felts that boys and ill cards las and Mr- across lle road J his wall Mr Oiks liaVO The of the King George Hotel took place on Friday evening of week President J the War to get Help Hie change of the tferiUenieh It is with much satisfaction the Directors submit for your and Tea Willing Workers Church held Apron Bazaar and lea afternoon realizing handsome sum of The tea was well patronized anl a social time was spent- Time To Renew the- lime of the year vliep mlk subscriptions expire A good many people put it off till the Saturday in the year and then expect waited upon without delay Everybody can not ho attended to at once Take lime by the forelock and renew before rush Afternoon Teas The Field Comforts Tea Rooms Committee are prepared lo enter for Skating Parlies Afternoon Teas Oyster Suppers etc Charges moderate Apply to Mrs Andrew J Davis Secy or to any of the Tea Room Commit tee voted- a second time on the majority by which it was sustained only goes to show more popular than when it went into effect- here five years ago We feel one of the most powerful influenced urn year ago and individuals have been cut ting down expenses and all interests have been combined towards the prosecution of the war national liberty and protection to successful termination Yet hi spite of the unusual conditions which have existed during the year and which have been the source of constant anxiety to those concerned financial af fairs our manager has sufficient profits for the distribution of the usual Six per cent Dividend This is largely due lo the reputation of the Hotel being more widely and favorably estab lished Each year our Secretary in making out his report adds amounts for repairs and replacements in the Capital Account and this is offset again by writing off 2 of the value of the Real Estate and of the value of Furnishings and Equipment and the balance is used for the distribution of proflts Our Hotel is still in need of a uptodate Lavatory as the present one is not quite sanitary and is riot in keeping with the other appointments of the house If the business will warrant expense the Directors intend installing this muchneeded convenience some lime during the coming year The following arc of the items of expense in keeping hotel for the last year PIKE ORCHARD treat the Season at the Friends Meeting House at Pine Orchard Rev Alfred Young of Newmarket deliver Ms popular Model Village pi Eng land and I Coca beautifully dobrs commence at children QftBf the successful events held the- bazaar given under the auspices pi the Girls in Town Friday The ale fancy work aprons handkerchiefs I and- eppk- realized a satisfactory The Aurora eight andndnmerih more than members this week receiv ed 50 titles from the York Council- ur Sfook of Presents is Even Better than Ewer Fancy Handkerchiefs Ladles Fancy Lace and Erjibroldered Collars Mens Ties In Separate Boxes up Boudoir tops from to 8ilkipeHandkelilefalr a for And Hundreds of Other Useful Gifts- DC Oil DC NONE XMA8 CAN REPEATED BRUNTON A Comforta farmers and their friends are invited to come to the Comforts Tea Rooms over J Y Store Hot lea coffee and sandwiches Wednesday morning 2id from ten lo twelve Come will help the who are lighting for us all Repairs Replacements Improvements M Water Light I Fuel 65 tons coal Taxes Insurance i3012 Si J 57 was paid for milk and cream over and above that produced by the Companys cow Keeping the Yards and Stables under our own management lias increased our profits nearly over renting Over 100 clear profit in hogs ff the year Won Prizes Town Council At a public meeting in the Hall Tuesday night prominent speakers called upon men to enter the military- service Mayor was in the chair and was supported Herbert P Pi Major Brown Major Williams Mr McOoriij5le president North York war auxiliary an market Aurora Home Guard was present Strong and inspiring musi7 was furnished the local band The C3ll did not unheeded and came forward to take their place beside those who enlisted at previous night Dr Hillary examined 25 men from New market five from Richmond Hill five from Toronto and he re- word that more are wait ing for him at Uniforms are served out just as as Dr Hillary gives his certificate of fit ness CEDAR VALLEY Do Shopping Now The Christmas trade in now in full swing Stores shops and places of business are in holiday attire and attractiveness People who have Christmas purchases to make should shop early if they want to obtain a wide range from which to make choice Already some lines of goods been exhausted No doubt the shopper who makes an early selection will have a over those who wait til the near approach