J i V- v III Finds Help in Lydia E Pink- hams Vegetable Compound TO THIBK OVIL 1 i Cape Wolfe Canada was a complete wreck I had given up all hope of getting better or living any length of time was such a sufferer from female troubles But I took Vegetable Compound and today I am in good health and have a pair of twin boys two months old and growing finely I surprised doctors and neighbors tor they all know what a wreck I was hearty and owe it all to E Pinkhams remedies You may publish this letter If you like I think if more women used your remedies they would have better health Mrs J COOK Lot No Cape Wolfe Canada Because your case is a difficult one and doctors having done you no good do not continue to suffer without giving Vegetable Compound a trial It surely has remedied many cases of female ills such as inflamma tion ulceration displacements tumors irregularities periodic pains backache and it may be exactly what you need The record is aproud and peerless one It is a record of constant victory over the women ills that deal out despair It is an es tablished fact that Lydia E VegetableCompound has restored health to thousands of such suffering women- Why dont you try it if you need such a medicine Verily the Dominion are hanging very loosely in the hands of tte resent Borden Admin- ration It is how stated Via the ordinary controllable expenditure for civil administration has grows dur ing the past three years from per head of population to with nearly a million increase inhabi tants When we take into considera tion the necessary additional expend- ture consequent Upon the war this added increase to civil expenditure of administration- is and clearly demonstrates either a wreck- less disregard of the situation or- a manifest incapacity and want of pro per regard for the countrys need In when the Govern- menS was- displaced by the presen CHOPPED -j- horses are in how hat it will pay any farmer with good to sit up arid notice Money is to be made by the select at this of poul try slock for next year says Chapman of ho University of Min nesota Only a limited is be ing carried on in slockefs Per haps if prices would reach a more reasonable level Ontario would in vest money in more stock Hens that are often off feed dump ish subject to colds or have been through some infectious disease should not be used as breeders but hens that aro alert active happy and good feeders Some like to feed grain on or mixed with silage while others prefer to feed grain before and silage after milking The latter practice is to be preferred except in cases S fSHGE AND Admlntstra- where nothing is fed before mi An in DftVlS Leather in interesting James Davis grandfather of Davis president of the Davis LeatberCo Limited Newmarket and A Davis Son Limit ed Kingston about 60 years ago a small tannery on St Toronto- opposite the time Hotel His grandfather on This mothers side Pease also had little tannery further south on opposite was Hotel These tanneries were very small and prude as placefc were in those days The was broken up by soaked and later was ground through a crudesort of mill operated by horse power Subsequently Pease in his travels through the county found that the township- of Kingjiad excellent forests hemlock bark and he conceived the idea of building a tannery out woods on a branch of the at a place called King Horn This name was given to it after the tannery was erected In this tannery which was small as were all manufacturing places at that time water power was used son Edward Peases who still lives in Toronto and who celebrated his birthday last month was MAIN 80UTH I AND UNDERWEAR CLOTHINQ BOOT8 SHOES RUBBERS To make room fop a big shipment of makes it easily digestible and E J Davis became sole proprietor Additions were made from the systems of cows toned up This time to time until In it was destroyed by fire and a plant at I V lt Z- I i J nJ at All 1 lilt tends to provide June conditions in I Kingston was purchased as a going concern having been run up sum of or dairy in January and results in to that time by a Mr this purchase A Davis tion the estimated expendi ture ot the country was while in under the existing ministry the estimated cost of clrjl administration has grown to fie enormous above st from to 1690 per bead ot population These figures are taken from statistics recently pub lished in the Liberal Monthly issued at Ottawa and go to show that a proportionate increase in the next six years will in a per capita rate of more than pen head of and this too without including the enormous expenditure consequent up In addition to high food value age supplies succulence full milk flow Rennet works very quickly in sour milk therefore when making very ripe milk into cheese watch it care fully and be careful not to overstir When overstirred oven if the milk is not completely spoiled great loss of fat is sustained A cheese with out much fat cannot be rich and Sons plant has developed to its present proportions In the tannery at Newmarket was erected for tanning calfskins alone For tysix acres of land were acquired by the company and in the course of the past years a modern plant in concrete has been erect ed which is a credit not only to Newmarket but to the tanning indus try of Canada Two hundred men are- employed and the tannery has been in operation full staff right along The Newmarket concern is a separate business from that in Kingston having a charter of CALL AND THE BARGAINS WE ARE OFfERINQ 3 Doors of King George Hotel Main Us own- calls for sepcial attention- in NOTICE Removed to West Cor ner of Market on Timothy Street joiiiy PAINTER PAPERHANGER ART DECORATOR ETC Wall Paper from 3c per Roll and Hung oh the Most Reasonable Terms ALL WORK GUARANTEED I ALL KINDS OF SIGNS PAINTED on the war Will the electorate of order that if may give the most