Newmarket Era, 31 Dec 1915, p. 7

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MAT I E a I i v Our China la now In and will be fully opened next wee Our lines of fancy useful China at and 25c will please you arid our selection of CHINA TEA 8ET8 pes are both Handsome Do- and Moderate In Price- DINNER We never had a better selec tion ranging In from for a good serviceable piece set up to for one of the finest quality of Elite Limoges China SI PARLOR HANGING A HALL Willie by- Che Christian Church Dramatic Club in Town Friday Jan Let ev and plaii lake in this proceeds are The service oh Christmas Eve was attended usual The Holy Name Society and did well they also took in a body Fall er lock took charge of theservice The altar illuminations- were A Red Cross Items li The Red Society desires us loexpress their sincere thanks to the North York- Poultry Asso ciation and Dr Ernest Dickson of Have a Look at Them In Our California Window All Priced to I lions to the funds The next Knitting tea will be in the Friends School Suit the Times ir Tuesday afternoon This Is one line we certainly J 5 x can and will give you he best possible value and an assort- Separate School Board second to none I Annual Meeting of SEE OUR CUT rale School Supporters was held BOWL FOR Jon Wednesday The Yearly Slate- 1 was very satisfactory and gratifying to all present and mm M Direct Importer of Staple and Fancy China I NOW IS THE TIME TO DO YOUR XMA8 BUYING FOR 3 REA80N8 You have a belter chance to examine the goods 2nd The Clerk has more lime explain the qualities 3rd You get your choice of nice fresh stock Just arrived TA8TY FRESH FWUTT Choice Naval Oranges and doz Oranges and 21 and Graces these are very fine lb Florida Grape CHOICE DINNER VEGETABLES If you want a highgrade Veg etable for your inner try seme of our lines They are sure to please Corn Peas Beans and Tomatoes 3 cans for 2Go Extra Sifted Peas cans for 25o String Beans the finest packed cans tor CHRISTMAS CANDY I No Christmas is complete with out Candies and Nuts Our as sortment is good and well worth inspection Lines to please both young and old Creams Choco lates Humbugs and Box Almonds Walnuts Filberts Pea nuts Brazils English Cob Wills and by the lb Separate or Mixed A Final Reminder on Pud ding and Cake Ingredients Fancy Raisins 2 lb for25o Fancy Seedless In bulk 2 lbs Choice Cleaned Currants 10c lb mixed Peel lb Selected Valencia lbs for and and per lb XL The Leading Reliable CORNER OF Main Strata Phone Delivery I showed school to be in excel lent condition regarding finances accommodation and equipment The following Trustees were elected for Geo Yale John Walsh and F Doyle Years Ago A very happy event occurred on Christmas Day when the children from far and near met to cele brate the Golden Wedding of their parents Mr and Mrs Basse I of St all being present but two Those from a distance were Mr A and family of Mrs Mc Millan and family of Dakota Mr and Mrs and family of Newmarket Mrs Coombs of Bradford and Mrs Sinclair of Toronto During the evening a number of Christian Church members called to extend greets and spend a social evening Among a number of useful presents was a wellfilled purse of gold from the children i MA J Will make your selections and buying easy and prove to you that this store is up to expectations in all the fancies of Fashionable Men and Boys r i up 9 i I IT ISt Pauls Church on Friday night Dec 3tst at J On Tuesday evening next the Salvation Army On New Years Eve Dec 31st we will Si V he holding a Watch Night service commencing at oclock Meetings as usual on Sunday next a Holiness meeting p Adult Bible Glass and Sunday School p in Salvation meeting On Monday 3rd at pm Brigadier of Territorial Headquarter Toronto will con duct an enrolment or new sol diers Come and see who they are The Army is on the move Forward is our motto You are cordially invited to the above ser vices Softool Report and other matter crowded out till evening next the next issue I members of St Pauls Auxiliary j of the A M will meet for I work A full attendance is de- Recognized sired as important business is to r Mr who discussed a I i on Thursday evening passed off successfully Com successfully installed the Town Clock in the New Post Office here I ft has received instructions lo in- Conventions stall the Clock in the now Aurora The second week of January is Post Office He went there yes- the Cpnyentipn or to commence the work North York holds their Convention at ML Pleasant on Tuesday Jan East at line Mcnnon- ite Church on Wednesday Newmarket and Aurora at on Thursday the and King at on Thurs day night of the and all day Friday the The Provincial Secretary Rev Toronto is to address each Con vention and programs arc being arranged Junior Christian Endeavor There will be the usual service for the Juniors next Saturday afternoon from to pm in the S room of the Christian Church All the girls and boys from to years oil age are re quested to attend Customs returns indicate wonderful increase In business The Christmas Tree and Enter- activity at Newmarket and I ST NEWMARKET -AND- vork promptly attended reasonable Out-of- town orders CUT ALWAYS ON HAND 8 PHONE i MRaH ML Nurse 2 doors East of Church on