Newmarket Era , January 7, 1916, p. 6

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p- a I TINSDALE AGENT ALBERT A I- is YATES AGENT gt MOONTV ALBERTS PERSONAL Mr of and Mr and Mrs and Broad spent the holi day at the home of Mr Mrs barker of Newmarket was a visitor at the home of Mrs Geo Mainprise Dr Win Mainprise returned to Bask leaving on Tuesday morning Mr Morris Wesley College Winnipeg Mr and Mrs A French Ottawa Mr and Mrs Karl Armstrong Toronto Mr and Mrs W H Shields and Master Jack were guesU at the home of Mr J Walton during Christ mas week Mrs Guramow spent New Years at the home of Mr J Walton Mr John of London who last year was principal of Albert Continuation School has enlisted for Overseas service Mildred Thompson of Wellington succeeds Miss Hooper as Assistant in our Continuation School The annual meeting of the Public Library will be held in the Public Library room on Monday Jan at pm Mr Sidney Stokes is confined loUhe house through illness TOWNSHIP ELfeCTIONS As we predicted there was no necessity for holding an election in the Township of East limbury this year as all the mem bers of last years Council were reelected by large majorities It seems loo bad the Township should have been put to this ex tra expense when so much good could have been done with the money thus expended in helping to defend the Empire The election over and has retailed its old Council I- thru ifii Voters of this locality are bright enough to know when they have the pro per men behind the gun and they certainly khowhow to keep them there Friends it would have been better if you fighters who caused this election would have devoted your time means working the Red Crops or some other which would have helped to bring this worldwide war nearer to a close Elector i a fc rrr J I hviig charge of ttW Qo0sIwiQ of Landing and Miss as principal Mr John Tates on Sunday Mr and Mrs J Kitrfey spent New Years Day at Mr Queen St North We are Sorry to report Mr is confined to his bed and under the passed off very quietly here Everyone seemed pieced to see the old council go back their seats I guess I wont get the hole filled Held this year HOLT SCHOOL CONCERT Miss Daisy Watts the popular of the Holt Behoof held successful Concert given for years The School house was taxed its utmost capacity many having standing room only The program consisted of drills choruses and recilaiioiis by the school all of were well rendered The people of the section expupils of school who so willingly helped the teacher surprised In audi ence by the they displayed in their dialogues and drills Twelve young ladies looking very attractive in while and pink gave a hoop drill each doing her part to perfection Twelve young men gave a military drill looking line in their military suits The Holt Quartette under leadership of Mr John Hogg gave some ex cellent selections Mr Geo Love also gave some excellent selec tions on his grafonola There were no expenses in connection with the entertainment and the entire proceeds of were given to the Red Cross The Holt Sec tion has reason to feel proud that one of theexpupils of the school is now filling so efficiently position of its teacher Miss Watts is a graduate of the Mount Albert Continuation School RAVENSHOE J Wilder is on the mend after a severe attack of Mr and Mrs Knights and fam ily entertained some of their friends on New Years Eve and they report a very pleasant even ing The Mens Adult Bible Class of the Methodist Church met at the home of their Ambrose Traviss and spent of Dec 30th After a pleasant time in and music they presented him with Ian address and presentation Dear Friend and Teacher We the members of the class of which for some time past you have been a most efficient teacher are gathered here this evening in order that we may show to some slight extent the great apprecia tion which we feel for the work you have parried on so fafth fully and so well Wearc well aware that the past there have been many occasions when the diffi culties of your work appeared al most insurmountable and when the disappointments were no doubt almost mora than you could bear you have been compelled to carry on your work alone without any coope ration on the part of the class Yet in spile of all his there was no faltering no turning from your goal until your Steadfast ness put the rest of us spile of all the disappointment which you of time A must have felt you kept on your way never en tirely discouraged never giving entirely away to despair Therefore we the members of the class of which for so long you have been a faithful and effi cient teacher beg of you to ac cept from us as a slight token of our appreciation this Chair and in the years to come we hope you will receive as much comfort from its use as we in Urn past have derived from your teaching Signed on behalf of the class Pros Wellington Cole SecyTreas as The second Red Cross Tea served