here and remained over Sunday Mr Hum phrey is conducting anniversary ser vices at The- many friends here of Mr and Mrs Wellington Curtis of Newmar ket will regret to learn of the death of their tln about seven months old One died about weeks ago and the other was on Bunds Mr Fred conducted the funeral of the late Mrs Geo Archi bald at Kinr City on Monday De ceased died at her home at A branch of the Red Cross Society was organized at a meeting held in the village King City the ev ening of the of October at which the following officers were el ected PresidentRev Richardson 1st Rev I Grey 2nd Rev Robert Secretary M Fanner Treasurer James Committee as Brook Wells John A Watson Mrs Farmer Mrs Mrs J Wells Miss The following Is taken from the Panorama North Dakota of October ft becomes our sad duty to again chronicle visit of the Death Angel in community Mrs Albert Wells was called to the Great Be yond Wednesday morning October Jessie M was born May 21st at King Canada On February the she was married to Mr Albert Wells and came to mate her home in North Dakota They resided ever since at their beautiful farm home south of the city The three years her health has falling and at times her suffering has been great All that loving hearts could devise and provlde was done for her but to no avail Hers was a noble sweet and and her beautiful example of daily living will always be an inspiration to those whose privilege it was to know her- well She leaves beside her one slater Mrs Thomas Sloan and a brother Mr Wm Mathewson both of King Ont- Canada Brief services were held at the residence Thursday afternoon at 1 oclock Rev W A Scott officiating The many friends and neighbors attending and the beautiful floral offerings were mute testimonies of the esteem the deceased was held in and sympathies for the bereaved ones left Interment took place at King October fGT0 TEAMS 1 WOMAN INTO JAIL AT TAKE A DROP I Come in Patrick and fake a drop of something said one Irish man to another No Mike Im afraid of drops ever sinceTorn Flaherty died He was one the liveliest fel lows in these parts But he began the business in Barney Shan nons saloon It a drop out of a bottle at first But in a little while Tim took few drops much and then he dropped into the gutter He dropped his place he dropped his coat and hat he dropped his money he dropped everything but his thirst for strong drink Poor Tim But the worst is to come He got crazy with drink one day ard- killed man And the last time I saw him he was taking his last drop with a slipping noose around his neck I have quit the dropping business Mike I have seen too many good fellows when whiskey had the drop on them They took just drop from the bottle then they dropped into the gutter and they dropped into the grave No get a drop on me any more and if you dont drop him Mike he will drop you a Employers and Employees Listen If more evidence be needed as to tie Immensity of harm done by the li quor traffic to business interests it to hand on a large scale Statis ticians have divided the United into four dMvions first states second near prohibition states including those tliat have less than fifty but more than tentv- ner cent under no license This gives excellent chance for com parison aim several lines which has yielded results that are very surpris ing- When the learn facts like these there will soon be no liquor traffic fet us first take up the economic aspect of the drink question The facts revealed by this method of in vestigation are of the utmost import ance both to employers and em ployees shows that In th pro hibition states In ten years there has been an of fifty three per cent in the number of Wage In the near prohibition in crease was per cent In the part ially licensed states the increase had dropped to and in the licensed states It was only per cent This surely shows clearly enough that the liquor traffic is the greatest enemy of labor Next as to the increase In the quantity of goods manufactured In ten years Jn the prohibition states this was per cent In the near prohibition states the increase was per cent In the partially licens ed states It was while in the li censed states it was only per cent These facts that from the standpoint of business activity the Windsor Ont Oct Members of the Detroit- bomb band of which Albert Katschmidt a wealthy manufacturer is the alleged leader are said to be responsible tor the hatching the latest plot recently uncovered to literate Charles a German reservist held on of conspiracy and dynamiting Windsor and Spirited from the Sandwich jail by Governor John Harmon shortly alter the discovery of the plot to free him the present whereabouts of re mains a secret The cell formerly occcupied by Res- pa is on the east side of the jail and the prisoner frequently hung his coat over the bars presumably keep out the sun while he slept discovered Thursday that the man took this means to cover up his oper ations and had sawed through bars of the cell The saw has been found and it is said it was smuggled into the cell by a female relative of a plicity in the wrecking of the bridge in a basket of fruit and food The dismissal of the turnkey was simnr3 to examine the tents of all baskets bas been nounced Main St Newmarket WE ARE WITH u PLUMBING HEATING AND WIRING IF YOU THINK OF DO- INQ ANYTHING IN THE8E LET U8 GIVE YOU AN ESTIMATE J WRIGHT V A I who GRAND TRUNK TIME TABL 8TORE AND HOUSE TO LET On Main Street three doors of King George Hotel Good land for business House seven ooins with all conveniences Usonabb rent Apply to AM it it I Leave GOING NORTH Toronto am 130 pm pm 550 pm pm pm GOING