Newmarket Era, 24 Dec 1915, p. 4

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Tell How oCQiKmie Cough the grippe left with a chronic cough rundown out and weak I took all kinds of without try it Before I Had taken I felt better and after taking two my entirely cared end I have new vim and energy John Vino a delicious cod liver and iron tbnle guaranteed for coughs and bronchitis and for all weak rundown conditions J Patterson Druggist Newmarket v j- ATTEND THE BEST I if PAY i- Council Dec Mayor It is announced tnatt creation of Members Messrs the for the compilation of arming to reduce the fire loss in Ontario is expected date to Ontario During the three ordinary running the countrp has increased under the Borden from per head 39523 2p5 or per of estimated The war ex VMcrtihers present Messrs Cane Keith Clark Minutes of last meeting read Land adopted following accounts to be paid VA M6rais6n Cane Sons M Collins 2500 Factory Products Bennett v 6o head of u i v- is not counted this fti Orders reached TORONTO middle of last week spirituous- liquors and in toxicating drinks to be brought or drank in any mess or quarters of the Canadian active militia This order is simply an extension of the one issued by Gen ijj October last in the Has a National Reputation for superior Business and Shorthand Education Catalogue Commence Now I J ELLIOTT Principal St Toronto WINTER TERM OPENS GREAT OPPORTUNITY i Having installed an eleclrio plant I have no further use for a small dynamo having a capaci ty of from 5 to lights to run from a steam plant Can be seen in operation at any time Cost will sell for THOMPSONS MACHINE SHOP Prospect Ave Newmarket A REPRESENTATIVE WANTED at once for NEWMARKET and District for the oldreliable NURSERIES Farmers 1 Why remain all Winter when you can lake up a paying agency Choice list of varieties for Planting Liberal Terms Handsome Free Outfit Exclusive Territory I WRITE NOW FOR PARTICULAR- STONE AND WELLINGTON TORONTO ONTARIO Toronto division Commencing with December is sue of the Canadian Liberal Monthly published at Ottawa the yearly sub scription has been Reduced from to per annum At this al price be patronized by liberals very generally throughout the entire Dominion of the Canadian Literal- Monthly is purely lines and will be found helpful to Liberals gen erally An Ottawa press despatch stales that people sub scribed to the recently war loan The aggregate- is slightly under It is stat ed that when it was decided in crease the loan from fifty to one hundred millions option was en subscribers of withdrawing or reducing Iheir applications A V Customs Buffalo Meter Co 213 Postage Road and Bridges 210 Geo Brown George Hotel for- a one inch meter Referred lb Fr and Com The applications of and Holt for electric was granted Communication from Buffalo Met- Co referred to and Com A corriunicatiorTfrom the Suffrage Association was read Mr KcUh preseiited a reporton finance and assessments Report adopted Tench Keith that Iho account of Miller amounting to be The latest returns published by the press on the Church vote of the Presbyterian Church in Canada favors amal gamation by a majority voto of and a pastoral majority vote in fayor of 333 Ottawa and Kingston Cities both favor union but Toronto majority is opposed thereto The Presbytery of SI has given a majority of 321 against but several Pres byteries in the West have gone largely in favor of union 7 has the details to be expos- itiviojhoStJ of ulhios that the kernel- falling into he Turks of when it friends and folio suffered Viscount Bryce confirni and- ghastly history by which Armenians in Northern and Anatolia were driven a deatlj fiendish cruelly The first ho says was re ceived by the copjmitiep In the United Stales and they second part from an mart who received it Street is now -byialpT- The a conference being men fro hi to WUK a view a The sufferings of the peasanls and mountaineers in lite regions of Van Mush and says seem to have been even more terrible than of the peaceful town- folk described In Part One ofthe ropdrt Every piece of evidence increases the horror of the story and confirms dreadful of its These were not produced by imagination- Many of are The Clerk presented yearly vouched for by several coincident similar Id proposed and Oshawa roads Railway Have more now in the than report ending Dec The Clerk was instructed to pro ceed with the collection of rears for and faxes and if necessary to have the assistance of he Corporation tor Council adjourned Holland Landing- Council NOTICE i Removed to Cor ner of on Timothy Street PAINTER j PAPERHANQER DRAINER ART DECORATOR ETC Wall Paper Supplied from 3o per Roll and Hung on the Most Reasonable Terms ALL WORK GUARANTEED I ALL OF PAINTED A JI- WANTED NOW Reliable Salesman to act as Agent In York County PAY WEEKLY Outfit free exclusive territory and money making specialties Our agencies are the best in the business for we sell the highest grade of slock at most reasonable prices and guar antee deliveries In first class condition Nursery slock is selling well ibis year and good money can be made in Ibis district For particulars write Kales Manager NURSERY CO Toronto Out A BARGAIN One of those pencil Illinois Vacuum Carpet Sweepers Good as new Cost Will sell for No further use having in stalled an electric sweeper Ap ply at Office BOB Furnace Work Plumbing roughing In respect to the question of Church Union up to Friday last with Presbyteries to hear from the majority for union with the Methodist and Congregational Churches was reported to be The Globe of Friday says One of the largest majorities for union