Newmarket Era , January 7, 1916, p. 5

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J- Robertson Barrier on Security V Office to Loan it Frank Duncan Auctioneer iJ Junior Christian Endeavor- girls aria boys who to or join the Junior JAN 1 Over H Wilkinson DENTIST McCauleys Grocery B Terry Estate Agent Insurance ami Howard- If want lo Buy or Sell Sec Me Dr I H R Clark DENTIST Office almost opposite the King George Hotel MAIN ST NEWMARKET Officers for the following ail fruhi Urn J York Hangers been appointed to lie York Hall for Overseas service under Clarke Jr Major Adjutant J H Craig Adj K McNair Med Officers Major -Ft- Hillary Signal Oifieer J A J Flood J RBell JM Gibson A Wood cock and Little j Town Council Armitage School facials possible Walter Terry David Mayi Buckle Mac Main Florence J norland Owens Beatrice Class in Marks Possible Haines Owens The following w by ed Fred Alex meeting last Monday evening Mayor Carte Reeve Keith Councillors Road- Robert Lewis bouse Eves lVJnclr and Pottage 729 Dorothy Forester York Radial electric and work Florence Dr J Boyd W wedding Bells Graduate in Medieine of To ronto University Licentiate of the Royal College of and member of the Royal College of Surgeons of England Former clinical assistant in Moorflelds Eye Hospital and Uni versity College Ear Nose and Throat Hospital London En Office Cor Main and Timo thy Sis Newmarket Telephone HO Consultation Hours J WcKewon WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER Park Avenue Adjoining New Post Office At the Manse by Hie Rev Thomas on life evening of Dec Miss Mamie Rose third daughter of Mr and Rose of Yonge was married to Mr William Davis youngest son of Mr H Davis of Liverpool The bride looking iiya suit of dark red velvet with trimmings of black silk furs and hat of while plush was tended by her sister Allie The groom was supported by Mr Hugh Byrne of St Calharines After the ceremony the happy couple proceeded home where supper was served The ng couple will reside on Andrew St 91uo pan Express Co 3 Geo Forester accent 233 Bell Tel 688 Collins work ioo 40 A Williams Co 3917 Federal Co account Account from Era Office of 5IiO referred lb Fin Com Applications and L Manning for electric current granted from Sick Childrens referred to finance Com adjourned sine die MacMain Willie Newton absent Class Junior Rfarks possible Aubrey Vera Leigh RICH PLATINUM FIND I Bert Green PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER Ave bouse from Queen Street Newmarket Bolton Hewitt Practical Painter Paper Hanger and House Decorator RESIDENCE Corner Niagara and Street New market A NEWMARKET Teacher of Piano Voice and Vio lin Dealer in all kinds of Musio- el Instruments and Repairs PIANO TUNING Agent for Columbia Grafono- las and Records Complete- Stock Prompt Service FIRE INSURANCE TOWN AND PROPERTY FOR Let know your wants P Newmarket Soldier Wounded Particulars of the wounding q gunner Watson of Newmarket is thus reported in Thursdays Telegram Gunner Watson comes from Newmar ket and did his bit with head quarters staff of the 3rd Artillery Brigade On April 30th he went out with a comrade to repair the tele phone wires between Headquarters and the Battery While engaged in that dangerous work a shell intended for the battery- landed close to Watson He is quiet youth and tells his stofiy fewer words than are required to write it down I got it thats all says My right knee is pretty much on the blink but it may be all right by the time the next war comes along At the Sign of St Peters Anglican- Church Carl ton street Toronto was the scene ot a pretty evening wedding on Deo Miss Dell the second daughter of Mr and Mrs Fred Trent of St Toronto formerly Whitchurch was wedded to Mr William James Whit ten of Box 37 On- Mr Wilk inson conducted the service The bride who was given away by her father was charmingly dressed in a suit of elephant grey chiffon velvet and ermine tie gold lace hat with and eat bouquet of orchids with the valley the ceremony the bride groom and immediate relatives returned to the home ol brides parents where the wedding breaTast was served alter which the happy couple left on their honey-moon- On their return to To ronto Mr- and Mrs will re side at 280 Lee Avenue r