by the Methodist Ladies Aid well attended on Tues day evening and an excellent tea was provided TheWomeiis held- at the home of Smith last week was well attended con sidering the stormy day and those who were Well repaidV Splendid papers were given by Miller arid Mrs on The other woman and Friendship and Hospitality in the Home and by Mrs Sidney Thomson was fully appreciated Make a to come to the next meeting as something good is in store Mr Foster who had the misfortune to fall on Me slippery sidewalk and break her wrist about three weeks ago is getting along very well considering her advanced age Elmer and were here on election day to help Anyone who has clothing to send to the Belgians will oblige the Womens Institute to bring it to either store by Saturday even ing The Ladies Aid of the Meth odist Church held their second Red Cross Tea on Tuesday Jan This meeting was a splen did success the proceeds were Do not forget that these meetings will be held monthly Everybody come and help along the cause fifty young pcdpjewore I S Convention North is at Mt Pleasant Presbyterian Church on Tuesday Jan at a The Provincial Secretary Rev Halfpenny of Toronto is to address each and a program is arranged Lunch will be served to those from at distance The Red Cross Focal given by Ladies Aid of Sit Church home of Mr George Stiles was not as large as anticipated However it was a great success and a good program rendered A very pleasant evening was enjoyed Rev Atkinson is attending this week Miss Maxwell Toronto spent New Years at Mr John Hamiltons the Y P every Thursdav evening at oclock There will be service in Pleas ant Church next afternoon and evening- at and- A good set of Bob Sleighs nearly new all in good shape For particulars apply to II Out The Annual Meeting of the Mount Albert Telephone Com pany Limited will be held in the Board Room Mount Albert oclock pm on Friday Jan ID for receiving J A HOPKINS Election of Directors business Secy hereby given that the An imal Meeting of the above vill be held at ON TUB OK JANUARY At One oclock P for the purpose of receiving the Annual Report of Officers for etc A general attendance is requested CAIN A WAIT ALBERT The Patriotic pervice in the Presbyterian Church on Sabbath evening was much appreciated Do not forget the Presbyterian Sabbath School sleigh drive in the afternoon followed by a good supper and concert in the Hall On Friday oclock All welcome Rev L Atkinson attended the Presbytery meeting in To ronto on Tuesday On Christmas the mem bers of the Young Mens W W Bible Class gave their teach er a surprise when Harry Jack son read an address and Frank Liiskill presented her Wljlh a China Tea Set Mrs Atkinson replied with words of appreciation We are glad to see so many of the young people have recovered from the Measles Mr and Mrs Harry ami children of Toronto spent the weekend with Mrs J Welcome I Hope you will a year of happiness and good I luck One New Year resolve is that the two stores will close every Wed evening at Our regular homecomers were nearly all home for ft he holidays Among them were and Hart Sailer of Calvary have been away for some lime At time of writing Mrs Dunham lies very sick Mr Peter Morrison is able to be out after a severe of bronchitis With the nearly oyer our school is filled pretty well Mrs Henna of Mir rarest entertained on New Eve at the homo Mr Arthur Knights The contests and games which were planned for the evening showed a great deal of thought and preparation and were thor oughly enjoyed by all The young people not only watched the old year out but stuyed to see the New Year well begun Everybody was glad to see Mrs Ay 1 ward in the village over the weekend The Misses Nellie Smith Lila ami Mabel Wright have re turned to Toronto to resume their I studies at the Normal School Mr J Smith has returned to the A after spending his vacation at home The Class of the Methodist is preparing for a concert to be given in the near future Watch for partic ulars later The annual business meeting of the Methodist S was held on Tuesday evening Jan when the officers and teachers were appointed for the coming year Mr Ross was ap pointed as Superintendent We wish him every success Rev Laird of Toronto will preach at the Presbyterian Church on Sunday Jan at am and at Pleasant pm and present the Mission ary Budget for recruiting meeting will lake place In Presbyterian Church next Friday evening Fun Fun 1 Gome and have a skate on the rink which will be opened in the near future Mr and Mrs Hayes spent holidays in Toronto The Ladies Aid of Church intend Oyster Supper in Temperance HaU Friday evening Jan Tea served eighty bring friends Mrs Master guests at the home of Mr and Mrs T A Mrs Fletcher is slowly We her with us again soon Mr and Mrs will soon be leaving our We are sorry to Jose they best of neighbors and New Years over and visitors having evacuated the village vicinity