Newmarket Era, 24 Dec 1915, p. 6

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w MP IT -Pi- At ALBERT f TV- AGENT J- MOUNT ALBERT 1 Mrs home aftera months visit Toronto and Newmarket Mr and Mrs and children of Keswick were guests Mrs one day recent ly- Mrs McGordick and little girl of Newmarket were guests ofMrs for a week Mr Dan Moor of Calgary is visiting at of parents at The regular meeting of the Wo mens Institute will be at the home Mrs Jacob Smith on Wed nesday- at two on Other Woman by Mrs Miller Friendship and Hospital ity in the Home by Mrs and music by Miss Goode I VIRGINIA Municipal matters are very quiet in The are that Reeve will not have any opposition Our veteran thresher is still pounding awayt Several jobs to do just through The new at Crons- berrys is a ani Ed lis wearing a smile these days that wont wash off Weill bells are ringing on the Sth line trys and two of our esteemed young folks will after this travel in double I bet will get a rest Our blacksmith very busy these days shoeing horses taking in cash and handing out calendars KESWICK The pictures in the Method Church Monday night were Very plain and educative in matter The church was well filled Mr Arthur Cole visiting his home Arthur has been in SasV for some time back spending Toronto We are real glad to see hat our school is kept running right up the last but sorry to Bee that par ents do not see that all scholars are on band the last as others of thi Miss Bessie Terry left Thursday morning to spend some time with her slater in St Louis A Messrs Gladstone and Lee Morton are home from their reepec- for the festival time Another Mr Isaac en listed lor overseas service- We think that Mr and Mrs Marritt should be very proud Tonight is the night of Tree and Concert in- Church Do not fail to be there and hear- the Musical Comedy and Miss Carmlcrvael A number from here attended the school and report that it was fine school report that it fine Mrs Fletcher has been ahle to sit up a little e o few We are pleased to report did you see the wind stir the snow and weeds at the rink the other day Encouraging wasnt it Mr Arthur Morton had quite a scare Monday A gas fixture caused small fire in decora tions i- i municipal cauldron in East is beginning to bub ble and the Nomination next Monday boiling over ExReeve lends to cross swords with the popular while having a tilt willi Proc tor for the posjtioij Vpf in addi tion to ones of Percy a riuhibef f elector that can possibly be pres ent should attendthe in Sharon next Monday as some very brilliant and able speeches will be given Jy the prospective candidates The Christmas Tree and to have been hold last evening under the Presbyterian Sun day School bad to be called off on of the prevailing measles i whose death occurred very Suddenly at the home of his soninlaw Mr in was buried in the J 5lli Deceased was the last remaining person that lived on the Con of fiwillimi was bury in the early Fifties One local sister one brother threesons and BALDWIN BREEZES fe5 Uncle Jphnston poses paying a visit to Michigan friends after if he can make arrangement Cor Aunt Rallys welfare during absence A got into a sunshine and good fortune so he thinks Watch him smile Yon remember some time ago Doc- bought a most wonder ful speedy colt from trim for the tri fling sum of three hundred A mourned and mourned- for that coiti- at three and rlf did mile in two minutes seven teen aid a quarter seconds- The owner has refused lot it Rec ognizing the fact it is too late oyer spilled milk A I around and has a colt mpre promisirig the one spoken of His new Red teitecV bargain has Everything in his voipedigree the best dam and watch the dust fly next summer be sanguine Albert -Arthur- proloiiged his stay here beyond the lime his Missus given him to do The reasons were justillable ones Shooting malcliw were on deck and- Artie soon on deck also with the deter mination to demons rale that lie Kingof the CasCie amongst to so On EGYPT Concerts and Box Socials seem fee the order of the day now and far all have been a success The Social at Cedar r Friday evening last passed ofl very well in spite of tf bad night A program- was given including choruses recitations tarjeau dia logues selections by the Zephyr Orchestra and sobs Miss Mr and others After the program came the really exciting event the selling of the boxes Mr Kester of Zephyr had charge of that part and certainly made