sag iff if- fcfWi JJTXhad a and my fang vera ck and tore I had tried everything without On eye- decided to try It Soon I noticed an merit I taking it and today I em a well nun Is all one from my longs I do not have any and have gained fifteen guarantee for chronic coughs colds and bronchitis and for all mix rundown condition Patterson Druggist Newmarket NEW HOUSE ATTEND THE BEST I IT PAYS I TORONTO i Has a National Reputation for superior Business and Shorthand Education Catalogue Free Commence Now I J ELLIOTT Principal- St Toronto WINTER TERM OPENS JAN3RD ria The Toronto Star gives the Iptipn of- new House the Lieut Governors GREAT OPPORTUNITY Having installed an electric plant I have no further use small dynamo having a capaci ty of from to lights to is run from a steam plant Can be seen in operation at any time Cost will sell for THOMPSONS MACHINE SHOP Prospect Ave Newmarket REPRESENTATIVE WANTED at once for NEWMARKET and District for the OLD RELIABLE I Farmers Why remain idle all Winter when you can lake up a paying agency Choice Hat of varieties for Spring Planting Liberal Terms Handsome Free Outfit Exclusive Territory WRITE NOW FOR PARTICULAR STONE AND WELLINGTON TORONTO ONTARIO X 7 3fr- CS NOTICE Removed to Cor ner of Market on Timothy b iilii J PAINTER PAPERHANQER QRAINER ArtT DECORATOR ETC Wall Paper Supplied from 3c per Roll and Hung on the Most Reasonable Terms ALL WORK GUARANTEED I ALL KINDS OF SIGNS PAINTED WANTED NOW Reliable to act as Agent In York County PAY WEEKLY Outfit free exclusive territory and money making specialties Our agencies are the best in the business for we sell the of slock at most reasonable and guar antee in ftrat class condition Nursery slock is well this year and good money can be mad in this district For particulars write Hales Manager PELHAM CO Toronto Out A BARGAIN One of those pencil Illinois Vacuum Carpet Good an new Will sell for No further use having In stalled an electric sweeper Ap ply at Era Office is a magnificent tv The Star says When democratic House accord ing to his mteoredprIyiIeg the hoary tradition of a Province to the LieutenantGovernor and his gracious ladfi W be struct all It Ibe the Governmenjt win not bea House I knew It will not be a that meets his ejie as he enters this lodge gate passed the tiledrrpbfed lodge winds around the driveway with its marble balustrade and its decorative and stands in front of Kielporte cochere Not a house a such as France provided for the aris tocrats the court the Louis be fore the arise of the Republic and the days of the bloody Revolution The new pile will be opened in a few days- If Old Man Ontario brings bis daughter with him she will admire the assemble and the way beantiful stone building looms up against its background ol lawns trees and ravine with its redtiled French roof He will probably think an administrative of some kind young parliament building- a court house or a grand hotel He will be impressed mainly with its size and substantially ol construc tion and the evident of expense to make everytbing first- class- She if she has read the Home Journals- and seen pictures castles in Spain and chateaux France will exclaim at the truthful ness of the copy of the French cha teau style and the general beauty of line and architectural proportion When the two are ushered into circular leave- the outer impression of- richness will increase But when breathless ly they reach the Grand Hall stand there up the grand staircase to the vista showing a glimpse of the OH I and likewise AH Magnificence is no word for it Old Man Ontario It is beautiful be yond any dream started by a stage picture showing the interior of a French palace a Louis romance the movies have yet to strike a more beautiful palatial interior stories high a room a mind you the middle of the building a three stories high fxith a ruffled glass roof to the sky and galleries with marble pillars at each Romantic Magnificent I Artistic incidentally it must he admitted expensive booking The walls are of marble beautiful Canadian marble from Bancroft Ontario The floor is of tile The roof is of glass and the electric light brackets are of silver and gold mixed Talk of palaces of Moors Old Man Ontario you wont believe until you see it And the ballroom You have read about This one is the most beautiful in America Thats what they all Bay Its proportions are Grecian In their nicety calculation Us color scheme Is subtle and exquisite is the legitimate word Old Man Ontario will be timid about walking- on the polished oaken floor but his daugh ter could just float on it And the palm room where cool oft and sit down chat and flirt a little just like they do in a way without saving right out and flirt little just like they do in the best chateau society on the stage palm room Old Man Ontario- Its doors arc of glass right down to the floor like they In the of its walls are practically a succession of Windows looking out on the garden Oh yes we have an Italian ga in now the property of the Province Its on the Cast side of Government House have a rose garden too but it is outside the windows of the private diningroom on the west hide iliis private is done In palcTgfey Vou frouhl think walls were covered with silk tapestry and no they are in the state drawingroom Hut the others the colors and designs are painted on and then pasted on the walls Pretty No beautiful An the DommionParHarnpnt would meet of other furs arrived at the ftovin- despatch of 12th January An effect was signed by- the of OoanflUght as ihstl c nominee for the successor to Hpri Senator- will be Vwlvo in- polices fesaid to he NatmnalistrConsetva- tiye that in financing the war Great Britain has drawn in has withdrawn from banking ac counts and has been transferred by the banks from Em ployment the money market The of these amounts is al most incomprehensible to the general public Is and- the open until after March In his last