Newmarket Era , January 21, 1916, p. 3

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Do Your Court Will meet CAv of Officers business- Anthers he present if possible it For the boy the front by oing to sec Silas the Town Hall even ing- at Every of We proceeds is for Newmarket sol diers in the trenches junior Christian Endeavor All boys ami girls who wish to attend or join the Junior Chris- Endeavor Society are re to af- from to oclock in P room of the Christian Church Everyone is urged lo attend as there will lie a of arid report lias it that their forts USE mm Pic Wesley Corp ft Bailey Pie J Martin Pit Cain Pie J a Friday the date being changed at request many who wanted to take in the Hockey Match in Toronto the The Late Joshua Wilson There passed away atthe in Convention There was not a very large at tendance of delegates at the Convention in the Church on Thursday of week hut those who did aiienddcclare that the sessions were very help ful Especially the addresses ol Mr Provincial Secretary Between and enjoyed social lunch hour hi school room Penrose Corp Hardin Pie H Irwin Pte Smith Pte G Gordon Manger Pte Hill McKay G Johnson Pte CBarnes a Church Parade The 2nd Co Ball will parade lo the Methodist Church next Sabbath and he addressed by the Pastor the evening service Mr a prominent member of the Lay mens of Toronto Confer ence will speak on The World Challenge This will he the fi service of the Missionary Cam paign that been carried on throughout- the Bradford District during the past three Sabbaths A Request Will anyone knowing the ad dresses of lhl list Of soldiers Kindly communicate with dames P Cane Smith or It Collins A Smith Hartford Pi- A Smith Pte J Walking Pie Kennedy Pie J Hartford Pearson Pte WWard Pie Stone A Smith Pie J Eves Kelly Pte Claude Vale Pte Hatch Pte Johnston J James Win Davis Miller J Pie Pie Dunn J Kennedy- 1Mb J Rowland Pie Stone Pie Flanagan Pie Lund Pie A Pte Sig Mortimer Plo Pte J Pte L Granger Roy Dunn Pic Haskell Pie Laker Pie Pte West Me Mitchell Pie Barber Pte Coulter J Wallace Pie Air Geo Ernie Ted Howard Pie Samuel Carter Gunner A Martin Martin Gunner J Lloyd Pte Millar Pte Reg Pte Pie a Cox Pie Geo Pie W Jones Pie Wilson PleDG Mitchell Pie Geo Pte Samuel Carter Pie Norman Osborne Trooper George Vale Pie Samuel Carter Gunner Mont Gunner Carl where he was widely known for years as a progressive and successful farmer Mr Wilsonbbrh 3isl 1 was the second soil of the late Joshua of a of II who with their father a New Brunswick Shipbuilder and their emigrated from that province lo Township in Voting Joshua following the vocation of his father and meueing on the homestead farm ultrmaleiy added to his holding the two hundred acre on the op posite side of where he erected the substantial resi dence and farm buildings SCHOMBtjRGv J A Arinslrong and daughter spent a few days last in Toronto Vf r now r A Good Cause By attending the Field Comforts Concert Silas Marner in the TownJIall this Friday evening you will he helping not only a cause but a patriotic one The young people presenting this Dramatic Entertainment feel that in this way they will he doing their bit for the soldiers at the front and it is hoped that you will do your bit by showing your ap preciation of their efforts lo pro vide comforts for our Newmarket hoys Enlisted In No Company Newmarket York Rangers Battalion A Dry Ontario Final arrangements have been made for the canvas of the Town of Newmarket to secure signa tures to Ihe petitions lo lite Pro vfnchtl Government asking for law to prohibit the sale of liquor This is Ihe step in iiic cam paign launched by the Citizens Committee of One Hundred look ing toward a Dry Ontario by Do minion Day During the week of Jan volun- leer workers will cover Ihe entire Province and every voter will be given an opportunity to sign The movement is absolutely both Conservatives and Liberals working shoulder lo shoulder in this final drive to banish the greatest foe of our country and greatest obstacle Andrews Win Corp Maurice Victor Brooks Wesley Corp Brooks David Chas Desautel Jos Lewis William Eves Samuel Fee Flanagan Roy F Forth Wm Albert Glover Leslie J Harden Joseph Harris Harry Harrison Freeman John Corp Hill George Hill Sydney Hopper John Lee James John A Lundy Henry Rowland Corp John Norwood John Nugent Waller Orion Geo Pearson Clarence Pratt Albert Henry Rose Lyall Rose Ross Smith A Ivan Smith David Starr Edgar D Stone Henry Tunny Clarence Thomas Vanderburg Jas Wellington Wilkinson Corp Sydney