a holiday the be ore tonight aid will a HVsy jibing up his pur A Bad Fall of last week when were in a Mr Joshua Wilson who is over years of age slipped fell down Town was unable getup without assistance He ffaS put in a rig and driven home in doubt for a couple ol days whether his however he suffering and is getting along nicely trip was broken or was spared that relets Merry Christmas The presence of so many boys in last Saturday night gave Town a lively appearance Automobiles are getting so cheap that there is scarcely an excuse lor baring a home any more says an It is all right of course but we cant get used to seeing an automobile with over it and a horse standing right beside it without any blanket Nest Monday is municipal nomina tion The Town Brigade was the recipient of from Mr last for rendered fire some time ago Mr Duncan expects to move into his new store next week Owing to hitch about the Haines the barber has moved back Mr has is sending out nice calendar this week Wonderful Success The sympathies of the people of Newmarket towards our countrymen who are fighting for us in the trench es hive been aroused to point of generosity the action of the ladies in opening a Tea Room with this object in view met with very hearty response The music of the Orchestra kept the room lively last Saturday evening people crowded in to do their bit The sale of refreshments and homemade articles together with donations of made the re ceipts of the day reach the handsome sum of A Mean Sneak A week ago last Saturday Wei from Crossing fame to Town to do some shopping Having had het purchases which amounted to over tied in she tame up to the post office to post a letter It was the first time she had ever been inside the new- office and of course everything was strange Sir put her parcel on the boxes and had to look around to see where to buy a a then it took some time find where to drop the Fetter in However when she got ready to leave the to her surprise her parcel was gone and she has since got no Of it This should be a warning to Others not to leave things out of sight in public places The when everybody is honest has not yet arrived Methodist are asked to meet Friday is proud ol his Evening at the Church a for chickens He got five three final rehearsal of Cantata- Closes at and one 3rd at the Poultry PM sharp Show Choir anil Class Christian entertainment last have purchased enough yarn lojwjght- knit a pair of for each the have enlisted j nun tin Class Special Christmas music will be rendered by the choir nest Sunday at both services In the evening Church a for solo an I been faithfully rehearsing special by Bam faV will be sungThc mas music which will he next being taken by Dr Lewis and Mr A Solos by In the morning the anthems will J and Mr Harry Kaiser will also be part of the King by lhe services- Special Music The cryir of the Methodist ha Sunday follows morning he- The Birthday of and on by Simper Recruiting Brisk In the evening the service will be About men are now enrolled in mostly choral The ford of lhc Newmarket section of the All consisting pages of York They have nil Choruses Solos and j uniformed are under the command Duetts will he rendered This Can- Lieut Drilling takes place i tie lata has recently been printed daily the Market Square an1 never before been used in ally includes a parade around Newmarket or surrounding district Town The Fair buildings at Agri- music throughout is bright cultural Park have been to catchy and is hound take well No officers of the new regiment and Admission Seats free that thcywiU be into a barracks worth League The program for last Monday even ing was in charge of the Social Literary TKe Christmas Les son from Hen Hur read by Hewitt and the Christmas address by Industries Working Overtimo Mrs Addison were both very in- A J lobe reporter visited teresting The musical part- of the itet on Monday and the following is j program which consisted of a solo the result his observations I by Miss- Mason and an Instrumental Newmarket industries the largest unci by Mrs and Mr Which gives employment to iota or more report aciiuly engaged In all branchccC are much proved in this section more than one of the large concerns having to work to keep up with orders new post Just opened here reports record business for this time of the year The annual of Mr J Anderson ami Treasurer shows that about passed through Ms hands this year a splendid for a town with a Little interest fa noticeable yet In the coming municipal campaign All present members of are reelection with the possible exception of Mr George Forrester ho Ik reported as about to leave section early in the new year the up Cup Attention The Club will meet first of the New Year to draw the for the Various Competitions Be sure and get your Curling tick et from the Sec Mr Watson this next week as only who are then on the Members List can be placed In the draw The ice is now in shape to play on and the are buying some of the very best curling brooms for- Of was very to the occasion Lyons Inch being present gave a few regarding his duties as ji soldier of the King was his last trip to Newmarket be- Wedding Bella A very pretty wtnlding took place fore leaving for overseas lie bade farewell tothe League which wishes him every success and a safe return The League prepared Christmas present for each of the old folks at the Industrial Home which has been their custom of previous years Nomination at Newmarket The nomination of Candidates for Town Council