Newmarket Era, 24 Dec 1915, p. 8

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Tana By I i East Toronto two years I vis a of and Gas In The It afterwards attacked my Heart and I had pains all over the so hardly more around I tried all kinds of medicines but none of them did me any good At last acting on the advice of a friend to try I bought first box last June and now I am after using only three boxes I to anyone from Indigestion no matter acute FRED J A VEEN fliaaple Indigestion often leads to Heart Attacks Catarrh of the Stomach and constant distress of mind and body Jf you are bothered with any Stomach Trouble and especially if Constipation troubles you take fiOo a box 6 for triAl size At all dealers or seat postpaid by Limited Ottawa FOR SALE Park Building Lots on Park and Avenues Apply to Newmarket TO RENT On St rooms Town Immediate possession if desired on Jan 1st S SCOTT FOR SALE OR TO RENT Brick House on Prospect Ave All modern conveniences good and cistern Enquire of Grace St Newmarket FOR SALE Acre Farm valuably farm ing land containing gravel and sand pits Good buildings some timber and some pasture Im mediate possession Phone r4i or write It Armstrong Newmarket PO WE HAVE FOR A desirable property situated on Prospect Ave A largesized dwelling with all convenienccs in first class shape Quarter of an acre of grounds with apple and small fruit trees Prairie stable and cement lien house This we consider the best buy in town so act quickly- Terms can be arranged to suit purchaser Apply to P Morton box 373 Newmarket in TO The Celebrated Jersey Bull BRAMPTON MERGER Ron of a Worlds Milk and Butter Fat And also a Registered Hoar will be kept for ser vice On West Half Lot 35 Con Whitchurch DAN Foreman SHAWS SCHOOLS Toronto Canada Include The Shaw Correspondence School Central Business The Central Telegraph and Railroad and The Four City Business All provide excel lent courses leading to good salaried positions Free cat alogue on request Write for it Presi dent Head Offices Yonge Toronto OVER YEARS EXPERIENCE strafe Anniversary services will in St- Andrews Church A number of accoVqlsyere here Deb of a appear the Richmond Hilt will take charge Ser vices will be held hi A ant aMiJi School held their annual entertainment and Christmas tree oil evening last The following took parti- ftliss ii Archibald Nolle ton eloci duets bf Misses Ireland of Maple Mr J OBrien drills dialogues recitations tableaux by the pupils of the Sunday School aid other local talent Full house r SCHQMBERG of Newmarket was in town on Monday Mr and Mrs J M Walton Aurora were guests of Mr and Mrs Skinner on Sunday Our local live stock dealers are do ing a rushing business four and five stock a week Jeing from here The Junior League and Sunday School of- Church Christmas tree and concert in the town ion Monday evening- A choice mus program was Cranberry Corners produced the town hall Friday night by the Dramatic Club was a big success Trys taurment was in aid of the Red Cross Society There -was- a roan in our And wondrous wise The old music hall which w the scene of Dearly all the public gather ings held for nearly half a century is undergoing repairs The building has been neglected for many years and ia nowt receiving much needed attention from a com mittee of citizens who are making ball resume some of its old- lime glory The gallery is being re moved a new floor is being the interior is with Beaver Hoard and new entrance is being Fair Play Organ The Blind r statement now being printed a grant of was made to the PefTerlaw League A bylaw wMpassed Hallfor lion the of one and two oclock -in- the afternoon also opened two blind lie following polling Returning officers No Methodist Hall Virginia Ed Poll Clerk No Comer Shearer Clerk Srioddoh 0 Jos Poll Clerk Hall Egypt John Poll Clerk Council adjourned He went- info polls day votedtfi tee His pigs nourishing Till- dry scouts drew thejiet Two thousand bucks he paid in court To jail he went you Jet A sad but wiser is he And from outthe He writes a letter plgsfor sale sf stole Mq Aurora mid the child was too eannual oi by Wnnoit who annuaHy a tree sees to it that ster Town Is The Town Hair was filled by a happy crowd of of and character A special car brought a- the Toronto Try festival woiil have been held a day or so but I Mr could not secure the hall last week Howard Methodist held their annual fldciec- of Mr of tryi thJ members with his ail- 1 dresses lines pf patriotism rthd He was hearty support in his new field of Music and refreshments added to the East Sharon The ttuncil of the Township of East met as per Statue on above date all the members present Minutes of the last meeting