the place has settled to On New night the young people of the vicinity presented hoys who are training for battles for the rest of them with a fine illuminated wrist watch each- The presentation was held in Temperance Hall and a large crowd present Key Fletcher gave a very inter as well as encouraging address to the boys presenting the Watch es Mr of Ohio is visiting parents and friends The Ladies Aid of Church are planning an oyster supper on the evening of Jan Watch for further particulars We know that first of all the viands will ho Very as usual second ly that tine concert is being- pre pared Ask her for that date he may and will be too We are very sorry that Harry is laid up at honie for a few days Will returned to a white silk dress with to Monday morning after spending a lace overdress She wore a white New at home Mr Lawrence Winch was friebds in the village If nothing goes wrong perhaps two loads will go 1 IF YOU COME OVER TO SKI I have in the last two weeks stocked up with a big line of Mens and Childrens Quality Boots and Shoes and also a quantity of Mitts and Qloves Ths Prloes are Right Come and avoid You Dont Know What You are CALL IN TO 4 REDUCED PRICES I in Dry Goods Bsoto Flour and Etc ff- POINT Almost everyone turned out at the Point to witness the marriage of W Gaudier and Miss on New Years Day- it was a very wedding The bride looked Mo team Vulcanizin dsslf 1 We for a sot China PARI Send me your Auto Tir I pay Express one way Charges Moderate mo a trial All sizes of Tires In stock New and Rebuilt Gassllne Oils Accessories General Repair Work Main Street when a very enjoyable evening for measles They are all improving fur hat trimmed vith orange blos soms After leaving the church a party went up to the house to Pay their respects to Mr and Mrs Boyd were served presents on view In the evening Mr and Mrs showed hospitality again was spent with cards and dancing Mr Stafford Kitchen nephew of- Rae gave us some very The great I am was- present in the shape of less as the analr would sure to have been a failure without his valuable ass stance Next time Jess dont take up all the Remember We were glad to see God frey looking so well The training seems agree with him Mrs Day spent with her husband Bert Day- ad Mrs Younge and baby spent Sunday with his father whom we are glad to hear is making some improvement Sorry to hear of the severe illness of Mr Buck MrJ spent a few days with Mr and Mrs Frank Sherman Miss A Megeachi6 and her spent the weekend with her mother Tab fishermen have been busy and report good sport visiting Garage Sutton STANLEY A BREUL8 Prop t ope from to Mr have or here Convention next Tuesday j nicely now The P at Mr was a huge success and per haps the most notable thing about It was the passing of the old into the new year SEE During the next thirty days we will offer big In- ducemonta in WENS WORK NECK MUFFLERS TIES Eto to clear up broken lines BUY THESE GOODS AT YOUR OWN PRICE NOV League for fan Topic The Kingdom in hoi Pacific Psalm Speaker Mrs Kemp Header SUTTON Personal Mr Dan who has been liying down in Visited his unole Mr A J Shaw over the holiday Mr John Johnston of law spent his Christmas holidays I with sister Mrs- Noble Sut ton Miss Mark is the new teacher at the Public School here of Richmond Hill spent a few days last week the guest of Mr A EL Mr and Airs A Minns vis ited his mother in Toronto over the New Year Rev D A Hamilton spent a few days in Toronto week GENTS OUTFITTERS Issuer of Marriage Licenses The Auror Announces that he hart as nice a lot of Cutters that ever came to Albert He sure to them before you buy I also have a grand lot of and Harness now specially for and for Sloven you cant bea me- Be aure to see the in ft Is a dandy Mt Albert The NOTICE Annual Meeting of Toronto Canada fllve the thorough lead to good salaried office Enter any- time President Head ftte Queens vf He Cemetery Company will be held On Monday 17th of Jan at pm at tile Secretarys Office A it Secretary JOHN A Pros Ft f CARD OF THANK8 We beg to our sincere gratitude to Mr Allen and Mr Huntley and all those who so generously con tributed toward a largo box of supplies also ladies who knitted socks for our son Jack Machine Bait now at Hrauu Camp London and Mrs J Queensviile v SHARON- Mr Mrs Watson filsited In Aurora last Thursday Miss Lillian of Toronto visited over the weekend at Mr has Crones Mr Robert Terry visited Mb ae a few days last week Miss Wood of Bradford spent the weekend with her Grand parents Col and Mrs Miss Ramsay of Downsvlew is home for a two weeks visit Mrs Will ton and Miss ilslted in the city a few days last week v Mr and Mrs Mike Ramsay tafned a large number of friends at lea last Thursday evening Mr and Mrs of To ronto spent New Years day with Mrs Mr and Mrs Stanley of Toronto spent the holiday at Mr J Parrs Miss Belly of visited at Mr Ramsays days last week Mr and Mrs Horace Hall