and School Trustees for ft will take place at the Town Hall on Monday Evening text from to after addresses may be expected There leeris be very little said about Council matters and evxlently the tutors fcatlKfied with lhc pres et representatives No tetter ever around the Council board ami the- finances ol the Town grants on Wt of the as well County w Provincial Tax and 2c lower of taxation than the previous have not been in better shape W many years The Town Lighting System has been entirely remodelled W the York electric service entire satisfaction besides reducing the annual W at the Water Works advise ratepayers to go Co the hall fin night and hear ft from the men whi had in charge be an election It it paC Jan 3rd J following polling places House Ave loin try KHshtfl at the- home of friend the bride en Dec I01fl when one of our lair Canadian girls Miss lately from Newmar ket One Canada became the happy bride of Mr H wealthy The program for next Mondav of the town Ontario will be in the hands of thecal anJ formerly of San Diego Tins Citizenship and arrangenicnts travelled in a tailored suit of have been made for a very interest Belgian blue and large picture evening Mr J Wild man trimmed with an ostrich plume and Manager of the Office Specialty will They will spend their address the meeting his subject being honeymoon at San Diego after vlsit- of- film The musical the Exposition and on their program will also be very In- turn will reside at Mountain View and will Include a solo by The bride was a recipient of linen Miss McCarty and a selection by a also mlscelraneous shower from mixed quartette from the league A her young friends- in the town also cordial invitation is extended to several beautiful presents from other all to attend the last meeting but friends showing the esteem In which by no means the least of the old she is held in her new home We wish them many years of happiness Presents at the Last Moment Botated 8hoppers find an easy solution to their worries at our Our permits of a good assort ment SEEh Diamond Rings Diamond Brooshes Gold Wrist Gold cuff Links Gold Gold Pendants Pearl Signet Rings Glass Mesh Bags Fountain Porta Lockets Pins Sots j ALL AT VERY LOW Have a Look In A Prices jW9ir8 anil No is at the to turn shops munition factory wh i iesidesouUmgprivate profit a out to a considerable- would a reasonable price for been a for months shops to tile people of had been over to a privaVecompany cap- in which one of the leading is an old sidekick of the Hon Frank only now thing about the case the the facts the time war started the Borden Government like harJened its heart and far from lreaijng deadly peril of Hie British Empire as a nation al crisis proceeded to handle it as a strictly parly affair On the basis England hasv spent some half in Canada all of whicb has been distributed among party Let the galled jade wince pur withers are unwrurig was ths attitude Borden to wards dear old Mother Coun try at least as far as army con tracts were concerned Naturally a time came when England objected to paying through the nose for war supplies simply to keep the Borden Gov- friends sweet and A- Thomas and later on Mr ilichens were dispatched their object being to put it to Premier Borden if Great Britain didnt have a right to expect more from all this loyal talk than the highest price for shells that the traffic would bear They also suggested that the Shell Commit tee as then constructed was a pirates lair which ought to be broken up though of course they used more careful language The Premier promised to look into the matter hut postponed doing so and it was only when British war orders began to drop off that the reorganization of the Shell Com mittee was actively undertaken In short Mr Thomas and Mr did a little squeezing on their own account shut off the supply at the source and deprived the bloodsuckers of their ment After that the Shell Com mittee decided to he good and since then they have not tried to crowd the mourners It took sixteen mpiitlis to effect this change of heart in the Shell Committee and it will probably take another sixteen months to convince the Government that thimblerigging British shells for the profit of their party friends is no game for true patriots When Mr Thomas and Mr sug gested that the shops housed as a national munition factory on a rockbottom cost price basis for shells they might as well have saved their breath They were talking laa Govern terribly set in its ways a Government convinced that the greatest war in history was to be handled as a gigantic windfall for the Conservative party who had handled it that way for a year It was not likely that liioy would be swayed by any altruistic proposals from a- brace of LI ambassadors Under or dinary circumstances they didnt like Lloyd George anyway and the war wasnt going to make any difference So Mr Thomas and Mr lichens didnt get much more than a stepmothers welcome It can hardly hove escaped Messrs Thomaa and that hey were asking the Government to go against its whole previous policy From the very start The Canadian war contracts were awarded with a view hot to reach- the producer directly and get- ling the lowest price but to greasing as many middlemen as possible In one case the binoc ulars there were exactly eight middlemen between and the consumer and all took a good bite Wherever a middleman or two could bo work ed into a contract Govern ment went out of iU way to gel them It believed in laying up treasures of gratitude