-v- mm Mi it CHINA Weeks IS ra a The regular monthly meeting of of thu Methodist Church will he held at the home of Mrs Jackson on the after noon of Wednesday Nov at 3 oclock A full attendance is re quested the regular meeting Tus can Lodge oh Wednesday evening A little t McCollum of Todb8M and Little Tack Tiro District paid ah official vis visit and a very pleasant even ing was spent We are now offering specially value In in ad- Sena for a i line of a nice pattern with gold line at Is well worth in specting Another line we are now selling freely Is a very FINE QUALITY ELITE LIMOGES CHINA In a very neat border pattern The price today for this line Is Our price Is for pieces above lines are owing to war conditions very scarce and hard to get We vould suggest jour early attention as we look for Higher Prices soon Brleflets Era till Jan for SI vance to new subscribers the Era to your friend Christmas Box Some youngster lost a pair of woollen mitts on the way to Sun day School a week ago last Sun day Call for them at Era Office Methodist SundfW School a meeting of the officers and teachers in the Board Room on Wednesday evening it was de cided to observe Decision Day on Dec and Christmas Enter tainment in the School Room on Deo sorry juncture I it where it lay a puncture I did not see And so I got tf puncture The language that I thought of harsh I defend faced my task as other men And undertook- to mend it If I Red Cross Society Nearly a hundred- ladies- Attended the Red Cross Knitting Tea in the Methodist Schoolroom last Tuesday afternoon and a very social time spent Miss sang The Junior E8oclety All boys arid girls from to years of age who wish to join or attend Junior Christian are requested to meet at Church in the Sunday School room at 300 Saturday Nov 6lh I labored In the burning sun With iron rods- wrenches toiled as Britisher or Hun In Europes cruel trenches I Pay your Corporation Account and the The proceeds of the Methodist Ladies Aid Talent Cross Girl a very pretty solo amounted sent here from Rochester by New- nurse Miss Helena Commencement of the le At Home on Friday Nov Its an easy thing to do I read that In the fodder I shortly wore the grimy hue That typifies a moulder I broke two finger nails and tore Much pigment from my knuckles IM never fixed a tire before It was no time for chdcklesf market Proceeds The regular business meeting of the Red Cross Society will be in the Council Chambers next Monday 3 oclock A full at tendance of the members is as business of great importance will be discussed Importer of Staple and Fancy China I China Hall Grocery Calls for the Best Sugar to make your preserving a success We handle that Good Give us an order for Sugar and you will be Satisfied We carry a full line of Jars In all Best Value in Rubbers at and lOe per FOR When Pickling you should try jiji Pure Spices We have a FirstClass Quality of Cider White Wine and Eng lish MaltVinegar in bulk and in bottle The 2 in Heating and Cooking Stove is more than satisfying Its a wonder Only at Hardware At About 30 young ladies met in Methodist Gym last Tuesday afternoon when the question of ah Instructress discussed A Committee was appointed to se cure one if possible and report next Tuesday afternoon l The girls are very anxious to contin ue the drill To get the tire back on- again I bad to pound and thump it Nor was my work completed then still my chore flump it Tw just one little carpet tack But oh the time it And oh the aching back And oh the pain it cost me Leading CORNER OP Main NO ERIENT GEO BROWN ring iiat Kill a ting In the that ear but of or tit Harness i Collars Faced Harness Boaand Grips Repaired NOTE THE Main Newmarket Couth King George If QREENHOU8E8 NEWMARKET AND- promptly attended to neajuanablG orders OUT ALWAYS ON HAND PHONE Halloween Social Notwithstanding the inclemen cy of the weather a num ber braved the elements and ven- lured forth intent on an evenings enjoyment at Friends last Friday evening- Much of mystery pervaded the whole proceedings from the first ap pearance of the black cats who preceded their more than myste rious mistresses the four witches until the last game was brought to a close Outside all was wet and gloomy inside all was warm bright and cheerful and it seem ingly did not much matter who obtained first prize or who was awarded the booby all seemed equally alike pleased A very enjoyable spent together- and the best thank of he company are due to the promoters Revival Campaign The Salvation Army is conduct ing a Special Revival Campaign on Sunday next and finishing on Sunday Dec The first- weeks program is as follows i Sunday am Knee Brill Prayer Meeting am Holiness Meeting pm instead of pm Salvation Meeting We are discontinuing the Sun day afternoon