thai has been announced was given in Prince Edward Is land The majority in this case was Included in the forty- nine Presbyteries thai have re turned their voles are con gregations of which returned majorities for union The union majority remains at the rale of three to Iwo In the returns of the twelve Presbyteries announc ed yesterday a majority of 10933 for union was voted NEW P TUNNEL Glacier Dec The East and West at when the final charge exploded in the heart or Mount and opened a passage through the new Canadian Pacific Railway tunnel The cere mony of tiring the connecting shot was In the presence of a number of prominent railway and men engineer and four intrepid ladies two and a half miles from either exit and six thousand feet below the surface construction of this famous Rogers Pass tunnel is the greatest engineering feat of that kind on the continent and marks a further stage of the development on live Pacific l Rail way transcontinental route The work has been marked by speed and efficiency since the contract was let in July three miles ol the enlargement has been complete and will be finished In the Fall of tunnel will be 26400 feet long and the approaches an addition al nine miles The width of the tun nel will be feet and height feet an has double track It saves an elevation feet track length miles and eliminates 2200 degrees of cur vature and of The maximum grade in the tunnel is Council met Dec Pres ent the Reeve and ail the mem bers The collectors report Treasurers statement were pre sented Uncollected Uses lo date The following accounts Were ordered to be paid Hitching rep to bell Smith rep lo bell Fred Bell making ditchaa per agreement Tate drawing gravel 50 J Express Postage Nails 368 Mrs Chapman Nails 65 C work on i0 work on culverts and sidewalk I to J A Allan rope i28 Thompson rep to bell Thompson drawing gravel Collector on salary Printing 2000 Clerks salary Inspector V Salary 1500 Moved by J If seconded by that the collect ors lime be extended till the of Jan and thai the Treas statement be received and accept ed- Council adjourned testimonies They all keep and the is most and some pi it most terrible prosent phase of events civilized world Ms powerless to in tervene but we niusl bear these un speakable crimes in constant mem ory against the day of reckoning After giving the parts of the evid ence received from the United States Viscount says that the follow ing extracts were taken front correspondent at Toward end of May Bey the military governor was ex- polled from Van fled south wards and entered with somo soldiers whom he called butch er battalion He massacred most of the Christians of the details of which are not known best of if is re ported that lie ordered his soldiers lo burn in public squares Armenian bishop Variaved and the Chaldean bishop Shore in the past ten years- Measures to enforce the are to be taken Jy the n tar G by e e I after new especially the city neglect Iheir duly he slept by gas a defective jet- was I he verdict rendered by a which the demise of Up helped improve my Farm He was years of age Freddie Welsh was the lion Sportsmens Patriotic Association at an informal dinner at the Walker House last week The British lightweight cliampionof the wbfld had tendered his ser vices to the cause of Canadian khaki free of all cost and the took occasion lo recog nize this spirit by the presentation to Mr Welsh of a diamond stickpin s It is the valuable book I own arid it cost me nothing It has saved me time labor and money and Ive got better lbkingi more durable and more serviceable buildings than I ever had before The first of concrete form improvement is also the lent Theres no after for paint or no danger from rot or no trouble of any kind they lower the rale you havent a copy of What the Farmer can do with Concrete lor one today more of lion practical Haatraica by and pbooiraplf aad of faro A copy will be to you free cbarfe receipt of below CAHADA CEMEHT LIMITED Montreal ASTORIA CUT OUT AND MAIL PJetM Bead ma a free copv of What The Firmer Cta Do With Concrete Namcy Street No City Pray For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of Horrors of Cruelty On June the Turks surround ed Hie I own of and cut its communication with neighboring Armenian villages Then most of Th Herald like HOW TO RUN A FURNACE the men were taken from women by domicili ary visits During the following few days all the men under arrest us has met the man who knows how run a furnace and keep his house warm on halt the coal we use It says One gentleman we always were shot outside ho town and admire and love to meet and he is among raomc lie hired girl he is the most the useless lot wore driven to and person We ho south and believed have succcc running of Our Specialties Bathroom Outfit At lRAblNO TINSMITHS OSBORHE SONS Next to Grocery- Goal Orders filled at all of Richer Mala The Serbians In the recent Captured men belonging to the enemy IJecausc the glycerine It contains used by the Germans In restrictions been placed on the cod liver oil from Dec In one the most spectacular fires ever seen at the passenger and the Northern Companys fleet was completely destroyed in the River Clair here today and the steam er Baronlc of the same fleet was damaged to the extent of some The Ion on the Is with Insurance W0000 Wild and Improbable although such and such appear on their they bear study and repay It for we then see that they are lull of iiibtte were that they cer tain facts a will ttrt Day fcvet Aiwa on wWi flow ana wonder to M more than dry NORTH YORK MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS