Newmarket Era , January 14, 1916, p. 3

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JBffl i Correct Mr Wiley editor of the Ex pressHerald called us up on the phone to say that the report that he had sold out to Mr Harvey was not correct and wished to have contradicted j New Works On Tuesday Mr Moss a carload of building stone and a carload of marble for monuments and headstones has booked about a thousand dollars worth orders already Cemetery Company The annual meeting of New market Cemetery Co takes place next Monday evening at the Half at oclock The secretary ha- a good report to present and there should be a good attend ance of lotowners to receive any explanations and also make for the coming year Penny Bank System The Public School teachers met a I the home of Mr Cornell Prin cipal on Friday after school reCiiVfl instructions regarding the of he Penny Bank System the Public Monday The children can now save their pennies instead of dropping them into the slot on their way to school Friends Church Sunday Jan 1 1 am Meeting for pm Peoples Popular Ser vice Preachers Topic How Do You Do Song Service before the Come and sing the old hymns to the old home Junes Everybody welcome eals free All Friends Ambulance Corps This splendid corps of nearly young men and women in clusive of a large number of qualified medical men and with full sanction of the Allied Gov ernments are rendering yeoman service right on the firing lines well as in Base Hospitals and relief work in Belgium and France A work parly has been tailed in the local Friends Church and any whose hearts are moved to assist are cordially in vited Every cent given in this work is spent direct on the goods required not a single cent is taken for administration and nearly everyone of the Corps is bis services without re muneration of any kind Full in formation may be obtained from Miss Mesdames Rogers Willis A Young or Pastor Phone I are Lining Up Corp J Mountain Pie J McDonald Pie Cody A Morris ite Glen Hie Geo Pie C Granger Wesley Corp Bailey A Hare Pie Pie Smith Pte Wilson las McDonald Newman Penrose Corp Hardin Irwin Smith Gonlon F Pie Manger Pte Hill We McKay Johnson Pie A Smith Pie Eves Kelly Pie Claude Vale Pie Hatch K Johnston Pie J James- PI Win Davis Miller Pie J PI Pie J Kennedy Pie J Rowland j Sluhe Flanagan Pie A Smith I Draper Pte Harrison Pte Mortimer Pie J Granger Pie Gordon Pie W Hare Pte Pearson J Hartford Pte Hartford Pic Flanagan Pie W Ward Pie Potter Pte A Smith J Martin Hie W Cain J Shelley Stoddard J J Bell Pie A Williamson Pie Barnes Pic Dunn Pte Laker Pte Pie West We E Barber Pie Pie J W Wallace Maurice Bridges Victor Brooks Wesley Cmp Brooks David Ciapham F Jos If Lewis William Samuel Fee J Flanagan Roy Forth Win Albert Hover Leslie J Harden Joseph Harris Harry Harrison Freeman John Corp Hill George Hill Sydney Hopper John James Enlisted In No 2 Company Newmarket York Rangers Battalion John A Henry Rowland Corp Manill John Norwood Xicolls John Nugent Walter Orion Geo Pearson Clarence Pratt Albert Racine Henry Rose Rose Ross A Ivan Smith David Starr Edgar I Stone Henry Tunny Clarence Turan Thomas Vanderburg Wellington R Jas Wilkinson F Corp Woodhead Sydney Young Geo A Rare Treat Monday evening Jan oclock there will be a lec ture on Yellowstone National Park illustrated with one hun dred beautiful colored views in the Methodist Church There will also be an excellent musical pro gram and you caimol afford to ibis entertainment which is lo be held under the auspices of the Bible Class There will be no charge for admission but during the evening a collec tion will be laken and the total proceeds will be devoted to send ing comforts to the who are lighting for our King and Country Bring your friends and do your bit for this worthy -cause- have now enlisted Yellowstone National Park oc cupies Hie northwest corner of I In- State of Wyoming and strips f I fie adjacent Stales Idaho and Montana it is rectangular in by miles in Hi- greater dimension running north and south il embraces practically three and onehalf thousand square miles mountains with in and adja cent to the park range in eleva tion from ten to fourteen thous and feet above ea level while park stage route ascends from feel at Yellowstone Station to an altitude of feet In crossing the Continental Divide The animals of the Park are objects of peculiar Interest No of gun or bark of dog Is ever heard and the animals al though wild have become so lame that they give only curious no- lice lo tourists as they pass Deer and bear roam at will throughout The red and the chipmunk along the roadway and those furry little bundles the flatten out on the rocks take no heed of your passing an everyday sight to see deer their young by the roadside and then you get a glimpse of an elk with if cows in of the Park So much been accomplished by law in fobbing man of his terrors lo the WW that all of the animals in Park except those that like Hon and sheep places Inaccessible have well nigh lost all I he bears some of hern wrap- M in robes that would fancy price come down in the from Iheir homes in the feed afdund the Hie to guests is IN MEMORIAM Gunner Carl Granger died In action in France 1915 The Penny Bank The Newmarket Branch of the Penny Bank was instituted in the