Newmarket Era , January 7, 1916, p. 4

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MM TeUtBowTbCuft Cough Jackson carpenter and the grippe left me with a chronic rundown worn oat and weak I took all kinds of syrups without help I read about and decided to by it Before I bad taken a bottle I felt better and after taking two bottles cough is entirely cured and I have lined new vim and energy John I Vinol Is a cod liver and iron tonic guaranteed for coughs colds and bronchitis and for all weak conditions Ay J Patterson -Druggist- I ATTEND THE BEST I IT PAYS I TOROMTOi T lias a National Reputation superior Business and Shorthand Education Catalogue Free Now I J ELLIOTT Principal Yonge St Toronto WINTER TERM OPEN8 A REPRESENTATIVE WANTED at once for NEWMARKET and District for the OLD RELIABLE NURSERIES Farmers I Why remain idle all Winter when you can lake up a paying agency Choice list of varieties for Spring Planting Liberal Terms Handsome Free Outfit Territory WRITE NOW FOR PARTICULARS AND WELLINGTON TORONTO ONTARIO lor eleven Ontario Assembly made some pointed observations His era were aroused to siasrii when he said- Federal Government see to itthai the blood of Canadas is not spilled oil the plains of Flanders to enrich the grafters at home Later on in his address the spouse was emphasized when he declared If there is one thing in Canada against which we must protest with all the energy possible it is the graft in with the purchase and handling of War Supplies Is there anything more iniquitous and discreditable than men mak ing illgotten gains out of the blood and of our men The- AttorneyGeneral 1 of this Province should take notice that if any man places himself within tbe criminal law in this respect justice will not be done until that man is punished to the hilt of the criminal law In Russia they put the grafters In jail- Such men in this country should he jailed when found guilty- Canada should demonstrate to the world that the Dominion is the ijiree- ty option was sustained in in three municipalities and a majority was given eating the measure on the three- fifths majority live corporations out of loivyseyeii were majori ties given against the me vote at Ottawa was oh the question of reducing the bars and the was carried cutting down the number or licenses from to Total Provincial pro hibition is now in sight- Aurora Goes Dry By a Vole of to Town o- Aurora decided in favor of local option The vote cast was an exceptionally heavy one largest ever in the town ilie majority of is regarded by the advocates of local option as fully as large as anticipated Majority for bylaw over threellfths 30 There were no other election contests there fore the whole forces of the- li quor interests and the Local Op tion Committee were concentrat ed on the local option bylaw Four big automobiles and six election workers came from To- not in this war for material gain u l Anglican rector WANTED NOW J i I I fe Reliable Salesman to ot as Agent In York County PAY WEEKLY Outfit free exclusive territory and money making specialties Our agencies are the best in the business for we sell the highest grade of stock at most reasonable prices and guar antee deliveries in flrsl condition Nursery stock is selling well this year and good money can be made in IhlBdiglrJcl For particulars write Sales Manager NURSERY CO Toronto Out but rather for freedom and de mocracy EDITORIAL NOTES The Canadian Parliament is summoned to meet on Thursday next for the despatch of business Canadas wheat crop for is estimated at 336258000 bush els In it was 1 and in the figures were or a grand total for the past threo years of A Roller Flour MILL LIKE PIE Of course you do when you know it is made fom R03E FLOUR You can always count on turn ing out the lightest sweetest and most delicious CAKES AND PASTRY W you Use this flour Its recognized besl by all compe tent judges TRY MOSS R08E FLOUR THE NEXT TIME YOU BAKE Your grocer will supply you EVERY GUARANTEED Nevniarket According to a statement in the Monetary Times the grand total of war loans of- different coun tries including the recent war loan ofCanada now amounts to The third war loan of florriiany which was reported as oversubscribed on Oct last was for With that loan German ic borrowing reached Britains war loan to that date amounted to This sum does not include Ex chequer bonds to the total of if These totals are An Ottawa says thai Hopkins of a real claimed an interest in a war contract for clothing by the Empire Clothing indirectly from the British Government because his machin ery had transferred to and used in their factories was brought out on Monday during enquiry into the charges made by Mens Wear that a real estate dealer got on a clothing contract One witness slated that Hopkins was interested in the contract to the extent of per cent The contract was for pairs of trousers at per pair and was through Hop kins The public will await Coin- Davidsons report wIUi here headed the Local Option Committee Mayor of v and Mr J Walton were leading supporters of the Mr Len nox K P who is a resi dent here remained neutral When the result of the voting known con gratulated the workers on the outcome The last vote taken here on lo cal option was three years ago when it carried by onefifth of a vote over the majori ly The election was upset on a technicality There arc three li censed hotels here Where Local Option Carried Aurora 19 170 22 153 Oxbridge ill Wallaceburg Until r it Springs 54 Perry taV Line was sunk in the by a on Thursday p raj The Persia was tbrpedbejd without warning- minutes warning