mm r MOUNT ALBERT Mrs A Hutchinson of and her daughters and Winnifred and also son Percy spent a very en joyable week at the home of Mr and Mrs McQuain Vivian Mr Allison family have moved to their farm near Holt I I I J J JBRIEFLETS The New Years Entertainment on Friday evening in connection with the Presbyterian Sunday School was well attended There was an excellent program and the proceeds were about A recruiting meeting was held in the Methodist Church oh Wed nesday evening of last week A number of soldiers and others were present from Newmarket and stirring speeches were made There was plenty of good music- The roads are decidedly slip pery in this vicinity and arc still running There will be a Fancy Dress Carnival in the Skating on Friday evening an 1 lb SILVER WEDDING On Christmas Eve Mr and Mrs John celebrated the twentyfifth anniversary of their wedding at their home Pine Grove Farm Mount Albert About guests were present composed of neighbors friends and relatives It was a subject of comment how many were present who attended the wedding years ago These included the bridesmaid and groomsman Those from a dis tance were Mr and Mrs Moorhead Dr A Mrs J A and Miss Hum- from Toronto Mr and Mrs I Joan and Miss Myrtle of Myrtle The guests sal down to a sump tuous table beautifully decorated with roses after which toasts were proposed ami the remainder of the evening spent with songs music and games Mr and Mrs Moorhead have a beautiful home on the ninth concession of Fast and have resided there since their marriage They were the recipients of many beau tiful presents which testify to the esteem in which they are held by the families represented at the gathering CHRISTMAS- WEDDING At four ocloek on Christmas afternoon the home of Mrs dodder was the scene of a very pretty wedding when her daughter Edith Ellen was united in marriage to Ernest Atkins of Wisbech and Mary Irene became the bride of Roy Cook Of Mount Albert The ceremony was performed by the Rev A Mc of the Methodist Church The brides took their places un der an arch of evergreens trim med with holly and carnations mid the strains of the Bridal Chorus played by Miss Marguer ite Mann The brides were gown ed in ivory satin Willi butterfly ornament and pearl ami lace trimmings very gracefully fashioned and carried bridal quels of roses and valley wearing diamond and pearl necklaces gifts of the grooms After the ceremony the brides led the way lo the dining room which was decorated in while where a sumptuous dinner was served The gift to the plan- was a pearl necklace The young couples were the recipients of many beautiful gifts and left mid showers of good wishes on the evening ruin for a short trip Guests were present from Toronto Melbourne and Hose- town Bask FOR SALE acres on lot in Good house and barn and to station For particu lars apply on premises A DAN 3w52 FOR A Urge patriotic meeting under the auspices of the different branches tie North York War Auxiliary was held meeting was addressed by Brown and Major Pink of the York Rangers Over seas and Bennett and Meredith returned soldiers V HOLT t A jfood set of Sleighs nearly new all in good shape For particulars apply to If Out society Is hereby hat the An Meeting of the anov Socie ty will be held at ON THURSDAY OP JAiNUAHY At One oclock M for the purpose of receiving the Annual of Officers for i etc A general attendance CAIN AT WAIT A very enjoyable time was expe rienced by many at the home of Mr and Sirs of Holt on Wednesday Jan 1916 The erent was the marriage of Miss Pearl Meads to Mr Watts The bride was tastefully dressed anvl carried a fcouque of roses She was away by her father during the playing of the wedding march by Miss The bride was unat tended The ceremony was performed of Newmarket under an arch evergreens The presents were numerous and After partaking of a sump tuous repast the happy couple on the p train for Toronto carrying with them the best wishes of their numerous friends Amidst a shower of confetti the bride aid groom left for Toronto and other points The bride travelling in a navy blue suit of broadcloth with hat to match On their return they reside at Holt Holt seems quite a busy place these last few weeks with reivals concerts weddings skating parties A very pleasant evening was spent at tiu home of Mr Frank Watts when about fifty of the neighbors friends met Miss Pearl Meads showes granite ware he received evcrythine that was necessary for housekeeping in that line After thenvselvcs to their hearts content lunchon and coffee was served POINT A quiet but very pretty wedding look place In Christ Church on New Years day at J pm when Miss and Mr Boyd were united in mar riage by the Pratt The bride looked charming in while Crepe Chene dress trim med with shadow lace caught with sprays of orange blossoms and picture hat was given away by Mr Frank Sherman A large number witnessed the ceremony afterwards going to the house where dainty refreshments were served A reception was held in the evening when dancing and cards were enjoyed until mid night Mr Stafford Mitch in of Toronto provided the music which was excellent About were present Pie A Day was home over the weekend Miss Violet has been visiting in Newmarket this week Another of our young men Mr Hamilton has enlisted