Newmarket Era , January 7, 1916, p. 1

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2 in an WIS ae JP J Wo have the required Experience Knowledge Equipment to give yo SATISFACTION G Watson I Graduate Optician SB 5 SKl i i The County Papier as well as Oldest during iUl our en pay v IS CI JACKSON JACKSON As i j rj 3 fc C- r i r To all our Customers and Friends we wish a Happy and Prosperous 191 and heartily thank our Customers for their generous support in the past The succeeded Capturing- handbook raa than are said io have r a THE PA Teachers of waited on the Acting Min ister of the Parliament Buildings last week and presented Views the superannuation question PHONE 28 NEWMARKET A 1 South End Lumber Yard j The Bin is Nearly Empty Order at once a of Coal IN AMERICA P W Pearson Order from Carters Alf John Murphy Office Phone INCORPORATED Men on Salary mm earning a open a the beat for and habit Barf of To ronto Deposits of Is added to Balances halfyearly Branches Ontario Quebec aad BRANCH P A Manager AND ft I Will be pleasantly spent if you burn GOAL I WISHING YOU ALL A MERRY XMA8 HAPPY NEW YEAR W H EVES Order by Phone or from Carters Jerry Harrington zle or Ben Manning AM KINDS LUMBER LATH SHINGLES ALSO DOORS r I i It ift ft en AND TRIM Our Inside Trim Is Through Our and Will Not Shrink After It Is Put Up THE TO GANG A short time ago the article war conditions to Here I Is take a vlfcvr o fa of the Allies la should study tew of the show the coa- of the on her public fity-four- million dollars lets been Increased to almost hundred and eighty millions a year and as must alter Match next to an Indefinite extent lor further prosecution of the war it easy to see that she must utterly No ioubt the day for is fast and the Word comes from Ottawa that the embargo on potatoes passing be tween Canada and the United States on- account of thejexisteicc of the disease known as scab has hern liitrd by mutual new orphanage of the Ontario Oddfellows Home Associa tion at the cornerr Davenport Road and avenue Was opened last by Mr T President ol the association Absconder stole Si of- the funds of the Provincial Motors Limited on Wednesday oi last week was sentenced to our months at the Jail Farm Mr J Gardhouse Reeve of Weston has purchased the entire hen of shorthorn cattle owned by Milton of 30 ani mals a paying therefore round Hum Mr is acting as purchasing agent for the Columbia Department of on Wednesday morning last Michael Murray a T conduc tor dropped dead while boarding a lr for Toronto at Belleville ceased was years in the companys employ Marion charged with the theft of a pair of gloves and earrings from a deartmental store was to go on suspended sentence on giving an undertaking to Judge Winchester not to enter the store again He deserved all he got This re- applied to Fred Bailey who according to his relatives is rapidly qualifying for the degree of They preferred they stated to be absent when- he graduates asfced city that the event bo under ciic costs of days the court agreed auspices- Twentyfive dollars and Kelly in addition to breaking the pledge broke a pane of glass The owner valued the transparency at He expressed willingness to pay up after verifying the estimate Methods resorted to by thieves are sometimes wonderful A couple of men called at rooming house asking for lodging After inspecting the ac commodations they left but to the amazement the proprietor of the house a suitecase left with them which contained a fur overcoat The men were afterwards arrested One evening last week Reeve ol Richmond Hill gave a dinner to twelve youn men who have lately with he Rei Wednesday of last week was Referred for one week by Judge Winchester in the sessions on Han nah Porter colored woman found guilty by the jury of of from soldier When searched In the police station was found in the womans Mayor Church was reelected by over to although Hebrew op ponent secured votes The Hy droRadial bylaw was also carried Brigadier General other men are said to be very optimistic in regard to raising Cana das force up to the mark The City Hoard Control vote ten suited as follows Thompson m 17257 Foster Cameron Simpson- Dunn Ten new were elected a Alder men was elected Reeve of New Toronto and John Harmon of Mimico By a vote- of to the ratepayers of the city voted In favor of a yearly election of all the mem bers of the Board of In stead of the two years term for half the Board j The City Churches united with the churches all over Ontario Sunday last as a prayer on behplf the and our allies A Christmas tree catching on fire last at on Avenue Road did damage Though the open on Jan uary It is understood that the now celebrated cases connected Western deals will not be called until Jan It Is said that it may last a week His youth raved John Whitley from a severe sentence and he will only have to serve days for roving a Customs Inspector and In this as sumed capacity obtaining small sums from four persons It is amazing how youthful some boys engage fraud Thursday January Lady held reception at Govern ment House During last week cases of were reported to the Civic Health Departmentl The proposed Radial will not touch any of the city streets it Is confined to the route along the Valley and land will be reclaimed op the water an angel outstretched luminous- cloudbetween the aapcing- Germans and themselves The Germans could hot advance- to destroy them This lady was sub- speaking of this In the presence of some and jUul6usXojonel i STUART the of War was ago August was one of the first to en list lie was horn near London and learned in the oldfashioned way in his fathers office About years ago caiiVo to Canada and located in Office here three