Public Schools on Monday last In making its bow lo the people of Newmarket a word explana tion may be in order The Bank is a philan thropic organization having fori its sole object the teaching of Womens Institute habits of thrift and economy among the boys and girls of the schools It depends on the of each a balance on June year The Department of Education strongly recommends Ibis line of work and most schools in lhe- cities and larger towns have tak en up with the aim of parinibemserea to musical the proceeds to he tot tie Sol of augmenting the or Patriotic funds Tn which loved Empire In this hour stands so sorelyhi need Alt the his under the care ful si skilful guidance of Mr of Toronto at last the looked for of is approaching Society is contemplating a concerts the first of will be given on the evening the 23hdpf February The pro- Will embrace Selections from indent composers and of music can Took forward definitely to a marked improvement in vocal work over that of last The name of Marguerite requires no to Aurora audiences as all who have heard her have felt that in every way her concert last winter as an interpretation of the Soul of Har mony was perfect Although Miss is not sing ing publicly this year she has cor dially consented give her services freely in aid of the Aurora Choir and of the effort they represent Other performers will whose work roused such enthusiasm last year and Mrs daughter of our Conductor whose singing and ac companying were the highest or- Altogether Aurora Choral So ciety after a term of excellent en deavor are expecting the neople of Aurora and its vicinity to receive genuine enjoyment in exchange for their ticketmoney of fifty and IhirtvHve cents also- to nut forth a most determined effort helu the choir fill the Mechanics Hall at least twice during the fourth week The new Town clock on Tuesday was set KKTTLEBY rf 01 Stack of if than from to and Embroidered Collars Mens Ties In 8eparate Boxes m Boudoir Can fc Up And Hundreds of Other Useful Xmas Gifts BE SURE TO SHOP EARLY AS NONE OF OUR XMA8 CAN BE REPEATED r it A The regular meeting of the I Newmarket Womens will he held on Thursday Jan dial Support and sympathy of the lho of for a girl and the I own No teacher or local Hank is entitled to any reward for ser vices in fact there are no paid officials except a small staff in the head office at Toronto The plan is as follows Depos its of OIK are received by the teacher of each form from any pupil who may desire to open an account De posits may be made each Monday morniriK and a pass book Is Is sued therefor The total deposits are forwarded in our case to the local branch of the flank of Mont real where the Ledg er kept and at the end of each month the balances are forward ed lo Hie Penny Hank Toronto from which they must be placed in the Post Office Savings Hank may withdraw deposits by giving oho weeks notice to their teacher Interest at the rate of three and onehalf per cent is allowed on all accounts showing ladies sew are asked to prepared to 81la8 Warner Secure your seats early cent or upwards to Dramatic as there is sure to be a large sale of tick ets Plan opens at Pattersons Drug Store oft Tuesday at oclock noon Reserved seats 35 and general admission This is the play Hie novel by George and was presented Kail by the Christian Church Dramatic Chili so successfully They are re pealing ft for the benefit of Die local Field Comforts Society the entire proceeds going to our own Newmarket boys in the trench oh is hoped everyone will patronize this entertainment and thus show their loyally to the boys at the front See proRmoi in another pari of this paper A When all the world sleeps one voice alone the flight of time I- I THE VOIOE OF THE CLOCK I The ordinary livers Its message In sharp unpleasant sounds A atriklnfl Mantle Clock We sell speaks softly and with the sweetness of a harp I 4 FOR STYLE AND PRICE CALL AND A P At Id is on Newmarket ill have charge of the sonvicc in Methodist On Sunday ev ening next All are invited V Mr Ambrose Archibald and the Misses Cutting of at tended Church here on Sunday even ing Miss Kate Wood and her sister were the guests Miss Ruth on The Ladies Aid of Church spent a social afternoon on Wednesday of last week with Mrs J Hurling who is an Honorary member of the Aid Good luck to the new Council Mr Karl Cook spent over Sunday at Mt Albert Whos the chicken Miss spent Saturday and Sunday with friends In town Mr James Analog of spent Sunday at his home of the fifth line but where was George Does Will from Corners call his driver Alma or Talk about our sports being slow Not much when they ran sleep In Church and be fresh for the after- meeting On Saturday evening Jan a public reception was tendered to Maurice Watson a returned soldier who was wounded at this battle- of St The old Hall was packed to its full capacity and never rang with truer heartier cheers When Watson first appeared on the stage A splendid had been provided consisting of addresses by and Dr Dales Mr J M Walton Lieut Bell Mu- Miss Bark er soloist Miss Rogers soloist Miss reciter Dr re citer and the quartets During the course the evening an add re was read Mr and Watson was presented with suitably engraved the being by Mr J an old school chum of Watson Pte Watson