Newmarket Era, 31 Dec 1915, p. 6

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I T Li r I I MOUNT ALBERT mm BHIEFLETS The Presbyterian School will hold their annual en tertainment Church on Fri day Jan The annual the Methodist Sunday School was held in the Church on Wednesday evening of last week and was very largely attended A most pleasing program was presented by the children Of the school which was greatly enjoyed by all present r FOR THE SOLDIERS Sleeper President of the Womens Institute has a letter from Private dated France Dec 5lh in which he acknowledges Ihe re ceipt of a Christmas Cake and other delicacies sent by the Insti tute He adds that all were de livered promptly and in good attending the Conservatory of holidays Mr the popular Or of the Dominion has been moved Peterborough Mrs of at tended funeral of her mother Mrs on Friday villi but is better Mrs W J Kightley 5peiH last week at the home of her parents in King- Mrs fodder of announces the marriageof her daughter Mary Irene Mi Roy Cook son of Mr jr if Cook of Albert the marriage to take place oh Christmas Day Mr David Arnold from- Riddel is- home for the winter Mrs Copper of and Mr of Toronto were present the funeral of their aunt Mrs on Mr and Mrs Alfred are in town for a visit with i som of latlves for- a few days Carson win soon recover from his baft cold Hope the long drive north oft- Sundaynight it Mr Terry and AIissEmha Terry- were- at Mr Frank for Hope no lite the boy we hear when his mother if He had enough pudding said- No full before day Jte ill- and 1 flueen- St North atMr A Mr and Mf Verii of Sutton spent- over with spent over James- Toronto Tree 22nd was a great Thp report the post I for some Program consisted of dialogues speeches eo Mr Merchant has been busy days leading cars of grain for Toronto 0f Sorry to report the death Miss Jennie Draper of Baldwin as i Bat- Abridge accompanied Piano Mouth Or- from appendicitis WidnTrJshomft- 1 and Wooden Boxes etc days leaved Mr Huntley and spehi Xmas atirirCnas- Pte friends and were much appro- Mrs John Harrison slipped on ciatd by himself and comrades REPORT For I East Names in order of merit Jr Edna Smith Bertha Hall Jr HI English If Viola Rogers Jr Mildred Hall Mary Ross Bernard 1 Primary Marsh Max Evert on English Cook Teacher the ice in her yard and fell her arm v fc PATRIOTIC MEETING Albert Branch of War Aux iliary will hold a meeting in the Methodist Church Ml Albert nn Wednesday next at oclock p in Speakers Major Brown York Rang Major Pink YorK and the Heroes of St and Pie Meredith CuVVERSAZfONK Musical and vocal program Everybody welcome Scats re served for ladies God Save the King- Rang Miss Dunns Sunday School class held a very successful ba zaar on Tuesday Over ten dol lars were realized after paying for material Sir J Rowland has iiwlalled a new furnacein the Presbyte rian Church which gives good sat isfaction After New Years stores will close on Thursday nights as usu al until Spring They will still he open on Saturday is very little talk of Mu nicipal Elections in this locality the general opinion being that there should be no contests this year The business of both vil lage and township appears to have been well looked after and Ihepeople seem generally satis lied There will be special Patriotic Ser- Presbyterian Church Sunday Jan at Ha The Aid of the Church will meet the Manse on Wednesday at In the afternoon for the annual meet ing Tea will be served and there will be evening Municipal matters in East are now at high pitch The nomination Monday last had old time ring to it A tremen dous crowd was present to the different candidates their views The general opinion is that the old Council will he reelected but next Monday night after the ballots are counted will settle matter Let every elector poll their vote next Watsons also- Miss Barter and gentleman friend Toronto We are sorty report Mrs There the no hi contest Beauty A New Years Message from His Royal Highness the Governor Generalof Canada e a short program and social g afterwards lirirnl mattered Monday Christmas was observed in a very Christmas passed off with great reunions were general conspicuously so at Don- aid Riddels John Oldhams The Vales reunion wasat John Thompson j of issued invitations to a mighty host and as a local dainewell qualified to give ex pert testimony declares she is a wonderful cook She had a liberal throng of guests Sickness at the liist iiu terfered with festivities at Lou Drapers to which I will fer later on Ben young folks quiet way around here the extreme- all gathered round the festive POLICE TRUSTEES The nomination for Police Trustees was held in the Lodge Room on Monday evening at Messrs J Rowland J Kighlley