Newmarket Era , January 21, 1916, p. 2

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a i SAID WANTED No washing- Apply Mra Howard East- COW FOR SALE Will freshen few Frank Moody Andrew St corresnaonce sire avoid an election follow- lug present e8ibnoT Par liament On the the Liberal Opposition will riot block tie extension measure- proposed la apply portions of the fund a similar the ppoaV headhiir schools and flgriduUuralcoHegefe notes HOUSE TO REfta On Prospect Ave All conve niences Apply to r 51 CARD 0FTHANK8- Mrs Joshua Wilson and family wish to thank the friends who kindly assisted through the ill ness and death of Mr Wilson It was very much appreciated CARD OF THANKS- Mrs and wish to thank their friends and acquaint ances for their sympathy and as sistance during recent be reavement LOST On Wednesday- Jan a green Knitting Bag containing a finished Soldiers and one partly finished also scissors Finder kindly return in he Parsonage WANTED Good General Servant Apply to Mrs Eyes Ave Newmarket TO Pursuant to the Revised Stat utes of Oplario Chap aad all other persons having any claims against the Estate of Thomas late of Township of East Jury in the County of York farm er deceased who died on or about the 1st day of November are to send in to Titos J Robert son of the Town of Newmarket Oni Solicitor for the undersign ed Executors of the Will of the said Thomas on jot before the 8th day of February a statement of their claims and full particulars thereof and a state ment of the securities if any held by them for claims And notice is further given that immediately after the said 8th day of February JO the said Executors may proceed to dis tribute the assets of Estate among the parties entitled there to having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice and shall not be liable for the proceeds of the as sets or any part thereof so dis tributed to any person of whose claim they have not had notice at the time of distribution Dated at Newmarket this of January JOHN WARREN JAMES Executors Holt P provided PfO features It is statedthat iflhe Government will vision in the measure for-an-ex- of its term of officetin- after session or the House of Commons in resistance will riot be offered but Sir Wiifrid has moled that the Opposition will not sanction any measure so worded that the bring on an election a month hence if they desire or indeed at any time before the next of Parliament is only reasonable and as the Ottawa correspondent of the- Telegram observes the Liberals have a no- lion that the Government in view of the Manitoba upheaval Ontario difficulties and Militia Department muddles- does not wish an electron at the present- time in fact fears a contest In this the Liberals arc right Unless some such assur ance as lliey demand is- given the Government might spring an election following some special victory on the battlefield and thereby obtain a snap approval of lie electorate f T Newmarket Company127th HONOR Kettleby guest over in England last Saturday on the Both John sons Brock and have applied Miss Porter idhSniiA was the guest of Mrs reported for overseas in lh Battalion wmarSetCo during week Janh Fred MU TO JUEQE9 AND The grants under the Agricul tural Instruction Act being sup plemental to those from provin cial and other sources make many things possible that otherwise would be considered impractic able by reason of the expense in volved In particular are they valuable in the prosecution of higher education in agricul ture By the help of these grants not only are agricultural colleges and Is made efficient in equipment but it is made pos sible to pay men of firstclass in formation and experience sal aries becoming to their station Further graduates who have passed with honors and obtained degrees in our own colleges and universities are induced to stay in their own country rather than to go abroad in search remu neration to which their ability en titles cm Indeed several good men have already been repatriat ed and have accepted luorative engagements in the land of their birth How far the funds are be ing used in this direction is indi cated by the following appropri ations made from their allotment for schools and colleges apart from extension work short courses demonstrations Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia 500 New Brunswick IG500 Quebec Ontario Saskatchewan suggested for- fle has served the several years is a Very man and is deserving W6 the doUar new my suTiecriptipn to your val uable paper I look forits a letter- from but I get disappoint ed that the Albert page has riot mora Mb Albert hews for Town Newmarket THE DRAMATIZED NOVEL IN 8EVEN 8CENE8 ENTITLED And a Little Child Lead Them By George Eliot Presented by Church Club Friday Jany OF Silas Warner a Weaver Russell ft3 Collins WilliamDane Friend Trevor Bogart A Village Doctor Lantern Yard Visitors and Vestrymen W Trent Traviss Rev Wr Minister at Lantern Yard Leonard Black Squire Is Morton if Godfrey Cass Son of In- Cast Hon of the Solomon Havel Parish Clerk Jem Rodney a Common Poacher Rev Mr Minister at Aaron a child Aaron sixteen years later Doctor Kimble Wra Miss Annie Lammetor Mrs Godfrey Cass WI3 Traviss Mrs Dolly Mrs Collins little of Silas Marner A Brammer Epple sixteen years later Miss Amy Prltohard Leslie J Brammer Booth Blaok J Ben Wilson W Johnson Hugo- Howard Woods Leonard Blair Albert Cooper The following have been attest ed and will report later Black J M Corner Watson Hie following hae passed the medical examinationjut have not reported