was Persia beioree torpedo was launched ac cording to authoriiie information it is reliably understood Robert American Sere- in his possession Out a total of passengers and crewyqnthe steamer only were saved This number of surviv have arrived at Alexandria It- possible that a lew more may be added Perished The number of lives lost was there fore or a number very to that the disaster of the Persia second only to the loss among the list of pas senger steamers sunk by German and Austrian submarines the Ital ian steamship Ancona which ranks In third place was sunk lives were lost Of the persons saved only 59 were passengers the other being of the crew and 59 of these being were passengers on board and There were women among the passengers Of these only are to have been picked up lb addition there were 30 children It is feared that all tbe latter lost- their lives KeoRiigflitlV- as Baldwin Jan iith Jan Keswick Thursday dfjresaei by of of the Hangers and Soldiers and Vocal pro gram at each place f KILLED BY GAS WHAT FARM Can do with CONCRETE ELECTRICITY IN TOYLAND It is only recently that electri city began to play a conspicuous part in holiday Of all the electric toys the little trol ley car is one of the best It Holland Landing Ian 2Geofge West a resident the was instantly killed on evejiing last Jn a collision -be- haaicar lie was riding upon and a freight The accident happened within a few feet of the depot platfoiin and was witnessed by many- people West had been visiting friends at Bradford earlier in tbe day arid was returning on a hand- Davidson about iTbey were struck without warning by the train which came from behind and they had ho time in which to escape A peculiar feature of accident is that while West was killed his companion Davidson escaped with a few bruises and cuts When the train crushed into the car West was flung ahead on the track while the other man was thrown toone side ami fell alongside the embankment West Was terribly mangled and was dead when picked An inquest was opened by Coroner Wesley of Newmarket- but after view the remains was adjourned until Friday next a Hi Wi t AURORA Instead of having the usual Xm tree and concert at the Public School the children had a- sleigh riding party was followed by a treat all reported a glorious time i 724 190 1 London ByLav Sustained Finch North flower Owen Sound F ROBINSON Proprietor Furnace Work Plumbing 3 of Our Specialties On Friday were 1 men and women a total Of in the Toronto I ut the rid staff of 28 guards and official a Were still maintained Fancy paying a guard to watch four prisoners Last there were mala pris oners nl S3 a total of which meant prisoners to each guard The City authorities place blame on the Ontario for the situation ihe jail is being emptied sending prisoners to the Jail Farm At present we under stand there are less than Vj prisoners at the Jail Farm where there Is ao cornmodation or It is manliest therefore that at both Jail and Farm could he the Farm and still have Hi to spare hut delay at Queens prevents the old Jail from being clos ed and cost ol maintenance saved Ontarios and Provincial ccrctarji should get a and save municipal BEWARE OF OINTMENTS FOR CATARRH THAT CONTAIN MERCURY as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely the whole system when en tering it through tht Such articles should never he used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians as the damage they will do is Ion fold to the good you can possibly derive froth Halls by Toledo contains no mer cury and is taken internally act ing directly the mucous surfaces of the syslm In buying Halls Catarrh be sure yon the genuine It Is taken infernally ami made in So- Ohio by Chone free Sold by Price per bottle Take Family Pills for niVl The children enjoyed the Christmas gets its power from the lighting fa on Thurft Mr Chester Miller was the star entertainer and Santa in a close second Carey of Aurora formerly a storekeeper at Goodwood appeared before Magistrate in the County Police Court charged with being intoxicated and acting in a disorderly manner on the Metropolis tan car He pleaded guilty and allowed oil on suspended sentence and payment of court costs The magis ordered that he be put onhf Indian list and he was warned that his appearance again on thi year term at thi Another of Auroras old and re- citizens passed away on Tues day evening in the person of Mr George in His year Deceased had not been well for some but taken much worse on Tuesday morning was Toronto General- Hospital where an operation was performed which was successful hut Mr McConnell failed to rally from the effects and died on circuit and will run on its circu lar track quits well as well as its big cousin runs in the city street Toy motors and generators to run toy machinery are especially in teresting to boys For girls mo dern doll houses are illuminated with tiny electric lamps This year Santa will have in his pack a new toy for little girls a miniature electric range It is a complete practical range that cooks and bakes perfectly the very thing for whicb little girls have longed with nil their hearts It is a safe plaything for children and when using it they not only occupy themselves happily but actually learn to cook There is a complete set of utensils fur nished free a cookbook for children written so that they can understand it without difficulty This small range is fifteen inches high six a practical little oven CANADIAN ARMY OF 120122 8EA WITHOUT Ottawa Dec figures issued today General Sir Sam Hughes shows that Canada has sent across the Atlantic