meeting at pm having Sunday School at that hour instead Combined with the we are starting an Adult Class commencing Sunday next All seniors are invited to attend same Monday 730 pm Young Peo ples Salvation Meeting all Young People invited Tuesday pm Meeting Thursday pm Salva tion Meeting Do not miss the Open Air Meetings on Saturday next on Main St Please note changes in Limes and meetings All are in vited Corn p a The members of the AYPA are reminded of the BonFire to he held Friday Nov at Mr Awtys to the Sunday School Room at 745 and at oclock sharp all will leave for scene of festivities We are looking forward having a grand patriotic evening in the near future to take the place of the Novel Evening plan ned for in the programs The admission will be some suitable gift for the soldiers such as socks Wristlets chocolates etc Will all members please bear this in mind Corn Christian Endeavor The meeting on Tuesday even ing was taken by Mr Louis Gads by The subject Tasks for the Christian Church was ably dis cussed by the leader We are sorry to lose another of our mem bers in the person of Mr Harry Penrose who feels the call of du ly to and answers it Monday Nov the Society are to visit the Young Peoples Union of Aurora Baptist Church The program consists of a De bate and musicalsnumbers All members are asked to attend and if possible leave Newmarket on the oclock car- Everybody wel come Bring a friend Com 1 HOW Reliable Salesman act as Agent Jo York PAY WEEKLY Outfit free exclusive territory and money making specialties Our are the beat it we for we die grade of at priced and guar- In first class etock Hi In year and money can be made in jni district For particulars write Manager Toronto BARGAIN pencil On Vacuum a tailed Illinois Good Bell for use having Protect Your 8tove Pipes With Black Krid- size can only Hardware Church Bazaar The Annual Bazaar of the Newmarket Christian Church will be held this year as usual in the Town Hall It is to be for two days Wednesday and Thursday Nov and As in other years there will he the delicious Hot and Hot Fowl Hoppers for which the ladies of the Church are Then there will be the reg ular booths of Work of all kinds the Class Candy Counter Pond te to what a grand everything ia done the beautiful decorations which make it a delight to visit evming will jeomo to a close with a firstclass Dramatic entertainment given by local ant These are entitled Cran berry Cornet and Bifa or and promise to all others given by the Dramatic Club In former years The admission to the Bazaar with all its varied feaUirctf free Dinners 35c each Hot Suppers General admission to Concerts all reserved seats Full course combina tion tickets including all meals and a reserved seat for each con cert viif be on sale at everybody plan to take in this annual event The complete and everything points in a greater success than ever Remember the dates Nov and Watch for further particulars Children dry FLETCHERS Fell Into a Well Mr had quite a loss last Sunday morning when Into a well and was drowned The animal was pasturing on the farm of Mi Irving Yon go and in roaming around it stepped upon the platform of a well which gave way and it fell feet to the bottom As soon as he received word of his loss from a neighbor Mr Noma engaged Mr Albert and Mr John a pumpmaker and well- digger the animal out which was promptly done The well was then cleaned out ana platform repaired so as to pre vent any further loss to Mr Nor ns 9 A glance at the list of contents of the November issue of Hod and Gun in Canada magazine indicates that this number is of in terest to the outdoor lover and sportsman While a reading of the number justifies the first impres sion Big Alec and the Portage Of Death is a Hudson Bay story by It J of pathetic In terest concerning a veritable portage of death which was ne gotiated by an unfortunate band of Indians the victims of a cruelty Martin and the Mortgage is another of Huddona stories and has to do with the capture of a den of black fox puppies How Saunders caught Game Hog is a story fleer hunting by camera v deer Hunting by gun written and il lustrated by v Williams There are other stories that make a like appeal to readers of a magazine as as the usual special departments do- votcd to guns and ammunition fishing etc J Taylor Limit ed Woodstock the pub lishers ooo TO BE KEPT AT HOME Nov General Sir Hughes stated today that coma of the In battalions In training here and also In England were not injuring up as ex pected are being rftieated to give flace I to I those who will good He felt that It would be criminal to them Into action under leaders not thoroughly com petent General Hughes that he had had to remove some who were warm friends A CITY OF TOMBS By a Banker