report City Board of says ft was attacked another trouble An was made armed searchwarrant a constable Visited v New Toronto Carried two dozen- bottles Poverty two greatest barriers to prevention of disease and he teilsbow new i6i ale Three men were found in the water is waging hours housewives be more economical sudden talking Creditors of licensed hotel pro prietors who depend the security for their money were warn ed by the Chairman of the Ontario License Board on Satunlay that some morning they might up arid whistle for their The warning camehvben the creditors of a- City Hotel proprietor pleaded that of the license would do them an injury told them that consideration creditors would no longer be taken into ac count- heart failurewhle ith friends atv thevNational Club caused a He J survived by a fe- passes hut several shoplifters who taker- advantage of stores in hands the police Returned now- getting money and anxiety ana semiprivation 1 is puite possible that Toronto Banks employ girls as clerks to replace clerks gone to the A There is no game laws to inter fere with the killing of time e Roller Flour MI LIKE PIE Of course you do when you know is made from MO88 ROSE FLOUR You can always count on turn ing out the lightest sweetest and most delicious CAKES AND PASTRY When you use this flour- Its recognized as best by all compe tent judges TRY MOSS ROSE FLOUR THE NEXT TIME YOU BAKE Your grocer will supply you EVERY GUARANTEED Phone Newmarket H ROBINSON Proprietor i STOP LOOK LISTEN will soon bo here and how about those pictures you were going to send your friends this How your friends would appreciate such a gift from you and especially the Hoys at the front Cheer them up with a Photo of yourself As it wont bo long till might we say Dont put off till tomorrow what you an do today We are also prepared to lake Photos at night ritu- open every Saturday night and other nights by ap pointment E ZURBR1QQ Phone IG3a Photographer Studio One Door West of the New Post Office Photographer In Your Tovn NOTICE i A Furnace Work Plumbing of Our the Bathroom Outfit TUP TINSMITHS EDITORIAL NOTES Owing to of tionat the front Post authorities that the maximum weight of single parcels ad dressed to members of the British and Canadian expeditionary forces in rnorarlly reduced to Raven pounds- It Ik stated in financial clrcleB both at Toronto and Montreal liver mines at Cobalt going down to the depth of and feet anticipated results be realized the life of the camp Instead of waning will be greater than hitherto experienced OSBORHE Next to Smith Grocery COAL FOR Best Anthraeite Goal at bar gain prices Orders filled at ail Joure No doors Main North- The License Board has out warning to hotel keepers against furnishing liquor tof drunken The circular calls attention to the section of the Liquor Act which imposes a heavy line for allowing on hotel premises or selling liquor to persons On the pBohiblted list 1 On Friday last MtJ Hi P for Peel who pile and selling them to the Government for military pur poses a lengthy with Premier Hearst was In the of William Sutherland of tho Township of East In County of YorK and provlnco of On tario deceased pursuant to Section Chapter It all per sons having claims or demands against tho estate of the said Wil liam Sutherland deceased who died on or about the Second day Of October A arc requir ed to Bond by prepaid or deliver to the undersigned tor Sutherland or to the undersigned Ritchie it his solicitors on or before the Day of January their Christian and and addresses with full particulars in writing of their claims and of their accounts and tho nature of security if any held by them July verified by Statutory Declar ation- AND TAKE NOTICK that af ter the said Second day of Janu ary the said will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among parlies entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which ho shall then have the said Executor will not he liable for said assets or any to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by him or his soli citors at the time of said distri bution November 1015 Shanly St Toronto and RITCHIE Continent 1Mt Build Toronto to last mounted to Fire destroyed about 30 ton of on night on the TrethawayFarm Fifth avenue How the fire originated is notknown At the luncheon the Empire Club given Lieut- Victor the- Imperial Fly ing Corps in a ringing speech last week he stated that Russia- fight until she shed her drop She would not speak of peace until her allies thought the time op portune It might be a long fight bat Russia was going to keep at it until a decisive victory was Authority is granted according to camp orders issued oh Wednesday of last week th per Cent each unit will be given Christmas from the night of Dec to the night of For New Years the balance will be given leave from December 30 to the night of January 3rd- This will give four clear days to each officer and man at his own home Angus Ferguson formerly of the Toronto police force who re turned recently from a German pris on camp in in his left leg was giy- a great reception last week by Alexander Rons Scotland A Mason travelling passenger agent was brought before Judge in the General Sessions last Thursday on a charge of stealing about from the Company lie pleaded not guilty and trial for one week Ordinarily for the weekly English mail Toronto post sends out from to 30 bags of mail matter but- last week over were filled It was the largest mail ever despatched from the To ronto office The Allied Liquor decided to ask for the withdrawal of the five per tax on all bar receipts above per day now that hours of sale have been reduced The HamiltonToronto Highway will cost The estimated cost when first undertaken was stat ed to A dinner party in honor of Mr Martin the new United States of Toronto was giu on Thursday evening of last week by the American Club Major A Green well known as the Canadian fish