Newmarket Era , January 7, 1916, p. 8

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SKffiSaS y i i ii i Jul I i iitiTnTwn irt i 1 To By Pi -J- r MDE ROCHON March 2nd hare received the mostTronderful from taking I offered for years from and change of life and I took every Remedy obtainable without any good I heard of and it a trial and it was the only medicine really did me good Now I am entirely well the Rheumatism has disappeared and the terrible pains body are all gone lam exceed ingly graleullo for such and I hope others who suffer from such distressing diseases try and get well MADAME The marvellous work that is doing in overcoming disease and healing the sick Is winning the admiration of thousands and thousands fiOc box 6 for trial sire At all dealers or sent postpaid by Limited Ottawa Building Lots on Park and Lerne Avenues Apply to Newmarket TO RENT On Hi rooms Town Water Immediate possession if desired on Jan 1st sons Mr and daugh ters J HuAtlev arid family are visiting Aurora the New Year Jpe Tribune which for over years has been conducted by has changed and commencing Jan 1st will publish ed principal times Mo system must kept- in good order Krowing tte fertrace of many These vegetable pi quickly right the conditions at cause headache languor jnstipation arid biliousness from habitform dnigi They do TOt- irr Avery sudden death occurred late residence cpn 3 King da Tuesday morning of last week when Mr Ferguson passed away had not for son time but had been helping with the work on Tuesday morning and feeling unwell went to the house where he expired almost i mine late ly Mr Ferguson was born on the farm on hich he died years ago and had resided there practical all bis life Mr was a Liberal In politics and in religion a Presbyterian He leaves wife and six children The funeral took place On Thursday afternoon to the Women find that relieving the small ills promptly prevents the development of big ones They depend on Beechams Pills to tone strengthen and- Keep them Well thousand through about two dollars everjf year in It has been shown that ftve thwr lived thrqugb and times- that are seriously by It has been shown by t that drink is of nearly all crimes ft It been shown thai our taxes aieat least thirty bigger on account crime and in sanity caused by Itbas shbvin that drink a ability to work endure or disease has stibffnthat beer ia worse thanwhiskey inasmuch as it contains the Same kind of alcohol as whiskey and also other substances which are ruinous VWrstfof all it been prpved by Government Commissions- and scienti fic that It is causing degener acy ottheeoplechHdren of drinks parents rarely JuaHng parents ei physically or mental- if ZElHYft t FOR SALE OR TO RENT Brick House on Prospect Ave All modern conveniences good table and cistern Enquire of Grace St Newmarket 30 Acre Farm valuable land containing gravel and pits Good buildings some timber and some pasture Im mediate possession Phone or write Armstrong PO- WE HAVE FOB SALE A desirable property situated on Prospect Ave A largesized welling with all conveniences all in flrtl class shape Quarter of an acre of grounds With apple rid fruit stable and cement hen house This we consider the beat so act quickly Terms can fee arranged to suit purchaser Apply to P Morton box 373 Newmarket TO Quite a number from here attended bor social at Cedar Brae on Fri day evening last The Womens- Institute held a baz aar in the town hall Mr J J Kester and Curl attended a rifle match ai Baldwin on Wednesday last winning the high est score points The rifle match held at Zephyr on Saturday proved a grand success when cr shots from Toronto ton Baldwin Mt Albert and Cedar Valley competed A win ning the box of Bachelor cigars tor the highest score The recruiting meeting held here Friday evening last was largely at tended by old and young The speak ers were Col Col McConnick McQueen and Mr Hogg Zephyr has given in the neighborhood of 20 recruits already Pie aid Brooks visited this poljing taking census of all the boys from 58 t 45 vrars to enlist spent Christmas at the home of the parents Mr John Black The annual meeting of the Schom- Agricultural Society will be held on Jan A series Of special services will be in the Methodist and Baptist Churches from Monday Jan 3rjl to Friday Jan service will begin at andclose at p m A united watchnight service was told in the Methodist Church- on Fri day night Dec 31st Refreshments were served from 1015 to 1045 Re A Wilson and the local ministers took part in the service 8 CONVENTION war is on Earnest men and are fighting but are lacking in munitions and handicapped by indifference occupies many silch strategic positions as some newspapers billboards fences and even house tops From these of they are firing ppjsonour 4ies ranks of people mislead ing men women and children The great mass of our people have not enlisted for active service We could liave on the in a short time if all enlist Old and can fight There are many plans of- campaign Among them the Plan is simple cheap and offers great topes stccess It is simply this each Sunday School or other organ- nation secures the set of large scientific posters They contain the latest scientific teaching regarding After Riui on October rio fiirjiief money should bo fronr the weB less people who claim that ho Forces is insufficient Robert has made thattlie Government fully prepared every sary of and- and lie appeals to generosity of public on behalf of the Canadian Patriotic FiindtlVe fieri- Cross Society and sister associations quote an riot frorn the speech in question Regarding machine early in of an naVcreen for avery large number Those or dered during the first twelve months are than two corps Up the highest the ehemys forces During the past summer the provision mac hine guns became matter of Vital interest the people a3 press em phasized necessity our forces should he adequately