Beneath the surface of that for mer mistress of the that proud city winch itteth on seven hills Rome lies a vast underground city of dead its highways colonnades and galleries stretching out in all directions for many dari dank and sepulchral last resting place of ill that mortal of unnumbered thousands who from the earliest lays of old Borne and through centuries thereafter have been aid to rest in those rockhewn and rudely sculptured mausoleums Here were carried the Mangled re mains or what was left of them of multitudes of the victims of the dread persecution of those savage Roman who in their vain efforts to exterminate Christianity immolated ten thousands of noble and valorous men women and children in the terrible arena where midst shouts of The Christians to the lions they were slaughtered wholesale by ravenous wild beasts or by fire or by blood thirsty gladiators or by nameless tortures too dreadful to describe And as we explore these cold dark galleries and decipher the old Latin inscriptions or reverentially at I he bones of a brave young martyr girl slain by a wolfhound rather art recant from her faith or perhaps of an honoured patriarch whose skull is cleft almost in twain by sword of a Roman soldier or executioner we are vividly of that terrible epoch so signalized by exhibitions of cruelty surpassing that even of the Inquisition and by those displays magnificent fortitude and fearless intrepidity in the presence of the most awful forms of death which so charac terized that noble army of mar tyrs whose sainted remains now surround us After passing a numbei of pa gan inscriptions which frequent ly give vent to a spirit of defiance to their gods for snatching a wife or a son or a daughter from them we reach 1 gallery occupied by Christian tombs Hero we are In an atmosphere of peace Tomb after tomb breaths the sarno spirit and all is peace perfect peace Valeria sleeps In peace Jlc- In pace He rests in peace not the modern formula vhich had not then been intro duced Gamella in peace Buried In peace Leaving this and peaceful resting place of those sainted martyrs we now reach the entrance to a somewhat extensive cavern hewn out of the rock Here those early Christians who were forbidden to gather together for the purpose of worship were wont to assemble in spite of that prohibition And perhaps this very cavern which we arc now in specting wus one of those into which as happened from time to time a number of Roman soldiers had rushed ruthlessly slaughter ing in cold blood all those devout worshippers But nothing daunted those first Christians the most fiery perse cutions the cruellest of tortures the most agonizing forms of death- failed to turn them from their holy faith For they knew that their Lord and Master had died for them and was wailing with oustretched hand to receivo into the KingdoT of glory all who would confess His Narno and who would remain faithful unto Kim TO GET RICH up to your engagements Earn money before you spend it Drink no kind of Intoxicating li quor Good character Is above all things else Keep your own secrets If you have any Keep good company or none Never be idle Never borrow if can possibly avoid it Always apeak the truth Make few promises Keep yourself Innocent if you would be happy- Make no haste to be rich if you would prosper Do not marry until you are able to keep a wife When you speak to a person look him In the face Ever Hive misfortune excepted Another Big r t l i If you want to buy the best finished durable shoes at decidedly less than actual values it would be wrong for you to miss this offer f You know what samples are and without going into figures here we ask you to have faith enough In us to come and see Just what we mean by saving you money In the bqst of solid leather shoes X Notwithstanding the fact that prices are so low we stand baok of every pair bought of us guaranteeing satisfaction with every purchase just as if the fall price had been paid for these goods The Main Weal vs THE ROMANCE OF LIFE By Bunker THE OF HOME LIFE he joys of home life are often overlooked in this age of haste and excessive business cares How much less enlivening and mspiritingjWe are too busy to lake account of the mail would life be were it bereft of the element of pleasures surrounding our daily family life imaginative and Ihejorthe routine of household duties may crowd romance were the picturesque eliminated to give place to a real worth to the wall Perhaps we are and stern heavy rigidity devoid of idealism by the struggle for happiness in the of any approach to rhapsody or to the poesy of popular- amusements of the day imagination To those so constituted liicreason leusi many of us For some To IDOSe so man no icuuze but too lae surely must be