I S3 JANUARY SPECIALS In our window is a very nice neat pattern of a DINNER SET pieces fine quality china S S Convention The annual Convention pi the Newmarket ACrofaSunilay School Association is held in the Christian yester day and today Provincial Secretary is attendance- An open was announced for last night and the Methodist Presbyterian and Friends Churches their services in consequence The Convention closes this afternoon Stormy and- ail asm was ion Wednesday the cars of live stock were shipped from the depot was lhe hogs i Bargain at CHINA TEA Fine quality of English China Four very nice border decora- lions pieces Special Price Constable Duncan arrested a deserter from Regiment on Wednesday An escort- came up from Toronto and accompanied him- back The Bank of Toronto is dis tributing calendars among their patrons Several people got bad falls on A Happy Crowd large of drove through Town last Friday afternoon fend judg ing by their voices their lungs were in a healthy condition and they thoroughly enjoyed them selves Christian The on Tues day by Miss Annie and Bessie Morton gave a very interesting Next week the meeting will be in charge of and The topic for wifl be othersWIsa Ev erybody welcome f 2c Necessary Newspaper correspondents are hot required IP affix two centsVon envelope cent is sufficient for a letter which laid up for several days The sale at the King Hotel last Saturday was a failure Nobody wanted to bid Curlers are getting busy The Field Comforts Committee took in last Saturday Mrs J got a very bad der ounce Only letters and post cards are- required to affix an extra stamp war lax Protection Society The annual meeting of the North York Protection Society the icy walks on Wednesday I wmarket on i The storm Wednesday after noon put the trolley out of busi ness for over an hour trap Direct Importer of Staple and China I China Hall Grocery NOW IS THE TIME TO DO YOUR BUYING FOR 3 REA80NS 1st You have a belter chance to examine the goods 2nd The Clerk has more time to explain the qualities 3rd You get your choice of nice fresh stock just arrived TA8TY FRUIT Choice Naval Oranges Sweet and Juicy and doz Florida Oranges Ripe and 21o and 30o Grapes these are very lino lb Florida Grape Fruit for CHOICE DINNER VEGETABLES If you want a highgrade Veg etable for your Dinner try some of our lines They are sure to please Corn Peas Beans and Tomatoes cans for 26o Extra Sifted Peas cane for string Beans the finest packed cans for 25o CHRISTMAS CANDY I No Christmas in complete with out Candies and Nuts Our as sortment is good and well worth inspection Lines to please both young and old Creams Choco lates Humbugs and Goods Almonds Walnuts Filberts Pea nuts Brazils English Cob Nuts and by the lb Separate or mixed A Final Reminder on Pud ding and Cake Ingredients Seeded Raisins lb for Fancy Seedless In bulk 2bs 2Bo Choice Cleaned Currants 10o 124c 17o lb Mixed Peel 22c lb Finest Selected Valencia Raisins Ibe for 25c and and 15c per lb BOSWORT The Leading Hostile Quick CORNER OF Main Timothy Phono Delivery Division Court The Court Room was crowded last Wednesday and though there was not a very large docket the session continued from am to 1 30 without interruption His Honor Judge Coatswcrth presided There were only two cases of special interest One was Lin- Mead vs over he build ing of a barn in which a good many witnesses were called A compromise was effected The other case was Hartley vs Preston a landlord and tenant dispute Judgment for landlord with reduced claim Saturday Jan at two in the afternoon at the usual place Every member should attend as some important will be discussed The Wesley Block being re modelled for the accommodation of another Moving Picture Thea tre j very Military Club House Mr Smith having kindly allowed the use of his house and grounds at Elmwood for military purposes the Home New Moving Picture Theatre Great changes are going on in the Wesley Block to provide ac commodation for the new Moving Picture Theatre The Proprietor Miy Kinley is offering three prizes for the most suitable name Competition closes on Monday the See conditions in columns Hockey Five loaded went to Mark ham last Friday when New market Juniors played against Field Comfort Notes Reserve the 1st of January for the Field Comforts Concert given by the Christian Church Drama tic Club Secure Reserved Seats at Pattersons Drug Store Sewing and knitting at Field Comforts Rooms Friday af ternoon at 230 Come prepared to sew or knit Lots of wool for knitting at Miss Through the generosity of Mr R Smith of the Office Special ty we have exceptionally boxes which are put in prominent places throughout the Town Any spare change will he very acceptable Can you spare your old maga zines or cheery books for our hoys in the trenches If so Andrew Davis Secretary Field Comforts and they will he collected Perhaps you work indoors Or perhaps you are an outofdoors man It makes no difference