York stand for this increased results As this machine works at a very high speed all the bearings must be kept well otherwise hey gel hot and soon controllable expenditure The next election will furnish the answer If I The simple gift that lend the touch of friendship with out the embarrassment of an obligation Your Photograph A PHOTOGRAPH ER IN YOUR TOWN I Phone Photographer We are also prepared to take Photos at night by the aid of Light open Saturday evenlnga and any other evening by polntment Studio One Door West of the New Post Office EDITORIAL NOTES A press despatch from Ottawa States that Canada has now 200000 soldiers under arms either at be front in England or in Canada Nearly twenty new battalions have been raised during last month inl plans are now being perfected to re cruit and train men in smalUr centres when I J Davis is president Aubrey Davis vicepresident of the cream son Davis general J Davis Jr superintendent he management of the cream sop connection between the Newmarket and Kingston concerns is the fact that J Davis is president of both companies Elmer Davis is vicepresident and Harold Davis secretarytreasurer or A Davis Son Limited Kingston is rather a unique stance that there should be a father and five sons all actively en gaged in the tanning business four in two at King- replaced Always start stun Between the six they own all of the slock of both companies no outsiders supplying any of the capital or having any proprietary interest in either industry In when the Davis Leather Co inaugurated their com pleted tannery at Newmarket they assured Canadian manufacturers of two things They promised upper leather of highest quality and most economical merit and guaranteed exceptional service in During the past five years municipalities have gone dry during the same five years only municipality has gone back to cense Out of municipalities Ontario are already dry and in the remaining a local option will take place in next January and in Roller Flour MILLS Your Wheat Ground for a Bushel You get all the returns Chopping per FLOUR BRAN ft SHORTS for GUARANTEED Proprietor The Hon George Foster M P for North Toronto and member of the Borden Cabinet addressing public gathering at a short time ago expressed himself thusly Let every Canadian get down on his knees and thank God that the lighting is 3000 miles away The Mercury comments thereon as follows worry There are plenty of Canadians doing that thing and nothing more The Ontario Governments contri bution for convalescent soldiers now lying in a storehouse at Vineland near St Catharines waiting trans port to the Canadian military hospi tals in England embraces 20000 one- gallon cans ot peaches and the same number of cans of apples The labels are inscribed as follows To the sailors and soldiers of Freedom with the compliments of the Ontario Gov ernment Canada Hon Hearst Prime Minister This fruit will ho shipped as soon as it is possible to obtain Atlantic transport filling orders AUBREY DAVIS VicePresident These promises have been fulfilled Shoe men themselves in numerous instances have assured the company of their entire satisfaction and have kept the plant running ten hours a day with a full staff during all of these months of unusual conditions and there is no end of business in sight It is interesting to consider Hie principles which are the foundation on which of the tannery is based Quality and service are the keystones and their strength is reinforced by experience modernity and specialization- always the watchword of the Davis Tannery was made doubly certain by the new factory Science and invention offer no means of increasing quality which are not here employed Nor have to be the separator slowly and let the bowl run down The chief advantage of pasteuris ing milk for buttermaking is that all the germs in the milk are destroyed both the beneficial and harmful ones It is necessary that the cram he pro perly by the lactic acid bacterial and these are added in the form of a pure culture starter Where the milk or cream are past eurised nutter of uniform quality can more easily be made The popularity of silage for steer feeding is increasing especially since its use is becoming better und erstood Through the growing per iod it can be fed to about he same extent as dairybred animals of similar relative development but with the approach of the fattening stage and its requirement for a more concentrated ration the grain is in creased without a corresponding In- J is there overlooked a labor saving device or a process crease in the amount of silasre J calculated to reduce cost without impairing quality Any practical banner can turn out leather that contains many good skins but there are few capable of attaining and maintaining uniform quality and that the highest Even texture color and finish The Annual Provincial Plowing observed in the Davis sample by experienced Match wiJ be held at the Ontario buyers seen again in the cutting rooms Agricultural College on Nov when shipments hearing the Davis mark are On the 3rd and ofi taken from the stock rooms November the largest demonstration Experience acquired by the tanner is the shoe manufacturers guarantee that he is not being experimented upon The greater the ex perience larger the protection The Davis family has been in the tanning business for over years and the factory and equipment at Newmarket repre sent the consolidation under one roof and one management of the experience in calfskin tanning of four generations Shoe manufac turers who are successful take no chances with their lasts or pat- cms neither do they risk their reputation by cutting upper leather which may not measure Up lo the highest standard by every lest Modernity is absolutely essential in a tan- pecial Club Rate- One Year 150 ONTARIO PLOWMEN Sir Charles former