Newmarket Era , January 14, 1916, p. 2

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i T WASTED Good General Apply to Mrs Eves Prospect r FOUND Ladys Fur and Ihe of Whitchurch quire of A Cedar Valley Dominion gathered on Mr Speaker the House of Commons in to Hon Dr to tie Senate the formal opening topic place when Spceclt from the ThronCC meters taiea are requested- at IheIeris forthwith or steps be taken to collect the same with costs I- i i 1 1 FARM TO RENT acres working land all cleared being lot in 2nd Con of King- Good buildings Apply A people are indignant over the threefifth clause in locsl option legislation At the election recently the friends of the Act votes for Its adoption and its casi This majority of I was insufficient to with Holland Landing in still classed with the ytet corporations Will the Ontario Pre- Whitchurch Council crowded out till next TJie are using the Methodist Gym for physical ex ercises every day Quite a 1 of logs are going through these- days for TV Canes A PICTURE OF FATHER AND MOTHER How It would delight your children how ft would please your friends LET US MAKE THEM FOR YO Let Us Make Them For You I ZURBR1 Phone Photographer Studio One Door West of the New Post Office Photographer In Your Town stand for this kind minprr domination We shall see la- CUTTER FOR Semispeedy Apply to K Robertson Newmarket 52 His Highness the of and the Princess Patricia during their approaching visit in To ronto will be the guests of his Hon or the Lieut Governor and Lady They will reach Toronto on Monday morning next when the Duke will attend a parade the troops at which the Duchess Princess will be present On at they will pisit the convalescent home for wounded soldiers and at noon the party will to the Na tional At halfpast twelve the attend the annual meeting pf the Victorian Order Nurses and the Duke will visit the Patriotic Fund Rooms and in the afternoon will he present at the an nival meeting of the Canadian Red Cross Society in the evening a din ner party will be given at Govern ment House after which the Nation al Chorus will sing before their al Highnesses The party will return that night to Ottawa Monster Dont miss the big meeting the Town Hall next Wednesday evening at The Band of the Irish of Toronto belonging to the Regiment of Which If Lennox is will he present and give our citizens a musical treat handbills for the names d the speakers is Mrs v spent irTowH Mr Caldwell Mrs Eyeglasses properly adjusted- and Phone Orders Promptly Filled PERCY the OPTICIAN fi visiting Mrs Hamilton at Patrlotlo North end missthebVmceiiriic ill of WANTED Capable young man for adver tising and correspondence Ap ply by letter stating qualifica tions and experience Office Specialty Mfg Co Newmarket Newmarket Agricultural Society PUBLIC NOTICE Is hereby given that the Annual Mealing of the above Society will be held in the Fire Hall New market On Saturday 15th of Jan 1816 At One Oclock P M for the purpose of receiving the Annual Election of Officers for ale A general attend ance is requested KEITH Pros For sale by Tender that valu able farm property comprising fiftysix acres more or less part of Lots aril in the Fifth Con of the Township of Whitchurch being farm formerly occupied by file late Hold A Starr Close to Newmarket and Good quality soil adapted to dairy pur poses firstClass brick dwelling substantial frame barn with stone foundation driving sheds etc good orchard well watered Written tenders will he receiv ed up to the inst Address tenders and for further particu lars apply to It for Executor Newmarket NEW FOUND TO WAKE FINE PAPER ill TO WO LETTER In his inaugural address at the City Council Mayor Church favored- the appointment of a member to the position of Fire reorganization of the Treasury and the abolition of the Treasury Board On Monday fire did about damage to the Union Station The fire started in the storage room and to b from a cigarette stub At the opening of the Assizes here on Monday addressing the Grand Jury Mr Justice Middle- ton said It is a matter for con gratulation to a large county like ours thai there are only two criminal bills to he placed before you at this Assizes The Ontario Bar Association held its annual meeting on Tuesday last in the Law Society wing and was followed by banquet in the evening Guelpli Patriotic Committee has decided to aim at for the fund this year last Was raised the guest Of for a few days Hon E J Davis is attending Tanners inT6 Peter Addison of Toron to is spending a few days at- the Methodist Parsonage Mrs Porter of Toronto the guest of Mrs Ross a couple days this week Brought to Newmarket and Mrs Wellington The remains