Newmarket Era, 5 Nov 1915, p. 3

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J I I i Betas v meeting of Canadian Order of Foresters will held Friday evening Nov- 5th when the nomination of officers for en suing year will taken up A full attendance members is re quired i Halloween The boys of the Town deserve for allowing the annual trick night to pass without one discreditable act being reported Some youngsters were running streets on Saturday evening with masks and disguised in- and appeared to be having fun trying to frighten peo ple Zip Zip Zip The wonderful handcleaner leaves the skin soft and white 3 for at Binns Re More Recruits Wanted The York Rangers have received orders to recruit an Overseas Battalion in the County of York Further particulars will be announced as soon as possible when recruiting will be at once commenced at the vari ous centres throughout the Coun ty It has been felt ail along that lb oldest infantry Regiment in Ontario should be in the very forefront the great War The Regiment indeed has done mag nificently in recruiting and has given nearly men and forty Officers since the War began many of whom have figured among the brave When the Rangers send forth the slogan I he re can be no doubt as to the response that the Grand Banner County of York will give s t Wednesday and Thursday Nov TOWN w 1 HALL NEWMARKET HOT MEAT DINNERS HOT FOWL SUPPERS DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENTS m worth League The meeting of last Monday was a decided success Mr gave a very interesting address on the Life of Abraham Lincoln- and the vocal number of Miss Howell was very much ap preciated A program is being pre pared for next Monday night Sale of Millinery Goods By Roche Co Colored Felt Hats for Colored Felt Hats trimrred New black silk velvet hats black and white black and pink and new shales just from the work room at Cost Trace Flowers Mounts Feathers and Or nament- cost price a great chance for ladies to money Addressing of Mall In order to facilitate the hand ling of mail at the front and to insure prompt delivery it is re quested that all mail be address ed as follow a Regimental Number Hank KO l Battery for other unit Staff Appoint ment or Department Canadian Contingent British Expeditionary Force Army Post Office Lon don Unnecessary mention of high er formations such as brigades divisions is strictly forbidden and causes delay P p The Young Peoples Patriotic Club executive meeting on Tuesday evening and decided to send Boxes to each of the soldiers from Newmarket at the front Thejioxes will contain ne cessaries and comforts for the men The officers of the club are now endeavoring to obtain the numbers and addresses of each of Hit men Anyone knowing any of these addresses should advise the Club at the Thursday evening meeting at he hall in the Wesley Building The Holy Wamo Society Next Sunday Nov there will be inaugurated at St Johns P Church Newmarket a branch of the Holy Name Socie ty and we take advantage of the kindly invitation extended to us by the press of Newmarket to call public attention to the ceremony which will lake place at the ten oclock the direction of Rev Father Roche of St Mich aels College Toronto and ex- lend to members of other creeds a hearty invitation to witness the ceremony The vast majority of the citi zens of Newmarket are acquaint ed with the object of this Soci ety hut those who are not we would slate that the primary and main object is the elimination of profane and indecent language The influence of this Society especially in the larger centres of population has become so great that many Protestant Churches Sre forming societies along simi lar lines We trust therefore bat the nonCatholic citizens of Newmarket wilMakc advantage of this invitation to attend in large numbers thereby showing in a tangible manner their apprecia tion of our efforts towards purer speech Com Town a Hernial rnevtinrast Monday eye and Councillors and Tench Following bills passed- Geo Stark Can Gen Co Radial freight freight on stono Northern Elec Co sup Buffalo Meter Co Customs Tel Co sup Can Chalmers Pay Sheet Pole A Wire Pay Sheet Can Express Co Application of Julius for electric light granted Committee from Christian Church asking for Town Hall for Nov and referred to Pro