were read and connrmed Bylaw appointing Deputy Officers Poll Clerks and Selecting Rolling Booths or he election of a Council Board for the year was read a third time and passed Haines that the amount assessed I Maries re lot he charged to to the said lot Maries be re lieved of said charge Carried That the ac count of Maries repairs on between 2520 Con be referred Councillor Cole to in vestigate with authority to issue his order on the Treasurer for pay ment if found correct amount or what amount may be found cor rect Passeri Moved by Proc tor and resolved that the Reeve is sued his order on the Treasurer for payment as follows viz THE BRITISH VES i That- f Shall Be Slaves Has been bur proiid and haughty boast And truckle- to a foe More hellish than the A foe entrenched and fortifrd Br all the might of lust A foe upheld byJphurco and State While British slaves crawl in the in manhoods onward path To old and young to and poor Wives and mothers in bondage toll And children too the endure Our Empires greatest foe today This awful dark and trying hour When foes within and foes without Are testing all our vaunted power That Never Shall Slaves Is but a vain and empty boast J Until the foe of driven our farthest coast- constructed The work is being done Win Hisspn rep road con 350 by the mm of the district and Hoover digging ditch arrangements h been look after the hall in the future Mr Mack will have charge t20 rink of covered this winter Mrs Sam on the I line Of King died suddenly last week BRADFORD Mr Curry has been seriously ill for two months is now on the way to recovery The meeting of the l Wednesday afternoon in the Wethodifit church was of very interesting character a attended by about seventyfive ladies members of the society and representations from the of the Presby terian Church and the A of Trinity Alter try meeting which was held in the church ad journment was made t the Sunday school room where tables were set out with tempting tea which fta enjoyed by all present The Anglican church at Coulsons Hill was burned to the ground early on morning About four oclock Mr Jos Hover who Uvea quite near the church was wakened and on looking out saw tlr church in flames and the roof falling in is impossible- to tell what the fire there having been no one in place Sunday An insurance of two thousand dollars was carried but this will fall far short of the amountnecessary to replace it Tansley John Tate A John Clancy John Fry Jas Squires fieo Cecil Corporation of Newmarket Lewis Rolling Williams SClark Tlnsdale Andrews Thompson interest of the meeting t -jVr- Fund fold by ticket for the purchaser helng Mr ttarahig of the concert for the Wilson and Mrs Edith Boiling Gait 836 oclock last light and left afterward to spend their at Hot The President and bride travelled in a car attached to a special train leaving here at oclock and arrived a Hot Springe mornihgv I 9 King Allen Jos Dan Dike Stokes John Wafts Treasurer Tp Scott Bowman and Connor 7100 1 1 37 55 37 1325 100 i80 88 350 AM 1030 088 530 9 The Misses of Winnipeg arc spending the Christmas holidays with friends in town and vicinity A meeting was held on Wednesday evening of last week at Ringwopdfor the purpose of organizing the hockey club for the coining season was a good attendance and- the boys ate looking forward to a goo1 sea sons sport expect to put up as good a team as year Miss Stark Abo born in died at on Dec after an several weeks in her life In she evinced deep interest in girl problems and In order to help solve these she became associated with different organisations which have that view With the establishment the Kdmonton Busi ness Womens Club Miss Stark was appointed convenor of the Ser vice Committee and there laid the Jus Vincent John ironfall J Conk Marl If all John J Win Foster Iercy Pol lock- Dan Maries Thos Rye Clerks Contingent Aid Win Maries Win Swell John A Colo If I Ramsden salary J If salary J A Cole salary T salary Haines salary And thai the Corporate seal hereto attached Carried Council adjourned Sine Die 9 9 9 9 J 9 75 1 1 25 bo r Trade rm Scientific o4riuL tot BEWARE OF OINTMENTS FOR THAT CONTAIN MERCURY as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely range the whole system when en tering it through the mucous sur faces Such articles should never ho used except proscriptions from reputable physicians as the plumage they will do ten to the good you can possibly derive foundation of a splendid work W- she was appointed to the board of A the M A as girls She was convenor the 1 for our frti A MARION M Mi over the old coitlnq on iroUey conned oa Vie- i committee for Moral Standard and the Prevention of Traffic in Women