and Eugene were ftlecled by acclamation There was a large and representative gathering and all proceeded pleasantly no fault found with anything done during the year Mr If I Ramsden was present and delivered an ad dress explaining the Good Roads System WENT ASTRAY Our items last week were mail ed at the same lime and in the same manner as usual yet foY souk- reason they failed to reach their destination Many of our readers were greatly annoyed and we were subjected to some harsh criticism because certain item were not published but they will likely appear In Ibis column this week Ed Note Tin- items did not arrive until after the paper was printed on Thursday night paragraphs about things lo- place Ibis week are not printed below The Annual Conversazione of the Mount Albert Continuation School was held onluesday Hie concert was the best ever given and reflects great credit on the pupils and staff The plays The Lowest Spirit and Scenes from Anne of Green Gables were well ren dered under the direction of Miss Hooper Mr- Lowell Sliver and Miss Ruby sang solos which were heartily encored The program ended with a patri otic chorus by the girls of the school which included the Mar- sung in French Re freshments were served and the remainder of the evening was spent in There was a large attendance and all were highly pleased ly- rough weather having tendency to keep one Mr J Flanagans was the scene of a very pleasant on Christmas Day there being many re latives present Word has just been received here from Grass Lake Michigan of the of Mr John- Cattle Mrs Cattle is a sister of Mrs A Another letter Christmas pay from Lieutenant Katie Adams Greece they some very cold rough weather more than usual nurses are well and happy with the board at Mill View Farm Mrs was unable Owing to delicafc health lo attend Mrs Fred Thompsons dinner and Jas A true in his devotion lo his Missus stayed at home also Thats Ihe kind of a hubby I delight to see Santa Glaus was kinder lo the Owl than the Owl was to him lie scuta document marked to show us who is his banker We have pigeonholed the document our secretary as a souvenir lo ineellhe exigencies of war times Sinclair deputy to Santa left exception of two or three who were us a bag of luscious apples not ver whilst making More power your arm the trip from Malta They still feel the effects of a heavy fit of seasick ness Mr G Hill has just got back from the West after absence of two months a ZEPHYR JiHOOGl lost Friday afternoon between school house and Main street Mount Albert Reward on l the printing Office inff T Mr Hayes is spending holidays at his home in town Miss Lily and Mr Hayes l Pine Creek are visiting the home of their uncle Mr Hayes Miss Moore of To ronto is home for the holidays Mr and family spoilt GbWulmas at bis old in Mr I lard Steeper and Miss of ioronto spent Christ mas at the home of Mr John Sleeper Mr and family Spent Christmas with friends in Mi and Mrs Geo spent with relatives at Baldwin and Bel haven Mr Terry and family moved to their new home in Whitby on Monday Dr Mainprise of Middle visiting friends this vicinity Mr and MrW If spent at- home of her parents Mr and Mrs John Walton Miss Mabel Kighlley spent her holidays her home in lovvo Miss Dolly of Toronto was in own for a few days Mr Kenneth- Ross- Is visiting friends at Kelvin for a few days Too for personal Mr from Toronto University is borne for the holi days Hint Moore of Is spending her vacation at her home In town Miss Armstrong who Is leading Normal School in Toron to Is home for Christmas- WAR Meeting for the purpose of organizing branches Of the North York War Auxiliary were held in every pollingsub division in Fast on Wednesday even ing last and strong committees appointed in each division Mount Albert the meeting was addresser by Mr Aubrey Davis and Rev Mr McGonigle of New market both making vary in spiring addresses Reeve Rams presided and Ihe following officers were appointed President Dr Johnson Mr John Moore Secretary Mr J Rowland Treasurer Mr W W Shields Committee Messrs Edmund Wagg Thos and Thomas Graham Mr writes from York that ho is making satisfactory pro gress towards recovery but is afraid that he will not get back to the front before Spring Mr Frank with Ihu Princess Pals reports that they arc again at the front in Flanders and are fairly comfortable CORNERS Hope everyone spent Merry although the day vas not as nice was expected Klgln Hayes spent Christmas at with his parents Alice and Resale Locke spent Christmas under the parental roof ll and Helen Smith Toronto visited a few at Pollocks and Mr Jamea the Mr Walter Jones was In the city few days last Missea Violet and Beatrix MT ALBERT Miss who has been in charge of If Millinery