Newmarket Era, 5 Nov 1915, p. 8

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HELPLESS Prominent Restored to Health by Fruitatires Bristol July 25th 1914 I had a stroke of Paralysis in March and this left me unable to walk or help myself and the Constipation was terrible Finally I took tires for the Constipation This fruit medicine gradually toned up the and relieved the paralysis the use of I grew stronger until the palsy left me I am now well and attend my store every day ALVA PHILLIPS Fruit juice is naturesown remedy and made from fruit juices a box 6 for trial size 25c At dealers or sent on receipt of price by Limited Ottawa TT RENT i Miss Edith days in during week Mr SBroughton has been con fined to the house for some days through illness A delegation came down from Oril- Masonic Lodge last Tuesday exil ing to ray a friendly to the Bradford order Mr and Mrs Peters their home open Monday evening for a card party in dance in aid of the Red Cross Fund KIDNEYS What Tfe Heres the remarkable experience of Nora Scotiaiuv I was once a terrible sufferer with kidney and bladder troubles and at times I would lose the use of my legs and could not go away from home with out some one with I was treated and only got temporary relief My son advised panted only discuss matters suspected in Mr pamphlet six months ago The cbmrinssion looks all right on the surface but be a mistake lo reljvon it to bring the cost to any considerable extent because the has placed at the heart centre of it a large packing arou whom the other commissibBera will naturally revolve A fat chance Can ada has with a commission that way j Then there is HOW BUSINESS WILL BE EFFECTED Two small houses located on Ontario St Apply to MRS A TO LET House and per month Apply to Box New market FOR 2 Building Lots on Park and Lerne Avenues Apply to Newmarket FOR SALE OR RENT Houses one located on Court St one on Joseph Ave Possesion Oct Apply to J Box 32lf FOR SALE OR TO RENT Brick Honse on Prospect Ave AH modern conveniences good table and cistern Enquire of Grace St Newmarket AND HOUSE TO LET On Main Street three doors south of King George stand fur business House seven rooms with all conveniences Reasonable vent Apply to TO RENT Two Houses oil Huron St nearly opposite Hamilton Bros Grocery Each seven rooms town water cement cellar Eight dollars per month Apply Rev Huron St or FOR Acre Farm valuable farm ing land containing gravel and sand pits Good buildings some timber and some pasture Im mediate possession Phone or write Armstrong Newmarket PO- Potatoes are a very Poor crop this year especially on lor apples arc a failure also A motor cycle ran into Mr Grahams rig coming from Aurora Saturday night injuring the horse and in jumping from the rig Miss Nellie Graham had her arm hurt very badlyf Mr Lewis Hawtin left on Monday morning for the training camp- at the Exhibition grounds That makes four men from this neighbor hood who ha- e gone to serve country An OU Fashioned Tea was held en night at Wesley Church in- the auspices of the Ladies Aid A good program presented On afternoon about young ladies gathered at the home of A Snider help Miss Mabels birthday Gaines and music I were by all and all re turned home in flic evening feeling none worse for their out- Mr James Wells is improving residence with a coat of faint A large numter of ladies attended the Annual meeting of the held at the home of Mrs Henry Lloyd It became our duty to chronicle a visit of the Death Angel in our community Mrs Susan re lict of Isaac who was in her year was sick two weeks and away on October She formerly lived at until two years ago whin they came to reside here J- he lea Suni William at home and two Mrs P Wells of Overstay and Mrs of the Northwest ter ritory Funeral service held at her residence on Monday conducted by Dr Iarmichael who had been her minister fifty years and Rev Interment at Ling City Cemetery truly P KKMPTOK Port Mcdway S GIM are box or fibozM for Sample free A Co United OUR OTTAWA LETTER J WE HAVE FOR SALE A desirable properly situated on Prospect Ave A largesized dwelling with all in first shupe Quarter of an acre with apple and small trees Frame stable and cement hen house This we consider the best buy in town so act quickly Terms can be arranged to soil purchaser Apply to P Morton box Newmarket Given Away In Land Value to the man who wants a Farm acres of good land some choice clay This Farm has all uptodate Build ings consisting of a modern Brick House also Hip Barn built from all new material with modern Stables together with all other Outbuildings in good re pair Rural Mail Delivery We ask you to go over this Farm Put a fair value on Land also then come down to and we will satisfy you as to amount iven away We up this Estate Busi ness Will accept a Mortgage at per cent for tn years Willi a small deposit down You must act quick in his matter or ml MS this chance mile of Ml Pleasant on the Centre Road known an the Tommy Glover Farm Tp of North This farm has plenty of Orchard Good Hush and Fences convenient to School or Church also Metropolitan at MORTON Lome Ave Estate Pudding Co 33 Newmarket AURORA- A petition has been circulated in town thecouncil to submit a local option to the ratepay ers this year The petition has