Newmarket Era , January 14, 1916, p. 5

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iff y sees a tf3 a3 Sci 551 flBBtt HV SB res ivKK i Wtrs j Pi S9HH ii S3 S PS I J mammas W3i ST v j- mm teSU so V 5r V BarrifiterNoVaPuic Newmarket gedurity-V- i Frank Duncan AUCTIONEER AND COLLECTOR t Accident the New market Laundry had lle to fall on the sidewalk on V- J M Jv i IS Dr Wilkinson DENTIST Over McPaiileys B B Terry insurance and Real Estate Agent Howards Livery Newmarket If joBuy See lo Dr R Office almost opposite the King George Hotel MAIN ST NEWMARKET The annual meeting of market Agricultural Society will be held FireHall on Saturday Jan at for Ihepurpose receiving the annual report election of officers for the ensuing year and other business Jv y V DECLINE SUBSTITUTES Dr J Boyd Graduate in Medicine of To ronto University also Licentiate of the Royal College of Physi cians arid member of the Royal College of Surgeons of England Former clinical assistant in Eye Hospital and Uni versity College Ear Nose and Throat Hospital London Eng Office Cor Main and Timo thy Newmarket Telephone Consultation Hours Bugle for 127th Towards trie close of last week an nouncement was made that a bugle band to ie attached to the York Battalion for service overseas was it was also stated that the present secured from among recruits already enlisted i r i WATCH JEWELLER Park Avenue Adjoini New Post Office Bert Green PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER Ave 2nd house from Queen Street Newmarket Bolton Hewitt Practical Painter Paper Hanger and House Decorator RESIDENCE Corner Niagara and Tecumscb Street New market Trolley League Schedule Jan Aurora atThornhiU Jan at Jan Sutton at Aurora Feb TliornhiU at Sutton Feb Aurora at Newmarket Feb TliornhiU at Newmarket Feb i Newmarket at Aurora Feb 16 Sutton at Thornhill Feb Aurora at Sutton Feb 21 Newmarket at Feb Thornhill at Aurora at Newmarket A NEWMARKET Teacher of Piano Voice and Vio lin Dealer in all kinds of Music al Instruments and Repairs PIANO TUNING Agent for Columbia and Records Complete Stock Prompt Service FIRE IN8URANCE TOWN AND FARM PROPERTY FOR SALE me know your wants C P MORTON Lome Ave Box Newmarket Let TownXMdl The inaugural meeting look being hi Au- the Council Chamber at that clock last Monday PresentsMayor Cane Reeve Keith Councillors J Eyes and Fred Doyle Haying to the ne cessary declarations the Mayor addressed Council He attention to the necessity for carefuimarragement and the positive necessity of reducing the expenditure in order to keep the rate of taxation as low as last year on account of the demand there is to be for war pur poses He also referred to the Plant which in volved so much labor last year as the residue Of the plant is disposed of it Is expect ed all shortage will he met in con neetion with he installation A deal of power in the day time is going to waste and he asked the Council to consider what could he done to get a from it He suggested a low er rate after the use of a certain quantity to encourage electric utensils in the household such as sweepers irons toasters etc Commit tee no doubt lower gen eral rate for lighting purposes water supply a a which the Committee will try to fathom present tune only half the water pumped is being for Where be leaks are is a mystery Mr A and Rev were heard with reference to free light and water for the Military Club Rooms in Newmarket which was referred is the war Theo 103 indoor Convalescent lege Street I number of the soldiers from the front been dis charged as HI- take up their civilian duties Some7KX6TdFlbe Army Medical are3raft- ed loi the various units hundred medical are now needed Hotel and ouU6nsmksA or the Medical Health Officers order at all waiters others serving food loathe public must a were by drownirie In Toronto to rr ft 1 I vvvt MM ycf t City Abattoir The military given by ExIiifeili n I reported have cost 1000 it is creating a- fuss By virtue of an passed by the Ontario in ist given leave of absence with salary past- 55 To ronto for ex pert evidenced ago bill wa men to do its business iyJMkft2flpl5 enlisted ibis city OnSunday Association gave seven of a musical feast The besides eluded eight hands of was ainonp the a re cruiting meeting StTwe on Sunday ad dress he declared Bad as the plight of Belgium was under Ger r iiiJiC A the Telegram who lately enlisted was presented with a purse of gold fiqin the Council