of a young of Mich spent a few days this week with Mrs Dawson St a dozen ladies were en tertained by Mrs on afternoon in named only years of age whose parents re side oh Superior St were brought to Newmarket from and interred in Newmarket Cemetery on WednesdayHe went there last summer to work ma muni tion factory took pneumonia and died very suddenly Much regret is expressed for the bereaved family O The Orangemen of East District met in Newmar ket on Tuesday evening and elect ed following officers Master Harman Mas J McCluney Sec H Taylor jr Fin Sec Green It of Granger Chap T Booth 1st Lecturer 2nd Lecturer T POTTAGEVILLE Mr and Mrs J ol the 6th line spent Sunday with Mr and Sirs Courtney Cutting spent Sunday with friends in Mr George Dove is spending a few days with friends at Holly A few from here attended the dance at on Friday evening- Mr Andrew Archibald of called on Mr on Sunday Miss Cutting is spending a few days with friends on the line Miss Mary spent the week end with Miss Cook Mr Mrs Oliver were the guests of Mrs Gould on Saturday Flossie Evans spent Saturday with Mrs Mjsa Aland is visiting friends at A number from here attended the rink in Mrs Evans visited friends in one day last week Dora a girl eighteen was shot and killed by her Laura and Mrs John Russian fiance Nikolas at Home Jan Two Italian the and the di Palermo have been sunk by mines in the Adriatic Sea of the passengers on board the were lost The crew were saved Nearly all on board the Palermo which Was an armed vessel were saved spent Monday in Toronto Mrs spent Monday at Cedar Grove 0 Loudon Jan The correspondent f the Daily Express the kaisers condition is grave and there are rumors everywhere in Germany that he is dying a A new product for making paper has been found grass known also as broom root grass wire and rice root grass from the fact that the roots are extensively used in the making of brooms and brushes The tops though have hitherto gone to waste Nov- it is discovered that these neg lected make a fine grade paper grass extends from Cali fornia and Texas southward to the Argentine Andes It most pro fusely however in the mountain re gions and west of the City of Mexico where it Is for the sake of its roots An acre of grafts should yield at bast three tons of tops The plant IB a perennial one the growth being almost entirely from selfsown seed Unless checked by flW cultivation or the of roots the grass will Boon cover a field solidly and it Is not uncommon to find many square milts densely covered with the growth The range can be profitably gone over for roots every third year Laboratory teats of tha grass by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture that It can be chemically reduced to paper stock by the soda process more easily and with less expense than Is necessary to wood The same and methods- which are em ployed for the manufacture of from poplar wood are quite suitable for the treatment but In place of the woodsawing chipping and screening machinery a grass duster is J The paper manufactured from the J proved satisfactory In physical tests as a firstgrade ma chine finished printing paper It has Moreover very satisfactory f pearance and feeling OF CHARACTERS AND BarrU Council has to raise for the Patriotic Sand the ra to 8ILA8 WARNER By George Eliot To be presented by the Christian Church Dramatic Club In Town Hall Newmarket on Friday January at p m j Silas a Collins William Dane his Trevor A Village Doctor at Lantern Yard Louis Visitors and Vestrymen H Trent Rev Mr Minister at Lantern Yard Leonard Blaok Cass Bruce Morton Godfrey Cass Hon of the Squire Root Cass Hon of the Squire Leslie Parish Clerk d Jem a Common Poacher -d- Booth Rev Mr Minister at Blaok Aaron Wlnlhrop a child Ben Wilson Aaron Wlnthrop Sixteen years later Kimble Mrs Mlea Annie Knowles afterwards Mrs Godfrey Cass Mlfta Travlss Dolly Collins little PosterDaughter of Silas Marder Epple sixteen year later Mlee Amy I Scene 1 The Hick home The Church money to he watcher hap an epileptic fit The Deacon dies The money The Vestry of the Church The trial Silas sentence 1 Living Room at the Squires Godfrey and The cost of secrecy Wildfire Is to ho sold Interior of Silas Hut A Miser Dunatan lakes the gold Scene- Silas at his work Visitors interrupt Little Aarons Christmas Maccys advice III The Squirms Year Party Silas fliulu a Child I AOT Sixteen years later Interior of Silas home The love of a child replaces the kiss- gold When a a blessing from his door It falls to them as take Muelo Furnished by the The Furniture kindly for the occasion by Mr J OF HALL AT DRUG ON NOON end WO Wo IN AID W FIELD BLOOR STREET EAST CONHCR