Newmarket Era , January 21, 1916, p. 5

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SVaSSSSS w mm o L fell J A J Notary Public c OfficeMain Newmarket to Loan on good Farm Duncan Barn Frank Duncans AUCTIONEER AND COLLECTOR NSMITH Newmarket Auctioneer Phone DENTIST Over McGaulcys Grocery Newmarket The barn of David Godfrey near was burned Sunday night Most of implements and slock was saved but the building was burned to the ground Cause j of fire unknown WV The Lata Ira B Terry Insurance and Ileal Estate Assent Howards Livery Newmarket If you want Buy or Sell Sco Me Dr C HR Clark DENTIST Office almost opposite the King George Hotel MAIN ST NEWMARKET Dr J Graduate in Boyd ftBvw- Medicine of also Licentiate of the Royal College of Physi cians and member of the Royal College of Surgeons of England Former clinical assistant in Eye Hospital and Uni versity College Ear Nose and Throat Hospital London Office Cor Main and Timo thy Newmarket Telephone Consultation Hours The death of occurred Wednesday Jan at the residehco of sdninwlaw LLCol J Pine Crest Road West Toronto Deceased was years old and was a resident of Toronto Junction for 26 years He was born at Newmarket and for a lime was a school teacher His wife three daughters and two sons sur vive Mrs A Wilson- I Mrs J Wright and Mrs H Hopkins and Percy of West Toronto The late Mr was a member of St Johns Anglican Church and a Mason Interment took place Two law J Wright and Lieut Hopkins are in the battalion stationed at Oshawa other classes particularly of cat tle and sheep the showing was In advance of anything we have had in the past Special mention is to be made j of the splendid display of Fine Arts which in point of numbers and excellence of work Editor KjsMiot Era I- space to call attention your readers jo a conference to be in the Friends Meeting St Toronto Saturday and Sunday Jan Addresses deiivered and discussion the follow nig subjects among others The Place of the frrffc United of Ontario Dr Carlton WbocL 1 T anything thai has been shown in Newmarket This work was judged by an export in lliis department who assures us that a great deal of the work shown was of high quality It is to be regretted that the present way of displaying paintings etc is such as to allow this work to be passed by without being seen properly as when lying flat the merits of the not to be seen to advantage A newfealuVe was introduced M Woodman poHland Marie The Every Member Canvass WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER Park Avenue New Post Office Adjoining Bert Green PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER Ave 2nd house from Queen Street Newmarket Bolton Hewitt Practical Painter Paper Hanger and House Decorator RESIDENCE Corner Niagara and Street New market A NEWMARKET of Piano Voice and Vio lin Dealer in all kinds of Music al Instruments and Repairs PIANO TUNING Agent for Columbia and Records Comple Stock Prompt Service FIRE INSURANCE TOWN AND FARM PROPERTY FOR SALE Lei me Know your wants P MORTON Lome Aye Box Newmarket Friends Church The interest displayed by the people of Newmarket in the pop ular services abates not one whit notwithstanding the severity of the winter weather Quite a number of fresh faces were seen in the meeting on Sunday evening last and he regular ones Were also in their places The topic was How Do You Do Hip text was selected from Sam Chap Verse Art thou in health my brother The speaker first dealt with Hie many forms and language in which the query was to be found and then gave a resume of the historic setting in which the text was places From thispoint it was an easy matter to carry the audience to the spiritual signi ficance of the soulstirring ques tion Art thou- in health my brother It was a query of tremendous import and the preacher laid em phasis on it from its physical mental and spiritual aspect Al though somewhat longer than usual the audience sat the ad dress through without the slight est sign of unrest being manifest and at the close several testified to the help they had received by it Sunday Jan 23rd am Meeting for Worship pm Song Service the old hymns and the old tunes Come and help us- sing pm Peoples popular ser vice Topic Gospel Arithmetic a Sum in Addi tion Everybody wel come All seats free I Issuer of- LICENSES the Era Office Newmarket Office Private ks Papers issued tl re sidence if desired NEWMARKET LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones- Call before ordering else where Out for Building Purposes Kept in Stock aid Made to Order GEO LUESBY BROWN8 TREES The best that