has returned to her home in Miss Ferguson Milliner in charge at A is spending with her sister at North Bay Mrs Heath who has been con fined to her home with grippe is able to be out again Mr Lockie of the line who has been under the care for the past few days we are glad to say is on the mend Mr and Mrs James who have been in the West for the past few years are over on a visit at the rentiers brother Robert P who enlisted for Overseas Ser vice Our market went up with a boom on Tuesday last Mrs Lockie re ceived the sum of a dozen for her eggs Geese duchs to Chickens Who the town Is dead Mr Gordon Miller spent Sunday at Mr Armstrongs The Presbyterian Guild met in the basement of the Church on Itec for their annual business meeting After the report was read and adopted the following officers were elected for Hon McDonald Mr Biblical Vice Mrs I Mrs Curl Miss Vice Miss J- Lockie Vice Miss A Mrs Lockie Special Vice Mr 1 Miss Organist Miss McMellly Organist Miss Fair 1 Sec Staler Aft SHARON On Friday evening Miss Jenny Draper was suddenly taken ill and arrangement were made for an at home operation was successfully perform ed by Dr Starr specialist of To ronto I am pleased to report there is much hope for a speedy recovery Miss Jenny is one of ur most promising young ladies well and favorably known It is exactly years since the family were called to mourn the loss the next elder sister or Jenny On Tuesday of last week Don ald in the employ of Frank Tomlinson near be ing crushed to death He drove under Ihe shed at the mill and as he passed under the roof the load being too high he was caught in a trap and severely crushed Medical treatment is bringing him around O Lucky boy I It is not conducive to the re storation lo health of Mrs A for her to hear lhal Mrs made a sale of her turkeys at the handsome figure of He per lb Mrs sold for Hilly the Miller is reaching out for the record for skunks He bus secured sculps and is still on the war path Soon hell cry So far this season Charles has handled worth- of raw furs and more Some of our boys fell mighty queer With toothaches in Ihty heel I also hear they boozed on beer And danced an reel Lieut Winter Cainpbell- ford Melvin lo join the Monday Mrs Hamilton spent in Keswick Mrs and daughter of Ion also Mrs Ch as Brook friends during the past several days Mi- Leo of Toronto over Sunday witji Jones MrsS Osborne of Newmarket and Mr P Osborne were home for Mr Karl and Miss- Vida Newmarket Miv Ingram spent the vacation with his boys here Mr of Toronto was for the holiday Mrs will receive on Wednesday Jan and on he last Wednesday of each month afterwards Mr and Mrs J Lake and daughter spent over at the home of Mrs Mr and Mrs A Dixon over in Mr and I Mrs Will spent over Xmas in llielr former home The Misses Maud and Vera and Miss M I in were home from dur ing Ihe Xmas vacation Miss Louise Dolby of Hamilton was home over the holiday Mr Waller Brown from the West is visiting at his former homo here V Mr Geo and Mas ter Willie are spending Ihe week at and LIU tie Britain President of the appeal to the iiiiiii families of the gallant men who were going to the front Though anticipating a generous response I was hardly prepared for the magnificent manner in which the call was met Monies have poured into the treasury of the Fund until the total contributions have reached and exceeded six million dollars Large however as this sum appears it has not greatly exceeded current demands and if peace were declared in theimmediate future the entire surplus en hand would be required before all the men of the Expeditionary Force again return home Today there are families comprising it is estimated individuals dependent upon the Patriotic Fund With further recruiting the demands upon the Fund will with each succeeding month continue to grow so that it is estimated that should the War continue during 1916 a sum amounting to some and probably more will be required This would however only mean per head of the population for the people of Canada and it is little indeed to ask of those who remain at home in com parison with the sacrifice in life and limb of those who are fighting in defence of the Nation In spite of all the various calls that have been made for funds to aid our soldiers and sailors and the magnificent response that has been made in each and every case I still feel assured that the warm hearts of all Canadians will respond to this further appeal to enable the Patriotic Fund to continue its splendid work during 1916 and take care of the families of tliose who are fighting for their Sovereign the Empire and the Dominion on the battlefields of Europe and on the High Seas i Anniversary The Sutton Methodist Church are having