Newmarket Era , January 7, 1916, p. 7

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Jig I vv ONT JAN i SEVEN mm Our China now In and will be opened next week Our lines of fanoy useful China at and will please you and our selection of CHINA TEA SETS pes are both Handsome and Moderate In DINNER never had a better selec tion ranging in price from for a good serviceable piece set up to for the finest quality of Elite Limoges China PARLOR HANGING HALL LAMP8 Have a Look at Them In Our Window All Priced to Suit the Times OUT This la one line we certainly can and will give you the best possible value and an aseort- second to none I SEE OUR CUT GLASS BERRY BOWL FOR Weeks to The special services ihi wdek are being fairly well attended The address last night was lo be given by Rev If Thomas as staled on page 5 which was a mistake There was a good crowd at the dance air Thursday night of last week but we not hear the proceeds It was below aero last day morning but growing milder ever since Snow nearly ail gone Notwithstanding inclement weather the aJcndance at the peoples popular service on Sun day last was good The pastor a fine address on Things Old and New Sunday next at peoples pop service the local of the Regt be attendance arid the members of the Guard are invited to attend There will be seals specially reserved fop nieri in uniiform The pastor will preach on Keep the Old Flag Flying Song service at 645 Soloist Mrs Young Everybody welcome i J fit mm Misses Lulu arid Muriel Aurora spent over Sunday friends here Miss Marie Thompson has turned after spending Christmas holidays with her cousin Miss A meeting was held o was market on Thursday evening of last week when a schedule was drawn up for the Metropolitan League Thprnbiil Aurora Newmarket and Sutton are in the contest for the Silver Gup in Duncans Window The first match here is on the Direct Importer of Staple and China Small Blaze On Thursday afternoon of last week some set lire to a chicken house belonging to Mrs Harrison on St Engin eer doing duty out lhatway and discovered the fire just in time to prevent it spreading though it look quite an effort to extinguish the flames with pails of water The damage was small Arnold in Miss Keyes 0 London has fieen engaged as teacher in the north school NOW THE TIME TO DO YOUR BUYING FOR 3 REASONS 1st You have a belter chance to examine the goods 2nd The Clerk has more lime to explain the qualities 3rd You get your choice of nice fresh stock just arrived TA8TY FRUIT Choice Naval Oranges and 30c and Florida Oranges Ripe and 8weet and Crapes these are very fine lb Florida Grape Fruit 3 for The Canadian Order of Forest ers will hold a regular meeting on Friday evening Jan when G Strong and Wiley of the High Court will be present to install the officers and deliv er addresses on the work and progress of the order An in teresting evening is promised all who attend Lecture There was a fair attendance at the Town Hall on Wednesday ev ening and Rev Fish of Owen Sound gave a very fine address Rev A Young also spoke encour agingly An orchestra provided some good music Rev Fish remained over to address the Orange Lodge last night Miss Ella Arnold over Sunday with her cousin Miss Marie Thompson Messrs Stanley and Kemp of Toronto spent Christinas at home t Mi and Mrs of residents here have moved bach to village We wel come theml The Misses Lemon of Winnipeg spent the weekend with their sis ter Mrs J Brown Mr and Mrs Cook visited friends Toronto on Sunday Mrs I and son of and Mr f were guests of Mrs J Brown on Sunday Mr and Mrs A Silvester and daughter Miss Hazel of spent New Years at Mr J Browns Mr and Mrs Fred Campbell of To ronto and Mr Druery of Markham were guests at Mr Druerys on New Years day Mr and Mrs Isaac Lemon and two daughters of are visiting their numerous relatives and friends here Miss Ethel Sanders of Aurora visited over Sunday under the paren tal roof Mr and Mrs Charles Atkinson and daughter Blanche of Newmarket spent New Years a hi mothers Mrs A- Allin Mrs McKuen Master Leslie and Earl Piper of were guests at Mr J over Sunday CHOICE DINNER VEGETABLES If you want a highgrade for your Dinner try some of our lines They are fcure to please Corn Beans and Tomatoes for Extra Peas 2 cane for String Beans the finest 2 for CHRISTMAS CANDY Christmas is complete with out Candies and Nuts Our as sortment is good and well worth inspection Lines to please both young and old Creams Choco lates Humbugs and Box Goods Almonds Walnuts Filberts Pea nuts Brazils English Cob Nuts and by the lb Separate or mixed A Final Reminder on Xmas Pud ding and Cake Seeded Raisins lb for In bulk lbs Choice Currants lb Mixed Peel lb Finest Valencia Raisins 3 lbs fop and and per lb Oh ristl an Endeavor The weekly meeting of the Christian Endeavor Society of the was well at tended on Tuesday evening Miss Laura Morton lead meeting and Miss Medora Traviss gave a very helpful and interesting talk on Consecration Miss Leila Belfry favored us with a solo The meeting next Tuesday ev ening will be in charge of Misses Bessie Morion and Annie and the subject for discussion will be Why we should