Newmarket Era , January 21, 1916, p. 4

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M a IDA Y J A J ST 5 IP WEAK NERVOUS OHIO WOMAN Made Well By Ohio Mv Wood was very poor I in a weak nervous rundown condition I tried different remedies without benefit and one day my druggist told me about I tried it and it built me tip in every way blood strength and nerves and I tell friends it is the best medicine on earth Mrs Earl our delicious cod liver and Iron tonic without oil sharpens the appetite aids digestion enriches the blood and In this natural manner creates strength J Patterson Druggist Newmarket last week from which Ave learn that 1 3000000 more let ters and postcards passed the various post offices than in The first production of Verdis opera Othello took place at Milan and all l be prominent musical critics of Eu rope foregathered In the Cathedral in honor of the occasion Among them Parisian journalist of wide the preceding fiscal year We also learn that the number of imputation and admitted authority In rural mail routes throughout the ATTEND THE BEST IT PAYS TORONTO Dominion were increased to the number of during the same period It is likewise stated that the increase is less than in any one year for the past ten years This fact is largely attributed to war conditions The increased rural mail routes has resulted in mail boxes having To provided new money order offices were established and new Sav Has a National fori upon business of the department tin- Catalogue Free Commence Now a Bank opened and Shorthand Touching J ELLIOTT Principal St Toronto WINTER TERM OPENS was inaugurated a few weeks be fore the beginning of the fiscal year has been successfully ducted during the year and its ii A REPRESENTATIVE WANTED once for NEWMARKET and District for the OLD RELIABLE NURSERI v Farmers Why remain idle all Winter when you can take up a paying agency Choice list of varieties for Planting Liberal Terms Handsome Free Outfit Exclusive Territory WHITE NOW FOR PARTICULARS 8TONE AND WELLINGTON TORONTO ONTARIO WANTED NOW Reliable Salesman to act as Agent in York County PAY WEEKLY Outfit free exclusive territory and money making Our arc the best the business for sell the highest grade of slock at most reasonable prices and guar antee deliveries in Aral class condition Nursery stork is selling well tills year and good money can be made in tliis district For particulars write Hales Manager PELHAM NURSERY CO Toronto Out great and growing popularity has demonstrated that it supplies a public need As the parcels post reaches every point throughout the country its facilities are greater than afforded by services by private companies and its rales are lower It will be news to some of our readers to learn that during the past year new post offices were established thereby indi cating- the growing prosperity of the country but we also learn that post offices were closed quite a percentage of the offices closed however was due largely to the establishment of rural de livery The report further shows there lias been a decrease of in the aggregate balance to the credit of depositors in the postoffice savings banks the fig ure now being A total of letters reached the Dead Letter Office during the year The statement was made in the Toronto press last week that there is a deficit in the Post Of fice Department of over two mil lion dollars this year his arrival in Milan was to seek out Verdi and ask to be allowed to be present at one of the final rehearsals The composer received the critic with extreme politeness but replied that he could not possibly grant his request as be had decided that the rehearsals were to be absolutely private and he could not make an exception In the favor of any one journalist however distinguished The Paris critic far at this answer protested that these circumstances bis account of the opera might not be nil he should like ft to- be You see he explained to the composer who not quite to understand I shall have to telegraph my article the same evening It will necessarily be hastily written and the Impression In Paris the next day may suffer In consequence But Verdi was more than equal to the occasion My dear sir be made answer I do not write for the next day The critic bowed himself out done a lot of good for me four years I could not have Some four years ago could not walk tap stairs my feet and ankles were so swollen but I took three boxes of Gin Pills and the trouble has never returned My mother 8a years of age is taking them and feels fine MRS JB Camden 4th con Councillor for Why hey re nought East of UK Con arid Councillor Baker for Marsh Bridge By-Iaws- were passed appointing the following officers viz J A M and J Grove Frank Collector Dr Free Medical officer of Health H P Smith VS member Board of Health Barnes Inspectors adjourned meet at on Saturday