Prem ier of Canad iiei in London Eng land on Saturday Oct He was born in the Province of Nova Scotia July and was first elected to the Canadian Parliament In when he soon attracted at tention by his volubility He a member of the Government In and three years later retired from being Minister of Customs by reason of the Government being defeated He again accepted office on the return of Sir John A to power in taking the of Minister of Public Works In he resigned his seat in parliament was ap- High Commissioner for Can ada to the Court of St fames In he created a baronet Furnace Work Plumbing 3 of Our Specialties t Shop THE TINSMITHS ft Next to Grocery FOR SALE Durham Brood How with Reg Filly Draught rising Hay Gelding Draught rising Apply to lit In the Canadian Magazine for No vember Dr J Logan expounds the theory of the regarding the number thirteen he entitled Thj Thirteenth Guest and In It Dr while treating this superstition intelligently ac counts for the popular fallacy of sup posing that It is unlucky Our Great National Waste by Francis Turner Is en rnporlaat criticism of the manner which we wantonly ignore many economics that might be practised The Legislative of Western Canada by cornea as a pleasant surprise to many who have the Idea that the West has not any substantial progress There Is ar resting article by Cephas Quillet entitled We Must Fight which should be widely read Three Peaverton youngsters while out beechnut hunting recently enter ed a on the farm where was stored a quantity of nainlte used In the blasting of was found One of the num ber evidently had some of the method of explosion of dan gerous compound and suggested set ting It- A hole was due In the ground the fuse lit the explosion fol lowed When the disturbance cleared one or the lads found to be mi nus large portion of one linger while another was So badly jJamaKed the face by flying earth and debris that he has been forced to shade bis optics with for time They I may be thankful that they 1 V ever held in Canada of light tractors will be in operation Do not fail to see the Horse plowing har rowing and seeding at one operation The Regular Plowing Match will be held on November A return rate be procured at all stations within a radius of miles of good going the afternoon of November all trains the 5th and good returning up to the night of the Farmers should take their sons to this Provincial Match some the best plowmen of Canada- have entered in the different competitions Encourage the farmer toys in your locality to take part In the boys competitions for which splendid prizes a being offered The Christian Guardian gives a list of sons of Methodist minis ters who as soldiers during the past year MRS HELTONS LETTER To Tired Wornout Mother Jackson Miss I shall feel repaid for writing this letter If I can help any tired mother or housekeeper to find health and strength I have I hare a family of five sew cook and do my housework and I very much rundown health A friend asked me to try I did so and now am well and strong and my old time energy has been restored Vlnol has no superior as a tonic for run down tired mothers or housekeepers Mrs J Melton Jackson Miss J Druggist ANDREW DAVJF General Manager We will accept at the Era Office new or subscriptions to Era and the Canadian Countryman In combination at per year The regular price of these papers subscribed for indi vidually would be per year the Canadian Countryman is recognized as the brightest agri cultural weekly in Canada It has a net paid circulation fully 26 greater than any other farm paper In the Dominion Just now the installation of a printing press costing the only machine of Its kind In a Canadian publishing house Is making possible a substantial In the size of the Country man During the next year the minimum size will be 32 pages week ly with 36 pages during five winter months This has opened up the way to a new program of editorial features that will put the Countryman In a class by Itself Each week there will be several good strong feature articles well Illustrated dealing with the outstanding timely problems of the Ontario farmer Figuring five such articles of a page or more to the issue gives fully 300 pages of feature articles In the course of a year with upwards of to 700 selected Illustrations The Weeks- Reminder Is to present practical hints for every week In the year written by a wellknown manager of a large farm Under the heading of A Dollar for a Good Idea will be published descrip tions of practical Ideas sent In by Countryman readers being paid for each Idea accepted Practical Discussions by Practical Farm ers Is a department In which will be given tho and views of good farmers on the most Important seasonable subjects A pago every week Is to bo devoted to Live Items of Agricultural brief paragraphs reviewing happenings of interest to Ontario farmers Some other special departments being established and to bo given a place In paper where they may regularly be found are J DAVIS Jr Superintendent S HAWS SCHOOLS Toronto Canada Include The 8haw School The Central Bualness Col lege The Central Telegraph and Railroad School and The Four Branoh Business All provide excel lent courses leading to good salaried positions Free cat alogue on request Write for It W H 8HAW Presi dent Offices Yonge Toronto that proposes not- lo meet competition but to lead it and recognizing soundness of this principle no expense was Spared by the Davis Leather Go Limited in erecting and equipping the concrete factory and warehouses which the home of Newmarkets leading in- Money bought the latest methods of construction as it purchased the machinery beat adapted to the requirements of the com pany with the result that from beam bouse lo finishing room from power house to shipping room each department possesses that