Newmarket Era , January 7, 1916, p. 3

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mm ss feSS r Very Important Will the party who bought a Hotel from HunU- and return on Nov be kind enough to call at the p Newmarket The regular monthly meeting toe of the Methodist will be held at the home of Mrs on the afternoon of Wednesday Jan at oclock Chang is reported that Mr J Harvey of bought Mr Newmarket who will wish him every success in Venture Mr Harvey is a perfect arid will dp credit political party he represents V V- COHVfBTiefJ Annual Convention of the King To AssTn w be Harvey has many in held in the Methodist at of Church Rev- Cochrane College St Toronto was give preparatory address at last night The sacrament will be dispensed immediately af ter the sermon Sunday morning Three Cent Stamps The Post Office department has issued a new post stamp to cover the ordinary twocent stamp- and the one cent war lax thereby saving the trouble of affixing two stamps to a letter These new stamps reached Toronto on Tuesday and will likely be in Newmarket be fore the present eloses cm Thursday and anil lowing is program Thursday Evening Jon Song Opening and Devotional Exercises conducted by Rev Mr Klienburg Add ires 9 Rev Mr Scott i The Regular Meeting will be held in the School Room on Tues day evening next at This will- lake the form of a lecture on Weeds and Wild Flowers by Mr J All are cor dially invited Shaws Business Toronto conduct an Employ ment Department which received ninetyseven calls in Dec last for office assistants This is strong proof that business is better than usual and indicates the oppor tunities which Graduates of these schools enjoy Honors for Two of Our Oldest Curlers When the Curlers Executive met last Tuesday night Mr Luke Doyle and Col II Lloyd were made Hon- Life Members as a mark of appreciation for the as sistance they have given the Club in I he past New moon this week- Hie pen may slip for a few limes but write it now There are now just three li censed hotels in North York one in and two Sutton Saturday nooitday lunch at Field Comforts Tea Room over Mr from 30 to- Reasonable prices Come and enjoy a good lunch Division Court in Newmarket next Wednesday Music and Offering 8 Address Rev Brydon Strange Announcements clos ing Friday Morning Devotional Exercises con ducted by Rev Gray King Address Rev E Hal- penny- Gen Sec Provi Toronto Have we been True to our Trust reports from the Departmental Superintendents Elementary Mrs Rev Scott Secondary Geer Adult KHas Comfort Motes Reserve every Friday afternoon for work for our hoys in the trenches starting Friday Jan at Field Comforts Tea Room at J oclock Everyone is welcome Bring your filing or come pre pared to sew forge the Field Comforts Supper next Saturday from to pm Full supper at a varied menu at reasonable prices Music during supper Hear the splendid new records played by Mr dia mond disc gramophone Woodmen of the World The- following officers were elected foriiMo Norman Williams A- John Geo J Smith A Goring Dr Wilkinson Delegate to Camp Soy Pearson Alternate Dr Clark Board of Managers Dr Wilkinson P W Pearson and Dr Clark Silas Friday Jan is Hie da to foe the Classical Drama Silas to be presented in the A Former Newmarket Boy Weds Mr Theodore Willie of Calgary son of Mr and Mrs A formerly of Newmarket was married in Medicine Hat on Christ m Day to Miss Clara Myrtle Fal low a charming young lady of the latter city The wedding which was a quiet one was solemnized at tte beautiful resi dence of brides parents Belfast Street by the Rev J Watt M A pastor of Westminster Presbyterian Church Promptly at oclock to the strains of Wedding March the wedding party took their places under a decor ated nuptial arch the bride leaning on the arm of her fatjier who gave her away The bridesmayd was Miss Minnie sister of the groom and the Mr J Fal low brother of the bride At the close of the ceremony a unique buffet lunch was served bride looked very pretty in her exquisite gown ivory duchess satin with seal pearl trimming and a tulle veil caught in a cap eflete blossoms She carried a bouquet of white roses and lilies of the valley Miss wa prettily gowned in maize crepe de chene with shadow lace flouncing Mrs Fallow mother the