of the Local Council of Women MUe Stark also had in progress ftt the time of her- death a plan for estab- a training school for Domes tic girts Her work along all lines was most practical and yet embodied the kindly sympathy which means much to those tor whom such effort put forward The recruiting meeting held In Monday night was not very largely attended failure to ad- the gathering and the of other attractions being held Norman Meredith and other were present and an celltct program of pattlottp music vinfji was given- Immediately liter the hoi Way it to hold ratty the wotkol recruiting will I directly upon the ml mucous surface of the sysl In buying Hulls be sure you get the genuine It taken Internally and made in To ledo Ohio J free THE THREE CURSES Morphine Cocaine and Alcohol and the worse of these is Alcohol The above is the heading of an article is the last bulletin issued by the Hoard of Health Toronto It goes on to fiay Of various ha it forming drue alcohol stands out as preeminently the greatest Uni versal curse to humanity and has practically no redeeming features the light of modern knowledge alco hol which once occupied a prominent place in the treatment of disease Is becoming more and more discredited every year The role played this drug in lowering our resisting power to disease in the lowering ef- and the actual production of organic disease of the liver heart arteries and nervous sys tem as we pointed out in our February issue is such as to make it essentially- a of preventive medicine one demanding Im mediate action by administrators of Public Health This arch enemy of mankind is ac complishing its devastating influence by a duel In the first place through the economic efiects on the home diminishing as ft and at times entirely cutting off the revenue will in all probability he unconscious of the home the moderate drinker who takes glass or two of beer or whiskey on his way home from work robs and family of the equivalent of a or two of bread or a quart of milk a family which at its best with a lull income has probably only enough to keep soul and body together Pneumonia Fatal to Alcoholics lowering of their vitality resisting power consequently pre disposes them to disease The alco holics lyivc much re sisting powers to disease than have the abstainers This Is especially true In pncumtni and blood poison ing The heavy drinker who con tracts pneumonia should not lose an hour in settling his affairs as he with delirium within twentyfour or fortyeight hours from the time his Is diagnosed In the second place wo have the influence of alconol on the drinkers forcefully by the drinkers companies Statistics prepared by Hi Moore Actuary of the United Kingdom Temperanco and General In surance Company stows that the death rate among moderate drinkers was per cent higher thin among abstainers English Insurance Companies found by their statistics running over years that abstainers have a death- rate of per cent less than in Mr Dillon Public Actuary In South Australia found that the nonab stainers had almost double the amount of sickness the abstain ers had every one do bis bit In spreading these truths Arnott MBrMCPS Angels We Have Heard on High Angels have heard on high Sweetly singing oer the plains And the mountains in reply Echo back their joyous strains Chorus in Gloria In excelsis Deo Shepherds why this jubilee prolong Say what may the tidings be Which inspire your heavenly song Gome to Bethlehem come and see Him whose birth the angels sing Gome adore on bended knee The Infant the newhorn King within a manger laid Jesus of heaven and earth your aid With us sing our Saviours birth See I Amid the Winters Snow See amid the winters snow Horn for us onearth below See be tender Lamb appears Promised from eternal years Chorus Hail I thou ever blessed- morn Hail Redemptions happy dawn Sing through all- Jerusalem Christ is born in Bethlehem within a lies He who built the starry skies lie who throned in height sublime Sits amid the ye holy shepherds say What your joyful news today Wherefore have ye left your sheep On the lonely mountain steep As we watched at dead of night wo saw a wondrous light Angels singing Peace on earth Told us of the Saviours birth ing lets get up very early before mother mil fa I her are awake and before look inlo our stockings or at the Christmas Tree lets all come down stairs very You and John Elizabeth cancel the table for break fast and as I am the biggest Ill start tin the fire and do lots of those little towards preparing breakfast that mother lias keen showing me how to do and then when weve 1 all we can well go upstairs ami sing llio carol Well have to be very careful