been largely signed The canvass lor the Red Cross Trafalgar Day resulted in nearly being subscribed A great treat is in store for the citizens of Aurora on Nov when Mrs Nellie will give a lecture under the of the Aurora High School At a meeting held on Wednesday ening it was decided to have a Laymens Missionary on or about December 1st This will be something larger and different from an thing ever held in the town The following officers were elect York Secretary Dr Scrivener Committee J Belt Convenor has Clarke Proctor Prank Griffith Crocket I Speakers Committee M J Scott Publicity Committee W Scrivener Cecil Alex Green 1 P Wil lis This will be entirely a Laymens movement interdenominational and no appeals for funds will be made at banquet me to take Gin Pills and after taking the first a or 3 doses I got relief I lo after to take them until I got completely cured I owe my life to Gin the returned his con valescence for his get him job put on his feet again It little better now but the Hos pital Commission Is ill long way behind the timetable It is the experience of people with constructive ideas that Ottawa 1 waves them back Go away Ottawa Dont you see were busy with the war We about anything else with the war I What departments has the war made busier except Finance which seized the occasion to boost tariff by seven and a half per cent and Mili tia which has been asleep at the switch so long that a little work was good for it And yes the Marine It is true that the Marine Department bad its hands on the Navy and had got rid of a certain amount of work that way but when the war broke out it had to borrow from the and s to con- Canadian solders across ocean and our shorts and po lice the Atlantic and to do several other things which the La might- have done if it had been allowed to remain in tie swim all of which kept the Marine Department middling busy And Sir Richard PoBride stuck Can ada for for two suimr-r- previously quoted at two submarines that swam like a stone and like feather when Sir Richard did that we repea it certainly must have meant more work for- thcMarinc Department Constructive ideas will visit the Department of Public Works where Hob the first yeae he hold sent construction up from 000000 to and similarly by leaps and bounds for two years following but I understand that con struction begins to lag now because the money Is running short Still the constructive ideas are there waiting to spring as It and when the money is there to on with we shall have as unneces sary post offices armories and har bor works as ever Bas il James Willis Mr Win Curtis of called on friends here on Monday with OVER YEARS Father is siting this week Mrs a week old friends around Mr Mrs Clark Sun day in Newmarket Mr McCaffrey of has taken Mr Marshs In local bank for a short time called on friends here on Friday morning to Spend the winter with her brother In United Stales Mr Oscar Hampden on here oh Mrs ol re turning home with him The anniversary held Church on Sunday proved to be a ueceat the church being filled tto the doors There was no protests against any of the at the Pair A large crowd attended the fowl supper at Pottagcville on Wed nesday evening A very euchre party held at the In aid the ft Church The Red Cross Society realty H at the fall lair and the social On Saturday evening was also a attendance lf us J oar ttrXff From the snug covert of a seven thousand dollar a year job on the International Commission Bound ary Waters Job handed him by the Borden Government Mr A reproaches his old friends with not having constructive ideas Politicians at the capital are in doubt which t admire mostthe at curacy of Mr statement or his boldness in crittsing his benefac tors The general opinion is that things must be pretty bad wh is to bite the hand hit feed one that way To show- that corstructie ideas are not scarce Mr spreads a few in a pamphlet which tells what Canada ought to do alter the war in order to pay debts and build up the country ideas are reither startling nor highly original because they have hein entertained by thin people for these many years The chief idea is that the vernment shall develop an immigration policy which will really put on the land instead of letting them drain Off into the big Canadian cities to which they are ticketed by the steam ship and companies In other words settlers must to settled Not only the right kind of settlers be brought to Canada but they must be personally conduct ed so to speak to their locations and helped- if necessary with seed machinery and money loans This is the only way Canada will ever be able so meet tremendous obliga tions she has incurred Also it is the only way to prevent- the City from stealing what was Intended for the country For example last year thousand supposedly agricultural immigrants Saskatchewan from England but only sixteen thou sand of them took up homesteads Dr Roche could never explain where he Its the other forty thousand but the cities of the west which know what it is to spend hundreds of thou sands of dollars for charitable relief during the winter could tell them a thing or two There is also reason to believe that many who came out to Canada as farmers or agricultural laborers never s plow in their and