I MR WHITMAN St Montreal In 1912 I was taken suddenly III with Acute Stomach Trouble and dropped in the street I was treated by several for nearly two year I In constant misery mj and weight dropped down from poinds to 160 pounds Several of advised me lotry so- months ago began to improve almost with the first dose No other medicine I ever used acted so pleasantly and quickly as and by I recovered from the distressing Stomach Trouble fain arta Constipation and misery were cured Completely recovered and now I weigh pounds I cannot praise enough a box At all dealers or sent by I Limited Ottawa been through Hill lately on Friday evening Not to was of and- the rest stolltri Mr wipe That was W s that Mr Stewart has these parts and join- to fight for his He says he is going to kill K the Ifrst move he makes thats case of maybe The two Grant and Vera receiveda shower of rice when approaching steps of the tram getting merited- for you may thank Mr al so for the great improvement he has been making place It certainly will look When con Ah the wine is- Stolen What will now lots of the boys hid of hounds at that period and Johnston leaded ine car live stock this week married couple arrived safely friends greeted them upon their receiv ed an unexpected shower of pulverized The newly married couple reached their home about 8 and grd many aTw donate presents The mar ried c will reside in Hill Much is for Mrs tfa her seven yearold Joy which sad event occurred on Sunday Nov- eight little low ill an ftieaalea then priepraonfa developed and two days before he died he was seized with peritonitis rallied The took place oh Owen has been sorely the two bitiah3 father and son in that time i loved V Sprayer- by a fall A very pleasant- time was at the home of and Ira Brown their relatives and friends assembled to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of their wedding I George of Township was Tested here last week and before a Ma Wis tjiree checks His TORtlJJT house North of Apply to Hamilton Bros Draper 2 FOR Ltirne Avenues Apply to HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT On Park Ave Also Hoarders wanted Apply MrSlSolt at Cedars corner of Viplprla and Park Ayes prosperous and a New jotiVnun7bar in the auction sale at Fair- barns Pleasant out for weather sW6m What dp MlngJ Pt FOR OR TO RENT Brick House on Prospect Ave All modern conveniences good table and cistern Enquire of tf29 Grace St Newmarket ORCHARD meeting of the Pine Orchard branch of held at the home of Mrs on Dec p The program will include papers on Making by Lauretta gss Minnie M Greta Also- reading by Miss l Every member should come pared to Gift suggest AH ladies are father hiiving the boy was let off on suspended ti Centrally located on Church St Rooms of Miss Lehman at Pickering College or Newmarket Mr James OBrien one of the oldest resideats of the town cele brated his on Friday Hismanyriejids gave him i TOstcari result two postr cards and letters HOLLAND LANDING Hell his arrived home Iluntsville i The Methodist Church Choir and Sunday School arc having evening December of a Candle A grand musical program also songs and should come pre- starts at roll call with some for Christmas invited SNOWBALL A three mission was held In We are very glad to hear that one of our prominent young men has gone to join the colors All honor to him Lib l6th to the 2 1st Despite tte MornWg FOR SALE Acre Farm valuable farm ing land containing gravel and pits Good buildings some timber and some pasture Im mediate possession Phone or write R Armstrong Newmarket PO WE HAVE FOR SALE A desirable property situated on Prospect Ave A dwelling with all conveniences ail in first Quarter of an acre of grounds with apple and small fruit trees stable and cement hen This we consider the best buy in town so act quickly Terms can be arranged to suit purchaser Apply to P Morton box Newmarket clemency of the weather the Jittend- was fair of College Toronto was the Abrahams and down to the City and en- Mip in tins Dont forget the school Concert on Dec in Public school house Recitations dialogues songs drills etc a he Free Smith Doyle have Joined t0 lvtn the while has been gazetted a bugler in tie Royal We proud The losses up to Dec 1st are reported at and the our young warriors The thrr old child Mr Allan or Albion Township dUd very nearly suddenly while being rushoi the In in an ft tendered by Kings- bile The cfuldiwas seized with Australia cadets now chronic croup and it Canada upon tour accessary to perform to were around- The youths from relieve the little Sufferer be- the antipodes each and all declined low on the line take an evidence Is there- party- was along the child was discovered Mrs a daughter of Mr sr l 1 J ft I TO The Celebrated Jersey Bull MERGER Bon of a Worlds Champion in Milk and Butter Fat And also a Registered Hoar will he kept for ser vice on West Half Lot Con Whitchurch DAN McAHTHUK Foreman Mafuca Aall ifectc at ftjK Six rabbit hunters were out shoot ing with a bag of thirtyeight A costly accident occurred at the garage on Tuesday morning whereby the large of the building were badly smashed the loss being in the neighborhood of abot Mr Geo one of the had received hurried call tor a Car and while cranking It the car jumped the block with the result Anniversary eervlces were held In Trinity Church last Sunday the Reverend Reeves preaching In the and Rev Canon Worleji in the An in teresting feature of the morning ser vice was the dedication by the bish op of a silver communion- service which has just been presented by the Womens Auxiliary the Church In memory of Mrs Morly the much- loved wile former pastor Morley by furnished that in some respects living under the southern cross in advance of- Canadians it i 9 I BEWARE OF OINTMENTS FOR THAT CONTAIN mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely de range the whole system when en tering it through the mucous sur faces Such articles should never he used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians as the damage Ihcy will it fold to Die good you can possibly derive from them Hairs Cne J Cheney A CoTnledo contains no and is taken act ing directly upon the Mid mucous surfaces of the In buying Halls Catarrh Cure he you get the genuine taken internally and made in To ledo Ohio by Testimonials free- Druggists Price per bottle j Take Halls Pills for Cun- A of Minneapolis for years in linrte