of Mr Dennis of this town Council met on Wednesday won a first prize and 2nd prize in lorpopn according to Statute two classes on his fat heifer at and passed a number of accounts Winter Fair at These Financial Statement make seven First Prizes this heifer has won this fall Foresters The regular monthly meeting the I will take place on The Municipal December State Monday evening Dec at must be posted up for in- usual hour A full at lend next week of membersis Sleighing commenced last day morning The bells were League The New Post Postmaster and his are realizing lfic bene fit of the enlarged quarters now thai mails are getting heavy and the public also appreciate he more room while wait ing for the distribution Mr Customs Officer is also now comfortably located on the nd flat but lhe quarter are still unoccupied In the meantime Mr Frank Slew- art lias charge of the premises very cheerful Minutes of the session At League on Monday County Council will be distributed meeting will be i I dialogues recitations etc a sensation prevailed in the vicinity for three ot four days last week Mr Albert Shanks the line two cattle that seemed to prefer lhe cold of lhe sw to the warmth of the stable In bringing in his cattle to house for- the winter the two referred to could not be under any stances to with the herd to roam farther into swamp- From Tuesday to Saturday efforts of a posse of men were availing Sometimes the cattle- sank so deepinltbe swamp they were submerged After many attempts one became so benumbed with cold thai on Saturday it was taken out on a while its chum became so obstreperous and excited that it three- men perch- on a tree till dark watching their chance while he stood on guard they by good luck dropijed a over his head and tied him to the tree for the nlghtr On Sunday morning another gang went to try their luck and found him not quieted down any I but among the crowd being stalwarts they drew bodily out of the swamp to terra where he was bound loaded on a sleigh brought safely in But he has not forgot his escapade yet he is as un ruly as ever Mr John of the Line killed and dressed eleven nice porkers this week selling to Mr James Crockett Aurora The following lines written by- a mart in- Bristol and addressed to the Scottish soldiers there among whom- are of towns men has been sent to me Farewell ye men of the Scottish To say goodbyes pity We wish you might longer stay in near Bristol J J 9 NEWMARKET Headquarters The largest and finest stopk or Xmas and Collars ever shown In Newmarket Blouse Lengths In pretty boxes Dressing Gowns Fancy Chintz Bags Boudoir Caps Evening Waste Paper Baskets Neck Patriotic Cushion Fanoy Linen Pieces XmaaRbbons MANY OTHER GIFTS FOR Xu We Cordially Invite You to Call and See our J to Municipal Clerks loiiiri row of the and Christian Sunday School The annual Christmas Tree of the Christian A Jhrifi more candidates ware in itiated on Monday evening That makes new menhers since the first of The following were elected by acclama tion fur year Treasurer- ft for the refnainfng of ficer week from Monday even who have arroni ed a special program Fell off a Wagon Yesterday a man iid Mail in engaged on the impg Dec lawlici nil Hie 1ff lll1 j is of ly ffi will be provided by the children also a series of laOlern slides Mr and Mrs Santa will be Saturday Refreshments to speak to I Hi children and dslnbie the gfts Saturday Dee j University Examinations wl ten I be Newmarket he recent exnmioa- at the iniveivily of I io to Mrs Come and bring your frienda Pro the satisfaction of all her for socks the boys pupils pass and three them irenchea headed he honor lists of second and third year piano The The weather is very changeable the last few days- The skating rink will soon open in this town The Devonshire cream man is still hitting the trail to this town We dont light burning- in the window often now since Pat lias gone to town- is th attraction of the red geared buggy so often I almost think that Tootsy went to Holt nlghf We were to hear of the strike in the Iron mines Inthis town on afternoon Its to had to that brown horse stand in front of the store Ipse The And for Fran Z should shed Mr has made the round and is back lo own ham for the fin ish up If they bad a service from to Cedar Valley it would- 150 eiiier on the matter with the chauf- Mo left night I wonder where Ken apt his dia- I wonder how gets yet We are longing for the ride to come Hawk- N EWMAR K i From tears of parting well refrain For says Advance Well think of you the plain you lads of honest Weve found worth The sort to do our fighting With music from land of birth VoifcamjD our cars