Jackson Issuer Of LICENSES At the Era Office Newmarket Office Private issued at private rc- if desired NEWMARKET Mathewson Dec 30 Native plat inum in paying quantities has been found on the claims in Township at a spot one mile east of the mine where richest gold ore in Canadas mined- Assays of which five were made run to of the precious metal have been picked up by prospectors at more than one spot in Munro but this is the first time it has been assayed and found to run into high paying quantities The whole district has platinum fever and the country which was restaked solid last August for gold will he prospected for the more valuable metal at once now that samples are being passed around a exclu sive set and miners know what to look for KETTLEBY SOLDIER RETURNS On Monday last Pie Maurice Watson who was gassed at St reached his home at Kct- On his arrival al Aurora he was given a warm welcome by Mayor Baldwin J M Walton and the overseas men of York Rangers with drum and bugle band A procession was formed the school children taking part Watson who is a son of Levi Watson Ket- later in the day was escort ed home where he was met by a parly of farmers sons op horse back Watson was attached lo the staff of Canadian Bank of Commerce and though perma nently disabled expects lo be able at an early dale to resume his duties y 495 Harry Newton i possible Edward Lewis Earnest Cook Ruth Walker Walter Baldwin Clarence Kieth George Newton Class possible Owens Dorothy 150 Gray Marshal Harlmaii Willie Milgac77 Enrolled for 61 Average daily 46 Campbell Teacher Jhd following contributed lo he Pick Childrens Hospital Laura Cosford v Emily Haines May 25 Ruth Walker 25 Blanche Pottage Clarence Pottage Walker Eleanor Marfleel Owens Owens Hilda Cray m 55 55 20 m 3 t from school 700 Contributions to Red Cross May Buckle 25 Nellie Buckle Laura Emily Haines Aubrey Walker Waller Baldwin Vera Florence Milgate Dorothy Dear MbUier Delighted td of I got llie night we cahie 1 of the tor haying been in three days and or up lo our middles There has- been a great deal of here and the are desirable fltpresenf how ever as we are equipped with gum boots and leather coals and long capes we are not so bad and every precaution is taken for be provenlioh of frozen or swollen feel so it is reaiiy if lie allows his feet to suffer from the mi had a very heavy bombard ment while- in the trenches but as was lucky only losing one man killed and several slightly wounded A great many are suffering from colds ahjl fever I have had a heavy cold myself hut all through our lime in he with H and thanks to a good I have able to throw it off although they were talking of sending the hospital- am now feeling OK and think not be troubled any more Ibis as am climatized Yes I received your parcel with tobacco and some time ago and those sox were certainly worth any two or three pairs of issued ones Have not received Emilys parcel with the apples and am sorry say that expect the army trans port or some other hungry devils devoured them as is often the case however it may still turn up Am sorry to hear that Bessie is hot very well but hope that she will soon recover Glad to hear that all the rest are Have not heard 25 25 10 in 10 10 00 05 05 MADE IN CANADA- Touring A bumper of pleasures and profits Is reap ed the farmer who owns a Ford He has broken down the barrier of distance for himself and his entire family Now after harvest arent you go ing to buy that Ford The Ford Runabout is the Sedan the Town car All prices are Ford Ontario All cars completely equip ped including electric headlights Cars on at CALL AND SEE K ROBERTSON wmarket 61 il t THRE8HER8 RETURNS TELL OF Work LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Call jefore ordering elsewhere Out Stone for Building Purposes Kept in Slock and Made to Order GEO small on slippery delivered message TREES The that can be grown Who is our in your Browns Well ud Co Out OXIDIZED On Short Notice Machinery for Sale of Bank of Toronto Methodist Church The attendance wys Sunday owing to walking Tile an excellent New from the words Oast all your anxiety on for lie for you At tin close of tin rrioh some 17 persoriH uiiIIimI with church The Week of Prayer is being duly observed in this