never expected to see one an one was the who told a Western mayor that he had come to Canada because- the ap ples and wheat sheaes in the Domin ion Governments window on the Strand had convinced him that this was a land of milk and What were you in London asked the mayor was a lamplighter sir And what work did you as a lamplighter expect to Had in Canada We dont lght lamps here we just push a button This a puzzler to the poor Cockney but as he was classified as an agricultural laborer Mr mayor got him job as gardener with a friend of his where he signalized his krowtedfe of out- door conditions by digging up all the hardy perennials and throwing them away as weeds Mr Magraths constructive idea In that the roper man to till the Held ire not lamplighters With this Idea goes a lot of ad Ice about ma country lite attractive for the man and convenient for the housewife good social centres rural telephones rural mail electric the elimination of drudgery cheaper transportation better dis tribution cooperative marketing higher prices for farm products all the coumelx of perfection in fact with which are more or less Another Part ol the Idea Is that one hundred sixty acre farms are as a rue too big for the class of settlers must aim to get and that much better results will be Ob tained from forty acre homesteads Intensively cultivated a policy which not only utilizes acre Tor aH it is worth but leaves more land Hoc for other settlers L This is not a new idea of Commis sioner people have thought of It before but It gains a new instancy because the end or the war will let loose many millions of men who will not be satisfied drop into their old ruts They will seek countries where life and property safer taxes more living conditions letter where a mans a man for a that and pays him fourteen shillings for ten hours a day Canada answers to this Is bound to get a big share of the land- lookers if the Government only goes them In the right way It wemB to be Mr that the Government is not going af ter and what he Wants though he doesnt say it In so many words A vote on focal option will be tak en at the corning January munici pal elections- During the closing week of October a petition was pre sented to the Council containing per cent more names than the law requires At pees en there are three licensed hotels exit shop where liquors are In a of extend ing over two days last week the handsome sum of was con tributed towards the British Red Cross Fund and a further addition made the following Friday for pa triotic purposes The most sanguine expectations were more than realized SETTLED HIS HASH Markham Oct At Magistrate Ifruntons Court here yestrday Ro bert of tori was ordered to stay away from his wifes home give her the furniture and pay her week was in court charged with abusing his wife and when the facts were gleans I from the woman his Worship gave the above decision re leasing the man on suspended sen tence The Williams Show Limited lust week received their fourth order from the Dominion Government for army shots This time it was for liOOO pairs Conservator Meal ebtr two rnore Government to stop thimble flay rigging and get busy at some real work for Canada Constructive Ideas invariably about minutes late They dont appear hear of them until everybody else talked them over and come to a con clusion For example there Resources of Canada Commission I for slilprnent to the parent so ciety- We are pleased to announce that Mr V Is from a bad attack of typhoid and IfU expected he will be able to attend to his mercantile duties ttt v Bond Era to Absent frlenda Safety First Indigestion constipation biliousness and many ailments of the digestive organs are often the source of serious At the first sign of disordered conditions take the reliable family remedy that Is always dependable Vindicator follow As a niallercif sheer cornnion we that if the liquor business were abolished the peo ple would buy more of farm mora of more of ineat more of ery corrirhodilLy they now purchase The experience nolicense cities has ever shown that where the saloons are closed men buy more cigars and tobacco spite of the effort made by the liquor business within the past few months topersuade tobacco dealers and growers that it is to their interest to fight prohibi tion In fact outside the liquor busier there is not a single fry line of trade or business the of which would be ad versely affytften by prohibition The cpopei will not make whis key barrels or beer barrels but the demand for flour barrels will be much greater The manufac turer of saloon bars will find his market gone but will find a market for home furniture opened The builds the for liquor selling and liquor making will build- factories and homes The man who makes beer and whiskey bottles will make milk bottles 1 All this is determined by the simple rule that the people are buy the things the necessities comforts and luxuries of life and that will he enormously in creased when the liquor traffic slops robbing them When a brewery in West Vir- was closed it was converted into a packing house which im mediately gave employment to ten times as many men as the brew ery had ever done Arnoll It From the Fruit Qrowors Association This Is an exceptionally fine oar They are