things live ly for a while The proceeds which amounted to forty dollars and fortyfive to the Red Cross A concert and tree will be held in Baldwin Christian Church on Tuesday evening bee 21st- Messrs David and George Cock- bunt of Highlanders To ronto will he at their home here for Christmas Mr Leslie Cockburn has and is under the doctors care Our teacher Miss has also been under doctors care and has not been able to attend her duties for a few days She hopes however to he able to resume her on Monday Mr Harold and Miss of spent Saturday at Mr Kays Miss has- returned home from Toronto We are pleased to have her of up last week to attend his fathers funeral Mr of Cedar brae was at Mr on Sunday Palsy- PJ2TERS CORNERS Messrs Farr attended the Poultry Show in Newmarket last Mr and I It Goodwin of viifjted at Mr Tates on Sunday of at Mr Shropshires few rfays last week Watson is spending the Holidays cousin Miss Mtfrct of Mr Mrs spent last ffaursdgy in Toronto Myrtle Ford Is spending the with her parents tn wonder if someone will he Mr Mrs Rout- tjoyd spent a couple of days i Toronto this week Mr Charles and family of have moved in the residence of ike laU Mrs Vr Eugene spent Thursday in Toromto Mr id Mrs at White on Mr and Mrs J visit ed at Mr Walter fullers Second Street last Thursday Say where was our scrib last week Guess everybody wis too much tacn up with Jersey School Concert to be bothered with such Those not privlledged to take in the School Concert missed a grand time Owing to the rain there was not as large a crowJ a might been but all report it grand suc cess One special feature of- the pro gram was the presentation of an Manicure Set to Miss teacher of the school The presenta tion was made by Miss Orpbi and following address was read Mr Carson To our ever popular teacher As we loo- back over the days that have gone the happiest days perhaps of our lives we Cannot help but a longing for the return of our pub lic school life more especially at the present time when we have such an teacher teacher who has prov en herself to he of exceptional ItV who friends under all cir cumstances wherever she go We feci as though it would he an honor to again hae our on the Register of ibfa public However this cannot- Ie Try time that Is past returns- Within that is past never returns Within pleasure of enjoying many pleasant hours together with our Teacher and as we may not meet again in the same manner for another year- we to show in some little Way the in which we held our teacher So we the exstudents pi this school arc asking you to accept this Mani cure Set not as of any great value but simply as remembrance of your many friends in this commun ity In the year is Come we hope that we shall be enabled to spend many more pleasant evenings in your company and next Christ mas if you see fit prepare an en tertainment we vill consider it pleasure to assist in any way pos sible with same Your most Sincere Friends of Jersey School The young people will have to find something else to do now as prac tising is Over Skating will soon be the order the day Looks like sleighing by Who was responsible for the horse falling down the hill Friday night Coasting must be good eh Miss Richardson of was the guest of Miss Hlgler for the weekend Miss Marjory Boyd and Miss Violet Thompson spent the week end at Miss Peters Merry to all eke Dec An Austrian charged breaking into a store guilty and sentenced by to three Kingston Children FOR FLETCHERS CASTOR I A ALBERT Announce that lie has as nice a lot of Cutters that ever to Ml Albert Be sure to see them before you buy I also have a lot of Blankets and Harness specially for and for you cant heal nip Be sure Hue the In It Is a A OLD BOY Hun A who lias just called be Minister of Finance in the new Cabinet of British Columbia is an old York County hoy being a son of Mr one time general storekeeper at His career was begun with Mi It Van a hardware merchant of Mark barn afterward Governor of Toronto Jail Hon Mr went west as a traveller for the AinesBoldeii Co Of Montreal Ills nead- wnch lhl morning 111 one daughter are the only near relatives left remaining Mrs Dunham who has been very ill is doing- very nicely and hopes to be up and around again soon Mrs in kill is also the sick list but is improving Christmas is again with home gatherings this yea in a great many instances will be sad ones Loved ones have been removed by death the cruel war has taken