Newmarket Era , January 14, 1916, p. 4

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iiiv J A DELICATE CHILD Made Strong By Our My was in poor health delicate and bo weak it- made very uneasy I heard and decided to try it and the results were marvelous appetite improved she gained in weight and is now one of the healthiest children in town Mothers of delicate children should Mrs Gordon Jess0P is a delicious cod liver and iron tonic without oil a constitutional rem edy which creates an appetite aids di gestion and makes pure blood- children love to take it J Patterson Druggist Newmarket Ont fallen into lino- and adopted an of the Proving forbidding members of that to the Crown E from using alco holic liquors at any meeting or banquet of the Order Ski ATTEND THE BEST I IT TORONTO Has a National Reputation for superior Business and Shorthand Education Catalogue Free Commence Now I J ELLIOTT Principal St Toronto WINTER TERM OPENS A REPRESENTATIVE WANTED at once for NEWMARKET and District for the OLD RELIABLE NURSER I Premier of Ontario sent a Christinas greeting 10 Canadian overseas In response thereto has cabled the following message Please convey to the Prime Minister and Government and people of QnlaV rio the grateful appreciation and hanks of all ranks of the Cana dian corps for sage Intense farming pays all right as was strikingly shown by the results of the annual Acre Profit Competition announced by the Department of Agriculture last week The best acre crop was that of of Muskoka which amounted to pro duced from a yield of bushels of potatoes Another man had well KCthat he had stolen IweeivS 1 and I 1 from the ObYcrnmenl through the medium of refunds made by the P and as a direct outcome of heavy speculation in real es tate three years ago Hyde had been a trusted employe of Government for the past eight years He appeared before a yesterday and for This is the sec ond Government employe doing clerical work who has confessed 16 thefts within the last week this at- in thai position incy were fc retort oh the e4biAQdAne8f the little arid his THE Y A NEAR THE FIRING LINE Farmers I Why remain idle all Winter when you can lake up a paying agency Choice list of varieties for Spring Planting Liberal Terms Handsome Free Outfit Exclusive Territory WRITE NOW FOR PARTICULAR AND WELLINGTON TORONTO ONTARIO WANTED NOW Reliable Salesman to act as Agent in York County PAY WEEKLY Outfit free exclusive lerrilory and money making specialties Our agencies are the best in the business for we sell the highest grade of stock at most reasonable prices and guar antee deliveries in first class lid ion is selling well this year and good money can be made in this district For particulars write Sales Manager NUR8ERY CO Toronto Out A press despatch from Winni peg Man states lliat if the wo men of Manitoba after getting the vote want to elect members of their own sex to the legisla ture they will be free to do so The Government is prepared so the report says to pass the ne cessary legislation There has not been as yet any formal rep resentation made in that direc tion Word comes from the Old Country thatll will probably be after is over he for Prin cess Alexander of will be in Canada with her husband the Prince of who is to succeed the Duke of as Gover norGeneral It is stated in this connection that while the Prince of Teck has been sewing in France the Princess has been j vigorously engaged in patriotic England Roller Flour MILLS LIKE PIE Of course do when you know it from MOSS R03E FLOUR You can always count on turn ing out the lightest sweetest and most CAKES AND PASTRY When you use this flour Its recognized as best by all compe tent judges TRY ROSE FLOUR THE NEXT TIME YOU BAKE Your grocer will supply you EVERY GUARANTEED Newmarket H ROBIN80N Proprietor A cablegram announces that the Prime Ministers of New Zea land and South Africa are visit ing Great Britain and word has come from Ottawa that they been invited by the Dominion Gov ernment to pass through Canada on their way home In this con nection it is slated that the visit of these two Premiers has given rise to the belief hat a colonial conference will be held this year but such is not the case If the two Salesmen accept the invita tion will be entertained by the Government while here An Ottawa press despatch Ihc beginning of the week slates that Gen Hughes has announced plans for the military training schools in Canada One school will he established to every over seas battalion for preliminary work as advanced as noncom missioned officers training One or more training schools will also be established in each district for more advanced work is intended lo receive new can didates on Tuesday of each week man in a battalion is Eli gible to take he train ing and secure an NJO For the Era How close to the tiring line the Y are who are Work ing among the Canadian troops will he understood by the following At- ter one of I have enjoyed my seven days rest in England very much It is the first time I have teen away from the firing really since I rejoined the battalion in June so can imagine how much I ap preciate being from the roar or Hie the bursting of the en emys shells might saji that few days before I left a piece ol high explosive shell rent a huge hole In the little tent you see in the snap Fortunately I was not in at the time The National of the of Canada has now twenty- seven men serving Canadas soldiers overseas and from time to time we will publish items showing just what services they are perform ing for the welfare bodily as well as spiritually of our soldiers The Military branch the A work began fortyfour years ago In Canada at the