made very suitable reply at rt late hour by the King after which Watson was personally welcomed by many friends A notable feature Is that when Watson first entered his business career he and Lieut Hell worked side side In the same branch of the of Commerce Jewelers and Opticians i i iOWW LINE ITEMS Farmers are busily engaged thresh ing Clover and Alslke thrifts to Mr Fred Smith Auctioneer Newmarket for calendar Messrs Albert Sonervllle Town Line and Frank Davis of 4th Line went to the City on Monday to serve on Jury Albert Shanks killed and dressed line hog for home use the other day topping the scale at pounds Glad to hear Mr Vance Webster Is convalescing though slowly Mrs George Chapell of Fair View Farm was removed to the hospital last week to undergo an operation for inward trouble Master Harry Wilson of the LI net has beea suffering from severe attack of appendicitis since Friday last Arrangements were for an but and attention of Dr Wesley that haa avoided and lis Is now on the mend Preacher Dales occupied his own pulpit on Sunday last Many from this vlcJotytooV In the client presentation of a Gold Headed Cano- to Mr Maurice the returned defender his Country Hall on Satur day night last account of being misinformed the in last A a new man in thel Council who headed the poll There was much regret apparent the returns on election night announced the defeat of Reeve Watson for many thought it was high time for a change but there cer tainly was regret when the announce ment was- made that our Stalwart Frank wenfdown to defeat It was something unexpected there neier was a better set- in the Council Franks elec tion to the Council we did not get done in this part of the Town- ship but ever since he has seen to it that we got grants for lor bur roads in some places be fore were almost dangerous and not fit for traffic The improvements made on the roads through his efforts are a memorial to his credit anil I am afraid it will be long before we get anything- more Men who lor party turn down an like neither study their own interests nor that of the community but Mr has the Satisfaction of knowing he is not the first in the world to be rewarded in that way for good service red Mrs Harry Davis received a tele gram on Monday informing her ot the death of her at MHIsf A very pretty wedding took place at the home of the brides parents Mr and Mrs Oldham of on Wednesday Jan 5th when their daughter Kathleen was united in marriage to Mr Fred A of North bride who wore a dress white Voile and carried a bouquet of white and pink roses was given away by her father The gift the to the bride was a gold necklace to the bridesmaid Miss Barbara Young a gold brooch To the groomsman Mr Oldham a set of pearl cuff links and to Miss Myrtle Oldham who played the wedding march a gold wristwatch The ceremony was per formed by the Thomas Scott of after which about thirty guests sat down to a very enjoyable meal About the happy couple left for the station amid showers of confetti and good wishes from all present BIO 800 HOTEL BURNED Sault Marie Oat Jan ruins of the new International Hotel which was burned to the ground last night was still shoulder ing this evcningl The Fire Depart ments Steel ton and the worked all last night and up to daylight when they were relieved by renerves- Except for the annex the build ing Is a total loss The stockholders who lose by the conflagration arc W A Pollock Manager of the hotel who lies seriously III at the General here Martin and Messrs and Pardee all of this city loss Is now placed at with the in surance of paid in LIVE MARKET prices paid 1 promo Ibis week wen Choice Butcher Cattle Common Cattle Blockers to lbs Lambs off cars ooo Toronto Jan Wheat per bash Oats per bush Hay per ton If Butter per 300 35 per do 500 Potatoes per bag i Chickens per ft as Ducks Geese per 0180 20 Jan Wheat per bush 1 Oats 0 38 per push Butter pes lb 32 Shorts per ton per ton 25 per per Turkeys per lb Chickens per So NEWMARKET 1 MidWinter Clearing Sale Fancy faottoh Eiderdown lor etc and 30c yd Sale Price 21 Heavy Serge in Slack and Navy in wide Reg Sale Price 79c yd Ladles White Night Robes heavy weiglil some Fancy Reg 75c i 151 Sale Price and 25 each Colored Night Robes 50 and Price 39o 69o each J Ml HEAD OFFICE JOUONTO Capital Paid Up President jajim Reserve Fund HAY General Manager Drafts Money Orders and Letters of Issued available throughout the World Dealers In Government and Munlolpal 8eourltlea Dealers In Dom9sL Foreign Exohange Department at all Branohea Interest halfyearly at Rates 100 opens an account 8MYTH Manager Newmarket NOTE8 DISCOUNTED SUPPLIED ON APPLICATION GENERAL BANKING BU8INE88 TRANSACTED J J Bars MAIN 8TREET SOUTH it- BIG REDUCTION ON ALL WINTER QOOD8 SPECIALS ALL OF RUBBERS AND FURLINED AND BOOTS WINTER UNDERWEAR Must Be Cleared Out at Once Before 8tookTaklng I 3 Doors 8ouh of King George Proprietor OUTH I Royal Household Flour The Lead for Made from Old Wheat MONARCH MO 88 ROSE and OK ARK CHOICE PAS THY FLOURS- PUR BUCKWHEAT FLOUR BRAN AND 8H0RT8 ji AM Kinds of Peed for Fowl CALL AND YOUR ORDER Prompt Delivery A a A ALL KINDS OF CARTING AND TEAM WORK ATTENDED TO Phono HOWARD Jan 11 As the blowing out of a ft iff S j J a I

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