join the Church- Let every make it a point to be present and lake pari in the discussion An Executive Meeting of the Society will be held next Tues day evening at and each of ficer and convenor is requested to be present and bring a sugges tion for the betterment and ad vancement of the Society NORTH YORK WAR AUXILIARY Patriotic Meetings will be held as follows Baldwin Monday Tuesday Jan Sutton Wednesday Jan 12th Sharon Wednesday Jan Keswick Thursday Jan Friday Jan Addresses by officers of the York Rangers and returned Soldiers Musical pro gram at each place The Leading Reliable CORNER OF Main Timothy Phone Delivery I QORHAM ST NEWMARKET A r 17 I O Foresters A wellattended and very en thusiastic meeting of the above Society was held Wednesday ev ening The Court was honored by the presence of Bros Alex Stewart Supreme Court Auditor and I C both of whom delivered stirring and whom delivered stirring and ben efits to he derived through mem bership in the Slew art also Installed the officers elected for as follows Court Deputy My Goring Medical Examiner Resident Physicians Past Chief Ranger J Chief Ranger Rec Sec J Nixon Kin Sec Trees T A T P Flanagan J W M J Mcllalr l Stickwood j Andrews Kin Com- T Lloyd and Lloyd HE KNEW A man saw an in an ironmongers shop the other as follows Iron Sinks and went in and told the man that he knew that iron said the man and time files hut wine vaults drops sulphur springs jam rolls grass slopes and stands Niagara light Kent hops and holiday trips standard weights India rubber tires the organ stops the world rottnd trade returns The customer bolted Then he re turned put his head in the door and remarked Yes I know and marble busts APPLE MARYS ROMANCE work promptly attended to Prices reasonable tovn orders CUT ON HAND PHONE Reel fence doors East of Church Timothy SI ierms Moderate Mary Kennedy commonly known Apple Mary who for forty years has softd fruit and candles a little stand on Wall Street New York is about to retire Many the worlds greatest fi nanciers have stopped to buy an ap ple and exchange a word with Mary She has seen them come and go year after year now at the top wave of riches and power now plunging to ruin And in the midst drama and tragedy Mary has bad her own ro mance although there is nothing about her weatherbeaten face and bent form to suggest it Rut sixty years ago Mary in the first vigor- ol youth lithe of limb and rosy of cheek with wweet smiling Irish eyes and golden hair fell In love with a Sailor lad They plighted their troth and It arranged that when fie came back from his voyage they should wed So he away and that was the last ever heard of an his ship was of the many crafts that has never reached port And Mary all these years is waiting for him to come to her Many an oiler marriage has she had but she has remained faithful to her sail or lover Marys eyes arc fast dim- now the once graceful figure has become crooked and the golden hair has turned to white hut Marys were appointed I heart still as as the J day her sweetheart sailed away because tenures the memory him as he was they were boy and girl together Its bo much easier to talk of Seven fined in the Pohce Court for leaving their gum slot machines outside their premises on Sunday It Is reported there wRl be at least three- aspirants tor the chair in York County Couo- In the County Court last week sued Verol for damages for injuries which- he receiv ed when run down by observation coach The Jury awarded him The fire in the Radford Hat Fac tory pa Adelaide Street Inst week caused a damage of The Toronto League Fund Jot the re lief of Belgians has now reacted 68 The formal opening of the new On tario Oddfellows Orphanage on Road took place last week Royal Highnesses the Duke Duchess of and other members of the are expected to visit Toronto on the and will remain at Gov ernment House here till the as guests of His Honor tin and Lady Hendrie will be on the move ShortVv after the midnight hour morning fierce wind storm played havoc with the Bell Telephone line on the Don Ron and Con cession of York Township Every pole for over- half a mile of the line was blown down with their 39 At Weston on Saturday night and Miss Jessie were run down by an auto driven by Moffat Their condition is regarded as serious The parties hurt were walking in middle of the road as the sidewalk was slushy and danger ous and a trolley cut off the view of the approaching auto The Canary Show closed New Years Eve Upwards of two hundred and fifty birds were entered It is said to have been one of the finest caqiry shows ever held in Canada Toronto now charges a year to all nonfresident pupils attending the public Schools of the City Toronto has 142000 voters on the lists but only about polled their votes The election expenses including revising lists polling booths and officials for the current year totals approximately The election expenses are 2000 more this year than year While curling on the ice at Lindsay on Monday last Mr J Chairman of the On tario License Board slipped on the ise and fracLured a Only about ten per cent of the women having voles in Toronto exercised the