perty Com with power to act The Clerk was instructed tj re port at the next meeting of Coun cil all persons in arrears for Water and Electric Light and all persons in arrears for Water Me ters as well as arrears of taxes prior to Council adjourned SI 50 550 iAO DRY GOODS l Complete Stock of Carpet Squares of all Kinds and at less than City Prices Linoleums 3 yds wide all widths a Wats and Scrims in all prices and qualities Cretonnes Damasks and Art Sa teens In Endless Variety Cocoa Mats In all sizes Cocoa for Churches and Outside Verandahs and Shoes fi- Beys and Girls footwear Mens u refit Footwear The Workmanship on Every Pair Guarantee and Prices to Pit all idles Dainty wear w Sugar is a little cheaper Canned Vegetables for getting very In lay In a stock at our low uakr Bulk Tea all kinds A J STOUFFVILLB Lodge held a delightful social reception last night to the brethren- of Mount Albert the latter motoring down to the number of about 30 luwingrroutine business a banquet Mr Blackburn and sister Gertie spent Sunday their brother Thomas of sixth line the with Scott O0O Rev A Young of the Friends Church Newmarket will address the ffwifilSStfli Sunda at next Sunday afternoon- Kverybody Our Tungsten Lamps Will stand very rough usage to GO watt only 35c each Hardware- Curling Club Newmarket Curlers held their annual meeting on Oct J in the chair The following officers were elected Hon Patron Hon Hon Pres T Hon VicePresidenls I Cane Aubrey ft Schmidt J A Armstrong M P Lennox Cain J President Andy Davis Fred Doyle Chaplain- J Wedlock Council A A Smith It Manning J Davis Jr Ceo Trjvelt Luke Doyle A A Ice A rteo Trivcit They to have good ice for all the season were made in the A both Tankard and District Cup Kinks Secretary was ordered to buy of Hie best Brooms or use The Man Who Works Outside needs a protection for the hands Hardware have a large line of heavy Cloves ami Mitts at very low prices Bone Broken Just as the King George School was being called in last Friday af ternoon a lad named Kenneth son of Mr Hunter about years of age met with a painful accident One of the school hoys made a kick at tin football and Kenneth ran in to lake it away from him the result being that lie received the kink in his foot breaking a hone clow the ankle He was conveyed home as soon as possible ami received medical attention He is doing very nicely but il will In some weeks before he can use bis fool again II Your Linoleum or Oil Cloth Will look better and wear much longer if you will give it a coal of Natural 18 and sizes at Hardware Q Railway Notes On Friday last Mr J Station Agent attended a meeting of railway men at Allan- dale to discuss ear service rules which is very important at the present lime oil account of car shortage A large number of railway were and everyone wan impressed with the of having every avail able car released as soon as pos sible after being placed for un loading ami look on the per day cir rental assessed for detention after free is up other than a penalty for delay as all Hallway Companies would rather have I he car than the rental charge the car being worth day Jo hem The Corporation has received another car of crushed to improve the streets All on perishable freight must in- prepaid Tills into force on Nov The Office Specialty Co are making large shipments of small boxes to Que Large of hard and Ofl coal are being received by local deal era Pickering College is getting in Its annual sup ply Mr Ceo got In a car of tile last week The farmers are doing a lot at draining just now A car of flour was shipped from Forever on Saturday for France The Davis Leather shipped car of leather to Boston last and also a car to Norfolk Virginia Friends Church The largest company that lias yet assembled under the ministry of the new pastor met together on Sunday evening last to listen to the discourse- on Pay Your Debt Basing his remarks on the words Give un to the Lord the due unto His name the preacher Bought to im press his audience with the fact that our time talents money bodies and spirits belonged to and It was due to him that all be given up to His service That the sermon was much was proven by hearty thanks of many as they left the church Sunday next a rn Meeting for Worship Part two of The man and his message Song Service