Niagara Camp aril In time grew to be an international movement covering all the great and Balkan There are now fourteen Canadian Association branches along the front hold by the Canadian troops wtites Pearson Somewhere in France Two of the buildings are within fifteen hrndrcd of the German lines our tents are also well sheltered by trees every inch of is occupied in these centres at night and night now begins at while during the day these men who off duty may dry their clothes write their letters and have their wants attended to In fact So great has been the crowd that has requested another tent of the same size to be placed alon side Serving in the canteen censor ing letters cheering the lonely putting on a concert ladlnv service it Is all to the same end and we are in the effort to makeHid Association a factor for good these brave lads to come to the relief of riewn- trodden skuny of Ships side insert United States Department of plugs if the side was piercedi ture had mucb to this bat position Ibey because of Ihe by animal Legislators accepted vAl and made preparations tot the Mr if he race Pairllic boiler I known enemy of army worms pjimpi including common army wheathead army worm and in diameter army worm all of which W wnich destructive to small grams corn and j Mr set grasses and cause heavy losses everj worklo make a new- plate with bis bands no other Farmers that white lance than the grubs are particularly abundant in ho cut a plate- sixteen inches by cornfields there drilled the bolt holes in holes burrowed in the ground in the injured boiler corn These are made by flrsl and skunks in their nightly search tor threads of the screws on grubs During a of grasshoppers and nuts Since the new Kansas it was determined that in Hun to fake the boiler pressure he had also to holt a cases a large portion of the Rod of skimps ihe through the I new and injured Strawberry growers regard the plate During the whole with favor although in its he was below in he stifling- search for grubs it may up root a room at work upon a plant or two or eat a few terries once great skunk alsoienjojB May beetles Hon and Hie utmost nicely the fire arid June bugs which hatch from the fort never ceased Bullets white grubs paltered continually on hull Skunks have versatile some of them pierced ifand struck feed on top grubs cut- be wounded men who lay below worms crickets sphinx moths sweet moment another shell beetles Mr beetles field mice and rats If a About two clock Sir Chares skunk takes up a residence near a and some guns barn where ra s arc if not disturbed filoroq it will slay there until all the rats are gone in a under the TwokinIs of tobacco which command of Captain also attack tomato and Willi hem were- two engineroom plants eaten by the skunk in of the naval brigade numbers Some of most When the artificers loincrl Mr destructive insects do their work be- he had been toiling single- low ground and out reach of any handed except for the leading the farmer can devise- It is or foe three hours At Ave oclock 160 pages of valuable building information useful plans complete details on how to make improvements on the farm that are fireproof weatherproof timeproof and economical besides scores of other interesting facts It the authority on farm building construction It bos saved thousands of dollars for more than Canadian and will- save money for you If you a copy send in the coupon NOW The booh is free Canada Cement Company Limited MONTREAL FILL IN COUPON AND MAILTODAV Furnace Work Plumbing Eavetroughing i of Our Specialties tt Bathroom At Shop THE TINSMITHS gjr- IR08BOBKK SONS to COURT f The following sentences were hand ed out by Judge Winchester last week A Mason passenger agent found guilty of stealing 11500 from the sentenced to two years Kingston ill Jim guilty lovcountryman On was also sentenced to two years the penitentiary Aqufla colored a woman with a lengthy police will spend a year in the Mercer Reforma tory for stealing Hannah accomplice also had a re cord She relieved a soldier of for which the was to the Mercer for six months shoplifting a colored woman was sentenced to ten days in jail Bessie who was with Mrs when was caught was allowed to go on sus pended fccntence Sidney J Graham served two months and eight days of a oneyear term at the Mlmlco brick yard and then escaped He was soon rounded up then Judge Winchester sent back to serve the remaining ten months Judge Winchester advised to go overseas after his tin expired Found guilty of indecent wjll spend the thirty days over lh Don Mazo ound guilty of an in decent offence will be sentenced on January to allow the case to go before the court of Charged with theft was allowed a chance to make rcsiitutlon FOR KILLED WHILE TRE8PA8SINQ Holland Jan At the held in La nil rig last night by Coroner Dr J Wesley of market into the death of George Went wan killed last Friday when by ii Grand frciglil train while returning from Bradford The jury a verdict lo Ihe effect Hint the accident was entirely due to bis own negligence while Ires pass ing on- company right of way was given by who Hinted that the train wan at a late of about JO miles an hour and owing to the darkness did not the handcar on which the de ceased and a were sealed until about feet lie said the emergency brakes vere at once applied but was Impossible to avoid striking Clio hand car Several witnesses stated thai Davidson former ly employed by the company was in the habit of using hand car against these that the skunk is most active after another three hours work the and bar were made The biologist asserts that the hem n6 toiler held in many districts that the bite upon he