church On Monday evening tin- address was given by tut Pastor oil Tues day evening by Rev Young of the Friends on Wednes day evening by Hey Hall of liurch Thursday lofiighl by I Addison On and evening by If Thomas of Next Sunday Rev Scott Of who was fcordially re ceived here some will and evening Ho- doing doty for as of the i 0 A j COAL FOR iest Goal at bar gain prices Orders tilled at No doors of Osbornes Shop Main St North FRANK GLASS Millard Ave NORTH YORK MARBLE AND GRANITE l and of and and Mar- Liilest in Monu ment j and AH at Cemetery work promptly at tended to Call and Bee before Ail kinds of Building Cut to Order JOHN MOSS 442 Works A Hockey Group No til Jan la Salle at Pickering lc50 Jan iriIiekerinK College at Andrews at Jan be la Salle at SI Andrews Jan Andrews at Pickering Jan Pickering College at He la Salle Feb at Do a Salle group No ft Jan Aurora at Newmarket Jan Aura Lee at Aurora Jan 4 at Milton Newmarket at Jan Milton at Aura From Saskatchewan Star Some idea the magnitude of crop Saskatchewan and Al berta is obtainable from the threshing returns which are beginning to come Into the city The official figures from threshing outfits were received Iron an official the immigration departs merit at Winnipeg and thcae show an average of bushels to the acre The highest returns were made at the Dominion at and the average at the former station being bushels and at the latter bushels At the returns showed bushels to the acre at bushels of oats to the acre at of wheat at of wheat at at Corona tion bushels at bushels at bushels at and at Pan- eras the returns showed bushels of wheat and bushels of oats to the acre The only that has come i from district Is from where a yield average bushels wheat to the acre THE GRIPPE Her Strength I am years old and became very weak and feeble from the La Grippe but Vfnol has done me a world of good It cured my couh built up my strength so feel active and well lire J Canton Miss ur cod liver and Iron Ionic without oil digestion en riches the blood and creates strength Unequalled for chronic coughs or Your money hack if it fails Druggist Newmarket Kettleby Report For the month of December V Class Marks possible 1 407 M lion J Davis 1114 lion J lion Glass Marks possible I Class Marks possible L 1153 Fox Hunt 881 HI Glass Marks possible Dove III Glass Jr Marks possible I Fox Lewis K Mount Bowman H Dove Koake Glass Marks possible JOG A Burling J Davis Burling 748 K Tat ton Hunt P Simmons It Hum Burling 500 Class Marks possible Lewis Burling 547 Klink Primer of Warren 59 J Lewis Fos ter T 26 Primer AM Lewis Mount Burling Primer Bain Klink Teacher from Ed We are now in reserve camp and may be back in the again soon for a time after which we shall probably lake a rest which we all feel the need of Well mother this letter must suf fice for all the family this time and will Try to write to the rest later but you see wo only get a green envelope once a week and they are only ones which are not cen sored by our own officers and body have his letters open ed and read Well must close Write soon to your loving son Fred A BOARD OK DinECTOWS V LI Aw Sir SirTUt A Elf Cr3 HDfntrrtlEH Ecf ygB Capital Paid up Profit Total Oct J Rates of Interest are allowed on deposits in the Savings Department of the Bank of Montreal Deposits of and upwards are received in this Department HEAD C G Ross Manager Newmarket Branch FOIST CLASS MUST BE fan Ian TO Jan TO Milton at Aurora Jan I Aurora at Aura fan at Newmarket Jan Newmarket Milton Jan at Markhnm Jan Newmarket Aurora Aura Lee at Markbam Jan Newmarket Jan at Aura Jan Aurora Milton a Jan at Aurora Jan Lee at Milton Jan at Send the Era to absent friends A BARGAIN One pencil Illinois Vacuum Carpet Good as new- Cost Will sell for 3 No further use Having an sweeper Ap ply at Era Office GREAT OPPORTUNITY Having installed J an electric plant I haveno for a unall dynamo having a capaci ty of from 6 to lights to id run from a stearn plant- Can be seen in operation at any llrno Cost will sell Knowledge of is classed as one of the requisites of a successful Kansas fnrmer by profes sors in the Kansas Stale Agricultural College A man who has had in forging will save many dollars in re pair bills He will weld a broken rod or shaft