modernity which spells effi ciency and goes hand with progress The Davis tannery has discarded methods which in tanneries less capably managed would bo considered still adequate It employs processes evolved in Its own laboratories and nowhere else used specialization has played a remarkable part in the development of this business It will surprise many to learn that it is carried so far there is scparato administration by experts of each of four departments into which they divide their tanning bright and box calf gun molal calf matt topping calf and colored calf other than black men on one line today are not an other tomorrow man is an expert that covers it A tan- giblo evidence of system is the fact Davis Leathers cut with loss waste uppers to hundred feet Their specializ ation them to buy in quantities at the most market prices to say their customers benefit with them in this advantage given the largo manufacturer is also accorded tho pur chaser of the smallest lot ship It is their aim to have one stand ard of usefulness and courtesy for all which will not only but serve for greater convenience of eastern shoe manufactur ers the company maintains a warehouse in Quebec The Davis Leather Co make it clear that their plant and llioir slaff arc ever at the disposal of the shoo manufacturing trade the manufacturer who is not a customer as well as ho who is They consider that frequently a greater knowledge of Davis Leathers and Davis meth ods would convinco a maker that It was to his advantage to ho in customers class While head office tannery of Davis Leather Co is in Newmarket maintain branch warehouses St Valier as slated above and at Notes from tho Counties Round tho Farm Feeds and Fertilizers About Stock and Garden Making Poultry Pay Veterinary Advice Points of Law Explained Your Questions Answered Our Young Farmers of Tomor row ft BAY TRAGEDY were aware that Inspector and five constables had come to Lake on the Village Belle and had scut out word north his men w be killed came inland NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR NOTICE la Hereby Given That ROBERT WILLIAM THOMPSON oi the City of Toronto in County pi and Province Ontario Broker to the Parliament oi Canar da at the next session thereof for a bill divorce from Ms Ida Thompson of the of New York In the State of New York one the United States ot America on of adultery and desertion at Toronto this day of August CLARK McPHKRHON CAMPBELL Street Toronto Solicitors for the applicant Captain the Northwest Mounttd Police Belle arrived here North ern watera with but meagre ol He the went in by Island year and lite prospectors arrived there over three months ago The tribe Eskimos suspected the murders Is to be the that Hartford and Street Captain LocVhart p information peaceful shore Eiklmos who told Mm that the fierce inland tribes killed the and ftroarctora because heard that the were the explor- they wanted to kill An Installment of a good serial story as well will appear week Market Pages will be developod to a column In which questions from our readers with respect to their Individual problems of markottlng will bo answered A new mailing schedule provides that the market reports will close Tuesday afternoon and every subscriber having a rural mail box should have his paper with in 24 hours This will give the Market Pages much greater value The Countrywoman at Home Is to receive groator attention than ever before and the program of features to be provided under this heading will possess strong Interest for the womenfolk on the farm In Timely section the will be continued of offering cash prizes for every Idea sent In by women readers that la accepted for publication Young Countrymen and iiion a page for the boys and girls will contain a good story weok a humorous plotorlal feature a good poem and frequently a will bo Introduced with prizes fo best garden plans best drawings of various kinds Altogether the Canadian Countryman is making a big step for ward to a point where Its editorial sorvlco will win for It an In creasingly strong regard In good farm homes of Ontario Send your subscription for Era and Canadian man to the Era Offioo today Bo to get on the list in time for a copy of the Canadian wants representatives In every locality throughout Ontario to receive and forward renewal orders from present subsorlbors Ho canvassing Liberal commission and profitable employment Write for full Information to Canadian Publishing Co Toronto ihristm When bacon cornea from the market a pair of will quickly remove the rind FARM FOR 1 Oct 19 from and on the Canadian Northern Hallway southwest of report a serious prairie lire raging which started a few miles El- rose now travelled about to miles south and about miles east It la feared the fire can not bet cootrolled until the Saskat chewan River is Specific information regarding the losses are lacking correspondents saying the whole neighborhood fa engaged in lire fighting that many acres wheat atooks have len burned be sides granaries It Raid will he the greatest in the that ventured near them The Was alto told that the Inland of hay stacks and feed The West Half of Lot 33 in Ihe Con of King Containing 100 acres Moro or less good Clay Loam Frame Barn 30 Driving- House and Sheds also Clad with Rooms Hard and Soft Water Fountain near the barn and a Stream on back end of the Farm For further particulars apply on Lot 32 JOHN CURTIS 37 Keltleby P OXIDIZE WELDING AND MA- FOR SALE and Davis Bast Toronto Bank of Pacific Coast Tours Via ROOKIES At Attraotlvo Fares Through Trains No Change See tbal Your PAOIFIO Naturaa Exposition to the California Expositions Particulars from Canadian Pa ul flo Ticket Agents or write Murphy Passenger Cor King and Yonge Sts Toronto ATKINSON Agent Newmarket OLD NEWSPAPERS For Sale at thin Office r I i 9 laOCTT