a very great number of our young men to the front as number our nursing sisters who have gone to the of carnage to help relieve the sick and wounded soldiers Mr Mrs ADoan re ceived this week a much welcomed letter from their daughter Katie A She is stationer with No 1 General Hospital at in Greece She gives a splendid of her trip from London England to Alexandria in Egypt then across the Aegean Sea to Malta and from there loSaloniki Miss Nellie was sure a successful exhibitor at the market Poultry Show having se cured two Watson followed with two seconds Who says canl raise poultry I Wishing the readers of the Era the Greeiings THE WAR SITUATION The capture of Varna by the Rus sians is reported Varna is the chief Bulgarian port on the Sea Af ter si Bulgarian guns aril destroy ing the fortifications The Russians landed infantry and artillery without loss and in sufficient strength to re sist any Bulgarian counterattack This is most cheering news for some time Varna stands on a hill the north shore of hay at the eastern terminus of the railway The reported landing of the Russians at this point of which there is as yet no official confirmation leads to conclusion that Greece has determined for pres ent at least to remain spectator It would not have been lostdule for the Russians to concen trate a force and intervene so effec tively had the Government at Buch arest been actively hostile The al lied countries can now face the Bal kan confidence than at any moment since the forces crossed the Ser bian border Britains military strength stands revealed In announcing to the House of Commons Ids decision to call up a million men in addition to those now In the field training Mr stated that the strength of the British armies at the front was about a million and a quarter As three million men had enlisted up to the time when the Derby plan was put Into force of whom had been killed In action or so se riously wounded to he Incapable of service there are at present the United Kingdom about trained men available for tin number of recruit- who have actually joined the colors since September Over Germans are killed and missing W J McCracken of Meafofl a wellknown artist was found- lifeless In his studio Round Dec 22 A fire corn- Wednesday last field his- annual rifle The best wins were J Kelr top lines three geese Arthur each a pair of geese and a wellwon single bird Arties demonstra tion of kingship was not a howling success about like Owls effort to demonstrate the proposition Euclids ments of On Saturday a big shoot was- blown put at Zephyr Most of the big guns present- Artie got there with both feet He scooped in seven geese out of twenty and a prize for the highest aggregate Mrs Keswick was keenly interested in the affair So solicitous was she for her hoys success that she phoned to Bald win How did boy make out Dunconib Mother was Arts response iringle must have a word Dont forget Mr Owl to say I eight out of ten at I dont forget It Jas n record shoot hoy Id our city cousins see a chap proudly stepping along with a nine geese dangling to his rifle barrel in the neighbor hood tiierin St that might be Artie again it might not Our people are making very extensive arrangements for a Merry Christmas War is no harrier loa jolly time in old Can ada I guess Ill fall heir to fa share Our was off last week A very Severe it imperative that the should riiuwild Miss Velma is maid at a lncalwedding this week I think Velma would shine as a herself hut pa couldnt spare his darling Sharon news Is Well chronicled these times Im afraid with such able rivalry I must resign my post as Joker in till Of for I am much Interested in Sharons citi zens and their doings Itamsay especially as he is pro prietor of Old historic ground More anon Michael nine ills and Christ mas trees are now in full blast Our burg is full of smart kids willing to suffer martyrdom for public amusement Billy Miller has captured black find white That stands good for He to make number a cool hundred a record breaker Mink used to he worth and 5 Now they arent worth half a measly skunk is fickle I observe yes indeed I do that a scribe has much to concerning pa Pa must he a flno fellow a good fellow as I am told Its natural for my lassie to show she appreciates her sire Renew Eras duty cold kids Winnipeg He has been a resident of Victoria for some years and fa reported to he very wealthy having large mtniugand interests The