ol Is visiting with his brothers here Messrs Arthur and Herbert Hall Mr Frank spent the week end with friends at Weston A of our sports attended a dance at on Tuesday Mr I oar has returned from a two weeks visit with mother at Mr A Hartley of Toronto spent the weekend at Mr Titos Mr Frank Tate spent Sunday with friends In Mr and Mrs Jacob Rush of New market spent New Years at Mr Our Band Boys held a very success ful d the Town Jail last night Private James Morris and lady friend accompanied by Mr Children FOR FLETCHERS Mr and Mrs Jus Merchant spent over New Years wilh friends in Sutton Mr and Mrs Elmer of Toronto spent over New Years in Mr Stanley Hose our brave soldier has been in town or over New Years Id pay his friends a visit Miss I Collins returned to her post On Monday for another spell loach Ing school after paying her parents mi visit is reported that Mr Hose Is united in marriage again That qUIet event happened last Wednesday Tle funeral of Mrs Hurry of Baldwin on Monday was very large It is calculated there from to rigs That is a great for that kind of a roughday Mrs Coom- was a popular young woman and was well acquainted She will he greatly missed around this part Her death occurred on Jan 1st jyedding bells are still ringing and a charivari is brewing sure as Utile birds are singing Wo are pleased to site Boy Sleeping Beauty The of Knox Church Choir met the home of Mr last Tuesday and pre sented Mr A with a beautiful cane in recognition of his services to the Choir Furnishing Store has some groat big bargains to offer you in Winter Mitts See his line Mr I a Mackenzie enter tained her class to lea last Thursday evening at her homo hoys say they had a nice time Messrs It A and WK Lee attended a meeting of the Trolley Hockey League at Newmarket last Thursday night I he schedule was arranged will four Clubs contending for the cup Aurora Thornhill and Sutton W p Leo has leased rink and Is busily engaged making ice Hie annual meeting the on Agricultural Society will be the Public Library room 1 Will buy a Dominion Louis Design Mahogany a Lovely Piano only used a few months Will buy a New Mendelssohn 10 years Guarantee Cor Takes Gerhard Player 88 notes with 40 rolls a Lovely Piano In Excellent Condition THE ABOVE INSTRUMENTS CAN BE PURCHASED ON TERMS AS LOW AS A MONTH GET YOUR VIOTROLA OR XMA8I Columbia with 12 Selootlons Cash and weekly Latest Records and all the time you want Trade In that old Organ and got your monoyo worth All from 20 to on easy terms Let Leave One In Your Home on Trial Give Us a I We Will You Money I TUNING I N MOVING I RENTING SHORT NOTICE Phone SON AURORA out yon late A In A I J Pal Fir GRAND TRUNK TIME TABL held on Saturdnv Jan Election officers oik business I other r f KESWICK Mr and Mrs from To Christmas and New Years with her mother Mrs Miss Lottie Harper spent with her grandmother Mrs J has returned home alter visiting her Mrs Wm and other friends Sorry to say Mr John Is very- aiqk Hoi6 ho will be around again Mr keeps very poor ly Ho Is expecting his day The two Misses were home over Miss Doris spent her holidays in Toronto The kiddies are having greet fun handslelghlng What the matter with the rink Wedding bells are ringing Better too than too young Master Percy Elliott with Died In North on Saturday I si Sarah Mailda Sherwood beloved wife of Harry Comer fn her year Married At Newmar ket oil Thursday Jan by Grosser Maud Flor ence lo rover Morri son son of Morrison all of North Leave Toronto am pm pjn pm Newmarket it Leave 520 am am pm Effective 1915 GOING NORTH am pm pm 1000 pm GOING SOUTH Newmarket am am pm pm Arrive 11 it Toronto II pm pm Arrive am 1018 am- 1 h I lorfu 1 keep ind 8 J so provided choice music The Anniversary Services at the Methodist Church on 8unday To Editor of Bra Sir There lias been slight mis apprehension with regard to small charge made for the use of St James Hull at Hod Cross Socials In fact it has been in ferred that the charge was for benefit of Anglican La- dins Aid Now I think any ex perienced housewife will that after these socials is and as it lias ilirely free to everyone for Cross work I all that it would he hardly fair the Ladies Aid to hear llioonUrj expense of these socials AS is Imperial work I will bring before the local Chapter Of the J E that in addition to work Chapter is doing V should- hear those incidental ex penses and I think I may answer for the members that they agree with this arrangement Willi best wishes for llafigy 5 large y attended but who fa led to hear Miss Vrooman missed a treat Her renderings were well selector and well and all Join in praising her as an The sang well and kind enough not to charge for lighting from other sources wood and Strayed on Lot Yougo SI for shall middle of able to what October Cd lo tiro Hod I charg- iiiiuDnuiiuia may how- requested to prove property ana

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