The point Is this he local team and were defeat- Field Comforts Tea Rooms by a score of to 3 It was between two and three oclock when they got home on Saturday morning- The return match was played Guard Officer are busy fitting up Tuesday evening and was witnessed by a big crowd After a desperate struggle Newmarket the residence as a Club Room for both Recruits and Home Guards A number of people are loaning furniture but there are still about twenty chairs required Easy chairs in need of upholdslering that have been relegated to the attic would be very welcome If you have anything suitable kind ly communicate with Mr A or Rev T McGoniglc The Council has granted free wa ter and light and the Committee hope to make the rooms comfortable They will be open to the soldiers every evening regular Saturday Lunch from am- to pm Supper from to Prices as usual Out meals are being well patron ized Come and try them Pro ceeds from last Saturday won by a score of 5 to i GREENHOU8E8 ST NEWMARKET AND work promptly attended to Price Out-of- town FLOWERS ON HAW CUT 8 The Annual Meeting of the Newmarket Cemetery Company will be held J n the Office On Monday evening Jan at oclock for the election Of Officers and business A full attendance of tot is owners unable to attend the an nual meeting may obtain blanks for proxy voting by applying to Secretary ROBERTBON Friends Church the nieni- the 1 York Regiment were the honored guests of the Friends Church on Sunday even ing last Oyer forty of the men responded to the invitation and they certainly presented a line well set up appearance as they occupied the places reserved for them Their smart soldierly ap reflects real credit on the training received and speaks well for the interest of the men themselves Alargc crowd were present to welcome the honored guests every seal in the church and a large number of chairs be ing brought into requisition to accomodate all who came Start ing some popular hymns ill the Song Service the whole congregation soon felt perfectly at ease The men quickly realiz ed a warm welcome was theirs Throughout the whole service well known and popular hymns were sung- and the whole entered heartily Into the service The reading of the Psalm was felt to be singu larly appropriate for the occa sion and the pastor was fullyhelped in his choice of sub ject and The text lakH from above Psalm verse Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee that it may be displayed because of the truth lent Itself to the splendid preaching powers and vivid imagery of the pastor He pictured the of a banner by the King to a the honor and trust involved thereby the standing by the colors in all sort of warfare the of veterans the placing or the old banner in its resting place in Cathedral or Abbey ami then with all the eloquence at his command he rev Hie lesson of the soldiers of Jesus Christ receiving their banner lighting their light laying hold on eternal A strong Heartfelt appeal was made to the men of the to not- only he proud of their hut in a nobler greater more spirit ual light to be proud to put on the uniform of Jesus Christ and enlist in His army It was a splendid meeting and will live long in the memory of air who participated Mrs Young very beautifully rendered two solos during the service which were greatly ap preciated Miss Wilson HIs Birthday On Sunday Jan Mr Har rison Proctor reached ills birthday a remarkably well pre served and capable man for his years Saturday evening a Birth day Supper was given in his honor at the home of his son DeputyReeve John Proctor Yonge St A birthday bouquet of carnations and ferns Ibe table around which the family and a few friends enjoyed roast goose with all the fixings and a variety of excellent eatables supper the pastor J Hall read a chapter from the Bible and led in prayer Miss Be atrice Proctor then gave a few selections on the piano Some of the friends left all wishing Mr Proctor many more useful year Death of Mr Ingram On Tuesday of last week Mr Ingram passed away a brief illness in his year Deceased was horn in Co of and remov ed Barrio to the Town Line near Newmarket seven years ago He leaves a widow and grownup daughter to mourn their great loss Deceased was an honor able hut quiet member of the Presbyterian Church and the Pastor Thomas con ducted the funeral service at the house Oil Thursday afternoon of last week Among relatives and friends in attendance were the brothers Root of Mount St Loins Co of and Alex of also Mrs Morrison Miss Ingram matter for his sermon and Mr A Malcolm of Miss Miller of Mount St Louis Mr and Mrs A and Mr M Johnson of Barrie Mr Jamie- Mr Hough and Mr of Toronto P P The Young Peoples Patriotic Club held election of officers on Thursday night of last week with the followiny results Mrs A ton President Duncan VicePres Miss v Robinson J Stephenson M Wool Convenor Miss Mc- Work Com Misses Cane and J Messrs Cumberland and Storey Entertainment