press on Wednesday of last week His name Lowe lii the Police Court last week A Bell facedtwo charges of practising dentistry without be ing a member of the Royal lege of Dental Surgeons j rule that of It was claimed that he was ten limes worse if fireaf a dulyqualified dentist in Bos- were defeatedV m 5 ferS ss MS Ks 5Si M ffi W iV r mi Si I fc It J L MADE IN CANADA A This did hot count in On and he was fined A Good Resolution Shop where you are invited to shop during and you will find it pay you The dealer who is wideawake invites yur trade through the advertising columns of the local- paper and invariably the dealer who does this can be depended upon to give you service not merely take as much of your money as he can get and give as little as possible in return Resolve to study the ads this year Recognition The Secretary of the National Sanitarium Association sends us the following item In- addition to the Christmas Tree and other good things pro vided by the Free Hos pital for Consumptives for all patients at Christmas time the soldiers in residence there were extra well looked after being presentee with moccasins fruit and other articles by Ladies Societies of News market and Toronto liyman G Jackson Issuer of LICENSES At the Era Office Newmarket Office Private issued at private re sidence if desired Treat the B6ys Square About oclock last Friday af ternoon a small hoy got on a cutter at the corner of the Post Office at once when the man told him he could not have a ride However before he reached the sidewalk the man struck him with his whip and cut his check fohi ear to mouth so bad that it is feared he will be scarred for life If any person witnessed this occurrence the father of the boy will be very thankful if he or she will com municate with Box New market to the Fire and Light Com will power to act Mr O Stone was heard with reference to the cost of license for Shooting Gallery which was referred to the Finance Com On motion of Reeve Keith following Committees were pointed Fire LightMayor Tench Road A and Finance an I the Keith ft and week I Doyle tens received NEWMARKET He designs in and Head Gall before ordering elsewhere Out Stone for Building Purposes Kept in Stock and Made to Order r GEO r Good congregation last Sunday morning and the Pastor delivered an admirable and interesting mis sionary sermon showing espe cially the conditions and needs in China and Japan as well as our own and prophesy ing a large influx of people to Canada as soon as the great war is over Mr Walter ren dered a good solo Next Sunday Rev Fox of Ket- is expected to preach here morning and evening and Rev preaches on the Keltle- Circuit A ByLaw was passed appoint- Geo Vale and Guy Smith as auditors at a salary of each Jackson High School I for 3 years as member of the Pub lie Board for years and A- for years to fill the unexpired term of nit Application was made for the free use of the Town Hall for Patriotic Purposes on Jan Referred to Property Committee J he applications of Harvey Curtis St and I Gardens for current were referred to the Fire and Corn with power to Council adjourned li Monday evening j BROWN8 TREE8 The that can bo Who is our agent in your town BROWN COMPANY Browns Co Out OXIDIZED WELDING On Notice Machinery for Sale RUTLEDOK DAVIS of Bank of Toronto Newmarket Red Cross Thy regular meeting was held in the Council Chamber Monday afternoon The attendance was fair The treasurer presented the following report Receipts on hand last report next COAL FOR Best Anthracite Coal at bar gain prices Orders filled at all hours Telephone No doors South of Osbornes Butcher Shop Main St North FRANK GLASS if Members Fees Knitting Teas I7i0 Donation Dr Dickson Donations in small Poultry Show Party Expenditure Fruit Ac to Shirts and Other material for Expense of Party Balance on hand r A r YORK MARBLE AND JOHN MOSS Dealer and Importer of Foreign and Granites and Mar bles Latest Designs in Monu- Headstones All kinds Cemetery promptly at tended to Call and see before buying elsewhere All klndB Building Cut to Order JOHN MOSS Works Cor Millard A to Jnt Wanda The treasurers report war Millard Ave adopted as satisfactory After some discussion it decided to hold Parly on of January A motion by Mr Arthur and seconded by Mrs Bosr worth was unanimously carried expressing the thanks of Red Cross Society to the Keillors of lie local papers for their and generous papers for the