am am Toronto am pm pm Leave 50 Odp am pm pm Effective Sept 12th it It it 11 riive 1035 a 335 pm 1 pm Arrive am 1018 in pm PM A LIFE ROPE WHAT I GIVE and WHAT I TAKE Alice was a Christian girl ami she fell met a man the other said a JjeHh resting pun her in this known physician whom I had long Ihouglil m yhe wanted lo bo worth while Si dead oor drunken fool a had said of as he lay in the sun by the roadside He live a mouth I pity his mother Last week I saw him strong and cleareyed a specimen of splendid manhood He too had heard that verdict pronounced upon him The words stung He could not get them out of his mind Thai night he went home to Ids mother He had nut been III the habit of going home bill nie that it is alt wanted to be used leave myself entirely open to calling she said to Delia Whalewp Jesus wants me Id do I am do I have no desire seek my own happiness and ease and comfort have given all up I am ready and willing to be used And Delia looked her earnestly Yes he said slowly hut I feel differently about It seems me I have nothing give FRAUD IN HOME FEED- Mask Oct The David son War Contracts prob ed the purchase of feed for remounts at Its here It was learned that P freight bills had been and that at least eight cars of feed charged up to the Government never existed This Information was supplied by Col I Macintosh accountant who also characterised the weekly re ports horses in as absurd and Impossible WHI Grant In charge the Re mount Department here stated he had signed reports a documents without reading them I Up to the Oct Brit ish ships have been sunk by Fire destroyed four stores at Victoria Harbor week Itt hundred persons wet killed or injured la an explosion In in Rue ipfcf iBB a she was waiting for him just the same Did you ever think the wailing women ail the world The sacred vigils of the lov ing hearts of molhers and wives of sisters ami daughters night and day over Gods earth The mans mother was waiting for him and welcomed him as only a mother Knows how She made him a cup hot coffee and told him little of the happenings of the neighborhood he said suddenly if you will only help me I will never drink another drop lie heard her on her knees all that night and many a night afterward They were poor coming my way all the good and all the happiness and pleasure I do feel that I must keep denying myself If just seems lo me that Christ has given me so much that what I give in return is not really giving at all lor I am one with Him What I lake is so tremendously big and lovely hut what I give is not worth noticing So many of us emphasize the giving up We weigh bur duties rehgiouslv and our pleasures also thai is not the life Christ wished us 0 plan for us is that we live so eon in harmony with him that is no conflict between duly and pleasure Duty is people and he had difficulty in persuading any- j Jakes one who knew that he was trustworthy hardness from it because our Jove is big The first dollar he earned was by staying to make the greatest pleasure lie in what children while right If we think more of night with neighbors all that we went to visit an older sister who wasjrbcoive and less of what we give up we will be ill a distance Christians yes and more helpful in I dont know as I ought to trust them 1 world loo you Jim Lent the mother hud said frankly hut remember Ill be praying for you alt every minute Tin away and dont you let the fires go out Well If Mth Coles can trust him with he KEEPING BU8Y m Pile work never gets all done up does it children another neighbor said I guess new day brings its troop of now duties and be sale with our team and he may as Iiavo can never sit down and feel that all the bin a bit of hauling Hay his mothers jave fallen from us Sometimes we get had off very l lrt lhere ttnofiier So it went from one lo another Later lelIe to the matter that we not forget If got stoady employment Its been hard ho said to me hard to keep away from the drink and hard to live down the reputation J bad been making for years but when temptation com- I think of who have trusted mo who trust me now I think of my mother and all the lonely nights she waited for mo when never came home l tell you doctor stronger than any pledge stronger than any threats or punishment is just knowing that someone bo in you that your keeping straight means something to someone that loves you Its like a life rope to keep your head above water whoi everything elses down the work never ail gets past us neither do the opportunities if there are new duties every day so are there new hopes nod new ambi tions or at least there ought to be There is no reason in the world why we should not fill up the old recurring duties with the elixir of something new and fresh and stimulating It is so in the midst of all the tastes that rievj er gel done to let ourselves get dull and bilious and selfcentred and settle down as if there were no new days or rosy dawns or fresh opportunities left anywhere in life The one way to always keep well and happy in ibis life is to keep hopefully enthusiastically busy That is the prescription worth more than many your doctor will give you Guardian The best of and the most earnost work ers will make enough mistakes to make them humble Thank God for mistakes and tako A gifted patient valiant human son courage Dont give up on account of buffets its way through the billows of Moody jlimo and will not drown though often in dan- Pride makes sohte peoplo ridiculous ami Cannot be drowned but conquers and radiance behind it W9 I others frtim becoming so a of i J f J 429 i

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