years dur- iug lime he learned to Ihe selling Machine While in Newmarket he with hoys in Ihe Class ami joined the W- lime to Methodist Vi ijuite at lypesctting he- removed each lime His father being a military man on the declar ation of war the military spirit was aroused within him and he Immediately responded to the call CALDWELL BROWN Born in the only child of Mr and Mrs Brown passed the High School entrance at an early age from the Separate School and learned his trade at the Era Office lie was the successor to Stuart Quick on the Monoline and after remaining with six years he secured Che position of foreman in an office at Cochrane New Ontario which position he held until the two printing offices in that town account of war conditions and lie was thrown out of Work He accepted lernrjovar positions atOsli- awa and Toronto hut work in the printing trade being very unsatisfactory and the call for men to defend Hie Hag bo urgent he cheerfully responded though in doing so his mothers heart and he en listed with the University Corps in Montreal A Red Nurse writes Mri that several wounded soldiers whom she nursed- described these ap paritions tovher She says All the men who spoke of this matter to me were steady and never doubted their word for a moment A Scottish Soldier Mr had in his possession for some time aiettei by wounded soldier then in a Hospital In it he says We were lying at with the Canerons and one night I happened to hear one of the chaps talking of the retreat from Moris He said that only for one thing the left of the British forces would have been smashed up The wing in was being pursued by cavalry and things their blackest when a strange vision in tho form of a host of angels He said that for a time no description oi the scene was possible as the horses jn a mass of confusion were rushing and thither in terror Meanwhile the situation and commenced at once the British olTicers took advantage of making earthworks breastworks thus them to hold the ground till reinforcements arrived Direct Testimony- From Mrs Annie Daw writes The following account I had first hand from a wounded sergeant I saw him at June rest ing on a bench and I him if Rev Gosford on the of James Mosley Aurora fclso of son of arid granddaughter of Ma- v jugs and a bag weie between St and 2nd A The result Municipal election in Newmarket was as follows 109 loo GO Harrison The first live named form Council for At Aurora where a warm con- lost was held- iheJ following was state of the poll at close -J- The first five the Gouncil J John Sutherland eldest son of Sutherland while on his- way Bradford his horse him forward so thai the horse kicked- him in the face Thursday night of last week M A of King had a span of horses stolen They- rv A i i r and Toronto each his at the front and gave as Wert to Toronto time Mr reached the city shipped for Windsor telegraph was employed and team and lhief stopped at Hamilton Landing for the following gentlemen It Wilson J Lane Henry Bacon and Evans Council for 1866 is composed as follows Drif- Isaac Abbot John Swallow ON THE FIELD OF BATTLE No doubt you will have seen many references to the supernatural occur rences at the battle of and else where on the fields of conflict Per haps too you saw the derisille of them by an novelist He claimed them origin ated from a short story he published Just after the retreat and in which he tet forth the idea that Angels intervened to protect the liar British forces This he said was a pure invention on his part just a bit dramatic imagination to make the story more telling But thlff explanation did not stay put There were altogether too many witnesses men who did not even know of the existence of the novelist or his story Several imaginations were promptly set on foot notably those of Harold Twice Horn Men add Cannon A A Sunderland Both these men believe the reported angelic ap pearances are proved Here are some of the testimonies gathered by the Canon arc drawn from different schools of the army The Daily Mail of Aug says Corporal who is to give his name and is at present in a hospital waiting to un dergo an operation told Dally Mail representative yesterday the following with regard to the Angels of I was with in the retreat from on or about Aug ust The cavalry were expected to make a charge and were waiting to life and scatter so as to enable the French cavalry which were on our right to make a dash forward However the Herman and we remained where wo were The weather was very hot and clear and between eight and nine oclock in the evening I was standing with a of nine other men on duty and some distance on either side there were parties of ten on guard Immediately behind us of battalion was on the edge ol a wood resting An officer suddenly carne up us In a state of great anxiety and asked us if had seen anything He hurried away from my ton men to the next party of ten men When he had gone out of sight who was the noncommis sioned officer- In charge ordered two men to go forward out of the way of the trees In order to find out what the officer meant The twiyari re turned reporting that see no any Germans At that time we thought the olUcer must be expecting surprise attack afterwards the officer came back and taking me and some others a tew yards away showed us the sky I could see quite plainly midair a light which seemed to bo quite distinctly outlined and was not a reflection of the moon nor were there In the neighborhood The light became brighter and I could see quite dls- three shape one in the centre what looked like out spread wings The other two were not so large but were quite plainly distinct from the centre one They appeared to have a long loose hang ing