suppli- that couldhe largo sums for purpose The Go ver I of Ontario made a similar- patriotic proposal and the country various com fiuifls or this object During my absence Great Britain mV col leagues endeavored to make it clear the people that an ample supply of machine guris had been ordered these would out of lie Treasury The of Canada ought properly bear all the cost of equipping and maintaining our forces In the field Program for Itic Sunday School e of alcoholic Convention at Ml Pleasant Tuesday an I on r in Bull MEBtiER Son of a Worlds J Champion Milk and Butter Fat And also a Registered Hoar will he kept for ser vice on Half Lot Con Whitchurch DAN Foreman Tbadc Ac j cor Iftonfilc ttUl la CO of ft fev SEC 1 far our free MAIUON 1 I Past Daily Service TO AND VAKGOUVCR th Toronto Through Train Ho Ghana that your from Canadian Pa- Mr and Mrs J of spent a Chest nut Villa Miss Newmarket is visit ing her sister Mrs Graham The Reeve A and council of last year were all by acclamation Mr Hall and family left here cm Monday for Newmarket where Mr Hall has a agency The town hall was crowded last Wednesday night for the High School entertainment and as a the school has a surplus of over a hun dred dollars will he divided equally between the library fund of school and a patriotic fund An excellent entertainment was given by the pupils of the school A unique feature of the program the pre- of a valuable gold watch to Dr Forrest who was head master of school for number went to Toronto twentyfive years The watch was the gift of many of his former pupils are now scattered broadcast through Canada and the Inited States States The address was handsomely illuminated and bound in was read by Rev Dr Gil bert Wilson of Toronto and the pre sentation wasmade by Mr Jamie- son of Montreal both of whom came specially to take part in the Alter the close the entertain ment Mr and Mrs threw open their house to the guests of the evening and to all the old pupils were at the hall availing themselves of the op portunity of renewing old acquain tance I refreshments were serv ed and a very pleasant time was spent Mrs who was with the doctor was presented with a handsome silk umbrella Miss and Mr and Mrs Forrest also came up for tho evening The death place in on Friday of Mrs af- tfr an Illness of months duration from a general breaking up of the Deceased was In her year and was horn at Holland hand ing her maiden name being Mary C a resident of Brad ford for of twentyfive years Resides the bereaved husband daughters and four sons survive her Mrs spending with Mrs Dr Kay and children are spending with friends in Madoc Murray of Newmarket spent the weekend with his aunt Wbs Mr and Mrs Win spent Christmas with their daughter Mrs Walker in Toronto Mr A Schneider of spent the holiday at the home of- Mr nl Mrs Leonard Mr and Mrs Frank Black Voir spnt with the laU ters parent Mr and Mrs Caleb Mr and sod Murray and MUs spent Morning Devotional Theme Rev Atkinson of Work and How to Prepare It Dr Wilkinson A Vision for Our Sunday Schools 1 120 Conference Do You See It Like That 1 1 Closing Afternoon 2 Jo Devotional- Theme Hope Rev Sutton West- Tiro OutLook Presidents Report Report Music Address Rev Hal- penny Toronto 030 Have We Made Reports from Elementary Mrs P Fletcher Teen Age George Johnson Adult Mrs J Morrison Home Mrs Isaac Missionary Mrs Wm Teacher Stuart McDonald Temperance Silver Offering and Committees In Conference with the W Keswick Evening Icvoilonal Theme Love Rev Report of Nomination Com mil ten and of Officers How Leadership in Work 1 Hall Music and flew Toronto A poster is exhibited on a board outside the Church or In a window every week Along with the large posters can be obtained small reproductions in type and colors for each family in the school Peo ple passing the church read the poster and the small ones are car ried into the homes- the children They can be vised once a week or once a month when the cost would lie about ten cents for each change of poster For further particulars address the Social Service Department Wesley Toronto THE SITUATION IN OFFICER8 President Frank VicePies Jas Stiles Rev P Fletcher Until lliey come most any man will tell you how lie would get the upper hand of burglars GRAND RAILWAY eft Agents or Hornby Cor King and with at WINTER RoundTrip Fares Long Limit Stopovers and Hot Springs Charleston Springs Jacksonville P Hot Springs Arkr and all Florida Points Havana Cuba and- New Orleans La via New York and Rail or fttenmor according to destination or via Buffalo Detroit or Chicago Wool and Other Health Mount Clemens Mich Battle Creek Mich St Catharines Well Out Preston Springs Ont Further particulars on appli cation to Grand Trunk Agents Full particulars and berth res ervations oh application to Grand Trunk J Depot Agent Phone i Phono Nineteen hundred and dyes no dawn under skies alto gether black It lias always been said that war and social progress were incompatible arid on general grounds tins is undoubtedly true In Canada however and particu larly in Western Canada war and social reform seem to have come January in Saskatche wan for example saw the liquor traffic still holding place sees the private sale of li quor in that province entirely abolished and only menlowncd shops left January in Alberta saw the liquor trade still powerful January sees it overwhelm ed It has been voted out of ex istence by the people and doors of every bar and shop will close on July 1st of this year and after that date there will also in- no club licenses January Manitoba saw the Government still en trenched JUKI sees the Norns Government in power and pledg ed to the most farreaching so cial reforms including the early submission of a referendum on total prohibition During the past year iii Columbia the Liberal Parly under Mr Brewster lias taken on a new lease of life and has also adopt ed a definite in favor of a referendum for