i4 Merchant Restored Is Health k I 7 BatsroL July tf of Paralysis in March and tills left me unable to walk or help myself and the Constipation was terrible Finally I took Fruit -a- tires fruit medicine gradually toned up the nerves and actually relieved paralysis By the use of I grew stronger until all the palsy left me lain now well and attend my store every day PHILLIPS Fruit juice is natures own remedy made from fruit juices a box for trial size At dealers or sent on receipt of price by Limited Ottawa 2 Building Lots on Park and Avenues Apply to Newmarket FOR SALE CHEAP A Now Collate on St Apply to Mrs Lloyd TO RENT On St rooms Town Water immediate possession if desired on fan 1st SCO FOR SALE OR TO RENT Brick House on Prospect Ave All modern conveniences good and cistern Enquire of Grace St Newmarket FOR SALE Acre Farm valuable farm ing land containing gravel and pits Good buildings some timber and some pasture Im mediate possession Phone or write Armstrong Newmarket PO WE HAVE FOR SALE mm peg on Thursday after visiting A Silvester a few weeks pa Wednesday Jan 5th- at the come or Mr and Mrs J was J the scene of a but pretty wedding when their youngest daughter Lottie was united in to Otto Baker the ceremony was per formed by the V lccket The glooms gift to the bride looked charming in a gown silk with overdress of silk embroidery net The only by the bride was a gold necklace and ocket The grooms gift to the bride one wonders Mind to allow the to make ns believe that a source revenue instead of heavy burden as now know it to be one Pas said that instead being a producer it is a revenue con sumer and so it is at any time the suggestion has been made of lessening or closing J a beautiful muff A A Mrs Jos Street and Mrs Bain and family spent New Years with Mr and Mrs Jos Godson Newmarket A quiet biit phasing event took place at the residence of Mr and Mrs when their daughter Mildred was united In to Mr E Rev J oRiciat The bride looked charming i a suit of embroidered voile with bri dal veil and orange Her travelling suit was black velvet with pink shot silk with hat to match and Russian mink furs The happy couple left on for a trip to Toronto Gait and other- places On their return Mr and Mrs will reside on lot concession King they will at home- to their friends after January VANnORF- A desirable property situated on Prospect Ave A largesized rffreiling with all conveniences all in first class shape Quarter of an acre of grounds with apple and small fruit trees Frame stable and cement ben house This we consider the best buy in town so act quickly Terms can be arranged to suit purchaser Aflply to P Morton box 373 Newmarket TO FARMERS The Celebrated Jersey Bull BRAMPTON MERGER Bon of a Worlds Champion in Ilk and Butter Fat And also a Registered Boar will be kept for ser vice on West Half Con Whitchurch DAN Foreman Miss Grace Patch had a Miss Grace had a birthday last Mrs and Miss Elsie spending the week with relatives in Port Huron Michigan Richardson was in Lindsay Friday some pure Shorthorn stock He is also shipping nice heifers to New On tario his a new caretaker for the school this coining year Mr has the contract everyone is satisfied for we know the work will be will Mabel Snider and in the Primary Department of the Sun day School won th prizes for re peating the number of Scrip ture verses through the past year of our young people were re ceived into the church as members on Sunday as a result of the special effort of the Win One Campaign that has been going ou in the Metho dist churches Owing to great deorase advertlalhg space and the i shaws bu8ine8s schools Toronto Canada give the thorough courses which lead to good salaried office ap pointments Free catalogue explains Enter any time President Head Offices Qer- Toronto OVER EXPERIENCE Marks DESiortQ Anyo4 umcuJfi our I for ulna Scientific r- of Joarr4l ItTtirt for a Soil jew York SCHOMBERO Our skating rink is now running full Mr and Mrs Jos Kitchen spent New Years at the parental home in King City Miss B Porter left Monday morn- for Kettlebji where has the position of teacher in No The Red Cross Society packed a box for the suffering Belgians o Tuesday at their sewing room The watchnight meeting in the Methodist church on the ult was well attended Mr Wilson of the Ninth Line Presbyte rian Church being the speaker The Womens Institute will the home of Mrs Dr on fan when the district secre tary Mrs Of Aurora and district president Mrs McDonald win present result