past fifteen months all Red Cross announcements hav ing been made gratuitously After some details about the Party were meeting adjourned Riclimond Hill handed over the Village Skating to the military authorities In order to find a substitute for the young people a millpond is now being used as an open rink Lieut of the York Hangers has Opened a recruiting station and IK have already been sworn in for active service HOW THIS MOTHER Got Strength To So Her Work Fair Haven Vt I bo nervous and run down that could not do my for my little family of three I had doctored for nearly ear with out- help One day I read about and thanks to It my health has been re stored I am all my housework once more I am telling all my friend what Vinol has done for me Mrs James Eddy Is a liver and Iron tonic which creates a healthy appetite olds digestion and makes blood W J Patterson Druggist A I- One of those pencil Illinois Vacuum Carpet Sweepers Good as new Cost Will sell for No further use having ah sweeper Ap ply at Era Office GREAT OPPORTUNITY Having Installed an plant I have no further use for a small dyiiarrio having a of from to lights to ie run a steam plant Can he seen In operation time Cost will sell for HO SHOP The Ontario Government has decided to increase its shipments Apples to England for distri bution among WOundc Canadian I soldiers there and in France also to Canadian prisoners in many Already 1 cases of have been sentand of these cases went to Hospitals in France and cases to the Canadian prisoners in Germany Win Smith 1 Taylor Street a negro suicide after attempting to- kill his wife and another woman L V McBrady K a Toron to Committed for trial on two charges of theft In each case a client alleged that the defendant had stolen money giv en to him for purposes More complete returns show that local option bylaws were carried in twenty municipalities and lost in nineteen through the threefifth clause although ing majorities Some licenses have been cut off by the vote and all tending towards Provincial Prohibition ft is officially stated at the Parliament Buildings in Queens Park that the Ontario Military Hospital at Orpington is now in sight It is reported there are now alien prisoners in the Kap- Camp in Northern On tario Nearly acres of land have been cleared by them They are also building a hank Major of the Queens Own is in charge On Thursday and Friday of number of citi zens received severe injuries from accidentally falling on slippery sidewalks Several persons had broken limbs as a result A lady on Phoebe Street was badly burned oh Friday night as a result of overturning a lighted candle and setting fire to clothing At this time when money is so much needed and taxes high the spending of on the Exhibi tion dinner to Sir Sam Hughes and nearly 9400 on Col Logic is causing much comment Already elevator licenses have been granted this year The fee is for a license Only five cases were on the docket of the Criminal Assize Court which opened here on Mon day There are however rases the Civil Assize Court calendar Here is a very pitiable case Her mind affected because she failed by two hours to reach the stationhere in time to see her husband who went to the with the Battalion of Winni peg Mrs was found- In a demented condition at by of the York County Childrens Aid Society noble part Toronto women have played in connection with the great war is amazing Their resulted In mak ing the men at front far more comfortable than otherwise would have been There is a steady call for shirts socks clothes under wear sheets towels etc In the Police Court last week Hughes was charged with buying liquor for soldiers and was fined or three months in prison Mr J Frame who was a mom- ber of City Gounoll from to passed away on Sunday A fire supposed to he of condlary origin did dam age to- the promises of George oh Seneca Street on Saturday night 1 As a result of a quarrel with mother over domestic affairs Pitts aged drank a quantity of laudanum The girl had taken- drug but a short time however before her act was discovered Hawkins was summoned and an antidote was The girl was then removed to Hospital condition Is reported favorable Lawrence Market was very light last Saturday weather being very cold Butter brought a eggs per dozen per- lb other poultry In proportion The provincial Treasury will benefit about 8575000 by the Cox estate As less than Presbyte rians voted for Union