prohibition It will be interesting lo wateh what the Government will do of the Great Lakes the progress hart not been quite so spectacular but nevertheless It has been real Prince Edward Island already is dry Nova Is dry with the exception of Halifax New Brunswick has only a little one hundred retail licenses and in Quebec more than of the parishes are dry and notable victories for temperance have been won dur ing the pant year particularly In and Three Rivers The situation Is im proving steadily and the results of Mr of education combined with tho worldwide opposition to the li quor traffic with the advent of the war have had a strong Influ ence year has seen the inauguration of the Central Board also the significant new movement of nonpar tisan Committee of One Hundred which aims for an Ontario dry by the first of July MORE THAN misunderstood Up to date the slims thus received by Govern ment amountto In dealing wild needs which will arise Government will not fail to remember lhat these generous and freewill corifributions have made And in all your splendid do the Patriotic Fund and the Canadian Red Cross have done a great work huff hoy have a still greater work to do Appeals which assuredly will not fall on deaf ears must be made in the early future See that the response is generous and ample When you are making provision for the Canadian Patriotic Fund the Canadian Red Cross Canadian War Contingent Association and like patriotic organizations you may be- assured that the Government will not fail make every necessary provision for guns munitions and equipments Infanta and Children In Use For Year Always Signature of J BAKERS GROCERS BLACKSMITHS OR ANY OTHER TRADE On Quick Order LOWEST PRIG Samples Before Ordering Kiewhere PRINTING OFFIC Newmarket 1 will I Iff J I RUINED CATHEDRAL AT Rudyard Kipling has lately been on the con tinent and things written a most touching description of the riiincd Rut there is no hieroglyph for Rheims no of the mind at the com mitted on the Cathedral there The things peered upwards maimed and blinded from out of the utter wreckage of the archbishops wont swear ace on the one side and a dustheap of tumbled houses on the other They shelled as they still swearer The boy having stood it as long as lie could said to the man Well I guess go back home tomorrow The swearer who had taken a great liking lo him said I thought you were going to stay all summer I I was said the boy but I stay where anybody swears so One of us must go so I will go The man felt he rebuke and said if you And he kept his shell it with high explosives and incendiary bombs SO Unit the statues and stonework still in heir places are burned to the color of raw flesh The gargoyles are smashed statues crockets and spires tumbled walls split ana torn windows thrust out and alt tracery Wherever one looks at the tortured pile there is Ha Lion and defilement and yet it luul never a soul than it has today Inside Cover yourselves gentlemen said your influence on the side of Christ and you will sow seed the harvest of which you will reap both in this world and that which is Messiah Herald BRIEFS Kind words are never lost unless puis them in a letter and gives il I a woman her lhe sacristan ibis place is no longer to mail crated everything is swept clear or burned The selfmade man credits himself with the out from end to end except two candle slicks boosts given him by olliers in front of the niche where Joan of Arcs iinagej Too often the hero worshipper is his own used to There is a French flag there hero now The last time saw Cathedral it Not all high fliers are interested in was in a spring twilight when great glowed and the only lights within were those Every mother knows Hint her son of some candles which a penitent Englishman marry a princess had lit in Joan of Arcs honor on those Start a scandal about your candle sticks the high altar was covered withwatch it grow volour carpets and ho pavement and tiles were The man who tries buy popularity cracked and jarred ont by the rubbish lmt fallen from above the floor was gritty with aerial should tin cols dust of glass and powdered stone and little twists of leading from windows and iron J l J The great doors had been blown in- a a- f ill has said This year wo hurts which Is quite true wards by the blast of a shell cons garden until they had tho curve of jammed the windows But the II in ll1111 llle g 1 eon bent le8s il To people who- Ihe J S verifying It is more mine- It will last through the generations in cases r Having fallen Into pecuniary dif ficulties the landlord decided to in crease the rents of his tenants Meet ing of them shortly after he said I have to inform you that alter the end of this am to raise jour Tent then your honour said Mike than pleased to hear for Im at my wits end to know with mankind and through all the long still years when the war of the body is at an and the real Avar begins Rbrjims is but one of tho altars which the heavens have made on commemorate their own death throughout the world money and service and life to others which found its preeminent exponent in Hie Saviour of mankind A 1 WOULDNT STAND 8WEARINQ i Those- who already have given much invari ably give more and the more they givethe less they grumble at giving In every community in every church in every organization iri every trade ft is rule that those who have given most liberally can be depended to respond it myself most liberally can be depended upon to respond A boy who attends one of ourSiinday Schools quickly and tofurther appeals That went out into country in the summer to are comparatively few is due to the fact spend a visit be had looked for- that the greater number have not yet to with pleasure Ho went oat to help the ed the habit of passed the men harvest One of the men was ah inveterate point hurts Editor of the Bellman ft

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