C Vi PR it honor of Rev of To ronto Two or three WCTU ladies called on Mrs Hu ron St on Tuesday and her with a County Life Mem bership Mr J Patterson drug gist was called to yes terday to the serious illness of his father J Muir is attending the funeral today of hjsTaunt Mrs J Thomson of Mrs Henry Clark and Miss Louise Clark left last Thursday for New York where they will spend the winter Mrs of Toronto is spending a few- days with Mrs Jackson The latter had a number of ladies in to tea yes terday to meet her Mr Aubrey Davis leaves for London Out on a business trip today Mrs Davis andBruce Will accompany him and will visit her mUher near London for a couple of weeks Mrs Cain of King Out announces the engagement of her eldest daughter Pearl Bertha to George Wesley White Queens the marriage to take place quietly early in February Hon J Davis spent two whole days in Toronto last week on the General Conference Special Committee of the Methodist Church when many very import ant matter received careful alien lion MrGlmcYt J of Ot tawa spoilt Christmas with his parents St His sister Clara returned with him having accepted a position on the Mem bers Stenographers staff in the House of Commons Mrs McDonald received a very handsome Christmas box from Jack who is at the Front in France He had ten days leave of absence in Scotland which were greatly appreciated after several months in life trenches Mr A Riddel of in renewing for the Era writes I have been a reader of the Era for nearly years and am as anxious as ever to peruse its columns The items of years ago I am much interested In for can recollect the facts and the mimes in connection with those items Not many of the years ago people left Newmarket is represented on the Army and Navy Board of the Methodist Church in Canada by Hon Davis who attended ft meeting in Toronto on Monday This Hoard recommends lh Chaplain of the denomination for service Front It also has prepared and distributed suitable books for use of the men in the trenches ll also assists in re cruiting and sees that the denom ination has a proper record in military annuls Many friends In Newmarket of Rev Canon for years the esteemed Rector of St Pauls Church and an active member on the Public Library Hoard will pleased to learn that he has been restored to phy sical health both bodily and men tally Sunday before last he preached an excellent sermon in Anglican Church at Newcastle and ho often walks three or four miles at a time For more than a year ho has been living with his brother Or A at from whom wo received this in formation The Dr with his bride years ago last spent thy in Now- market and they have just cele brated their wedding In renewing for 1 Mr John Hicks formerly of writes boon a continual subscriber for tho Newmarket Era for almost years and enjoy Us weekly visits as much as in earlier days I ani spending the winter of In Los Angeles California I find many Canadians coming hero for the winter and all seem pleased with this locality as a sort of from the cold winters of the North and indeed is In many respects a very doHghtful country and climate Saturday witnessed the Tournament of Roses at Pasadena It was a wonderful display floats and flowers extending for a mile and a half or two miles in length TORONTO Fhohaohvg82 NORTH YORK FAVORABLE TO COUNTY LEVY Aurora York War at a meeting here today with vis ihthe chair- listened to an address by Mr j ville of the Toronto York Patriotic Fund Association after which a resolution was passed favoring a the County council of about four mills The County Jap and in the meantime the- delegates to days meeting will see their re spective representatives and urge action A fine recreation and reading room for the men going over seas with cue York Batty lajion was opened tonight at Town Hall The room is well appointed and comfortable Mayor Baldwin the Town Coun cil T Lennox KC MPP J M Walton and members of the battalion including Majors Pink and Brown and Bell and Mcintosh took part Local patriotic societies assisted There was a line mu sical program The Girls Red Cross Society supplied refresh ments PI T WE HAVE A GOOD VARIETY OF FRUITS SOME OF THE THAt CALIFORNIA CAN GROW Select 2 lbs for Raisins for Seedless Raisins for Also some at 15c Seedless Raisins In bulk 2 lbs for 2- lbs Nice Clean Currants for New Prunes at and 12V lb Peaches 3 lbs for 25c Table Raisins for Pkg Cooking Figs 10c lb Table Figs 20o lb Cranberries Quarts for WE HAVE ALSO A GOOD VARIETY OF CANDIES NU78 I PHONE PURITY THE LEADING You can buy your Cheap For Oast UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night aUended to at John H Millard Phones 17 and 