ill the I SI III A number of our young people pronounce the skating very pood Moonlight nights now Your ehojee ft walking or skating Miss Margaret Wiley of To ronto University was visiting Mrs Young last week Mr Percy Cole drove to on Tuesday Mr spent Sunday at Mr Jack Boyds Sorr to report Mr Hiltons little boy has the Owing to the illness of school did not open until Monday the HOLLAND Mr George and Miss Mae who been visiting their sister Mrs Clark Ottawa returned on Monday laet Mr and Mrs are friends in the City Messrs ft and left or the City o Sunday last where they have secured posi tions with the Harris Co The Jury at the adjourned Inquest consisted of the following persons John Smith Thompson P Shields Frank Stephenson ft I Galium Frank John and Wright The train cre were present several other wit ness Coroner Wesley proceeded to take the was called He was thp jigger whii the accident happened along with the deceased and was sitting on th the east while the de ceased was the car with his back to the north Mr Davison says as soon as he seen the train coming he told George here fe train jump and jumped on the West side track and fell down the ditch when got up he found deceased lying in the ditch a lew feet South but he- was dead when he reacted him ap peal had off the oar and was facing the north when he got the blow in which was the cause af death he being killed in stantly The Engineer of the train says the accident occurred atout p in and he was going at the rate of 25 or 30 miles an hour and as it was grey dark could not decern the object on the track until he- was 70 yards ahead of He-im- mediately set the emergency brakes and brought the train to a stand still within a length of itself The Jury brought in a exonerate the train crew placing the cause of accident on the deceased and Mr Davison by trespassing on the which is strictly prohibited by the company Students Toronto More will be said regarding it later Training Class wii re sume their studies next Thursday the PETERS CORNERS We are alt pleased to see Gladys around again after spell of La We missed her i Holland Landing Council Council met Jan all the members present viz Good win Reeve J I Gibson M 1 Rout and John A Smith Councillors The members took their declaration and of office and proceeded to business The following communications were presented Tender for Printing for MHO at Arthur Application at ft IxWjpht Application to Kent Council for 1910 Collector received Taxes to date 20G00 The following bills were order ed to be paid las and cutlingvvood SI ft holding J opening up ditch 50 The following were passed and tilled up as follows Auditors I Cooper and lo be paid each Assessor Arthur to be paid Hoard of Health It Good win Reeve ft J Sec ftrank Ratepayer Or Campbell Med Health Officer Sanitary Inspector Jan Inspector and Truant Officer Pence Viewers Arthur Morning Clarence ftawcett Jona than Webb Duncan Bell Moved by J Rout seconded by John Smith that ft Wright have the Council for lb for the sum of and that the tender for the printing at he granted to the ftxpress Herald for Also that tin Collectors time he extended till the of Feb next Carried Council adjourned La Grippe We missed her very much Every family seems to be flick With a cold here now We are glad to hear Mrs Pollock and are improving some Neer mind diaVt have to go alone Friday night if you did have one elses girl- The on the river is just grand Hope the snow dont spoil it Mr Anderson has been un der the weather for while We the election treat at Monday night A large crowd Mr Rose has not been down this way for some time I wonder why Cheer up Leslie We are all watching a dance around the which we all fth Norm Glad to hear of so mamsoldiers around We hope to sec some more you go to the North Church to revlvais Miss Kvans our honorable school has returned once more and we are all pleased to see her looking Tired Tim so cheerful The regular monthly meeting of Zephyr Branch of Womens Institute held at the home of Mrs p Profit Wednesday Jan at Full attendance requested QCKENSVlLLft to tit The ladies of the Win Class intend to reproduce a play in the Methodist Church on Fri day Wan at oclock Pro ceeds in aid of Cross The play entitled Whiter Than Sn Ml and Mrs Henry Wright of spent Mr Proctors Yonge it being the anniversary of their wedding day A very lime was spent Program for the League an 10th Topic Nellie McClung Lesson flth chapter Speaker Vera Smith Header ftlorence UNION u HIT ALBERT Announces that he has as nice a lot of Cullers that ever came to Albert Be sure losee them before you buy I also have a grand lot of Blankets and specially for Xruas and for you cant heal me Be aura to ee Is a K Mt Albert CEMETERY MEETING I The Annual Meeting of the Mount Albert Cemetery Company will be held over lands Store MOUNT ALBERT on Monday January AT OCLOCK P MJ For the of the of Directors and Business I Pies J i Mr King wears a broad smile lheKC another little dishwasher has come to stay there Mrs is feeling much better after long visit with her mother In Belleville La has been very prevalent this neighborhood our school closed on Tuesday oh account of Miss illness Mjss Madeline Van Kes wick spent the weekend with her Mrs The V I at expect to have an intereatingtirno