bride wore beautiful gown of black duch ess satin Mrs A mother of groom was becomingly gowned in amethyst satin de with silver trimmings The guests were only immediate They consisted of Mr and Mrs A Mr and Mrs Russell Mr and Mrs Jamie- son Mrs Miss Evans and Mr J Cuyler all of Medicine Hat Mrs Allen of Mantou and of the 63rd from Edmonton The brides presents were and beautiful The brides father pre sented a piano The employees o the R Brock Calgary sent a cabinet of silver suitably engraved There were presents from absent friends of bride and groom The groom presented the bride with a gold necklace set with amethyst and drop pearls He gave the bridesmaid a gold brooch set with pearls and amethysts and to he Home John Teacher Training Miss A Ferguson Temperance Missionary William Boys Of Commit tees and Offering Closing Friday Afternoon Devotional conducted by Rev J H Colclouh Address Rev Dr Craw Bolton Address Stop that Bleed ing Rev W P Fletcher Keswick Round Table Conference Treasurers Report and Financial Appeal Singing and Offering il Nominating Committees Report and disposing of same Address on Primary Work 500 Closing Friday Evening Song Service Devotional conducted by Rev Address of retiring Presi dent and introduction of President elect Address Rev Music and Offering Farewells and Closing I President Harvey Folliott VicePres William Chapman SecyTreas Newmarket BALDWIN BREEZES Friend after friend So says poet king oer our land catling- ait tionie after home It for man lodie l nay not one is just plucked one of flovef8 liefer very sudden passing away of Miss Jenny Draped on Tuesday frbrn aftereffects of fan operation for appendioitis The as very favorably aud it was a severe shock her many to sad news She was laid to- rest at Elm Grove Cemetery Wednesday amid a large concourse of friends was a bright young wo man- hi her twentieth year of disposition and unsullied reputation desir ed to live longer but such was hoi to be shall close my brief memorial by a quotation from a song dead and beautiful Oh so young and so fair With her bright golden hair Let her sleep neatih the wil lows by Another vicjtimPf deaths ruth less hand is Mrs Harry Comer who just recently moved into this neighborhood She was taken by a very severe complication of heart disease and stomach de rangement and in spite of the efforts of Drs Noble and Green wood she passed to the groat be yond Our acquaintance with de ceased was limited so we cannot say much but her friends held her be a good upright young woman Frank Tomlinson was laid up for some days by a very severe attack of his old enemy which the doctors say is appendicitis He intends to consult a specialist and if necessary to go through the usual course Miss da school- maam another of our yoUng friends last week underwent a successful operation for some grave trouble Christmas holidays have been anything but a holiday for flic doctors Mrs A is and was out for a New Years frolic behind fast nag Jingle bells jingle bells Jingle all the way Oh what joy it is to ride In a onehorse open sleigh PATTERNS I Stock of from 100 1 Fancy Handkerchiefs Ldtes Fancy Lao and Embroidered dollars Mens Ties In Boxes from Up Boudoir Caps from to 3for28c And Hundreds of Other Useful Xmas SURE TO SHOP EARLY OF OUR XMA8 LINE8 OAli BE REPEATED a I V W A low mm Wednesday Jan 12 will hold an Mr extensive farm sale at Lot 9 Con I East at one oclock mos credit W J Auct Jan Auction Sale of Milch Cows Springers Heifers and Steers at the King George Hotel New market Sale at oclock a W Kavauagh CANADAS LOYALTY Town Hall under the auspices of line Christian Church Dramatic I presented an amethyst stickpin r Club- This is the play that de lightfully surprised the big audi ence which greeted its first pro duction last November The entire proceeds are lo be to Patriotic purposes and it is hoped everyone will plan to take in this entertainment and help the boys at the front who have gone from Newmarket Remember the date Friday Jan 21st Red Gross Items l The exact receipts from the Red Cross were i7r0 with only of expense Thu proceeds of the Knitting Tea last Tuesday were The next Knitting Ten will be held in he Method frit School Room on Monday tin- Instead of Tuesday Jim annual meeting of