JOHN O and Importer of Foreign and Domestic Granites and Mar bles Designs In Monu ments and Headstones All Kinds of Cemetery work promptly at tended lo Call and see before buying elsewhere All kinds of Building Stone Gut to Order JOHN MOSS BOX Works Cor Millard Arden Newmarket Roller Flour MILLS LIKE PIE Of course you do when you know it Ms made from MOSS FLOUR You can always count on turn ing put the lightest sweetest and most AND When you use this flour Its recognized as best by all compe tent judges TRY ROSE FLOUR THE NEXT TIME YOU BAKE Your grocer will supply you EVERY GUARANTEED Phono 69b H ROBINSON Proprietor TrWWIBH OP ZURBRI6Q J West buried deep trenches dug by the victims themselves The young women children were distribut ed among the rabble rcmaind- the aim to nave been drowned in the Tigris Any attempts at resistance however brave were quelled by the regular troops Many Armenians after flr- ingtheir last cartridge either look poison by whole families or killed themselves in their homes in order to fall into the hands- of the Turks It is in such a fashion that the Turks disposed of about Armenians at At Mush early in July the authorities demanded arms from the Armenians and a largo sum in ransom Of notables of the own The men of the vil- were subjected to revolting lures I Their finger nails and then their toe nails were forcibly extract ed teeth were knocked out and in some cases were whittled down victims thus being done to death under shocking lingering agony The female of victims who came to the rescue wore assaulted in before the very eyes of their mutilated men The shrieks and death cries of the vic tims filled the air yet they did not move Turkish beast Alive In the town of Mush itself the Armenians under leadership of and others entrenched themselves in churches and houses and fought for four days in selfdefence but Turkish artillery manned by German officers made short work of all the Armen ian positions and every one of the Armenian leaders as well as their men were killed in the fighting Vyheu were dead and silence reigned over the ruins of the churches and houses the rest of the Moslem rabble descended upon the women and children and drove them out of town and into largo camps already had been prepared for the peasant women and children The ghastly scenes which follow ed may seen incredible yet these reports have been confirmed beyond all doubt The shortest means em ployed for disposing of the women and children in the various camps was by burning was set to the large sheds in Alljan Khasjogh and other Ar menian villages and these absolute ly helpless women and children wcro roasted lo death the gentleman who tells us how cheaply he runs the furnace Next to the gentleman who knows how to our furnace cheaply or in running it at all Our furnace has always run us We followed every bit of sage that has floated round our way- We have raised the push and lowered the have pulled out the carburetor and pushed in the spark plug have the and turned the We have polished the piston rod- oiled the monkey wrench inserted the and upset the We have worked all things singly and in combination backwards forward in side and out up and down ataman left swing to the and all and our furnace has still got the Sphinx of Egypt back of the boards as an all around mystery It is a grinding demoniacal thing waiting for whom it may devour The Austrian have executed two Americans as spies The young Abyssinia Is so vyell disposed towards the AI- lies that ho has offered them 200000 soldiers to be used as their necessi ties demand Woodstock Dee Fire of an unknown origin completely destroyed the barn on tho arm of William Mc- of West doing damage to the over proprietor was In toe cellar ol the barn and the men were drawing in corn when the lire broke out Pickering College Newmarket ENTER ANY TIME Resident and Day School or Boys and Girls Preparation for and Examinations IN 8HORTHAND TYPEWRITING BOOKKEEPING I Preparatory Course Leading lo Collegiate Department A ART I Address P FIRTH A Prinolpal investigation Prove that various disease germs have their breeding- pi ace In the waste products of the bddy Dont then let your bowels clog and throw these harmful germs back on the blood Take no chances with serious illness Keep your bowels free and the bile regulated with which promptly and surely relieve constipation Indigestion biliousness and sick headache They ore compounded drugs of vegetable origin harmless and not habitforming The experience of three generations chow that prevent disease and are A Great to Health Worth a Guinea a Box St Helen ltnctihtrt ever in J I In taJtM A Heroic Many women went mad and threw away their children Borne women knelt down and prayed amid I in which wcro burning their bodies shrieked for help which carno from nowhere and executioners who unmoved by this unparalleled savagery grasp ed Infants by one leg and hurled into Iho Arc calling out lo burning mothers Hero are your lions nirklsh prisoners who some of these scenes were horrified and madden ed at remembering the sight odar of burning flesh they say the air for many days In the hill country of Bosun- the surviv ing warriors round themselves sur rounded at quarters by Turks and Kurds Then followed one of those for have always beep tte Men Him gli liai mm DONT RISK A COLD Winter chilis arc dangerous Keep baby warm and happy with a Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater PERFECTION HEATERS HAD CANADA tUtt f HlUi ffifl Mill ihvjriV i V01t mm J A Allan Co j in f RCsniiir I i J mm i of I I a I I

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