National Liberal Advisory Council to consist of fifty members has been constituted as an outcome of the conference called by Sir Wilfrid at Ottawa New York 81 hunnrol thousand dollars was Routed at la by the Jews of York tor re- gutted the block the bakery of AR Atkin son the furniture anil undertaking establishment Mr Alex Chief of the fire brigade and also the Indian Ottawa Dec The Militia Council has arranged for a real Christmas dinner for all the Cana dian in Canada and la Instructions have been sent to of all the to alloW tor extra cents man be spent on the rations for Christmas Day this will allow for the 300 killed Dec 22 pm Ad vice from Amsterdam stale that cording to accounts received there of the women employed in the Mueastcr Powder Mill Westphalia were killed Part of town was destroyed and the whole supply of munitions was lost The explosion is to have been accidental ihe Kaiser has forbidden any Christmas celebrations in more arrests been made In the German plot to de stroy The Bulbars captured French mscblni guns and two batteries of SUTTON Methodist Anniversary Arrangements are complete for the Anniversary Service of the Methodist Church for Sunday the gild January Hew den will preach at am and pm music is being pre pared by the Choir also be a rally at pm On Monday night Jan- 3rd at Will bo given Miss a of Toronto Conservatory of Expression will give varied selections from Canadian authors interspersed with and vocal music from some of Suttons best artists The Town Hall is the placelor the concert and the scats ace sale at Store at Open Night night Dec M is open night at the Hall for the ladies Gents arc asked to partner with them so Ihal all can play euchre Not Wanted Council decided their last nicotine on the that a billiard parlor was not needed in Sutton and voted down pe tition Auto team Vulcanizing Plant Send me your Auto Tires I pay Express one way Charges Moderate Give me a trial All sizes of Tires In stook New and Rebuilt Gasoline Oils Accessories General Repair Work Main Street Garage Sutton STANLEY A BREULS Prop Next Monday The nomination for reeve four councillors and three sell will be lield in the Town Hall on Monday the Concert iinox Concert and Tea was successful and the program good Mrs class presented herewith a beautiful box floiiery Match The Constables were out Sun day looking for a runaway wd- pair They were married on Saturday and the father of the bride laid a charge as the girl is under age Call ft As I his will bo our last call bo- fore wo wish to remind you have a those collars socks etc on hand which would make acccptnblo presents We are able to fill your requirements in FANCY BRACES SHIRTS PYJAMAS CaH In NECK SCARFS SOCKS Etc and see what we have In tne way of What we have gifts for men CALL AND SEE US GENTS OUTFITTERS Issuer of Marriage SUTTON WEST IF ITS BARGAINS YOU WANT COME OVER TO J I have in the last two weeks stocked up with a big line of Mens Womens and Good Staple Quality Boota and and also quantity of Mitts and Gloves The Prices are Right Gome and avoid Ruahl You Dont Know What You are Missing I PRICES I GALL IN TO REDUCED CHA Dealer In Dry Goods Groceries Boots Flour and Feed Etc St James Church Hay am Holy Com munion HI Church am Holy Communion Musses leave Office at o clock I Mr McKay lost a valuable registered mare on Tuesdatt lie drlvuig onto weigh scales when the animal fell her and had to he despatched The annual lhr8tmas Poultry Fair I 1 400 Will buy a Nloe Dominion Louis Design Mahogany a Lovely Piano only used a few Will buy a New Mendelssohn years Guarantee Takes Gerhard Player notes with rolls a Lovely Piano in Excellent Condition THE ABOVE INSTRUMENTS CAN BE PURCHASED ON TERMS A8 LOW 5 A MONTH and horse show held here last kTU day was not so well attended a in previous years The condition of the roads was wheeling and sleighing and it day con sequently the attendance fell short other The buyers of pro duce were numerous and a large quantity was disposed of by the pro ducers at prices considerably In ad vance of last year Turkeys to to Ducks Kgg I Butter good I GET YOUR VIOTROLA OR FOR XMA8I with 8eleotions 55 and weekly Latest and all you want Trade In that old Organ and get your moneys worth All styles from to 250 on easy terms Let Us One In Your Homo on Trial Give Us I Wo Will Save You I TUNING I ON MOVING I RENTING I NOTICE A I I- m

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