while over voted against it a feeling prevails that the union will not be attempted at present On Thursday of last week Sadie Rudy of employed as a domestic at the New Northern Hotel committed suicide v The Dominion Government pays the fares postmen on street cars from post ofllce to the postal division to which they are assigned The License Commission is meeting at Ottawa this week The Hoard has a big job on hand there The people voted cut out liquor licenses ami he Board is now busy making in spection and decision where the axe is to applied Stephen Elliott an electrician was badly burned while making line repairs on Avenue on Monday volts passed through him Harry Lauder the greatest on the stage to day is coming to Toronto next week Sir Adam Heck staled this week the vote on the Hydroradial opened the way for the purchase of the Metropolitan line on Street The late Mrs Massey Treble left an estate of chief ly for and educational purposes The slippery state of sidewalks on Monday resulted in many pie meeting with serious acci dents The Aura Lee Juniors the A swamped the Aurora Club on Monday by to 4 without trouble Three hundred dollars and costs is the way Magistrate it to Williams and doseph Smith for selling liquor without a license to soldiers While playing on the slide on Monday Mamie was run against a small boy on a and received a broken leg The Official count votes give Mayor Church and his HulldinK permits lor show decrease of 14642 as compared with There arc 20 Conservatives In the new municipal Council After visiting friend In street en New Years Day Shields aged 5 years was taken suddenly ill on his way home lie called a hut expired as he reached the door of his home Passenger traffic was extremely heavy on Monday being the excursion rates Toronto Military District has been asked to supply doctors lor service the The Minister of Militia here last week made the announcement that It the Intention to place BrigadierGeneral and Col In command of Divi sions for The Special Centra Conference Committee has decided that the next General Conference of the Methodist Church will held In Hamilton Out in With the of another patrolman In the person of Cornitu Constable King of Mllls and the- redistribution of the districts adequate police protection j now being provided In all thickly populated sections adjoining the city Lee an Ontario man was In the employ the Hudson Co miles north Edmonton when the war out He left the Arctic regions walked miles to enlist for service He Is now doing duty Exhibition Camp iJM S 1 m A bumper crop- of pleasures and profits Is by tho farmer who owns a Ford He has broken down the barrier of distance for himself and his entire family Nov after harvest arent you go ing to buythat Ford ihftlfptti lhe the Town All prices are 0 All cars completely equip ped including electric headlights Cars On sain at AMD see ROBERTSON Ford Dealer tf fff I i I End Stove Main St Newmarket 1 ARE BUSY WITH I PLUMBING I AND- HEATING SPECIAL LINE OF ELECTRIC FIXTURES WRIGHT j I Li WE WISH MERRY OUR MANY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS CHRISTMAS and Prosperous New Year Our dslre Is to please our Customers Our Stock of Suitings Is always ready as the come MERCHANT TAILOR Phone 160 Main St NEWMARKET i- A British submarine- made IU way into the Golden Horn and attacked the Turkish arsenal daiiing6 The prevalence of all over the country and the reported Increase of cases with prospect of long of the kind of winter weather In vhlch the grip bug thrives in duce people better earn thernselvesi When the pavements ate wet the rubber overshoe Is not to be despised Keep your feet dry and you may escape the clod that develops Will buy a Dominion Louis Design Mahogany ensa a Lovely Piano only used a months Will buy a Nov 10 years Guarantee Takes Gerhard Holntzman with rolls a Lovely Piano In Excellent Condition THE ABOVE INSTRUMENTS CAN BE PURCHASED ON TERMS A8 LOW AS A MONTH GET YOUR OR FOR XMA81 1 Columbia Grafonolp with 5 Gash and wookly Records and all the you want Trado In that old Organ and get your moneys worth All stylos froni to on easy terms I f i Lot Us Ono In Your Homo on Trial- Give Us a Chance I Wo Will Save You MOVING I I Li TUNING I ON8HORT Phone ULSE I AU I GRAND TRUNK TIME TABLE Leave Toronto am pm pm pm Leave Allendale 800 GOING NORTH Arrive vi035 pm V pm pm a tin

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