Feb at oclock GIN PILLS are a box or boxes for 250 at all druggists Sample sent free if requested National Drag Chemical Co of Canada Limited Toronto 1 1 USE A LOOSE REIN Roller Flour MILLS L LIKE PIE t EDITORIAL NOTES When the Dominion Parlia ment assembled last week was ascertained that members were on military duly Tin ses sion which opened on Wednesday of last week was life third silica the war begun Khaki is common about Parliament Hill Do Not B Bossy Dominetring In Homo Circle I find that I can write all day with out pain In my fingers if I hold the pen loosely If I should grasp It tightly It would be only a few hours before the strain made writing almost Impossible Do we not often hold too tight a rein on ourselves and onr families for com fort Habit has made bossy and domineering When a member of the family goes we want to know where he Is going and bow long be Intends to be gone we beep a string on and are ready to drag him home that we may feel that all are sheltered and under our watchful eyes This la selfish care It fences the In dividual In It hampers and makes his field of pleasure and activity cramp ed and rasping When one knows that another la trustworthy why hold so tight a rein Some of us have got into the habit of repressing and suppressing ourselves for the sake of peace and the absence of anxiety Freedom is necessary for the development of individuality and the best that Is in each one of us The caged bird never slugs so Joyously as the bird In the field or forest Shirley in Farm Life Whitchurch Council Members elect Hall Monday Jan and after sub scribing toleclaralions of qualifica tion and office resumed business as Council for year 1916V with Reeve in the Chair The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed Applications were presented from 1 A Clarke for and Frank for Collectorship for Refunds of dog lax were claimed by John for second dog lesiroytv before Court Revision and Stephens overcharge on account of error in assessment Bills were presented from J Woodcock for days work on roads and Dominion of Canada Guarantee and Accident Insurance Co for Premium on Treasurers Bond The Treasurer was instructed to pay the bills presented lo refund lo John the sum of dog tax and lo Stephens dog tax and to order six copies of Muni cipal World for use of Council and Clerk The Reeve was authorized to pro cure stationery for Council and of ficers use A resolution was passed author izing the payment by the Standard Bank for cheques drawn by the Treasurer as instructed by resolu tion or bylaw of Council or Statu to of the Province was appointed Children FOR FLETCHERS r YEARS AGO mm Continued from page A social gathering took place at the home of Mrs Wood last Friday in honor of her grandson Mr Orlando Wood of Winnipeg Miss Jackson Miss- Millard Miss Keith and Mr J represented Newmarket League at Convention this week Rev Father left for yesterday K J Davis Esq MPP was in town on Wednesday and ited the High Model and Sepa rate Schools of the Town Esq- ad dressed a large and enthusias tic meeting at on Tuesday evening Shows How to Make Better Farm Improvements copy mil sent to you of charge If you intend making any kind of farm improvements you need this book It tells how to build everything farmer needs from a barn to a fence better and more economical than possible in any other way It it the standard authority on farm building construction proved of untold value to more than 75000 progressive Canadian farmers you havent e copy of this valuable book send the coupon now Canada Cement Company Limited Herald MONTREAL HOWS THI8 Of do wficn you know is made MO88 FLOUR You can always count on turn ing out itiflj lightcsl and delicious AMD PASTRY- rt The new Knights gazetted re cently art the following Sir A Anderson Commanding of the Canadian Army Corps BrigadierGeneral Sir VanSlrainbcnzee Brigadier General Sir David Watson Pro prietor of the Quebec Chronicle and BrigadierGeneral Right Hon Sir J P OX-SCO- rotary for War The resolution adopted by York Township week before last was adopted at a public meeting in Button last Week by the farmers of and they- have un dertaken raise heir full por tion for the Patriotic Fund The meeting also suggested that the County Council make a levy to cover all that the County should as its proper share Salt Water Cataracts There are a good many salt water cataracts In existence They may be found In Norway southern Chile and British Columbia where narrow lords or arms of the sea are obstructed by barriers of rock The rising tide lows over Alters through such reefs Into the great natural reservoirs beyond but the water is held back at the ebb until It breaks over the obstruction In an torrent Most curious of all is the waterfall at Canoe Pas sage where the Island of Vancouver approaches the British Columbia main land Here