man is now his way to England where he has been appointed to take charge of the fish supplies for Canadian soldiers A fir in the premises occupied by J l Cook College street did damage Toronto ratepayers will vote at the municipal election on a by law to guarantee de bentures of the HydroElectric Ra dial proposition Win who was severely burned about Hie head and body when the valve of a boiler exploded in the Co engine- room last week died at the Hospital making the fourth victim of the ex plosion The daughter of Mr Horns drank a portion of silverware polish on Thursday and is now in condition at the Hospital She got the liquid in the temporary absence of mother Mr Ralph Evans Freeman who graduated A from Uni versity this year selected as that Institutions Rhodes scholar for Ho is the Rev Dr Freeman Leicester England formerly pastor of the Street Church Toronto and was horn In Ont The Division Court last week knocked on the head the To- and York Radial Railway project of crossing sidewalk- on the west side of avenue so as to provide a terminal that point Instruction for returning who arc blind or deaf will be arrang ed by the Ontario Government Friday evening Pratt aged about years passed In a In which ho was taken home Mr Mcleod of the hoad staff of the Imperial Bank has bee transferred to their Aurora branch Adeline Norwich aged taken to the Hospital for Sick Children suffering from a number of severe burns about the body The little gill was playing with matches The Islington Uethojist people axe rafslnz funds for the pur chase of kitchen for- the use of the York now being recruited In recognition of sen lot an teacher Mrs made the recipient of VTA are quite as inflexible with girls however as witn the boys The moderator of the General As sembly of the Presbyterian Church in ah open letter to the circh calling Two youths were arrested Sunday to a service of tercefesion for success the al lies wives and kiddies of soldiers of the gifts from trees at Hall from Santa Glaus on mas Two youths were arrested Sunday in the act of a store on street Of course they got their deserts a the police Court next day A party of twentysix beat their way- to Toronto from New York to join the allies rrhe Italians of this City now have three churches in Toronto Rev Father fa the acting priest Hydro were indorsed at the meeting of North Toronto Ratepay ers Association on Saturday night the action of the executive in opposing them without from the association was condemned dropping- match by a servant maid while searching for some clothes caused- a fire on Saturday which did several hundred dollars damage before being extinguished Martin residing steeet slipped on the icy pave ment on Monday and was taken to the Western Hospital suffering from a broken Twenty per cent of the restaurants of th3 city received a first class standing from the Medical Health Of ficer Conditions during the past six months have taken into ac count The A wilt have teams playing hockey this season in the regular championship series a three other teams retaining their membership but not playing for vari ous reasons In addition to these the OHAwlll have a Toronto High School section which will have any where from six to fifteen teams and the winner wmch will figure in the OHA junior series a group winner All the high school games will be under OHA rules and juris diction hut will be conducted by the masters until a champion team is produced when the winners will en ter the series The general public arc looking af ter the men at Exhibition Camp On Monday about two tons of magazines collected from the various public schools will he sent the Y M A camp for use of Soldiers A bale Of- reading matter including maga- is being stopped l the hoys i khaki overseas every week Christmas trees are being distributed the Board of Education among the various kin- classes of tli City at a cost of each five c less than last year They come from Parry Mound and Years Evo at the Royal will be celebrated by an interesting musical entertain ment dance Santa will a ay giving facts for the farmer It telle how to construct fireproof e a wear- proof buildings and bthef farm the most economical of allbuilding It it he hook that saved time labor anil inoney for more than progressive Consi- farracrfl Let it 1 Cfip the CoB I Li gi below Fill in Canada 1 A your name and Company Limited I address and MONTREAL I mail TODAY i CUTOUT AND CAHADA CHCKT COMPACT MoitruL SAO incsic me copy GtaxHmta Please cod me free copy Parmer can do with Concrete Picksrin Newmarket ENTER ANY TIME Resident and Day School for Boys and Preparation for Matriculation and Teachers Examinations IN SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING Preparatory Course Leading to Department MU8IC ART I Address P FIRTH A Principal GRAND TRUNK TIME TABL5 Leave NORTH Arrive Toronto am Newmarket am 130 pm 25 pm pm pm pm 1000 pm 1030 a 335 pm pm 1050 Leave GOING SOUTH Arrive Allajidnle am Newmarket am Toronto am pm Pm 535 pm pm am 1018 am pm Sept present every lady present with souvenir gift Rather than have any more con troversy over the payment by the city the- hotel bill Lord and Lady Aberdeen at the Quecn8 Hotel when they were attending the meet ing the National Council Wo men Mayor Church has it him self About two weeks George Kclicy came to Toronto with Six drink and self On way of the transgressor is hard A movement Is on foot to the next convention Federated Catho lic Societies in the United States Canada assemble Toronto luring the Township Council decided to make a grant of l0 the Union lack Chapter Daughters Of the Empire It will he used tot the relief of Indigents in tow- days later he bad spent It all in ship u lm 1 it ihtMHihitrihJLIf REAL COMFORJ The Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater is the very thins these cold nights ami mornings Always ready for use and quickly chases the chill HEATERS wot ftgiB 1 1