franchise ait re cent municipal elections Toronto has about pupils attending High Schools Threeyearold Teresa seacock was playing on the street car tracks last Tuesday and was picked up by the car hut received a fractured Citys share of the railway receipts for 5 was less than in Mrs Gertrude Maples who re sides in an apartment over a store in Queen Street poured coal oil in a cook stove on Tues day to start a smouldering fire and was terribly burned by her clothing caftching Arc Miss Sarah Gordon a yountf girl residing on Street died at the General Hospital a few hours after had taken a number of tablets to relieve head ache The increase in customs reve nue at Toronto during the past four months was more than On Friday Flossie Marshall was arreted in a Departmental Store on a charge of purse snatching She was caught in the very act It was significantly remarked On Monday Sir Robert New Year card to the peo ple of Canada asking for men for overseas service gave interest to Hie recruit ing concerts In this oily Roll Call at various schools on Monday showed an attendance of i 1 1- You I x T Perhaps you work Indoors Or perhaps you are an outofdoors man- It makes no difference The point is this If you are supervigorous you need Underwear of Nothing hold you long I J f J M i i A m r Come In here and got a warm Stanflelds Unshrinkable comfortable suit of The Mens- Wear Men lain St West How j fi Auctioneers Licenses Issued Last Publication July to Date LICENSEE ADDRESS ISSUED Fred Perry Newmarket Sept Nov I I Pedlars Licenses Issued Last Oth to Date J f LICENSEE Era to absent friends A Dry Ontario A very satisfactory meeting Of the Temperance League of was in New market on Wednesday afternoon Mr Hales of Toronto gave a splendid address outlining lllfl movement which is Province- wide And aims at a Dry Ontario by the 1st of July The follow ing officers were appointed for York- President Or Wesley Secretary I Pearson Treasurer- for the Townships King Rev Colclough of President and Roht Vox Klllfiby of ML Albeit President and John Moore ML Albert Whitchurch P Of President and I Richardson of Vandorf See The Intention Is to arid canvas every municipality from house to house before the third week in January logo iM L I I I ititnf finiHMIt conversation than it is to manifest courtesy The Federal Government has pass ed retaining as a nest for them considcrahU pay soldiers at front have not their to relative in Canada TOGETHER Young Arthur had recently taken up the study of anatomy at school and had shown a great intercut in the course He Id all about the various parts of the body with absorbing interest The at school however was too s6w bo he sought to gain more in formation at home One afternoon upon returning from school as ho sat hungrily devouring a piece of bread and molasses he ask ed his motbr grave perplexity Mother I know where mi liver la but whore is my bacon THE BOY8 WE LIKE boy who never makes fun of old age no matter how de crepit or unfortunate or evil ft may ho Gods hand rests loving ly upon aged head The boy who never calls any body bad names no mailer what anybody calls him The hoy who is never cruel The boy who Even white lies leave black spots on character Tho hoy who makes fun of a companion because of a ho could not help boy who never hesitates to say No when asked to do a wrong thing The hoy who never quarrels boy who rnado to bo a joyous loving helpful Public Lodger Miller Daniel Court William A John Jacob Joseph Harry Graham John Oakley Henry Jackson John Marks Blend Tea Co Pauling Bros Daly Tea Co Tho8 Elliott John Murphy Jos H Graham Roy ADDRESS I fit Mllllllllf 9J Toronto Toronto Toronto Toronto West Toronto Toronto Toronto Toronto Toronto Toronto Birch Clin Mimico Toronto Birch Clin- Toronto Toronto Toronto Toronto Vandorf KIND Horse Vehicle Horse Vehicle Horse Vehicle Pack Pack Horse Vehicle Horse Vehicle Horse Vehicle Horse Vehicle Horse Vehicle Horse Vehicle Motor Vehicle Horse Vehicle Horse Vehicle Vehicle Horse Vehicle Horse Vehicle Horse Vehicle- 1 Horse Vehicle Horse Vehicle Horse Vehicle Bate y Inly at Aug Sept 10 Oct 5 37 Nov 12 22 23 it f Treasurers Office Co York Toronto December 2nd J K Treasurer Sonic people not only give his majesty his due but pay him in One thousand skilled work men who have gone across among Canadian droops have been re leased for work muuilions fac tories at request of Lloyd George Ottawa Dec 28 An order for a large number of new locomotives for the National Transcontinental Rail way has been given the Govern ment This has been made necessary by prospect of an enormous wheat traffic estimated at approxi mately one hundred cars arte MAIN 8TREET SOUTH Under the terms of com pulsory military service bill in troduced in the House of Com mons London all males between a gos of and II who are bachelors or widowers without children dependent oh are liable for service Ire- f BIQ REDUCTION ON ALL WINTER GOODS SPECIALS ALL KINDS OF RUBBERS AND FURLINED COAT8 LADIES AND BOOTS WINTER UNDERWEAR Must Bo Cleared Out at Once Before 8topkTaklng If j Proprietor XttSfS

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