of the election in town on Monday ware as follows Oof- fey Burling Mr Hurling was elected by the casting vote of the re turning officer who desided in a novel way Papers with the names of the candidates whose votes were a tie were put in a hat the first drawn being that of Mr Hurling wiped out long ago But the end is now known to be an irnV burden on the taspy have known for someiime that in many wet towns the taxes were much higher than in dry towns similar assessment but now to an investigation by the Issue Newspaper we have th figures for even- state the Union This shows that the taxes in eas a very close to number of licenses in the State The following figures are for the latest for which complete re turns were available Up to that time there were only eight prohibi tion States The Municipal Revenue Expenditure and Public Properties Act issued by th Census Bureau for shows The general property taxes Collected per capital in the eight prohibi tion states to be The general property taxes collected per capital the near prohibition states nil The property taxes collected per in partial license I states J The general property taxes collected per capital in the licensed states These figures show that all the United States the taxes decrease with the lessening j the number of saloons They also show that as a rule taxes in the wettest states are percent higher than in the states That is one of the most im portant re lations that has ever place regarding the traf fic The saloons can no longer claim to be source of Why Id wo he taxed for the saloon any other business injuries it has to pay for the damage but when the saloon ruins the father and kills the mother the burdenbear ing taxpayer not the saloon keeper has to support the orphans The saloon a huge tax devouring parasite Will some one tell us what right it exist have heard or seen reasonable answer On and after the 1st of April mmxm i IS J t i- I Strictly in i and per annum when not so paid f J AMERICAN SUBSCRIPTIONS IN ADVANCE ONLY NOW THE Tl TO PAY UPS Postal Notes are the cheapest and safest way to send renewals -f- WE HOPE TO MAINTAIN THE HIGH STANDARD OF THE ERA and give full yalue for the money without going Into bankruptcy oh account of the War ae some papers have already done Li -j- Editor and Proprietor OF THE FOE London Jan The losses of the Teutonic allies to date total more than in killed and according to an Exchange Telegraph patch from Zurich The despatch given the as its authority and estimates the loss as follows Germans Austrian Turks and Bulgarians Killed and crippled Turks and Bulgarians BRITI8H BATTLE8HIP SUNK No Lives Lost London an The British bat tleship been sunk after a mine the crew lias been saved The Edward represented an Investment of nearly and one of he finest the last of noughts She was built in and therefore slightly older than the which was sun by an internal explosion about a ago She probably carried than men a PINK ORCHARD The regular meeting of Pine Diehard branch of in- will take place at the home Mrs on Wednes day Jan pm Two topics will He introduced for dis cussion Influence by Miss ML lie Tonic and Making Meat Pie by Mrs Win Marshall Will everyone come prepared to enter in discussion oh these two sub jects also to answer the Roll Call with some simple Home Remedy J Three young men were drowned while skating on Ham ilton hay Inst Saturday Thousands Take this mild family remedy loavoidillnes and to Improve and protect their health They keep thdr blood pure their livers active their regular and digestion sound and strong with i In our will Fast Daily Service TO WINNIPEG AND VANCOUVER I Via Leaving Toronto pm Through Trains No Chang that your reads Hradford platoon now umbers sixtylive recruits Mr Mrs and two sons of the spent the New Years season Chestnut Villa The annual tea for the Sunday school of Trinity held in the parish hall Mr I has sold his tailoring business to Mr IT Wil kinson who has rented the room over The Witness onlce The ladles of Trinity Church enter tained Bradford platoon a fowl supper in parish hall The Came in from a twelvemile inarch In excellent condition to en joy the lavish hospitality of the ladies After the supper a social evening was The primary Classes the Metho dist Sunday School had- their annual tea the ftcboil Ihe mothers of the children also invited a general time was enjoyed the tea Santa made hid appearance and the Rifts Christmas tree- Previous to leaving town presented by the mem- hers of the with