in a few minutes and lose Hide lime on money His neighbor who will have to stop- work and take the broken piece to tin town blacksmith losing much valuable time and adding a repair bill to bis expense account The man who knows iron will sharpen his a rainy day The man who docs not know iron will pay his wise neigh bor or the village smith for every one he hits only can the trained man repair broken parts but he can with equal skill shape new parts a price far below that charged by the local re pair man The business organization of the farm has gained public prominence through efforts reduce the man agement and conduct of a farm to a modern and systematic basis- New methods arc direct results of new inventions in farm machinery in many instances tho- horse must me way to ho tireless and power ful machine and the advent of the machine makes a knowledge of machine construction a necessity The foundation upon which to and understanding of machin ery is a knowledge of he properties and peculiarities of Iron is difficult lasso any thing of consequence with red tape Dec Lloyd J miller of Si loam about five miles from here was Instantly killed yesterday afternoon by befog caught in Borne shafting Dec brother of Chief Harris lire department met a fearful death in grist mill at caught In MEETING OF THE UNION The Annual Meeting of the Ontario Agricultural and Union will be held al the Ontario Agricultural College on the and 1 2th of January The cooperative work among the farmers has again been car ried on throughout the Province of four Thousand farm ers took part in this work during the past year The cooperative work now includes testing of all kinds of farm crops the op- plication of commercial fertiliz ers and farm yard manures the growing mixed grains the era dication of weeds besides work In Forestry and in- and connection with the public schools of Ontario 1 the presentation of the summary results and the prin cipal conclusions from the co operative work subjects of great agricultural value will be dis cussed Amongst the speakers are Dr C Creel an Hon Mac- Mr Bailey Prof Mr P Angle Mr M Clement Mr J ami several of the Professors of the Ontario Ag ricultural College Ml sessions of the Experiment- i I ta I South Tin Shop Main St Newmarket WE ARE BU8Y WITH PLUMBING A SPECIAL LINE OF FIXTURES HEATING J i WRIGHT X I are open to any person interested in agriculture and ev eryone is welcome to lake part in I the Meeting Cheap rates have been arranged on the plnii For fuller particulars and a copy of the program apply lo A Secretary Agricultural iuelph eo HACKS DOWN London Dec It was reported here today that the Austrian reply to the second Arrcrfcan note on the case states thai thn comman der of the Austrian submarine has been punished tak ing account of the panic aboard the which rendered tion more The Austrian reply further expres ses the hope that Washington will be able to supply the particulars how Hie American citizens were affected but event of such evidence be ing lacking and the United States be ing unable to state how the American citizens Came to their death the Government is ready to pass lightly over this de ficiency and Indemnify for damages whose proximate cannot be and hopes the ln- will be regarded a ended The Austrian note while announc ing Hungaran to pay an in for the American victims thn Ancona declares thatthe Gov ernment cannot admit responsibility for damage caused by the Justifiable firing on the fleeing vessel or by the capsizing the boats before the tor pedo was fired Children FOR FLETCH if WE WISH OUR MANY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS MERRY CHRISTMAS and Prosperous New Year Our la to ploase our Our Stock of Suitings is always as come I MERCHANT TAILOR Phono Main i The New Transcontinental NEW SHORT ROUTE to WESTERN CANADA Can Govt N Grind Trunk TORONTOWINNIPEG v Cobalt and Tbrouih the 5cruc New Ontario- Rout of Marvetft Finest Roadbed July Toronto Sat pm daily North Wed- Sun A Retina 605 fc Sun Sat Moc Edmonton 1000 via Canadian at eif belt to Prince Yukon Vancouver Victoria 5 EJectuc ftftUDdftidiltcpfng cart fl Tim lablea leplnf car la Trunk Can Govt Of O Cocbrtnc At Winnipeg s- mm

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