and not make the least bit of noise when we around or mother will be sure hear us I do so want to sing her awake Wont she be surprised in because shell surely think Mini the thing well do will be empty our will he such fun to come down first in the early morning all ourselves Sure said John that will be groat cause mothers been thinking of us mid other kids for so long- and weve been thinking so much about Lame and Cripple Tom and nil he oilier poor kids in the hospital lm we thought a bit Shh said Ruth there comes mother diwii lie stairs and here comes too for I heard his key in the latch With thai they nil jumped up and raced to get the first kiss Ruth and and John were so during their supper that they could hardly keep- their secret Mother and father prelend- that they didnt notice flic little nods anil whispers which passed between And when mother said it was bedtime how they did scamper off upstairs so as lo get of because they were so afraid they wouldnt early enough to carry out their plans But they did Ruth was up first anil called Elizabeth and John in a whisper to hurry and gel dressed Pear me it jus seemed as ifiliey flew around as they made the breakfast lihle ready- And soon they were tiptoeing upstairs very quietly Then hey formed a liltle cres cent moon in the hall by mothers room or and when all were ready they sang would you like to know what they sang Rial mother thought was so sweet and surprised her so and brought father to the door lo give them encli a big bear hug Well it was this 7 If A CHRISTMAS By Louise Tilden The glow of the firelight danced on the bright faces of he three little Ruth Elizabeth and John as they sal on lb hearth rug It was Christmas Eve Father had not come borne yet and mother was busy Some part of each day during the few weeks mother and Ruth and Elizabeth audi John had been just as busy as bees cutting and sewing lacking and pasting pretty- silks end brightcolored picture cards and Christmas cards into all sorts of dainty Hark the Christmas hells are ringing Gladdest message they arc bringing Joyful peals they ring today These the words they seem to say Christ is horn this morn Join our happy happy lay Ring bells sweetly ring Children with you sing Christ horn on this morn Ring bells ring Times 1 IF YOU GO TO CHURCH YOULL BE REWARDED IN THI8 WORLD So if will help you f Hold per Take Family Pills for Arkansas la getting WW ton and poverty in no thooaanda pi dollar worth of good of dipping she thousand boys and girls in clubs the doctrine farms anU better Aii iwult a campaign by the United Department of Agriculture Arkansas will lets cotton year and three to four cent more corn cow forage crops among fee the only na tion that ftublio of men In tho great European war The grand tola la of killed 331- 061 wounded ftnd This army and navy The of- France and Italy have exceeded aln before In the baa been in a aimilar period or In sixteen when will the dreadful arid carnage cease John wished Iheywore eachMwins ho that s n 0Sf could do just twice ns much Plover when ho thai Mother had been full or nice nd at church If you arc en- happy plans for theso sufforors and had found so much and go to church I hey irI and Johns nimble flngors to do that they hadnt who goon to thouglit or talked about much else They feci that unless busy days And now Christmas 15vo was heie great hypocrite ho who goes to and they hadnt one single plan to stir- church will deal fairly mother on Christmas morning and ijey The doctor who is a regular attendant at always did that I were trying so hard to think of some thing that they could do that mother would never dream of their doing it just seemed as If they couldnt find one bright idea in any corner of their busy little brains Finally big sister Ruth jumped up her bands say ing know what well do know what well do do tell ub what cried Elizabeth ami John at once Hark Ruth you must be very quiet now while Hell you because mother mustnt know haw we are going to surprise her You know that pretty Carol we are In Sunday School to sing next church can he His patients know in addition to his skill us a physician he is so ber dependable and Godfearing It is plain that a physician who is a regular churchgoer soon earns the confidence of the community same rule to the lawyer It plies to all professional men Sffw It must be perfectly clear then that no mat- tor what your station in life may be you will a winner if you go to church The ma terial benefits of going to church must be ap parent to everyone Who will deny tho spirit benefits Everybody can lay lasting treasures Got the gotochurch habit if J

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