peoples popular Service Preachers topic Heroes and Heroines with special to Miss Cave the Red Cross Nursel Very Commendable Most men have a bobby besides their usual avocation Willi Dr Wesley of Newmarket it is a farm and in this he is selling neigh boring farmers a good model Since purchasing the 100 acres on the Town Line between Whit church and Fast Cwillimbnry about a mile Fast of the New market Grand Trunk Station tie was wonderfully improved the ap pearance of the farm by removing lire old rail fence around the cor ner and substituting an up-to- date wire fence with painted He lias also erected a modern barn by It on stone foundation also a new building to take care of hogs The Editor had the pleasure of inspecting the farm on Wednes day and found the whole interior arrangements of the barn rilled with every modern appliance and everything reflecting much cre dit on the foreman Mr Dan in tidy and systematic All the grain and roots grown on the farm are be ing fed on the place a gasoline engine being used in chopping the grain cutting roots pumping Water etc A line cement silo is in si being completed by Mr Kile- Icy of Sharon Progressive farm ers will also be pleased learn the Doclor has just added his herd of entile four thorough bred Jerseys three Imported Heifers and the male animal from Imported Stock that has been used pasl year on the Provincial Model Farm at which in Itself is a guarantee of excellence He is a very built animal of rich color and hair as holds Ihe Worlds Record as a 2yrohl for milk and but ler fat The Dr is lo be con gratulated on his effort to im prove the stock of this iieighbochood il being the ac knowledged leader in the produc tion of butter fat as well as rich milk for the household a Mrs Nellie L will speak on Canadian Meals and give Headings Horn her own works at the Fntcrtainmcnt held In the Mechanics I fall on Saturday Evening Nov filhl The Fntertainment is held under the auspices otthe Aurora High School al program was rendered The Lodge and all ho other fraternal societies in town have been very active in the raising of the large amount con tributed in The Tp of Whitchurch of which ville is the chief town have not vet formulated a policy with re spect lo the British Red Cross movement but may follow the action of in imposing a mill rate nothing is yet de termined in this respect Instead of making a public ap peal for funds Red Cross Society as on a previous occasion the Township Council at their meeting at de cided Lo raise SO by direct tax of mills on the dollar It is proposed to donate S3 to the Itrilish Red Cross Society and to the Canadian branch Today there is a sum of in the township treas ury which will he used for patri otic purposes The balance will he taken out of next years collec tion Members did not favor the proposal to raise money by this method at first but Reeve Jona than Nigh finally convinced them hat this was the most fair method Ladies Gents Wrist Watches This la a apeolal lino that we is I The are Extra The Price Is Extra Low ft THE MODELS ABE OF THE The Oases and Bracelets aro plain or en- if graved and the whole Watch la about as a tlmepleoe aa any Lady or Gentleman could wish to own Kettleby School Report October V Class Total Janet Davis lion Marshal lion Dorothy Dove Hot lion Joy lion Class total Lulu lion Bertha Fox 1300 lion J Hunt III Class total Dove III Mass l Be atrice Lewis lion lliy Fox Victor linwman Kenneth Mount j Hazel Dove Wilbur Class total 1323 lion Arthur Fox Jackie Davis Frank Hurling Kenneth Tallon 000 Fdna Hunt Robbie Html 50 Tel for ling L Class total Cladys Lewis Percy Kllllk 103 Primer No of Stars- Dorothy Jennie Lewis Warren Marian 25 Tom Hue raid Primer A- Florence Mount 18 Hurling 3 L Lewis Primer Waller Main Waller Clunas Teacher S S No for October Kathleen Arnold Murray in Arnold Clifford West Willie Mc Millan Greta Smith absent for examinations J Jr IN Robert Bailie Bruce Howard Lepard Mary West and Hirst Mabel Martin Clar ence Newton Cecil Smith ah Herman Lepard I Fuiily Bailie Donald Smith Fred Shields Primary aKathlccn Kelly Irving Vernon Lnwson Piiuuiry brMarion Curtis Beatrice Lepard Constance ley Roy Marlin Fred Newton Lilly Wcsl Cordon Howard Doris Archie Cecil shield F Vanderhurg Teacher Mrs Gould spent Sunday with Mrs