States in 8 fcxCahadl in Arts of ceh pivotal niris lire hc J summer In ihe and J remember assembly two unique and at that in the Street of whicfi was pastor bygone l In sermon he niade effective a h7moVvajlypaj that it wspubirBhedi by re nest the ChrfsUan the great deliverances of the his possession and follows herewith- which I want so knowledge or but sure- consent if this article comes under the- month August while of itineracies as of the jStiiy toy- lowing Dp you remember tropoei of which raoai Street Church during plied that I did went on some thing about that poem great many have asked tor copies of it I bad copies made of it It bad been printed two or three times after had met it as Toronto But you remember there were only three stanzas it Thatwas arI had of it and alV or knew winter T he three negative but beautiful replies to the several questions and where did give my to As fl made use quiet and satisfy heart which doubts and fears of acceptance with God it can- positively state the how and when and where of version although conscious the Saviour now- 1 felt that the verses were allsufficient fas enective And so did hundreds who have heard them t And that mams true still But last winter when preaching at Tunbridge in I was to learn completeness of poem the- first time ditlon tin- last tyo stanzas which Know quote to youwhicb answer the I gave my heart to Christ 1 used the poem there the first three as had At the close of the sermon lady remarked her pleasure at the use had of the poem had wondered slie never heard it from the pulpit before And then looking at me enquiringly she said Hut you did not use it all You left out the best part of it It now Dr turn to be surprised lie told the lady his ignorance of the fact that there was anything more than what wc had sermon His eyes had fall en on the poem he used It in the States ago lie never the author He reamed one very few who htt-t- any knowledj the verses etc Where upon lie one who had appreciatively listened to at Wells told that the author lived only three miles away that were two other itanzasthc two last ones subjojrd which enrich and complete the beautiful tender story of ones allegiance to Jesus Christ as Saviour and ihe following the full poem reproduced You ask me 1 gave my heart to Christ I do not know There a hunger for Him in my long ago I found earths flowers would fndc i longed for something that would knew He died upon the me- 1 His dying cry Father forgive- S bitter cup i ftih5shaek came Captured lowing sfetejiient oigal exaggerated theVnuniheft Russians prison8rsn pejoberas peoUllxossiuVathJorChe siana who captured f and Dec- Destruction of a large at Prussian Saxony by an explpsp trje loss lives is reported fn Jrom lplojing Jo Copenharan as forwarded by Discontented Workmen suspected the says having the explosion ons Sabbttlh superintendent made a because but a 0 the fact the of calling boy When corair needs no special exertion he said I wasnt but it fairly well when the game is hotly contested and the victory crtn he won only right u struggle ii He does not have the coming for a great effort- stavat least a any more ft dad joined the mens Sabbaths ago and says he is long so Im sort of following back myself Ive back lo as long as dad stays The girl school lessons master a better on who leaves iuuead and the hard problems lhe g C begins to allow hard things hear of he home- tasks that are ftm j agicQable or special effort lu leaves or lo her sister between the ages of fifteen and so at last the of doing only became members of lie Sabbath School easy ahd pleasant and skipping is hard had united with class of and the whole life with p average young fellow is apt to the result is ever walk accomplished and the person never rises if the boy is followin his foot- anything above commonplace steps- A lull Bible Monthly r ll HABITS- I I i l I OF OVERCON i simple sentence It it the good swimmers wlitf aft most likely to be and all Iummhs nol a puss llmt ihe hie lo us that is ottlueuce and luec 1e lost the II is indeed well wine l too far from riiore Uio host little lahl Unit 111VS loiilpUUion he sure lie will he more than a lor would lie lew drunkards if every boy mill be worthy iVirelhal Ids will was tlmn power Your in fhfe slender with which of vour strength weak Lilliputians bound strong llivor v in helplessness habits unvlilM Well innde harness enabling lis- Ik in the world will uuiftnnM the leusl riiul waste of u brain and None of them is too sin attention be lesi danker I Habits wo cannot avoid nor can mow The Chinese have proverbs and wist being eon rolled by hem bil wc have free apply to Christians as to between babitslhal are good and following were Irauslaled for lhe Ave Hi and habits are bad and yony ll 1lMM ii 0 us January in jail Of our In Equip ment iutt and are viAfii Dr Hi Installed a new Bate In the post Mr and- Mr Caleb their the dth fun i of a lew days during the past slater Leonard A of railway ofiiclala were here raaklnR or the the station grounds for the line The Dramatic Club will play Corn ffi the Red Cross Fund Soda Works la prepared lofurnlali you with all kinds of at notice and delivered tree jo any plaoe hey arqMpney MaVer Cream Kka Kola Ginger Ale Birch Beer Your Will Apfcra- loun on Saturday ifak 6dM Water Work the spinel belling to tt Hut ton a Pwotti which had SY And there and then somehow met to dare To lift my heart to In prayer I know I cannot tell how I only know he Is my now when gave my heart to Clirlat cannot tell The day or Just the hour not nW remember Weir It must have been where was all The of forgiving spirit shone Intomy heart with i tblrik think WW l In do not know I tell you c when 1 only he Is so dear to me sincethen where Rave myself lcannbt That laded from my ft I should shoultf love thai 1 IfcouWijot bear To tear myself away for I should The Test be liave of trouble worry of Ambition- Willi a nr WglfiV l fc and liimlctfs Iho b jer and get ho further You are mill idly you pre filling to ft willing to wait yon can hold lo WM tit If to thy in vain thou thy love to Hod fop by Indulgence as Well as Beauty Desired doj I cannot tell you me love love to i vmnur There three khulb of people l WSlfS in this worm the Wills and the added charm- Once W the ill i to be a lVi I knov a good thing Wherever you may go vahiQil more of three graces is not Important WILLV v It is say will a j a ajiifcc ftMTani t