for duly Croutch Percy Albert Moore Melville Mt Albert Shields Donald Mt Albert Ross Kenneth ML Albert Newmarket Newmarket Company Battalion paraded for divine ser vice to St Pauls Anglican Church on Sunday Jan An inspiring address was delivered by Rev Mc- Chaplain 12lh York Rangers On Sunday Jan 23rd the members of the Newmarket Co Batt will parade for divine service to the Methodist Church at address by the Rev A P Addison The Epworth League of the Methodist Church cordially invite the members of No 2 Co to a song service and social hour Sunday evening Jan 23rd Rumor has it eats I Better be on band boys A meeting of No Co Bait Hockey Club was held on Jan and the following of ficers Patrons Aubrey Davis Herb Lennox A Aylesworth J A Armstrong ft Cane Smith Keith Hon J Davis Pearson A W Hunt er Hon Presidents Col Hon Mackenzie King Lieu J A Gordon Lieut J Knox Brooks Ex Com Wilkinson Flanagan Fee Manager Racine The boys are showing up fine at hockey practice Tom is the star for- this week The Druggists town report an increase in sales in shaving soap during the past two weeks The members of the recruiting party who North York last week desire to thank the many people who entertained them so royally and made the week one to be remembered with pleasure when far from York County and home Can any reader supply us with a really reliable Moustache Pro ducer Theres a fortune in it for some one Down on our uppers de scribes our Crowd to a nicety The above phrase refers not to our financial position nay rath er the condition of our upper lips Three powerful organizations have been added to the musical life of Newmarket They are The Khaki Kolr The Agony Quartette The Symphony Sextette Next Tuesday will be mifilar night at the Strand Theatre com Very entertainment which will be rendered by Ihe boys of 1 27th Bull Winn has boon kind enough to secure a special Chaplin Comedy feature in two parts entitled Work in addi tion to other Interesting reels Vile usual admission fee that many interesting incidents take place worthy of notice which are never recorded at all If you dont gossip about your troubles probably you wont trouble the gossips The life thaUs gives the weeds small chalice to start THE LEADING House You can buy your Furniture Cheap For Cash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night calls attended- to at residence John Millard Phones and The Cradle left Tuesday for a know from past experience Newcastle and Major THfBruntqn laid up with la grippe the past improving Mrs of is soil Mr A Principal of the High Harry Johns of spent a few days last week with is uncle Mr Win Johns before leaving for England Mr A Ough of Toronto writes We anxiously look for to come to get the home news- in tiie Era Mr Jciish who was confined to Hie house for three weeks with neuralgia has got down to business again We have received word that Mr Norman Osborne son of Mr Richard Osborne of this town has enlisted with the 1 at Berlin Ont Mr8Revr left for her home in Toronto on Wednesday having spent more than a week among old Newmarket friends whose she will al ways remember as a bright spot in her Hon J Davis lias consent ed to give three missionary ad dresses on the King Circuit of the Methodist Church next Sunday at in the morning in the afternoon and King City at night Mr Roy Anderson who was one popular Newmar ket boys has enlisted in Winni peg with the Dominion Govern ment Transport Co He is now in France driving an armoured motor car Mrs J Robertson Miss Nellie Forsyth Mrs Ed Hill Mrs E J Davis Mrs Allan Howard Mrs Dr Boyd Mrs Dr Clark Mrs T Watson Mrs K Robertson Mrs Mrs Roberts Mrs Sutherland Miss Edith Robertson Mr and Mrs Hunter attended the big Red Cross meeting in Toronto on Tuesday afternoon Mr J V of Ma ther Man writes The Era is like getting a letter from home I have taken your paper for about years and I cant get along without it the best home paper I ever took We are haying a hard winter here so far We have had 3 weeks of rough and cold weather Mercury has been between and below zero this morning Messrs Mont and Carl Brodle who were inseparable as boys halve joined Artillery for Overseas service Mont has been in Office Special ty for some years and was popu lar in sports as well as President of the Bureaus The same may said of Carl who at present is in the Bank of Toronto at London They leave for military du ty next Wednesday and carry with them the best wishes of many friends for their safe re turn Mr David of Toron to formerly of Newmarket who held position of Sales Man ager for Lincoln Instates Ltd until the death of the late J A has been appointed Manager for Bailey Son of Gall of Milking Machines The the Gold Medal at the Pan over all makes and Dairymen throughout the country are well pleased with It Mr Walter J of writes The Era still keeps us in touch with WE HAVE A GOOD VARIETY OF FRUITS SOME OF THE F1NE8T THAT CALIFORNIA CAN GROW Select Valenolas lbs for Raisins for 1 1 I I- I Seedless Ralslns 2 for Also some at Seedless Raisins In bulk lbs for 2 lbs Nice Clean Currants for 25c New Prunes at 100 and 12 lb Peaches 3 lbs for Table Raisins Cooking Figs 10c lb Table Figs Cranberries Quarts for WE HAVE A GOOD VARIETY OF CANDIE8 Meyer At Dawson Manor St near Newmarket Jan 18 1916 to Mr and Mrs Meyer a daughter The Altar RollingFleming At the home of the groom on Jan 14 1916 by Rev H Thomas Marshall Rolling of Newmarket to Fleming of The Ausman At Sharon on Jan Sarah Maria widow of the Conrad Ausman in her year Holmes In Toronto on Jan Albert son of