the flood tide from the gulf of Georgia to the southward is held back at a narrow cleft between two islands until It over In a boiling cascade eighteen feet high with perhaps double the volume of the Kill in- At the turn of the tide how ever the waters from the north rush back Into the gulf producing cascade of equal height and volume The wa terfall actually flows loth ways We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured Halls Catarrh Cure J Cheney Co Toledo We the undersigned have known F- I Cheney for the last years and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially able to- carry out any obligations made by his firm L Jan Twenty thousand persons arc homeless as a result of a fire which swept the city of Bergen today causing property damage estimated at not less than NATIONAL BANK OK COMMERCE Toledo Halls Catarrh Cure is taken in- acting directly upon the Jan Shortly blood and mucous surfaces of the before one oclock this morning a system Testimonials sent free broke out in the shoe store Price cents per Lottie Sold by of Vernon and be- all Druggists fore it was extinguished Halls Pills for con- destroyed the entire stock 1 valued al New- York Jan An explo sion which naval officers so far are unable to explain complete ly wrecked the interior of His United States Submarine while she was being repaired in drydock No in the Brooklyn Navy Yard at oclock Satur day afternoon instantly killing one enlisted man and three yard workmen and injuring at least ten others at work in the sub marine so Severely that them are expected to die 1 I Owing to the great decrease In advertising space used and the Increase In printing materials we are obliged to raise the subscription price of the Era When you this flour Its recognized as bent by all compe tent judges TRY ROSE THE NEXT TIME YOU BAKE Your grocer will supply you EVERY GUARANTEED Phone Newmarket H ROBINSON Proprietor QLENVILLE A press despatch from Whitby on Saturday stales- local op tion wan declared lost in thai town by one and voles he majori ty required to carry it A recount of the ballots cast was decided upon on Friday The friends of local option are pretty confident of able to win as it only requires four votes Jo ensure sue cess Furnace Work Plumbing The Provincial Legislature has made a new departure All Acts of the Provincial Legislature except a few designated as gency measures are hereafter to he suspended from going into operation until M days after the close of the Legislature at which they are passed In order to on- able opponents of Ihcrn lo gel up petitions for referendum if they Criticism One of the wittiest of clergymen ad vocating the habit of preaching extem pore sermons Instead of reading writ ten ones said he had heard of a Scot tish minister who always relied upon his manuscript At Inst his sorrowful congregation scat a deputation to com plain that he did not speak but always read his sermona Ah my good friends said he 1 have a had memory I should forget what I bad to say minister was the scathing answer If ye remember your dlscoorscs ye CO ana blame us If we forget them London Answers On and after the 1st of April -TO- the Outfit She TUB so Ma W Changes have been made In the Act regulating moving picture shows and vaudeville theatres which the Provincial Treasurer to grant a permit to either class to give patriotic as as religious entertainments on There has also been made some change In license fees Heretofore the fee has been In population centres of and under but under the now rules the fees made gradual according to population Mjrs Hopkins of Lindsay hun dredth birthday on ftfitlifday chatting with many camera on of Golf Ive card of Nero on fiddle sir when Uv ome was said the landlady putting down the local paper but this ere game of ho hi mopt faHklnntlug obby in the world Ive about the Are up at the golf ground last Friday and It The Are brigades promptly responded to the call and wheu darkness closed In they were still playing upon the rulna of be club house La The mascot came- to from- Word Is French and was popularized by comic opera Ia Mascotte la though before that Its use had long been com mon among French gamblers as In England the mascot could be any- thin from a dog dough SI and per annum when not so paid AMERICAN SUBSCRIPTIONS IN ADVANCE ONLY VJ Badly A London restaurant baa this notice displayed In various parts of Its din ing room incivility or Inatten tion on the part of any of employ tea of this will con sidered a fator to the proprietor tour unused t IS THE TIME TO PAY UP Postal Notea are the cheapest and way to send renewals WE HOPE TO MAINTAIN THE MIQH STANDARD OF THE end give full value for the money without going on amount of the War an some already done J JA0K8ON Editor and Proprietor i I J I Si i i

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