against the next general election a practice which it continues to this day Mr P the latest patriot to come between the Peel County formers and the horses they had to sell to the Govern ment Mr Fajllfl butted in to the extent of 3000 but ho sees no thing wrong In It because horse dealing is his business and not a finicky delicacy about making money the universal mis fortune Besides who was Mr lo consider himself better than the Borden Government which had acted all along on the theory that the war was being waged less for humanity than for the middlemen Under pressure the Government rame around to Mr Thomas and Mrs way of thinking at least so far as making shells at a decent price was concerned but not to the extent of making shells a national business and cutting the profiteers out That was too much to They didnt do it for Canada and much less would they do it for Great Britain The best they could do was to make impossible for their friends to get all their in the trough at one lirne And the being lo a safe distance the Shell Committee became the Imperial Munitions Board of CdnadaY Li millionaire This reorganization of is BiHer I- i J from Bo to 00 Fancy Lace and Embroidered Collars Mens Ties In Separate Boxes f up Boudoir Caps V from 2Bc w Slklne Handkerohlefs And Hundreds of Other Xmas Gifts BE TO SHOP EARLY NONE OF OUR LINES CAN BE REPEATED i i accomplished throe great objects it put the price of shells where it couldbe seen without straining the neck off lion of the original Shell Com mittees transactions by making LloydGeorge in- arid it acquired an en terprising chairman in the shape of J who has resign ed from the Fedora Economic Commission to cohcehiralen bis new duties One sees his hand however in the approaching cen sus of Canadian industrial plants by the Federal Economic Commis sion Chairman is ga ting busy It is about time so otiewas getting busy Fifteen months ago was suggested thai Canada appoint a Minister of and mobilize her war in dustries Mr may not be a Min ister of Munitionshe perhaps knows more about sausage ens ings than shells but he is next best bet It is understood that he is the Hon Whiles the Finance Minister Ifav boosted him as the greatest efficiency expert in Canada great this efficiency is Mr White knows from his own experience in the last general election All Mri expects to get out it is a Knighthood The story runs that this knighthood was to go lo General Bertram the chairman and saving grace of the Shell Committee abig-liodrl- honest gentleman who light SI worth of shells for Great Britain for SI less than was allowed him but jack reputation for especially with While So when the Heal Ihiiiff came along Bertram was aside If PINK ORCHARD A profitable session of the Womens Institute was held last Wed- afternoon Although the at tendance was not so large as on Borne occasions all entered in the discussion with much life evidence of continued interest It was decided to hold a sewing bee at the home of Mrs on Wednesday afternoon Dec 28th at one oclock for the purpose of ting out and sewing for the Belgian children who have been separated from their parents They arc sadly In need clottyng the winter As many i i I i t quarters for Santa Clause The largest andfinest stock of Xmas Handker chiefs and Collars ever shown in Newmarket Fancy Blouse Lengths In pretty boxes Dressing Gowns Fancy Chintz Bags Boudoir Caps Evening Scarfs Fancv Waste Paper Baskets Neck Scarfs Patriotic Cushion Tops Fancy Linen Pieces Fancv Xmas Ribbons OTHER USEFUL GIFTS FOR Invite You to Call and See our rl CAN Capital Paid Up PELEG President Reserve Fund E HAY General Manager Drafts Money Orders and Lotters of Credit Issued available throughout tho World In Government and Securities In Domost Foreign Exchanged Savings Department at all Branches t Interest credited halfyearly at Current ah account ShYiYTH Manager Newmarket FARMERS NOTES DISCOUNTED TERMS SUPPLIED ON APPLICATION GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED i Cooper of who was engaged In pump business was killed In well by a plank slipping and striking Mm on the head An other 6tayner man Hawkins close call in another well when an empty bucket became unhitched and fell Into the well striking him on the back of the neck French captured Ger mans including 21 on day Threatened wills the mos disas trous soft coal famine In the last years New York and New England manufacturers are already paying double the normal price because of the shortage LIVE MARKET Highest prices paid in Toronto this week were Select Christmas Heifers 780 SOUTH END Royal Choice Cuttle Common Cattle to 800 lbs Milkers Sheep Hogs off cars Market Dec 1916 Wheat per bush 03 05 Oats per bush Hay per ton Butter lb Potatoes per bag Chickens per lb 0 lb Gees lb Dec per bush 1 00 Oats per- bush 0 30 per bush 0 Snorts per- ton 00 Ursa per 6m d6zl V bagV M per cUBfttewi per ft 9 Household The Leader for Bread Made from Old Wheat MONARCH moss ROSE and OK CHOICE PAS THY FLOURS ALSO PURE BUCKWHEAT FLOUR BRAN AND SHORTS All Kinds of Feed for Fowl CALL AND LEAE YOUR ORDER I Prompt- Delivery Phone GO i A HOWARD ALL KINDS OF OARTINQ AND TEAM WORK ATTENDED TO fa r A MAIN STREET 80UTH If WE ARE GIVING BIG INDUCEMENT f OUR BENEFIT FOR CHRISTMAS ARE A FEW OF THE LINES Mens Fur Lined Coats Reg to for Mens Mocha Tor Mens Underwear Reg for Mens Heavy Rubbers Sizes to 11 Mol3a Mens Rubber Boots Reg for Boys Rubber Boots Coats Reg for Ladles Patent Leather Boots Cloth Top Reg 249 Mens Suspendera- v ntar