Young Geo owned by Mr Starr Mr Wilson married Mary Walks of Whitby who with his sons James Albert of Toronto Edgar of and Mrs Ella of Aurora survive lo the loss of a kind and ever thought ful husband and parent- An other son Arthur with tragic death by lightning in whilst working a held on the IMr Wilson whilst never hold or aspiring to any municipal office showed much interest in public affairs and was one of the llrsl- members of the North York Liberal Association I whose interest he was an being always known as a staunch and unswerv ing Liberal and untiring worker throughout each and ev ery party campaign l Coming to reside in Newmarket some years ago our ageel and friend owes his death evidently to a fall on oho of our icy pavements in December last We have seldom had as a res ident any citizen whose lacious was more gen erally acknowledged than the late Mr Wilson Appeals for chari ty education and Cross pur poses always elicited from him instant and invariably a liberal contribution The funeral service on Satur day afternoon last from his late residence Huron St was con ducted by his late Paslor Rev A Young of the Friends Church and remains placed in Newmarket Cemetery i Mr spentFriday Mr Win spent day in the City Mr Noil McDonald of the line is in Toronto this week Mr Fred Skinner spent Wedi in Newhiarket and Rich mond Hill going to Toronto and returning Friday accompanied by Mrs Skinner Mrs and daughter Hazel spent Thursday in the Queen City Mr M paid a business trip lo the Queen City q Thurs day Rev Scott Dr Dillane Cooper and John Lynn attended the war auxiliary meeting in Au rora on Wednesday Mr Cummings spent a couple of days in Toronto this past week Pte Brown of Toronto spent over Sunday at his parental home here Born to Mr and Mrs John Ash on Saturday Jan a daugh ter Mr Harold Martin is all smiles these days a girl Mr A Weaver of Tottenham is spending a couple of weeks at his store hero The Recruiting Meeting held on Monday night in the Town Hall was largely attended and vicinity have sent about altogether Died in on Tues day Jan Mrs in her year Remains will bo taken to for interment Dont forget the anniversary services in the Methodist Church on Sunday at end pm Preacher Rev W Barker of Toronto Leave any orders or corre spondence for the Era with Fred Skinner Mr Fred is improving so rapidly that we hope to see him home again -J- A Clearing Sale Fancy Cotton Eiderdown for etc Beg and yd Price Heavy Serge in Black and Navy 54 in wide Beg yd Sale Price 79c yd Ladies White Shaker Night Robes heavy weight some Trimmed Beg i50 Sale Price and each Colored Night Robes Reg and Sale Price 39o each fl HEAD OFFICE TORONTO V Capital Paid Up President Reserve Fund HAY General Manager IN Gunner Carl Granger died In action In France September 1915 any are omitted will their friends kindly with them St Andrews Church The Willing Workers of Ihia held their annual meeting on Thursday evening of last week The reports presented showed that excellent work had been pro secuted during Ihe year The election of officers for MHO re sulted as follows Pres Mrs Ross V fee P res Mrs A J Gilmour Mrs K Robertson Tench Town Council in Ihe way of our in I In- war the canvassers wall on you be prepared to lend your sup port lo this worthy cause by Ing Ihe petition Read appeal on eight Silas Let make lo see Ibis splendid malic Entertainment in the Town Hall thin Friday evening Jan The entire proceeds an to be en to the local Field Comfort morning revived the sloightng Society to provide comforts for below zero last Friday morning The Field Comforts Committee look in over at their Tea Rooms last Saturday A young man named Bishop got his lingers cut Canes Fac tory on Monday while making clothespins Jack visited Yonge St on Sun day night The hoys say it in lo gather Roses Another fall of snow yesterday Red Gross Items Although it was a very cold windy day there Were about ladies at the Cross Knitting Tea in the Methodist Schoolroom A lot of work was accomplished ladies hail a Very social lime Pjoceeds over Army On Sunday next Jan we With us Sister Mrs A J Parker Sister Jones and Sister Ski Hon from downe Corps Toronto to conduct tile meetings at 1 am and pm have been hern before and their speaking and Hinging have brought blessing with hem so you should avail yourself of tills opportunity of hearing them Also you are invited lo our Adult Bible Class held pm Sunday afternoons We invite all Children not attending anywhere else to come to our Sunday School which is held