Woods a Mrs Wilson- is visiting Mrs Miss Aleta Cook and Mr- Ward Cook spent Sunday with Mr ana Mrs Curtis at Kettleby Mrs Dove made business trip to Newmarket on Saturday Miss Nellie of the line spent a few last week Mrs Dove Mr J- Gould spent Monday with his mother here Mr and Mrs lack spent Sun day with friends at Miss Gertie of spent a few days last week with Miss Laura OBrien Miss Miss Sunday with friends at Schomberg Miss Laura is visiting her sister Mrs Herb Mash inter at Mr and Mrs 1 OBrien were the guests of Mr and Mrs I Hill on Dove spent Sunday with Mr George Archibald Mr spent Sun day with friends on the 8th line Mr and Mrs J of with their daugh ter Mrs J of call ed on friends here recently Mrs Ferguson called on Mrs 0P recently Mrs Cook Mrs Mrs J Courtney Mrs J Evans and Mrs Wilson were the guests of Mrs Dove on Friday Picking is now tne order o the day vooo Up We Specialize in Fine Goods wff YOU might look through the fiRest shops in Paris or London or New York for dress goods of finest quality and most fashionable shades and fabrics and in every case you would find 00D5 most prominently displayed and called for by the most select trade just as they are in our store here For many years goods have been recognized as the best in all parts of the world Oar reasonable price for fabric are to It loo Canadian tariff British la a aide of the Be tare to them AT ft PRICES RUN FROM to A Real Pleasure to A Pleasure for you to look at iiM- King Christian Ladies Aid will hold their Annual Celery and Pie Social at Mr on Thursday evening Nov A good time assured Mr Cook and Miss Cook of spent Sunday at Mr Frank Curtis The Red Cross met at the home Of Mrs IMIlorn Wednesday Mr James Murray and Mr Charlie West have again gone in of deer and other game Gerhard Player Walnut Case Louis Style fully guar anteed for quick sale 425 with rolls of Sol Piano Walnut Case like new Williams Son Upright Walnut Groat Snap Berlin Organ six Rosewood Case Sewing Machine Bargains White Rotary Family Sewing Latest Improvements Lovely Machines on small payment month Also a few White and New Raymond Machines slightly used from up fully guaranteed aO ATROCITIE8 IN BELGRADE EQUAL THOSE IN BELGIUM dth I I are London Nov Details in of German after the taking of grade The Archi mandrite Michaew lias received from Prof well- known fterhiaiii a IftUop iloacrJhing the first three days of the says that was without to awe or sex- worn on and old down or slahlKd by hiiyoiiM or sword a certain number of poI- ii sent out in parties to complete the work of extermina tion of Serbs left in the eity native were forced lo with draw his letter the scene was than in the early days of war New York Nov Ten persons were burned to death in a lire which destroyed the three storey tenement at B North Sixth street tonight More bodies believed to lie In the ruins I The Conservation Commission of j Canada has found that during year no fewer than 883 fires one million and a half dollars damage to- property and the loss lives occurred as the direct result of playing with niatcji in different parts of this country Bargains Mason and Pianos Columbia Laval Cream Separators Capital Separator lbs fully guaranteed 2 For only 2500 PIANO MOVING TUNING Wo Handle All Our Own Notes GIVE U8 A CALL I MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS Phono AURORA -r- The I MAIN LADIES AND GENTS WINTER Latest StyleSf AT VALUE Newmarket Markets Jewelers and Opticians P ilARniMr i Mr Martin thanks spent Sunday with his uncle Charles Mr spent Sunday at Albert Wonder whats the attrac tion Where does Stanley go on Sunday nights m5 Mr Harry Shanks has purchased Wheat bush 0 fine driver Guess theres something doing Parley per bush Mr lost a Valuable Shorts per ton mare one day last wet trouble ton Inflammation P lamleson spent Sunday per Potatoes per bag per IV Dig Inducements In Mens and Ladles Worth Mens Underwear Beg ul Now on Sale at 3 Doors South of King Hotel Proprietor Toronto Market Mr 0 30- 35 Wheat per bush 40 Oats per bush 00 Hay per ton no nutter lb 33 per 30r0 per Ducks per Potatoes per I LIVE STOCK MARKET Feeders I I 0rl 1 0 15 Milkers 0 l0 Sheep 0 31 I Hogs off cars Choice Beef Cattle Good Butcher Cattle Vaoilava e a a a e ai A v

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