tin Canadian lied Cross will be held in Toronto Oil Jail in Con vocation Hall at- the University at oclock to which all members of the Red Cross are cordially in vited The Duke of will he in attendance Newmar ket will delegates Miss Anderson of Ottawa sent a donation of lo the Red Cross this week- The following were Sent to the head office from New market on Wednesday Pads do Coo presses do pairs Socks do do Personal Property Hags I package In Squares I Quill Mrs Robertson and Mrs A are in ioronlb a and meet ing of fthVi Citizens Recruiting League of District No The object Is lo organize the wo men for recruiting work Tito regular Meeting of the Red Cross Society will he held the Chamber on Monday the at 330 p A full attendance is requested J Amidst a thorough baptism of con fetti the and groom boarded the Imperial Limited for Western points They will reside in Calgary and will be at home at Suite Nine teen King Apartments alter January Mrs was one of the popular lilies of Medicine Hat She was a member of the Girls Hockey team also soloist the Westminster choir where she will be greatly missed who began life In the of the Specialty Co Newmar ket went t Toronto where he was employed in Brocks Leaving To ronto he went to Medicine Hat where he rose to become Circulation Manager of the Hat Morn ing Times Going to Calgary to fill a similar position on the Calvary Herald ho afterwards went back to Brocks where he Is now a- De partmental Manager In their Calgary Warehouse From the Boston Post While at home in Great ihe threat of has been produced as a spur lo the lagging progress of for the war the government of Canada proposes with confidence lo increase its contingent to men ami volunteers ore re sponding with enthusiasm Canada has nearly completed her first allotment of of these are already on the firing line over there The popu lation of the Dominion according to a report issued in duly last was given as at that time The annual growth of population Is about ho the natural incremMit of two and a half years Is passed over without a mur mur in aid Of the mother country in her time of need It is a sturdy people imbued with an inherited spirit of loyalty which commands admiration A new Mothodist Church at Pclerboro was opened lastSun- When all the world sleeps one voIoq alone the flight of f THE VOICE OF THE I The ordinary de livers Its message In sharp unpleasant sounds A Gong Mantle We soil speaks softly and with the swoetness of a harp FOR STYLE AND PRICE CALL AND I COM Jewelers and Opticians TICKET Young man I Get a string of those exceedingly handsome and musical bells and take your gal for a ride- Dont forget One of our prominent ladies remarked that some of the Christmas carollers were so rude and no ay she was afraid to pass anti to take a roundaboutiiway Thais how booze plays hob with the gentle men in the Backwoods is a very Interesting story written by Mrs Trail one of Canadas clev erest It depicts back woods life and its hardships I am acquainted with the scene of the story therefore I enjoyed it much The book is in Public Library When such incidents occur right at our own door they become doubly interesting shall en deavor lo give you my story next week with Pat Cain in the title role Mrs John Cockburn had cake Scotch Shortbread for the holi days right from jlie land of cakes I didna enjoy a taste Some time ago ihore happy reminiscence In the Era by It I relative lo the old Grammar School on Lot St Newmarket remember it as well though twere but yes terday Just fortyfive years ago today Jail 2nd and Wm myself and fortyeight oth ers began the New Year as stu dents under Principal Anderson could give you the most minute details names seats location etc but space wont allow such a latitude There were some ele gant young ladies too eh Hob I see them now by a glance of the mind The lady who presides at wan one of the liest and most Intellectual Some remarkably clever young men were J Wetherall JE Dick son J E Pollock Alfred Brown Pleasant days those I bet I Mrs Glen Chapman Vera was moving her furni ture and belongings to her home last week is now swinging along to wards spring Wood is now the Jliome of many of our cilizens thoughts Get while youre tin I Mrs J J Foster and the Juve