at their next meeting debate will be given by four of the ladles including Mrs Hoy Mr and Mrs Roy expect to spend this weekend In Toronto also MrW A large number expect theS Convention at ion this week Union Street Christian S has taken a decided change for the bet ter Our much appreciated and zeal ous pastor intends taking it In his liandti arid will be the School commences at sharp and church service at three The Church Intend giving an up- todate concert in the near future charge of the Klrtbh Here we are again s bright and so- fair Mr and Mrs spent a few days in the City last week Our Billy toy on Sun lay afterpoon went for a little although he went too so in And on his way to Pleasant he met his friend the Ihcasant And then they vent together just like a flock of of one feather The lark was singing arid the other friend was dinging just as sure as the cock is crowing and the stream is flowing the doth glitter the small and we are sure to have more snow Mr Win Jornson loaded a car of iron this week for Toronto arc pleased to see Mr Hall able to ho around again Quite a number of our young folks around hope took in the re cruiting meeting Baldwin on Monday night Our fur dealers have been ex ceedingly busy these days catch ing those little animals known as skunks A little hunt a little plunder A little ramble makes thunder And then a storm Johnson loaded car of live slock on Tuesday Home of our have been taking in the revivals lately on the Watch out Rev took the ser vice here on Sunday We are glad to hear that Mr is back from the hospital after going through an operation for his ears Report says he is doing line It keeps Mr of Bald win very busy buying furs from our skunk experts Some class Wonder how that big sale off on Tuesday night at Mr Max Gasoline engines are very fash ionable around An other one has jusl arrived has been visiting around his berg illltc frequent ly lately Skating is the order of the Some of our sportsmen took in the dance the other night up lite line some big time Mrs Grant Crydernmn has been on the sick list lately A song we sing A song of hope Repeal it put your head to soak I mustClose now with my yarn on the reel Sleeping London dan Vienna announc ed physically tonight that the A have captured Mount Lovccu high controlling the Aus trian seaport of northwest of the Montenegrin capital It is as the of the Adriatic While the capture of the In It self a defeat of the Montenegrins who put up a stubborn defence but had to yield to the heavy Austrian Moun tain artillery it represents Indirectly Metropolitan has severed liitiiG6rnpany ahd resumed his former po sition qs on the ffevieft on Monday to accept his new position Rev of Richmond Hill preach in the Methodist cell next eyohing Mr John Taylor is away in city He Monday Mr Taylor has accepL a situation in Toronto and left Tuesday for that place Mr P number of his young friends to progressive euchre at his home last Friday niglii sleigh load from here attend ed the Convention at on Tuesday The Sutton I initialed two candidates on Monday night The I I M will install the of- Jeers next Monday night and on the following Wednesday the de gree team will put on the 2nd in Newmarket Mr and Mrs J Lyon re turned home on Sunday from the wedding lour lo New York and other points They will reside at heir farm in Mr Graham moved up to Sutton last week for the winter The first meeting of the Sut ton Council for the year will he held on Friday evening at- the usual place Mr and Mrs Alex Burrows and Miss spent a few days of this week in Toronto Miss spent over Sundayin town at the Mr and Mrs Sinai leys Furnishing Store has a few pairs of winter milts on hand which they are clearing out at almost any price See them Anniversary services will he conducted in Cooks Church next Sunday at a m and J pm Rev Kuinawin of To ronto will he the speaker Knox Church Choir of Sutton in the singing On the following Monday night a enter tainment will be given Tea serv ed from lo pm A good array of talent has been secured from the entertainment including L Crawford Baritone Toronto F Hudson Tenor Toronto Johnston Header Toronto Miss It Taile Header Rev and others Admission to tea and concert children Malone Lodge A A M meets next Wednesday evening the 1 The I will make the brothers an official vis it accompanied by a number of Toronto brothers They will come up per special car A num ber or members from Sharon Lodge are also expected lo be present Another one of the old residents of Township passed awav on the lath of Dec last in the per son of Henry Park of Vacholl Few men in the township were more widely known or will be more gratefully remembered Deceased was of a very openhearted and hospitable disposition and in Ibis respect he could not have been more mated than his late wife lane who made I he old homestead a true home in every sense of he word No needy per son ever found he key turned against him at any hour of Ilia day or The itinerant peddlers ami agents of some years ago made it one of heir regular stopping places and it neighbors and friends turned instinctively and never in vain for sympathy and help in time of rouble Though deceased was not a veterinary ctilionor yet he had an inborn knack which showed him how deal suc cessfully with sick