the King of all Canadian Fruits We are Now Order early QUICK DELIVERY QUALITY GUARANTEED GEORGE FORESTER TERM8 CA8H Phone i in hop Main St Newmarket fc SOLDIERS PRAYERS Annie writer in a letter the Times says The ChaplainGenerals appeal for more faithful prayer for- the troops recalls to my remembrance what a Highlander just down from the trenches said to me one evening in a camp in France Go home and tell the women to for us and never to leave off We are helped more than you know by the prayers those at home ami in the trenches we Know when they have had slack day Everywhere over there adds Mrs Swan one is astounded and uplifted by the reverent perception in our fighting men of the spiritual fore which are nceessary as the material ones to the conduct of the war f 1 WE ARE BUSY WITH PLUMBING HEATING AND ELECTRIC WIRING IF YOU THINK OF DO- ANYTHING IN THESE LINES LET US GIVE YOU AN ESTIMATE tJ J WRIGHT GRAND TRUNK TIWE TABL I West Township con tributed to the British Cross Leave Toronto am pm pm pm Leave GOING NORTH Newmarket Arrive a us pm I Ml pm GOING SOUTH Allandale am fi 13 am pm I pm a in pm pm 1035 a pm pm rnro pp Arrive J am III IS am pm Effective Sept 1915 I remember many loo Miss said gently Among was lyour kindness to a lillle bashful boy who hud come a stranger your lown I remember Utile Miss Hal walking to he with yu sometimes gave on DISCOURAGED TEACHER Susan Hubbard the wind face sighed a tittle- She n Hernoons and one Christmas you to the oculist in the city to be Hied tor her lU glasses and the of il not She was growing oldold and ltoltie taugbed to think loo for Miss liatlie sewed for a irvlngJ and more fashionable dressmakers had thing Miss I am living up j teachings have class of hoys She recalled Hie fuel I hom she would be her next this Ihotlglli another and that was Hushed nil over her pule more safely wonder where some of litem are now Well yon deserve and thought Miss still struggling us the wind my leaching J M JgJ nt of them If il been surely on slow y I I be a minute of all thai one at least would have darted to shop near by Miss Hatha tried have tune o miss be was back And so arm in arm braced and cheered no I rum ik vouuo was it- V and I am quite safe in saying Miss HatiieJfW you will he surprised at the that they never forget you I- would havejnowu I here will he more than known vou What are von doing in the city Miss this cold day Miss smiled again Jit is cold isnt it But my eyes have been troubling me lately and I had to come in to an Oculist Think of it me with spectacles makes feel as if I were indeed growing old a bright smile and a warm handclasp Old Nonsense I cried young You couldnt grow old Miss if you live to he a hundred is so good to see you again brings back again to the time when I as a little bashful fellow sat in the cor ner of School class You were the shyest hoy replied Miss Hut- tic smiling Do you remember how we all learned the TwentyThird Psalm and how you always would stumble over paths of finally mustered It Yea smiled Harold Allen and I can re peat il now Miss thanks at the little shabby figure by his side Miss boy stepped off the car The lie moment Miss was speeding hack to the little home in which she had lived for over thir ty years She looked out of the window Witt eyes that were blurred with tears The forgive me she whispered humbly Advance Mini she hail been leaching in Sabbath School her hands trembled her heart heat or over twenty years Somehow the discouragement had all Miss wondered as the wind fugged at away Had she realty been of service her shabby hat if all Sabbath School teachers Were as much discouraged as she P She recalled the long procession of boys man her hud passed from under her leaohihg into larger l a so happy she said and more advanced nsi old me I suppose I ought never li have lo ho a Sabbath School teacher after all All aulonmbiIewhid by just in front of encourage Miss walked to the car her and Miss nervously started bark one of her loys He careful Miss said a voice 0 her in found her seat then hud arc dangerous things lap a big white box And then Miss fell her arm laKen in smiled down at her ho a strong clasp said to repay you fur the little candy dog yon She looked up In meet the smiling gaze gave me Chocolates used to he your fa rt young broadshouldered man in a long over- candy remember coal and cap OU shouhlnl have bought such a large lmx Dont know me Miss Asked she said Why I never had such a I he young man- present in all my life Im not used to it Miss beamed the more need for you I have Know vou Harold Allen Do vou suppose other thing I want to speak of Dont ever get I ever forget one of my boys discouraged Miss about your Sabbath- No I dont think votido was the quick School work I imagine when you get up Vim beauty of your one star ia Miss brushed a tear Her til He worn hands were trembling Harold cried how lovely of yoti to soy that Ill never be discouraged about School again Oiven a good wick almost any kind of oil wiH burn a good determined will and anybody can keep up a steady flame of useful effort difference in human boings is not so much what is in them as in what they get out of themselves A J r Or i E I 1 ATaHiVeortwriwni

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