Com Misses A and I Doyle Messrs J Fee and The Club shipped box to the trenches at the first of the year containing I doz pairs of socks Balaclava Caps do scrap books I box of soap and box of insect powder Another box is being prepared and will be shipped soon The Club treasury shows a balance of cash on hand of This organization has become quite popular with the young people who are turning out in numbers to do their Bit young person in town should belong There are no fees hut a collection is taken each evening Come every Thursday evening at oclock to the Wes ley Block if you cant knit you can make scrap books Members are requested to scissors for cutting newspaper clippings Com 1 If you are supervigorous you need Underwear of su- Nothing hold you long L f Come in here and get a warm comfortable suit of Unshrinkable J K The Men Main Weal Newmarket I ft 7 fit l fi To Introduce the New Store We are Putting on a FURNISHINGS FOR ed a very able accompanist during the evening At the close of service the mbn were entertained to coffee and buns in the school room and the balance of the evening was spent in singing hymns The men their wives sweet hearts and close friends will he entertained again on Friday even ing when the Pastor takes them for a holiday to Islands by of a Lecture with nearly beau tifully colored views Raising the Price According to announcement elsewhere the subscription to the Era will be raised to per annum in advance afler the 3isl March This step has been made neces sary on account of war condi tions Everybody knows that the cost of living has increased so has the cost of everything we use in the Printing Office Both pa per and metal have advanced In price Type that once could be purchased- for per lb now costs The war has had Its effect on all trades but few have felt it as heavily as the news papers Merchants and busi ness men find it necessary to cut down expenses and hence are not using as much advertising space The falling off of advertising leaves a deficit Us the producer hence the of weekly Is bound to go up In the Coun ty of Bruce every weekly paper was raised to on the 1st of Jan The weekly papers In all the counties on the St Law rence have dcoldcd to raise the price to the 1st of July next The County of coo Press Association passed a resolution- to raise to on 1st of April next Wo have decided to try it on rate In the hope that the war will bo over before the end of the year and normal conditions may be in sight I the Era to absent friend Homo Quard items The Military Club House was Opened Inst Wednesday evening to members of Gun Id and in uniform in the neighborhood of were present and a pleasant evening was spent The Newmarket Orchestra with Mr as leader rendered many selections throughout the veiling and added greatly to the success of the opening A library and silting room are provided downstairs also a smok ing room and card room upstairs A cloak room is provided upstairs About pm the members assembled downstairs and Mr Aubrey Davis C O welcomed the members and soldiers and hoped theyY would enjoy the use of the Club House Mr P Pearson made a few remarks on the beauty of the roiindlngs and- of the good work of the Guards in general Mr A Adjutant also expressed himself an pleased with everything At this Juncture Mr lan on behalf of plaloontfo Office Specialty presented the Club with a beautiful Clock which the members thought would bo very useful The Clock Is set on an 18pouhd shell with a heavy base and Is a nice ornament for mantle rooms will bo open every evening from pm Sunday and Wednesday evenings Mr Geo Morris kindly loaned the piano for the occasion Threo cheers for Mr Smith were given as ho kindly lot Guard have the use of his house Mr Smith replied and expressed himself very plainly as British Subject and loyal to British Flag Games were then and at the orchestra play ed God Save King the mem bers dispersed stripe plain while effects sold regularly and lo III Mens Sweater Coats in all colors up to to clear at uul Miffs in plain white and stripe effects sold up to to clear at i 8ult8 Heavy Ribbed Un derwear all sizes up to to clear at Boots in Black Tun and Patent Leather button or lace in latest shapes and Hull Dug Toes 5 lo 550 clear r f Knlt Nook 8carf8 in all colors reg up to 250 to clear at 135 Silk Knit Nook Scarfs in colors up to 125 to clear at 100 50 75c to clear at or for 100 Pairs Mens Lined Kid Gloves in all sizes up to 150 to clear at 50 Mens Boots in Leather button or lace up lo clear at ft A Pairs Mens Trousers in neat stripe effects all sizes reg up to to clear at I Menf8 In latest shapes reg up to to clear 100 J I f A Line of Mens Soft Felt Hate suitable for work to clear VEST Six Only Overcoats in latest style to clear at Prices l DONT FAIL TO COME IN AND EXAMINE GOODS WHETHER YOU BUY OR NOT WE WILL BE PLEASED TO W ANY ARTICLE ON THE BILL it r Old Post Office Stand Main St J 4 I I The Mens Outfitter