Holmes aged 5 months Interred at Newmarket Tues day TT PHONE PURITY AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes J Patterson MAIN STREET NEWMARKET ONT Agent for Cameras and Photo Supplies Chocolates Weekly GN WTEL OFFICE House Phone No Store No T V F Dallle At North End Newmarket on Jan of Ernest aged months Harden In Newmarket on Jan infant son of Harden Wilson At Newmarket on Janu ary in the year of his age Joshua Wilson sec ond son of the late Joshua Wil son senior of Whitchurch Patterson At oh nay Jan 1916 father of Mr J lerson of Newmarket in his year Interred at Cemetery on Monday At the home of her daughter Mrs Toronto on Sunday Jan 1 Mary widow of the late William of Ml Albert in her year Funeral from her residence on Wednes- day to Mount Albert Cemetery BY MR NORMAN GOODWIN NEWMARKET BY MR ROY POLLOCK KESWICK HOD OF PLAY ACT I hick home The The sick Deacon ft home The Church money to be guarded Silas has an epileptic It The Deacon dies The money gone The Vestry of the Church The trial Silas schlenco Scene Living Room at Godfrey and The cost of secrecy Wildfire is to be sold Interior of Silas Hut A Miser takes the gold Scene at his work Visitors interrupt Little Aarons Christ mas Carol advice III The Squires New Year Parly Silas finds a Child Sixteen years later Interior of Silas home The love of a child replaces the of gold When a man turns a blessing from his door it falls to thern take it Furnished by the he Furniture kindly loaned for the occasion by Mr J TOTAL PROCEEDS AID OF CO OPORTO WW ftOYt THE wQoft the SNOWBALL Here we are again and twidc as natural I makes his usual trips down the fifth line Snowball League visited Kettleby League on Monday evening Jan and report a very good time Iftw attendance small on account of so much Miss Ferguson returned to Toronto lb Addison of con ducted the afternoon services at on Sunday forget the Box Social which Is to be held at Mr Webbs or Friday evening Jan Ladles bring their boxes Qentlerrcn come and them Good program provid ed Commencing at sharp Owing to certain men elect- to the CounoJI of Village falling to qualify anoth er election will bo field on of this month to All The Ontario contribution to British Red Cross Trafalgar pay campaign has passed the mil lion and a half mark by a few thousand dollars Nearly thousand dollars saved in exchange on the amounts al ready remitted to Great Britain V life in the old homo town Though many names used familiarly are unknown to us still we can fol low with much Interest the gen eral happenings of the town We arc having a splendid winter ho far which has aided materially in gelling everything In good shape by the end of the year Crops bountiful and prices good causing goodly number lake advantage of the cheap ex cursions oast and south Last week twenty our young men leflfor Winnipeg to train for overseas service A splendid banquet was tendered them the evening preceding their depar ture Present indications are that farm help scarce here another spring but we complain long as the worldstrugglo continues some one must go and wo farmers will get along somehow YOUR By having- your Prescription accurately add your properly adjusted Ground On the Mall and Phono Orders Promptly Filled PERCY THE OPTICIAN STREET EAST TORONTO Worth MM IN MEM9RIAM i In memory of Maxwell I Pe ters who died Dec One year hut not for gotten Maxwell you ever be Ho long as life and memory last We will remember thee- We miss thee oh we miss thee thy familiar place Wo do not hoar thy footsteps near Nor thy cheerful face Now days seem long and lone ly And its such a lonely wait But wo know our dearest Max well Youll be waiting at the gate We often sit and think of you When all alone For memory is the only friend That call Its own Like ivy to the withered oak When all things else decay Our loyo for you will still keep greon And never fado away But dear Maxwell wo know well meet When Lord Shall cill His own And in heaven with joy to greet Where farewell tears are known Written by parents and family 66 BY MISS RICHARDSON Watoh space for the OPENING OF THE PATRICIA THEATRE HERBERT P Box Then j No particular linio when yon are asked lo look at our Furniture Come any time that pleases you and stay just as long as over you interested Wo claim Ihal this slock of ours will do its own arguing and would far rather show you than tell you So we naturally our invitations as strong as possible Ami you arc entirely welcome all the time Dealer In Furniture and Funeral Director Undertakers License FRED SKINNER A J ROADHOU8B All Toronto A couple days ago a caody mak er was turned about the face and pouring oil on a fire The can exploded and set lire to the lady clothing A company with capital Is being formed in Toronto to an average of 350 trains daily In average was about In response to the call ot the an will be to raise in Canada tor the Patriotic Fund Toronto and County will be asked to raise ol amount For tendering worthless cheques to war munitions J ft named Joseph The of One Hundred down 50 days have secured canvassers to tain- signature to petitions for alread In operation Provincial On last the Duchess accompanied by La Miss Dorothy Yorke attended annual meeting tbo Victoria The Grand In report hai are over Ontario in with the hew depart ment to open a new era of highway development in the province legislation provides tor the construc tion suburban roads in addition to county roads impetus to the build ing a system of maintenance if

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