can he Who our agent in your town iBROWN Til COMPAQ Nurseryman Limited A Co Out OXIDIZED WELDING On iShort Notice Poultry Show We ropy the following mentary remarks in reference to the Newmarket Poultry Show from be Canadian Poultry Review The North York Association stag ed a successful show again this year Although the entries were hardly as large as formerly the utility varie ties were well represented with well filled classes White dotles were a nice class and well rounded out in all sections The Haired Rocks also contained good quality and contained many winners some of the earlier shows The Rhode Island Reds made a nice showing the Single Combs being es pecially good Selling classes were a good felure of the show many birds being sold at low prices We give below Mr L he judge opinion on he Newmarket show The officers who had the work to do to hring so many good birds to gether should he congratulated on the grtfal success of their fourth annual Barred Rocks While Orpingtons and Rhode Island Reds the larger classes and many of he winners were among the winners Nearly all the birds shown singly in nice wire coops The Town Hall where show was held is very suitable Tim birds were air carried to the end of each ally and examined in same liht having plenty of will ing to in the work look some time decide the many specials did not hear a kick over the awards Among the largest were Ross he largest winner in White and the largest winner in Barred Rocks this year by having a class of young men judging dairy cattle A fair number entered for this contest which in terest to farmers and others From a financial standpoint the years operations were not Just as favorable as we could wish Your Board thought it advisable lo keep up the list of prizes and this was done but unfortunately for various reasons we were un able to secure the usual amount in subscriptions In an accident occurred at the in connection with shooting gallery which was al lowed on the grounds In some way a bullet struck a young man in the hack and an action for damages was threatened Upon the advice of a solicitor a settle ment was made with the injured party for the sum of rather than go to Court The payment of this sum was a heavy drain on our resources as needless to say the party responsible for the accident was- not worth this amount nor any portion of it The Buildings were again painted this year to preserve them and also to improve their appearance No outside attractions were en gaged for a Grand Stand Per formance at the Fair this year the speeding in the horse ring and motorcycle races providing ample amusement for visitors New market Band was on the grounds to enliven the proceedings Concerts were held as usual on the two last days of the Fair in the Town Hall which were of a high class character and were well patronized may also he mentioned that the Newmarket Home Guards ex ecuted some military manoevres in a creditable manner which was enthusiastically cheered by the crowds who witnessed The judging in all departments gave general satisfaction and taken altogether your Board con sider years work has been highly successful AH of which is respectfully submitted and signed President Secretary Keith Following is a summary ofthr Treasurers Report Movement Service the Pathway to God Woodman Portland Maine Temperance to Men A Toronto All above are on Saturday the first Meeting starts at and the Conference continues throughout the day liie last meet ing being at pm All Christian workers of evnry denomination are in- vited Full programs may be obi tained from the undersigned who will gladly furnish in formation Thanking you for on your valuable space I am re- yours Alfred Young Pastor Friends Church Newmarket Council The inaugural meeting of the auove Council was held at Town Hall Pefferlaw on Monday Jan at a when the follow ing members were present and subscribed to the necessary declarations Reeve- Councillors Stiles John Cockburn and Taylor- he following officers were ap pointed Auditors Jos West- garth and Anderson Asses sor Collector Jos Kay Board of Health Dr the Reeve and Clerk A grant of was made to the Ladies Patriotic League of was granted to Hospital for Sick Children and for six copies of The Municipal World Council decided lo pay Dr Medical Health Officer a salary of Si A resolution was passed re questing the local member for North York to use his influence to endeavor lo get the Government to return direct lo rural Munici palities a portion of the money that will be raised for He Licenses to he expended by the improvement of the