a diamond fountain pen and cig arette very popular with mtn here and their Rood wishes follow Mm to To ronto where he has to the of An In Sold everywhere In box- DARDANELLES ABANDONED The of the position held the Allies at the tip of the peninsula is reported by Sir Charles lie says the complete evacuation the IenlniUla has been successfully car- rifll out AH the guns and away the exception of worn out guns which were blown up before leaving The casualties were one wounded The French guns suffered casual ties This feat of withdrawing two great the first at and the 0SOtd at Cape In the face of aud aggressive foe without loss of life and without serious abandon ment of war material proves the rioiuHsfon by Charles Monro and his staff of executive talent the highest order The British navy too which between dark and dawn have removed- tens of thousands men from an exposed strip of approachable only by lighters and craft has in this given one more Illustration of Its wonderful adaptability any circumstances with which it may be confronted You should aid datura to throw it off promptly To loosen thecoUtfh beat in flamed throat IImuCS try the old reliable CHAMBERLAINS COUGH REMEDY and AH Pile GRAND RAILWAY ttaiauii from Canadian Pa Ticket or write f King and a- Jin a restaorant keeper was for a bore and fined for selling liquor to a sol dier is heginniiiK iiiake up for her shortage of an In he of automatic The of art the niNniioy tranft I us a precaution damage from Gorman 1 5inch WINTER Speolal RoundTrip Long Limit- Asheville and Hot Charleston J Springs Jacksonville Hot Springs Ark French and all Florida Havana Cuba and New Orleans via Now York arid nail or Bloomer according In or via or Chicago Indies and Other Health Resorts Mount Clemens- Mich Battle Miclw St Catharines Well Out Preston Springs Further particulars on appli cation to Grand Trunk Agents Full particulars and berth res- on to Grand Trunk Agents Depot Agent Phono NOT TO And how did Uncle Bradley asked as dropped down upon the piazza 9feps Im just about ready give up whole business exclaim ed Thais how things went I There wasnt asoul to play for hose children so I couldnt have any folk dances all just had fell them stories I supposed of course that Del would get one to play in her place this wasnt my fault Last week you had some hard luck too didnt you Reali nodded angrily I should say I did The grange had a picnic only two children appeared and then they blamed me as if I could carry a whole calendar in my head The week before thai Harriet Coles didnt make the lemonade said didnf tell to As if if wasnt her business do without being Your skirts certainly do seem to ho clear Uncle Bradley replied meditatively theres a sort or luck about things Nancy Barnes used to hold there was Nancy certainly was according her she never was I ho mile blame Well my fault I hats my great comfort shed always wind up ft wasnt her fault when- her cottage burned down day her Insurance nor her fault when broke her collarbone Jailing down the steps cnlcning her heel in n place in her skirt she hadnt had time to mend nor he- fault when she mixed alum instead of borax for her and couldnt use them for a week They do say that when some ran tell her about old Doctor Cheneys death her first remark- was Well wasnt my fault thats one comfort Uncle Bradley cried with break in her voice you dont think Im like thai Why Uncle Bradleys shrnwed kind old eyes met hers with warm No I dont child and youre not going to be Youre just going to learn Hint ninetenths of the people hi this world to ho followed tip close if you wont things done right and that a leaders part Is to see that things are done to hold herself responsible for every thing clear down to the smallest nail and blame herself sho blames anyone else if things go wrong Its not easy to do but I reckon its good for the soul l guess thats so agreed slowly She sat thinking for a few she sprang to her feet Im going to call up every single who has anything to do for next week she declared and keep calling If 1 Noxt weeks club Is going to hum Youll see X N K I THEY BALANCE OF CARLOAD I DELIVERED overnnient GEORGE FOREST TERM8 STRICTLY Phone I -FOR- BAKERS I One hundred persons were injured and damage of more wns caused In Youngs town Ohio by a mob which rioted too section of the town was burning Send the Era to friend GROCERS BLACKSMITHS OR ANY OTHER TRADE On Quiok Order AT LOWEST PRICES See Samples Before Ordering ERA PRINTING OFFI i Newmarket