a prosaic sombre existence preciousness of hose things which make i too may see then ow many have daily stolid leaden round of uninterrupted monotony home life most dear and flatness They pass through the most en- Most mothers and father trancing scenery without seeing vestige of children each day but its beauty absolutely blind to all its richcompanionship with them The father yuf and grandeur They drive through cannot His work as provider does nl- when clothed in il autumnal munyhuedpennit pastime But does the father talcs I gold and lustrous umbre the little boys and girls unto himself when the of the grind is over and evening itings him its summer garb And Ins family circle Or is a whole quiver full of lie prefers Do the boys joyfillly welcome less and impassive indivi- homo father climb upon his tired knees the darts would presumably glance off each scrambling for recognition eagerly tell though they were with a crusaders i glory of crimson and gold and lustrous umbre little boys and girls unto himself when the without taking transformation from Cupid should arrows at these soulless and impassive indiviJhomo father climb upon his fired knees and as coat of mail leaving them and Ufl- On other hand how great are the pleas ures of those who give rein to that idyllic rapt ecstasy that ardent and even passionato emo tion which pulsates and throbs through the mind at flic contemplation of the beautiful the harmonious whether it be in nature or though in a lesser degree in art What an unalloyed it is to these for instance to stand on the shores of the ever- inconstant ocean- her surface row scarce ruflway A boy is fortunate I will fled by rippling wavelets which glisten like ten such a father who can fart thousand diamonds while that fragrant redo- of his children oven ffi lent aroma of the sea perfumes the invigorating the days work him of their own little affairs of the day Are they really glad to welcome him home and- make a big place for him around the fireside If bo happy are those boys who fa her know at an early age whether father is or not Thehave a no wo of not found in eiders they do not detect our weaknesses norant arc we indeed Do they not early know SStW in I wh I I and know- grow and g in their own swot atmosphere and fulfills with hit exhilarating buoyant zest Or now after a nightstorm the surfcrested billows in varying se quence surge in and are hurled a mighty muss of seething foam upon the windswept shore or are dashed with violence against the ada mantine munitions of rocks hard by with a boom us of thunder Aye but there is music in that rout there is a rhythmical melody a harmonious diapason in that grand symphony of nature in that solemn psalmody of the deep And how too docs such an one revel in positive ecstasy of when for in stance alpenstock in hand he is exploring the ice and snow of the Alps or uinjdpi scenery of overpowering sublim ity for edelweiss or for the lovely Alpine gentian or mountain rose Aye truly those whose souls con soar higher than the every day matteroffact concerns of life though be gripped fast in the absorbing exigencies of duly or of business pass through life with a fur greater meas ure of satisfaction and enjoyment than the un impressionable and phlegmatic it if the satisfuction the enjoyment are to bo complete they must be certuin without any come And this certainty is the glad doubt whatever that when this life is ended they are assured of eternal in the life to of all who serve their God and obey His laws and whose sins are forgiven through the merits of the atonement hat father is taking account of the greatest pleasures of home life und if that boy fails it will not bo because of Home bar renness Does the mother find more pleasure around her own fireside than around of her neigh bor or that of a sister social worker Can find real joy in caring for her children day af ter day or do they make her too nervous stay at home Truly mothers with little ones must get away occasionally from petty euros of motherhood The children us well us the parents need change But mother well as the father should develop a comrade- I J ship with her tholiome In 1 LITTLE THINQ8 All the world is a stage but it lacks us drop Men and womon today are so busy follow it Asohanj Often things in life ore like the a 8wil0 change changed the course of ships to the southern half of this western hemisphere to the settlement of that section by the Latin race provi dence chose this northern continent for a Pro testant people with an open Bible An axe carelessly placed near the compass of the May- flower changed the direction of the ship and inlelldW Learn what thou art able fit and apt Sand the Era to your income o A- Men and today are busy follow iL Asohani he of i