delighting Well miss the marry marching lilt The bag pipe skirling Hut oh t sec lad in kilt Victorious enter WHILE THEY BALANCE OF CARLOAD DELIVERED Standard Vou have no nerves you have no fears Ye men of bone and muscle Ye gay Black Watch and Fusiliers Are ready for the tussle lis is as follows Christian First Year Piano A special meeting of the Lewis 1st Class Hoard was held oh Wed- were well Sunday last 9Y6 were given by the in the morning on Three gifts from tile am in evening from we hen until We die I main points that were stress- the great question the plrll of reason tfie conclusion Cached decision the notion and I In remit A strong appeal made to the to the old life of indecision and KClup and do Jn Sunday next the pastor will give a special address at the pop seryiie on Mothers and llie mother will he welcomed Honors Mary Honors Second Year Kelly Honors Third Year Piano Hurley Honors Junior Theory evening when he resig- nation f J Hall was with much regret The pastor has received a call to the Christian Church at Franklin I New Hampshire During his relatives here Hello Winter The best old time of all The all wear a iti face is The Club spent a verv plea sant et the home of Miss Clara The debate on Womens Fraiclifse ws resolved that women fihould have to vote The club intend a sleiEhJn party to Newmarket Christmas for a oily time we sure- will have Ths Farmers Club are a social evening on Frhlav 17th at Hie home of Mr Malls Mr art Mrs Frank o Saskatchewan are vtslting friends and I resilience here Mr Hall has been Kellyi Class Honors VPI popular and greatly built tip Joy Mairitl Honors llh membership The Annie resignation takes effect on the Inlei oiediale Jheory Mary Honors of I E mas Presents at the Last Moment Belated find an easy solution to their at our Our large3tock permits of a assort ment j Army Do forgot the to he IllId in above hall on Bun- day next am Holiness Meeting pm Adult Class pm Kalvaffon Thursday Dee at Mi Wcwlll beholding Young Christmas free A good program ar- Han la will be and will officiate in the of should not miss tbladi- golpg to be w a good ji on The gtof Diamond Diamond Brooohos Gold Watches Gold Guff Links Gold Brooches Gold Pendants Pearl Necklets Signet Out Mesh Bags Fountain Pen Pins Sets r V ft ALL AT VERY LOW PRICE J Have a Look In and ATKINSON COL Jewelers and Opticians TICKET Mr William Penrose of Toronto is spending fl few In our burg Kerry lohn Watson are under Doctors Hope thci will soon The Valley has hem quite lively Ibis hist The bridge men arc jit work Rrvhodv Is ftxpcctlnc skating Saturday even lav I VOWH ITEMS A ilghj foil of the beautiful snow on enabled few to have cutter ride on Mr and Mrs Frank Creadon have returned from their honeymoon Mr and Mrs returned home after an enjoy- able two visit In Chicago Mrfanes ffomervllle of Toronto visited his sister Albert or the Iine day Mr T M iliac burn of Burn Farm was not only fl successful ex hibitor at the at Stock Show at disposed of four of his prize winning Shropshire sheep at lucrative price Trrt artists in connection with the Entertainment to be en In KettlehyHall on Wednesday next the of Pec the scholars the Church School are regularly and have life to you is not all Youre not upset trifles You long to crush the- fiendish Hun Highlanders and Rifles Were claim you as our guests How many tongues have it And as our good Lonl Mayor at tests To Britain youre a credit On Hain or mid- the shot and shell Let this be clear as crystal The lads lassies wish you well And pray for yon In Bristol MAJESTIC GEORGE TERMS Phone MAIN STREET JX A WE ARE GIVING BIG INDUCEMENT FOR OUR BENEFIT FOR CHRISTMAS HRE ARE A FEW OF THE Mens Fur Lined Coats Reg to for Huron Mich Dec Mens Gloves Reg for 59c Mens Underwear Reg for passenger steamer Majestic valued at and owned by the Northern Navigation Company was destroyed by lire at dock at Point tint opposite here The vessel has been ma log trips to Georgian Ray from Detroit and for sev eral seasons- Sly was feet with 35 foot beam Officials of the line made no statement with refer ence to the cause the fire or the amount of Insurance Tho burning Majectic drifted down the to the dock where lb pass boat belong- to the same line was lying The fire and Is still burn ing Mens Heavy Rubbers Sizes to Ron S3 for Mens Rubber Boots Reg 450 for Boys Rubber Boots Reg 3 for Mens Sweater Coats Reg for Patent Leather Boots Cloth Top Reg 350 IVI 8u8penders CALL AT OUR 8T0RE AND 8EE OTHER l FOR FLETCHERS CASTOR I A LIVE MARKET Which Will Surprise You I Proprietor Doors Of King Hotel Toronto Markets Newmarket Markets Dec 1915 per 0 Sheep pet 1J Hogs off 4 rpoy