at the same J i r our Newmarket boys who are flglitlng in the trenches is hoped that the citizens of our own town will patronize this patriotic cause and bus show I lie soldiers who have left our we are behind in their sacrifices The editors are doing I be printing towards this a reduced rate the council has granted the free use of the Town Hall and the orchestra has red the fee for Iheir services characters In play arc devoting much of lime Nov what are you going lo do Reserved seals are on at Drug Store Popular prices of and with Sias Mar- a drama in sewn scenes with twenty characters and from Ihe nov el by rfscH pm sharp will Hot be sealed during the latecomers wait up til Ihe end of the scene being en- acted See pari of this paper for copy of program the Era to absent friend When all the world sleeps one voice alone claims the flight of time THE VOICE OF THE I The ordinary timepiece do- livers Its message In sharp unpleasant sounds A Wantle Wo sftll- speaks softly and with the of a harp FOB STYLE AND PRICE AMD SEE J Jewelers and Regular meeting last Monday All members present except Dr dark following bills passed W lives re Poultry Show LI5 A supplies Cemetery Co charity 400 York Radial Co current Thompson reps York Radial Freight Win Cane Sons charity Pearson ft 8745 J charily Pay Sheet L 15J2 The report of the Fire Brigade was placed on Mr Kennedy was heard in re fcrcnct to placing Book and Ladder Wagon for win ter months The was re ferred to the Property Com with Mr liiuns added The report of Finance Com adopted That Stone be charged for license for period used as Shooting Gallery J That be granted to the Hospital for Sick Children That the Era consented lo advertise patriotic of charge from Ihebil Report adopted A byLaw was passed appoint ing Ihe following Municipal Of ficers for RoundKeeper J W Viewers- Andrews Warn ids Huston St Patricks Win Verity 1st of Fire Brigade Fred J Doyle J 2nd A Boyd Ivtl Wes Osborne Fire Wardens IheConn- oil Hoard of Health Broughlon The Light was empowered an elec tric cooking resi dence for the of testing of current consumed and whalthe cost perk w in order to make- cooking electricity he Mayor was Instructed to have a- phone placed hod Be Some fine weather lately Hut the are not In a very good condi tion Hope to have better later Miss is visiting Mr Leslie for a few days to bet around again Mr and Mrs J A Rose wore visiting relatives at Kalian on Sunday of spent Sunday with his parents Who was the young man who was left last week mid had to walk home The young pcoplb enjoyed skating at Mr Grahams on Friday evening all report ha log a good time Pie Was home over Sunday Anniversary services held in the Methodist Church here on day Jan at 2 P and p in Everyone welcome hoar of the sudden death of Mrs Warren Craves who died week Much sympathy- is ell for the bereaved parents Mlsfl Pearl and Ralph of arc on a few months visit with relatives and friends It has been some years since they spent New Year with their uncle Mr You will sec that I have awaked from my sleep arid will let you know a bit that Is going around in our big town Jim Drafts Money Orders and Letters of Credit Issued available throughout the World Dealers In Government and Municipal Securities a Dealers In ana Foreign Exchange Savings Department at all Branches Interest credited halfyearly at Current Rates opens an account Manager Newmarket FARMERS NOTES DISCOUNTED FORMS ON APPLICATION GENERAL BANKING TRANSACTED MhM IBS MAIN SOUTH DRV TOWN ungual REDUCTION ON ALL vVlttTER SPECIALS ALL KINDS OF RUBBER8 AND FURLINED COATS LADIES AND BOOTS WINTER UNDERWEAR Must Be Cleared Out at Onco Before jrfc If Proprietor 3 Doors of King George Hotel EN Hello I Fere we are again to tell you what is doing It very this week Very sorry to hear Mrs Crittenden Is sick but we hope cover Some of our people en joyed the on Sunday and some didnt I wonder why- Neer mind Roy Locke Toronto was the of Miss over the weekend Mr spent- weekend wltn Mb friend Mr- Pollock There ere ay few Ad here but I the will blockade them soon We were- lo many at On SundftyWe see- more next Sonday Mr Stevenson a very Royal Household Flour The Leader for Bread Mado from Old Wheat -r- It Mr- and at and O K ARK GI10ICK PASTRY ALSO PURE FLOUR BRAN AND All Kinds of Feed for Fowl CALL AND YOUR ORDER Prompt Delivery Phone A Phone i get some v J and Opticians ft soenfSunOay at Mr- A will geisome I wonder ami Olive were Marie adjourned li ma v

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