Timothy Moderate A Era W Presentation We copy the following from the St Catharines Standard which will he read with interest by many friends here Last evening about half a members of the Mens Own Bible Class of the St Paul St Methodist Church met at the home of their teacter Principal Coombs and presented him with a beautiful fumed oak library table as a tok en of their regard and esteem The following address was read by the secretary of the class Mr Tester Christmas Dear Brother The executive officers and members of the Mens Own Bible Class St St Methodist Church wish lo to Almighty God their heartfelt thanks for many bless ings received during the past year We realize that our greats est blessing your full restoration to health and strength us to enjoy the selfsacrificing devotion you have always given the class in Ihe exposition of the of all Books the Bible thereby giving us the wherewithal lo load nobler Uvea We wish to convey to you our gratitude In tangible form by asking your ac ceptance of this small present as a slight token of our and regard the same time express ing- Iho wisli that you may long he spared in full health and strength to continue the good work and cement the lies of therbood formed by the class t With every good wish for your future in the Masters service Signed oh behalf of the Class by Ihe President and Secretary Mr Coombs thanked Ihe men warmly for their kind words and Christmas after which an hour wftSr spent in converse Mens Own Bible meets every Sunday afternoon and spend one hour the study of the Sunday ftcbool lesson A ass hoi a total mem- of about one and all moat highly of good Ihey derive from lb elf Weekly Aurora For the year ending Dec 22ml the sum of was collected while dur ing the same period ending Dec the amount collected reaches the enormous sum of This surely must spell prosperity Field Comforts A Field Comforts Mooting will he held in Ihe Committee Rooms Wednesday next at three oclock Everyone come bring your knit ting or come and be taught lo knit All members be on hand bring your friends and get every body working for our hoys over seas Come Saturday Jan 8th lo the Field Comforts Tea Room Lunch served to 100 The menu consists of Soup and Crackers Crackers and Cheese 5 Sandwiches Tea Coffee or Milk Pie 5 c Supper served from to A 25cent Supper consists of Cold Port and Applo Sauce or Cold Roast Beef Hash Brown Po tatoes Pickles Broad and Pie or and Fruit Tea Coffee r Milk K t r A I J Next week we will move to the which has been fitted up Into an UptoDate Store V Pauls T Sunday School held their annual Christmas Entertainment on Monday evening There was a good attendance and all enjoyed the festivities Prizes were dis tributed the most successful scholars in the classes It is be hoped that there wilt be more prizes year showing that the scholars have boon more dill- gent in their lessons- Oranges and candy were distributed Pauls A P A held regular meeting on Tuesday One of the items which came up was the question of the in Train ing town a result the members extend a hearty in vitation lb all young men in train ing who members of Anglican communion 16 their The President Mr Walker and the Secretaries Miss I and Mr will be lj the names of any young men training of Ihe said service be held In Red Cross The attendance at the Red Cross on Tuesday even ing was not as large as anticipat ed The ladies had prepared for tables but only half the number were used However a number of people bought tickets who were not there and the re- ceipls were The hall was very prettily decorated thanks lo Messrs and and- a vary pleasant evening was en- joyed prizes were won by Mrs A J nog 1 WE WISH OUR AND FRIENDS A MERRY XMA8 AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR EN I i MOUNT The Entertainment and Tree held in Mt Peasant Church on Dec 1st was great success There was a good attendance everybody to enjoy themselves We are sorry to hear that Master Lloyd Stiles is the care We hope for a speedy recovery Gertrude Hamilton re turned homo from Toronto MIbs Stiles Is spending the holidays with parents Mr and Mrs Geo j The and Hazel Shaw of Toronto spent Christmas with their Aunt Mrs Frank bo Mr and Mrs Shaw of Albert Mr VV Toronto Mrs Lapp and baby Mlldral of are spending the holidays with their parent John Hamilton Mr Lloyd West Miss Prosser TH OF I n that we eon make will greatly simplify your Shopping For Instance you can a man no more acceptable than to wear- That does not your to amy two or for our store will And hundreds of articles of Mens I if Wear all of thorn because they are the right quality desired In a Christmas gift Mention who you are purchasing the gift for when you call and let us make some suggestions The following list its Mr7anT Mrs will give you some Idea of the variety of suitable gifts you obtain here Every article In suitable Christmas Gift Box fe from scr is spending the Ties We to Tie Pins to oclock Mss and Mr Guy Sunday at Mr John Hamil tons Mr Ernest Glover spent Sunday at his home Mr Stephens of Montreal home for We were all glad to to THE8E ARE ONLY iFanoy Vests to B0O A FEW OF OUR MANY SUGGESTIONS IN AND BE OLAD TO SHOW YOU

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