their anniversary next Sunday the 2nd Rev Waller Madden will preach at am pm On the following Monday evening the annual con cert will be hold Miss Vrooman will give readings from Canadian Authors in to music etc by some of Suttons best artists The plan of the seats is now ready at and they are selling rapidly Signed President Canadian Fund Government House Ottawa 1st January 1916 f Jl- Mr Alfred and family from lb are vUIUiis with Old ROM Anaouuces that he has as a lot of Cutters that ever came to Ml Albert Be sure lo them before you buy 1 have a grand arid now specially for and for beat mOj fe sure 2 a Major and family To ronto spent a Wayliiias Miss of spent the holidays with her friend Watson MrChaff Montgomery and vUlted at Mr A Wilsons over the holiday MIbb of visiting her cousin MIos firerleSliropahlre a few days this weft- Miss it IMply with at Newmarket We are sorry to report Mrs Hi 1b confined to her bed- Maud of Toronto the holidays under the parental roof Mlaa Haines of Aurora home foe the Xmas holidays Mrs Is her sister for a couple of weeks lundy and Mies Maud spent with friends dn the City Mus Ford is the holi days with her at Hamilton Mr Rsmsay tad Miss MyrUe ate spending a at Cold lUh Mr and Mrs A with friends At Mr awl of Hot- A He that as it may it is a well- fact that a large contingent is suffering from toothache the heel and fearing to meet the fate death of poor old Dan Tucker they hurriedly struck a bee for the northern on he where at the and Man sion a remedy supposed to bo a cureall no cureall nay re tailed it at six pence a dose They look remedy experienced instant relief One of our local old boys look medicine was well healed heeled and sent on his way rejoicing reaching our burg very much wild Irishman The whole contingent an one of our paler sarcastically a- pretty sight will not I cannot give their names but I can tell you I this much youll paver find Ivan ToniHuHOn in such No they above such a show It fa about time our boya called a Drink pura The entertainment at the on Tuesday ev ening Was pronounced a brilliant success The performers and all wore up to the mark bo comparison would bo in vidious Do some more seem ed to bo the desire of Ihe audi ence Edmunu Is latest of boys to Married At the of Mr and Mrs Horner on Hoc by Mr John Lyon to Miss Flossie Horner Obituary fc On Dec lord Ksf passed away at his home in Vachell Tp the ad vanced age of his death another pioneer is gone Ho is ihe last of family of fourwho were born In the early thirties all lived past the allot toil three score and ten years Mr Park in his younger days was a mem ber of Ihe Orange Order also of the A A M Lodge He also in the Council am was a staunch Con- He was a born veter inary ami was ever ready to re spond to call from his neigh bors at any lime His wife Jean him May aged years They have lo mourn their loss children grandchildren and one great grandchild The sons art Dr If of William J of To ronto and Charles of and daughters Mrs Ma Mrs J Taylor and Mrs T A Sheppurd of Sutton West lerment at St James Cemetery Sutton West me your Auto Tires I pay Express one way Moderate Give mo a trial All sizes of Tires In New and Rebuilt Gasoline Oils Accessories General Repair Work Main Street Garage Sutton STANLEY A Prop f During next Ihlrty day we will offer- ducements In MENS WORK MITTS NECK MUFFLERS TIE8 Eto to up broken BUY GOODS AT YOUR OWN PRICE GENTS Issuer Marriage J SUTTON WEST rot Our Public School was success and reflects much credit upoo the teacher and those who had it In charge program was of the best and high ly appreciated the audience Our leading merchant Mr Charles doing a rushing business of late Our congregation not as largo as last on ac count the heavy fall of snbw on Saturday Yet the speakers heart was made glad at the close the Service when the son of Mr Robert came to the platform and presented tho Parson with a Very suitable present Mr Merchant out- citizen a very appropriate address to which Elder grosser responded stating his appreciation of the kindness of friends of our burg aad sorry the bad come when he must withdraw his services on account of weather and ill health Mr Gordon loft on Toronto an 400 Will buy a Dominion Louie Design Mahogany case a Lovely Piano only used a few months Will buy a New Mendelssohn years Guarantee I I Takea Gerhard Player notes with Lovely Piano In Condition THE ABOVE INSTRUMENTS CAN BE ON TERMS LOW AS A MONTH GET YOUR OR FOR Columbia with 12 Cash and 160 weekly Latest and all the time you want Trade In that old Organ and flet your money worth All lee from to on Us In Your Home on Trial 1 fl A l Give a I TUNING ON Wo Will You Money 1 I I

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