animals and this and his wide experience caused to bo frequently resorted to in eases of this kind and ho poor man no less than his rich neighbor will lochia readiness to go their assistance no matter at what per sonal inconvenience Coming as he did from old stock ho naturally followed the- family tradition in politics in which he air ways manifested a lively and pat riotic interest Some years duo he look an active part municipal affairs serving for some fine as township councillor Pour sons and three daughters survive him Wo of whom Mill live in the immediate neighborhood Roth at his own and his late wifes funerals the These Three Women Te Escaped the Dreadful Ordeal of Surgical Operations Hospitals are great and necessary institutions but they should be the last resort for women who suffer with ills peculiar to their sex Many letters on file in the Pirijcham Laboratory at Lynn Mass prove that a great number of women after they have been recommended to submit to an operation have been made well by E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound Here are three such letters All t women should read them Wis I went to the doctor and he told I must have an operation for a female trouble and I hated to have it done as I had been married only a time I would have terrible pains and my hands and feet were cold all the time I took Vegetable Com pound and was cured and I feel better in every way I give you permission to publish my name because I am so thankful that feel well again Mrs Fred Behnke Marinette Wis When I first took E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound I was so run down with female troubles that I could not do anything arid our doctor said I would- have to undergo an operation I coidd hardly walk without help so when I read about the Vegetable Compound and what it had done for others I thought I would try it I got a bottle of Vegetable Compound and a package of E Sanative Wash and used them according to directions They helped me and today I am able to do all my work and I am well Mrs Milwaukee Ave East Detroit Mich Pa I suffered more than tongue can tell with terrible bearing down pains and inflammation I tried several doctors and they all told me the same story that never could get well without an operation and I just dreaded the thought of that I also tried a good many other medicines that were recommended to mo and none of them helped me until a friend advised me to give E Vegetable Compound a trial The first bottle helped I kept to recommend it to any other suffering woman Miss Irenk 1923 Manhattan St North Side Pa If yon like special advice write to Lydia Your letter will be opened read una answered by a woman and held In confidence IF YOU WANT COME OVER TO in the last two Weeks slocked up with a big line of Mens Womens and Childrens Good Quality Boots and Shoos and also a quantity of Mitts and The Prices are Right and avoid the Rush You Dont Know What You are CALL IN TO REDUCED PRICES FAI Dealer In Dry Goods Boots A Shoes Flour and Feed During the next thirty days we will offer big In- In MENS WORK MITTS NECK MUFFLERS to up broken lines BUY GOODS AT YOUR OWN PRICE On J OUTFITTER8 Issuer of Marriage J INCREASE YOUR EARNING POWER by at tending the Popular Toronto Uest place in Can ada for High Grade Business Now Open all year Catalogue free Young Charles a severe blow to the Italians for whom is a long ft ardently showed the copeted port on the side of neighborhoods respect the Adriatic Twentysix were captured by ihe Austrian Sale Register Tuesday Jan Ross A lot East of Ml Albert will dispose of a number of valuable at I oclock men credit J Monday Jan 17 Mr will hold a Halo of farm slock at lot con I at credit J Kt8ter Ilia sons and were his pallbearers when ho was laid to rest on Dec in the family plot In the Church of England burial ground West No further seek his merits dis close Or draw his frail Ilea from their dread abode There alike In trembling hope repose The bosom of his father and his Clod I I of Mr and Mrs HIM A very happy golden wedding- was celebrated last Mr and Mrs C Hill of Sutton West at toe Mrs K J Ward 144 MacdoaeU avenue Toronto I October three Heifers Owner is Congratulations a multitude lo proVe and of friends and relatives marked the occasion while the holiday season added to its and good cheer In the dining room the long luble at which refreshments were served gave touch Christmas in decoration of citmson flowers an wreathd vlmllax while another table filled FRENCH Newmarket NOTICE The Annual Meeting of the with valuable gifts Cemetery Company brought the character of the day will be held more forcibly to mind- A gold salad spoon from a brother- inlaw of Mrs Hill ten dollar pieces from a brother clock from a son and wife and a goldHoed tea set were among the gifts received by Mr aril Mrs Hill who were married fifty years ago in On tario Mrs- Hill before marriage On Monday the 17th of Jan at pm at Ihe Secretarys Office A It Secretary JOHN A WRIGHT Pros NOTIOE The Annual Meeting of the Caroline Wells one of the pioneers of Mount Albert Telephone Conu- the King Township who settled puny Limited will bo held in the Mr inn was Board Mount Albert and Mrs Taylor are how Harold fighting for the 2wl0 J A HOPKINS Pres c an- iinio ftwiu i a