roads Council adjourned to meet at on Saturday Feb 12 I 2 pm Sarah an inmate of the lilgin County House of Indus try since it was established died there at an age of one hundred and two carrier four letters containing was sen- j the minimum Icrrn of yearslln the periitehtiery of the LawlvSpciety away Dr J P MarshaHj who has the past years passed away on Sunday The North Toronto meeting Satur day flight appbinleda committee fo see the Property Cohiraittee of the Council regarding tfeys It was felt that the jitney it is claimed is necessary in North Toronto is being legis lated oil of business It is understood the County of Yorkvyijl raise for the Toronto and York Patriotic Fund probably by County levy At ten meetings held in various parts of the county during the last few days the ratepayers favored this method On Sunday morning last St Nicholas Anglican Church King- road was destroyed- by fire Loss Si covered by insur ance Their Royal the Duke and- Duchess- of and Princess- Patricia reached Toronto early Sunday morning and proceeded- to Government House Rev W A Cameron pastor of moor St Baptist Church lias oh- a Commission and will pre pare himself for active service Overseas He told his people about enlistment last Sunday According to a statement of County Secretary Lee there arc fully Toronto Orangemen at the Front or in training for Over seas service It is understood that Feb is the dale decided upon by Government for opening next session of the Ontario Legisla ture Hon Edward Brown Provincial Treasurer of Manitoba was in Toronto last Friday on his Way to Ottawa The Province is now under a Liberal Government and prospects are brightening As a result of Judge Middle- tons investigation the official fig ures for the estate of Senator Cox are given as instead of Thus the Province collects in succession dues instead of about 360000 Ontario also gets from the estate of late W Cox instead of about- All large estates will be closely watcher hereafter A writ has been issued for li bel by Controller Foster against Hie publishers of the Toronto World The action arises out of statements made regarding the Controller during the recent civic lection campaign A large audience assembled in life corner of Pacific avenue and Dundas street on Saturday evening to hear Miss daugbjer Minister London lecture MAtiS CAKADA- or d Touring Car ism A bumper pleasures and profits Is reap- ed by the farmer who owns a Ford has broken down the barrier of distance for himself and his entire family Now after harvest arent you go ing to buy that Ford The Ford-Runabout- is the Uie Sedan the Town car 3780 All prices aro f Ford Ontario All cars completely electric headliichts Cars on at Hiding electric headlights Ford Dealer CALL AND SEE K ROBERTSON 1 rf IV End Stove Tin Shop Main St Newmarket WE ARE BU8Y WITH PLUMBING AND- HEATING I SPECIAL LINE OF FIXTURES WRIGHT i Receipts Hal from last year Legislative Grant Towp Grant Members Cash Donations Donations in goods i Admission Fees Rents and Privileges Proceeds of Concerts Proceeds of Grand Stand Money Borrowed From Advertising retained 1 2700 PAINS IN SIDE AND BACK How Mrs Kelly Suffered and How She was Cured Prizes 153000 Machinery for Kale DAVIS of Bank of Toronto Newmarket FOR Anthracite Coal at bar gain prices Orders filled at ail hours Telephone No 3 door of Osbornes North Millard Ave Paid in Services Judges Special attractions music and Concerts Prizes in Goods Medals Repairs to and buildings Insurance etc Interest Salaries Hank Loan Working Expenses due Ureas i J 530 18 000 i5ii5 748 NORTH YORK MARBLE AND QRAMITEWORKO JOHN Dealer and Importer of Foreign ftnd Domestic Granites and Mar- Latest Deatens in and AH of Cemetery work promptly at tended to Call and ace before fcuying el8evbere All kinds of Building Out lo JOHN Box Works A Ave the Era to Society jPbe annual meeting of the above Society look in the fall afternoon and better attended Ulan usu al Tile was adopted a follows Gentlemen present the Annual Report of progress made during the year as follows The Kail Was held Sept and and Oct 1st and Is lo bo considered a most successful one It was naturally to be owing to un settled conditions existing throughout the country the Fair vould not bo as well patronized as In normal times While this was so to a certain extent yet it not the to as great a degree as anlfofpated and we a able to report- an almost average attendance and number of exhibit Instances particularly classes of horses poultry fruits and grains the number of entries was as Inaohne other years nevertheless this may