20 AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes MAIN STREET NEWMARKET ONT f The Cradle In Mount Albert on Jan 8th to Mr and Mrs Geo a daughter Newmarket on Jan lo Mr and Mr Win a daughter Sains Newmarket on Jan to Mr and Mrs Man ford Sams a daughter In Newmarket on Jan to Mr and Mrs Jas a son In Newmarket On Jan 1010 to Mr and Mrs a soil The Altar Worrlson-Bruols- In Newmarket on Jan by Elder at his residence Pros pect Ave Mr M Mor rison to Miss Maude Brads both of North J At Holt on 1 of Jan by Elder 1 of Newmarket at the home of Mr Geo Mainprise Mr Watts to Miss Annie Pearl Mends both of At the resi dence of the bride by I Thomas on Jan Alex Silvester to Ger trude Kelllngton daughter or the Jesse Hughes all of Newmarket At tin Manse by Thomas on he lb of Jan 1910 Melbourne of Toronto Hose Ella West daughter of West of Newmarket i The Tomb Rapor At Toronto General Jan Thomas aged years Funeral servlco at residence of his daughter Mrs G Tefft 21 Mpntioflo Ave Toronto at p in on Thursday Interment at Newmarket on Friday aU3 pm At on Jan 1910 Thomas McGheey son of the late Allen McGhce of aged 21 years At Baldwin Jan I 1910 Sarah Matilda Sherwood be loved of Harry In her year Funeral sorvlcp was held at house at oclock on Monday Jan 3rd at Briar Hill Cemetery At High River Al berta on Jan Dr A of Ontario AgrlouHural and originally from Mount Albert A J ROADHOUBB Wain All Cartful Agent for Cameras and Photo Supplies Chocolates Weekly OFFICE House Phone No J Store Phone No Prize 500 1 fend Prize Season Ticket which will entitle winner to free admission to Theatre any time during 1010 3rd Prize Season Ticket which will entitle winner to free admission lo Theatre up to June 1910 Wo Want You to Suggest a Name for Our Now MOVING PICTURE THEATRE which will open shortly In the Wesley Blook one door north of Bank Toronto Main Street Newmarket and will offer above prizes for the throe- bost names sent In I CONDITIONS Only one name may he sent in by each Competitor The name must he written on one side of the paper only with the name and address thereon All letters must reach the undersigned not later than January pm THIS COMPETITION IS OPEN TO- ALL DECISION Three disinterested parties will art will he accepted as Judges and The result of this competition will be published In this paper on Jan All replies to he addressed to HERBERT P O Box Newmarket TRAPPED EIGHT ENEMY Kitchener Tells of Feat Athens Correspondence the Associate Press Karl Kit chener left a very vivid impression on the Athenian population and es pecially On Constantino I King the Greeks who said to Asso ciated press correspondent I am soldier Kitchener is a soldier We speak the same language and we un derstood one perfectly from the outset One story which Lord Kitchener told in Athens made a particularly deep Impression A NORTH SKA EPISODE When the manoeuvres ol ihe great fleet about- a month ago north of Scotland said Lord Kitchener German submarines of the newest and strongest type went out with the purpose getting to the fleet and playing havoc with he manoeuvres One came to grief In the North Seanet The others nosed through and approached the fleet But there was another heading them off They tried to themselves We too them intact- crews submarines and all France vital battleground Another declaration the British War Minister made to General the chief of the Greek staff w less favorably received In Athens Suppose the Germans do conquer Egypt he is credited with saying Suppose thoy their lines throughout Turkey and hold the Euphrates Valley Suppose they take India What then We shall get It all back when we deleft the Germans In France The isnt to be fought out In Egypt or India or In the Balkans It Is go ing to be fought out In Germany Constantinos only coirnnenl was Its all very well for England to talk atoit what she will get back at the wars But we live in the Balkans London steamer Clan tons has been sunk by the MediteT The Clan MacFarlane wse sent to the bottom December 30 Six and eighteen Lascars at Mata Thirteen Las- an opening But there not Two more were lost in the effort Finally the Remainder decided to re turn to their base at Heligoland But they could no longer find the Way out The gate hi the net bad been closed Two were lost desper ately trying to I three were lowed cars died in the lifeboats The Matrons Signal the indicator on the thermometer dropped to below on night then you dont feel tie cold in the West dont you know Jsllngton Methodist Church the York Rangers with a 1 MM my hero very come to the surface and surrender Held kitchen this week much V

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