nile Fosters visited Grandma Kay at last week and a nice old Grandma is Grandma Grandma Aunt Sally are a couple more fs making a big stir in fl I is having a set- to by best men in sight They are both personal friends of the Owl May the best man win I record half the so Ill close my yarn spinning Correspondents to our vil lage blacksmith John I Cull tor handsome Calendar J Mrs Charles and family Flint Michigan also iliss Helen and Bryan of Aurora visitors at Glen the Mr and Mrs Blackburn Mr James of Richmond Hill has been visiting old acquaint ances in the neighborhood and Albert Somerville and family spent New Years with Mr and Mrs Albert Shanks the 6th line Mr Harry Davis spent a couple days in the City last week Mr Merrill Dales brother of our esteemed preacher occupied the pul pit of the 5th Line Christian Church on Sunday last with much accept- tance Mr- Mrs Joh and family of the 6th Line spent New Years day with friends at Bond Lake Mrs Wellington and daughter of Newmarket ate visiting Mis Albert Shanks on the 6th line Mr AFbert goes to City next week on Sorry to hear Mr Vance Webster is not convalescing as quickly as we would like We wish for change for the better The substation for the Aurora and Electric Railway in course o construction on the Line is rapidly completion A large force of every day Quite a severe storm of wind and sleet in the district comicenclng New Years at noon not abating in severity before Sunday noon Miss Porter our new teacher in District Not commenced her du ties on Monday last she has our best wishes for success It- Mr Maurice Watson son ol our highly esteemed and much respected townsman Mr Levi Watson in valided from the front arrived on Monday afternoon Arriving in Aurora by It one en in from the Battalion lino the platform and escorted the gallant soldier who wounded tor his King and Country to street where large procession was formed and started for Jiis home in Kettleby On entering the village toe In creased In vast numbers amid cheers and enthusiasm he was onoe more in the comfortable house of his anxious loving Parents where we hope from the attention and kind ness he will receive from loving he Will rapidly regain strength and be spared to live to see en emy vanquished Mr Arthur Marshall ol the Line was elected School Trustee in our No lo succession to Mr Albert who in the spring is moving to Liiie now of Toronto returned to the City on Monday last after spend ing the holiday among his many friends As Reeve Wells the Township Council was reelected by acclama tion the contest on Monday was on ly for Deputy Reeve and Councillors with the following result For Mr Cornelius for Council Messrs Campbell Ka and MoMarchic y NEWMARK Winter Clearing Sale Cotton Eiderdown for Reg and yd Price Heavy Serge in Black and in wide Reg 125 yd Price yd Ladles White Shaker Night Robes heavy weight some Price and 25 each Colored Night Robes Reg 50 and Sale Price 39c lt OKFICK TOWNTO Paid Up LEG President Drafts Money Orders and Letters of Credit Issued available throughout the World Reserve Fund 7000000 E HAY General Manager Dealers In Government and Dealers In Domest i ana Foreign Exobange Savings Department at all Branches Interest credited halfyearly at Current Rates opens an aocount 8MYTH Manager Newmarket FARMERS NOTES DI80OUNTED 8UPPLIED ON APPLICATION GENERAL BANKING TRAN8AOTED A Vffc i LIVE MARKET Highest prices paid in Toronto this were Choice Butcher Cattle Cattle lbs Milkers Sheep 775 Lambs off cars Toronto Wheat per Oats per bush Hay per ton Butter pet lb Eggs Potatoes per bag Chickens per lb ore it lb Jan 08 0 300 GO- 0 to- as 0180 1 FURNISHINGS FOR EN We are now nicely settled In our new stand and will bo able to take care of all In Mens Boots and The Mens Now in Old Post Office Stand SOUTH EN ii Newmarket Markets Jon Wheat per hush per bush- 0350 per Shorts per ton per ton per Potatoes per bap 5 Turkeys per Chickens per lb 20 per lb 0 15018 Royal Household Flour The Leader for Bread Made from Old Wheat MONAROH and K auk ghoigk pastry albo pure flour bran and All Kinds of Food for Fowl CALL AND LEAE YOUR ORDER Prompt Delivery A mm Send Mi loabaent friends 0F HOWARD A TEAM WORK ATTENDED i o i i

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