bolls and of the skunk produces hydrophobia is h I0 mistaken He says it is no more f ny man CANADA CEMENT COMPANY LIHITEOHenWBuUiiaf fln me free copy of 002 What The Can Do With Concrete MIlMMlt Street No i I say harmful than the bite of oher ani mals o- IMPORTANT CONFERENCE AT OTTAWA The Conference of the new vfc Improvement of Can ada to be held in on the likely lo be one of Important municipal gatherings that have ever been held in the Dominion The Con ference will he held in Llio large Railway Com it lee of the House of Commons and are likely be present from all the nine provinces Montreal Toronto and other large cities will bo offi cially represented Among the principal speakers will be Sir John lion J Provincial Secretary of Ontario is an ticipated thai municipal ques tions will be dealt with under three main heads namely Municipal Finance Immigration Health Housing iVnvn Planning and Local Improvements is dial there in need discussion Of tho many civic problems thai have already arisen and are likely iii the as a result of has been n rouse I in the new movement in all parts of the Dominion and there is unanimity to the need for a national organization to study discuss municipal problems info the plate could not ho fixed because it was necessary In pass Uio bolts fhrough Hie plate from the inside of he boiler Mr ilenhow pumped cold water into boiler and out again once or twice hut if was no hot for white man endure We smeared a negro boy with tallow and I promts him a reward if he would go info boiler Ho was only too glad go Hi lowered down but he climbed out again faster than he went in After a short pause he another try Thai time in a frying heat that only- a black skin could boar lie stayed inside and passed the holts through while Mr calked both plates and holts and screwed the bolts home The boy was none the worse in body and richer in possessions than ever in his life By seven oclock the job was You see what It was for your self for the plate is now in the museum of the Royal Naval College Greenwich Newmarket ENTER ANY TIME Resident and Day School for Boys and Girls Preparation for Matriculation and Teaohors Examinations COURSES IN 8HORTHAND TYPEWRITING BOOKKEEPING Preparatory Course Leading to Collegiate Department MUSIC ART I Address P FIRTH A Principal A A BEWARE OF OINTMENTS FOR THAT CONTAIN MERCURY a mercury will surely destroy the ense of smell and completely de range the whole system when en- Icringit through the muoup sur faces should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians as damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them Halls Catarrh by J Cheney Co- Toledo contains nomer- cury and is laken not ing directly upon the blood nd mucous surfaces of the in ouylng Halls Catarrh sure you gel the It is taken and mode in To Ohio by Tee free by Price Take Halls family for ton During the war in the Sudan in Lord Charles Heresford took steamer up the Nile to the rescue of Sir Charles Wilsons parly which was isolate hostile country between the strong force at Wad and Mahdls host marching down from Khartum The was once in great peril through an lo Ihe ships boiler skill cour age of Its engineer officers saved ship however as Lord Charlos lolls in his Memoirs had passed the fort at when a great cloud of steam smoke roso from the after hatchway Instantly of lhenemy Increased Chief Engineer rap to the room A Maltese carpenter ran to mn crying All la lost and mybrothnV sare I he sink I I promptly him out of theway The black stokbrs came running up from the stokehold I did not know whether he ship was on or the boiler Injured but as shin still had way upon her I lo ho headed toward the hank Mr soon reported that the boiler was pierced by a shot that the shot hod entered above the BAGGED TRAWLERS New YorkJnn an importer of this city with a branch office in Liverpool who arrived by the Adriatic gave a good story of British naval strat egy which resulted in tho cap- lure in North Sea of Her man trawlers from a naval of ficer on a short leave Off the east coast of England the commander of a British de stroyer fell in with three Ger man trawlers and simply said Howdy and let them go On and they thanked him kindly The destroyer went into port came out and took another look the Ashing fleet mostly Brit ish and found that the German squadron had grown lo a fleet of trawlers Another visit to the Ashing grounds revealed 15 Gor man trawlers Two later the destroyer four sister ships went out and look an observation The greeted them cheerfully as usual Their smile vanished however when the de stroyers rounded them all up and took them in to Dover There were trawlers every one had a cargo of fish which brought and might have sold for many times that much if It had been taken to Germany Also the British took the trawlers utiliz ing the best of thorn as patrol boos RETURN TO St Catharines Jan That thousand Chinese would Canada and the TUnlted States during next two week lo aid revolutionary parly In China Is stated by a pleading restaurant keeper Over Aye Chinese left for home last week he said The people are determined that ihe president shall not be on the throne There will certainly be New Transcontinental NEW SHORT ROUTE to WESTERN CANADA Can Govt ft fly Gind Trunk System TORONTOWINNIPEG via North Cobalt and Scenic Highland of tabic innuinctAlIe Maivcli Equipment CoiUntnciDg Tuesday July Winnipeg pm Sun am 445 pm Sun Satkaloon Mon q ThfOUgtl ticket via the Canadian Reekie at Prince Ontario Splendid Toronto pm Tuq Sat North Bay Winnipeg trie rt Yukon Alaska Vancouver Victoria Seattle lighted a cars

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