garment of a golden tint and they were above the German line and fating us When We Were remember the Jay because It was a day of terrible anxiety to That morning the had a bad time on our right and so had the neatly as I can his own I- was through the Doer and Egy ptian wars and came through unhurt but they had this time was in France from August last ear where I lost mji leg and my right arm shattered It was bandaged and he was outpatient a hospital 1 asked him could he tell me any thing of the vision I had heard of Yes Madam he said I saw it myself We were all praying one put there would have thought ol m ssihg prayer night and morning When the Germans advanced it seem ed to us as if the heavens opened and in blaze of light we saw hosts of angles I saw some with trump ets to their lips It you had been there would have seen all the men gazing at the skjr We felt has seat to help us I said What of the Germans Ho replied We saw Ibsm shrink back drop their rifles all- on the ground and cover their I saw this with my eyes They could not and we were saved The young man was welleducated and was most certainly an earnest Christian I only an Interrup tion In our conversation prevented my getting his name and address A Flaming Sword Going on to a friend and telling her this story she said My nephew forty years old was home on hours leave last week Seeing him I asked how It was the Germans did not push through at Mons He is a very re served silent than and merely said They could not because of the flaming She heard a nurse ask a wounded German officer- the I fltodUnrf- v Scots Guards We managed to get to the woods same question and Ids reply was and there we barricaded the roads and remained the formation I An angel with a flaming sword stood barring our have told you I on the Uhlans Speaking of these testimonies us and we drove them back on who was for a time with heavy loss It was after the 1 ached to the British Expeditionary engagement when we were dogtired Force and working France with the AGO From Kyle Jan 1801 The Altar By Elder on the of Mr Frederick to Miss Elizabeth Pales all of AL Brandon Man on Nov by Mr Miss Frances of Whit- i church to Mr John Mordcn of Manitoba In Church of St Stephen Toronto on Christmas Eve Mr A B formerly of Newmarket crall of Toronto At the homo of the bride by Elder- If on the ult Mr George For tier to Miss Sarah Birch all of New market Some friends spent Inst Friday evening at Major Lloyds Mr ami Mrs J Belfry are spending New Years holidays In on No that the vision appeared to vs I shall never forget it as long as I live I He awake in bed and picture it all as saw it that my battalion there arc now only five men besides myself and I have no hope of ever getting lack to the front I have a record of fif teen years service and I should be very sorry to make a fool of myself by telling a story merely to please anyone Nurses Statement troops said at a publr The evidence though not always direct was cumulative and came along channels which bore a stamp of veracity Supernatural forms had he believed been seen There may have been more than one incident or again from different points of view may be describnl dif ferently He was reminded of one of the prophecies that points towards a great earth crisis which many lived to be Impending great signs shall there be from Heaven Luke Mr Hewitt of Gait is hero a visit to his molher Mrs lie Hewitt The circumstances under which rt a ws- Daily Mail are important Miss M Wilson the lady superintendent of the at which inn now Is was surprised on Fri day lafit when in told her that was over in his mind what hiring great The ntrse says Ihnvc known him for some time j the hospital and he Is not at all imaginative or highly He Is a decent iprfaking fellow and a married man with a family So of the Value this story to those who discussing virion of the Angels that wish his words to be made public Just as they were utter ed without the slightest idea that he was dealing with a topic which now excites newspapers and I person ally- convinced that the vision was actually seen by this- man A Colonels Confirmation A Scottish Ua known to Mr heard from the lips which- speaks of the time when Your young men shall sec and that among the events which should prhcede the great and notable day of the Lord was the following The Lord says I shall show wonders in heaven above and Arthur Lowe Mr Prettys Sunday School- Class wel his new dishes last Tuesday iiifrhl and had a good time over Mr returned home from Illinois for the mas festivities Mr Sain who has spending the past months in Toronto returned- homo for flhrislmas quite im proved in health Mr J Montgomery of and Mr Geo of connected of the Ontario Bank wore home for Christmas Mr Jen Fierheller hns teaching school at The following from Toronto Mr Frank wife Mr Ed Cane and wife Mrs- Dr Fred Phil Cane Frank it j A In the earth beneath blood and fire and v of smoke ANOTHER QOE8 DOWN James Isaac Silver Clar ence Caldwell Oliver Herb Stocking Frank Mahor and Frank Slight Mr- Barker son Barkcrof Sharon returned 3 fe Jan The loss of 11 Ja in connection with the of the Brandon steamship Persia torpedoed In Cliristmas holidays the Eastern- Mcditcrronean o has been in day afternoon is still a matter v doubt Latest advices from Mrs Jesse Doan organist at Christian Cliuroh wag sonled with an address for faith ful service Newmarket Christian- Choir rendered service at Kea- wick Christian Church this and Alexandria indicate that survivors have been landed whom were passengers Hope that others have been saved Is diminishing as four days have now elapsed since the vessel was destroyed s

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