men In addition men were sent to Bermuda and St Lucia making a total of men have been sent overseas In addition wounded and disabled soldiers returned making total who have been transported so far without the loss of man In Can ada soldiers have been mov ed by rail with only one ac cident a record of which General Hughes feels- the railways and mili tary transport system have good reason ioc proud This Free Book It contains Ilka shown here five practical Instructions for improving your arm explaining the moil economical way to construct Id walk foundation trough tonka and 45 other needed every farm There are of Information vital to every farmer who to build a pafei what concrete Is how to mix ft the tools needed what kind of iiaa and cement are belt I now to mike forms bow to place concrete end relnforoe It etc etc In It tells necessary to know about the worlds belt and most economical material concrJto Tfalsbook Is mprort- hi pi fvuuavci ft copy book will it you Fill In CANADA CEMENT COMPANY Herald Mortrc cut out and mail J CANADA mi a free copy A Wkal Ike Parmer do rilh StrctttitdNo iiiiii fror Tuesday evening Deceased had bee 300 KILLED IN AN EXPLOSION move on OAR COMES TO CANADA r Bathroom Outfit at Shop THE TINSMITHS The loss of the armored cruiser Natal in thctrcsult of nt internal explosion In one of those tragic affairs Which will occur no how complete the precautions are to The cause of the blowing up of the the Natal the Irinccsa Irene will probably never he known A shell carelessly dropped would he to the aVmost Incalculable powers of instruction stored In the magazine of llkelhe Natal The loss of overHhrcc hundred train ed then Is serious and most regret table herself was lm- has a large Montreal Dec An order for freight cars valued at two million dollars ha been received by of armored cruisers of classes similar the Canadian Foundry Corn- to the Natal while Germany has FORD MISSION FAILS Stockholm Dec 30 The Ford peace conference probably will he held in Stockholm instead of The Hague A formal invitation to the delegates to return to Stockholm from Copenhagen their conference here probably will lie accepted owing to the difficulty in reaching The Hague The visit Stockholm costing a day was extended to Thursday night because of the enthusiasm of the Swedish pacifists Two Swedish delegates whose names are withheld have been selected and also to attend the final peace conference but responsible Sweden declared that mission Is hopeless employed in the works here for about years was highly respected by all who 1new him A wife six children one son and five daughters are left Interment at take place this Friday afternoon at from his late residence to- Aurora Cemetery While we have many things of which we may Justly boast we have wit nessed many things not to say aspcring For instance how one likes to go to the post office to wait for the mail to be distributed or to mail a letter or parcel and have one just ahead of you after receiving his mail stand at the wicket and look over a dozen or more letters and after purchasing the stamps instead of stepping out of the way as they should do stand at the wicket until they have placed the stamps In posi tion and sealed all the letters We think a reform along this line would be very acceptable Indeed ENTER ANY TIME Resident and Day School for Boys and Girls Preparation for and Examinations IN SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING A BOOKKEEPIN0 I Preparatory Course Leading to Collegiate Department MU8IO A ART I Address W P FIRTH HI A Principal Will you bo wakened tonight by the dreaded sound of a cough and see the little and choke without being able to help Not if you have the old reliable Cough Remedy at hand It gives relief at once It liquifies the dangeroua choking phlegm bo it expelled It heals up coughracked throat and prevents further attacks For Croup Whooping as well simple coughs and colds Chamberlain a Cough Remedy fa a safe and reliable medicine Give It at the very first symptom at band All 25c SOc IT ft I I I mm Mm EHi if mum M I Hint mi Mum tf A if t FT Mlftil a hi 1 SONS We to Smiths pany the cars being for France and for delivery as possible The order la one of the largest equipment contracts awarded a Canadian firm for export July Car secured a contract for freight from the British Government It learned that Canadian Car recently received Ita payment- on the munitions entered Into with the winter dcrttruetion of the Na tal the only serious loss sustained by the British Navy for several months Ox men navy has lost but little over per cent total strength in killed and since ho projfcirUon WHAT THE OLD MAN to It seems men in pub lic olllcc for years at a good round salary should ho pensioned after Ion service In well paid position The farmer the workman the business man or the professional man Is not pensioned after of why should public over other workers There Is a sort feeling that It Is right to duck the public or bleed a corpora tion A man In public general ly gels twice the salary or pay he could command In business or In a workshop or other private position A NASTY CHILL When sickness comes the need of proper warmth is urgent HEATERS I CANADA Oil Heater fortahle heat instantly and cheaply FOR SALE BY J bo capable of lining It began a remarkably small stems to be coming And If it come there will be no incentive iJ Ua easier to lledown it Is to up docs come there will be no incentive thrift or saving and will be unfortunate both for Individual and it fa L a f j El a-

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