be down other than to the fact lliatthe country Is at war In all 3410891 who have paid in ad vance for The following officers for wort then elected Proctor 1st Vice 2nd Vice J Keith Trcas K N Robertson Directors George J J Bleck ley Stephens Dennie P W Pearson AuditorB A and A MRS KERNS ADVICE To Women So For a long I ufferd from a nervous break down I hardly walk My has- about and got tee to try ft Now I a rood aHep tad am wan and strong weak woman try P a cod Iher and Iron without wa ii Patterson Ohl Burlington Wis was very irreg ular and had pains in side and back but after taking E Vegetable Com pound Tablets and using two bottles of the Wash I am fully convinced that I am entirely cured of these trou bles and feel better all over I know your remedies me worlds of good and I hope every suffering woman will them a trial Mrs ANHA Kelly Chestnut Street Burling ton wis The many convincing testimonials con stantly published- In the newspapers ought to be proof enough to women who suffer from those distressing Ills pecu liar to their sex that Vegetable Compound Is the medicine they This good old root and herb remedy has proved unequalled for these dread ful Ills It contains what Is needed to restore womans health and strength If there la peculiarity in your case requiring special ad vice write the Medicine Co confidential or free advice COUGH You can ward off many anxious moments the flret sign of a Cough or Cold you will Cough loos ens the phlegm it heals the sore throat and bronchial allays fever and atonce or lQg Cough have developed can count on this splendid old fam ily for fur V on The Invasion Serbia and I he Condition of Her People Her impressive address which she supplemented with motion pictures was received with ap preciation and interest As the result of a fall Inst Sat urday on the icy pavement Mr A received a fractur ed leg- The Ontario Department of Ag riculture received a serious jolt from a Dominion official who out that the Prairie Pro- vine Is exceeding the Ontario standard in dairy bel ter regulations The three arc now oil trial before Mr Justice Mid- dletOit in the Assizes fin the Charges of conspiracy to defraud the public oul of thousands of dollars In connection with west ern real estate deals It Is ex pected the ease will extend into week After the military review on Monday the Lieut Covemor and Lady gave luncheon at House in honor of the Duke and Duchess of which Logie and Mrs Logic also LieutCol Ncwhuril and Mrs Newborn were invited The soldiers now in To ronto have nine chaplains of these four are Anglicans two Presbyterians arid the Methodists Unitarians and Human Catholics one each The Annual competitive mu sical and literary Welsh Festival was held In Foresters Hall last Saturday evening before a crowd ed house The special features of the proceedings was a contest among the choirs from the Pub lic Schools of the city During Saturday and Sunday alrnoHt worth of pro perty was destroyed by Are Eight people sustained losses ranging from to Overheated furnaces carelessly thrown cigar stubs were responsible therefor Rev Dr general super intendent of the Methodist in Canada has received word from the Methodist In stitute at Montreal that French Canadian young men belonging to classes at the institution Joined Oversea battalion A fire In Manning Chambers on Queen St Monday morning old damage Carter was overcome smoke and had to WE WISH OUR MANY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS MERRY CHRISTMAS Prosperous New Year Our desire is to our Customers Our Stock of Suitings Is always ready as tho Seasons come MERCHANT TAILOR Phono Main St NEWMARKET Clearing Sale of Used instruments Dominion Piano Caso Organ handsome walnut case with rail top and mirror In lovely condition Organ walnut case grand Organ good JOjUU as new flvo octaves Bell Piano Case Organ handsome walnut pan mirror stops forte treble ana couplers Has only been used very In grand shape THE ABOVE ORGANS BE PURCHASED ON TERMS AS LOW A8 A MONTH Takes a new Vltaphone and 12 selections other used Victors Columbia and Edison Talking Machines All the latest records Also DeLaval Separator Local Agenoy Wo have a number of used Capital Separators around In grand shape Lot Leave One In Your Home on Trial Give a I Wo Will You Money I i Ll TUNING MOVING 8HORT I Phono a NULSE t ft ORA j GRAND TRUNK TIME TABLE A GOING NORTH Arrive Toronto am pm pm pm Newmarket am Allandale 1035 V 336 pm pm pin- 1000 pm- 1060 Leave GOING aim Newmarket am Toronto am am 1Q18 1240 pm pm i r

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