Newmarket Era , January 21, 1916, p. 6

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ia Ms as fflras SSSS l WsMzi all f fei- 35 UN 1H sa i A A iif J f 7T ASUE I I X J AGENT on Tuesday Ross and has been postponed Monday next at oclock See bills for l CARD OF THANKS The husband and family of the late Mrs Warren Graves desire to express their sincere thanks to those who were so kind and helpful during her illness arid happy noon train for the bride -travejling- in a princess gown of moire velvel and I black velvet hat with Black and while plumes The many friends of- the young couple wish them bon voyage through life J BRIBFLETS A successful Carnival was in he rink on Friday evening Items intended for the Era be handed in not later than Tups- OEM The qnnual meeting of the Ml Albert Cemetery Company was held Monday evening Jan with the- President Mr in the chair Theboard was able lo present a splendid port for the years operations The Spc Mr J Rowland has a very efficient officer the day as the stage for Sharon riow having well kept I leaves at am Will all those who have shirts lc make for the soldiers try to have them in by next Tuesday as the ladies would like to get them sent away The Presbyterian Church held their annual meeting on Monday insl All the different branches of lie Church were found to be progressing very fa vorably They have been fortun ate in securing Mr as their Pastor for year PERSONAL Miss Lillian entertained members of the Methodist Church Choir at her borne on Fri day evening last AM spent a most enjoyable evening The many friends of Mrs Love will be sorry lo bear that she is very seriously ill Mr John and family have moved into Mr Hayes house Mr Sidney Blokes who has been on the sick list is much im proved in health The ladies held a very success ful Red Cross Tea at the home of Mrs on Thurs day evening The proceeds amounted to Mrs Stevenson of is visiting at the home of her father Mr Stokes Mr Geo Price one of our pop ular band boys left Monday for the city where he has enlist ed with the Queens Own Band for Overseas Mr Ross is home on sick leave from Camp A number of the boys there are suffering from la grippe Mr and Mrs Sinclair enter tained about young people to progressive euchre on Monday ev ening The prizes were won by Mr Tale and Miss Case After- the were awarded and refreshments served Hie re mainder of the evening was spent in dancing and music A pleasant evening was spent by all Miss has gone lo Miners Bay lo school Peopled Society Jan What is Consecration Leaders Elmer Hamilton Literary Evening Our Favorite Heroes Miss Prosserin charge- Pioneer Foreign Missions Leaders Florence Everett Reader Carl Anderson Social Evening Miss Dora Stiles in charge the looked af ter The Grounds Committee Messrs Steeper and also were awarded warn for their services luring the past year These gentlemen certainly deserve the thanks of the community the unselfish way in which they devoted -thtm- lo the work of improvement arid beautifying the grounds They spent a great deal of- lime for which they received re muneration whatever In past years the board has been able to make the desired im provements owing to the lack of funds Early year they de cided to appeal to the public inte rest for contributions to used in improving the grounds The response was generous The amounts received from the sale of plots and a collection taken up on Decoration Day enabled the board to accomplish all it had hoped for early in the year The public will shortly be appealed to again the hoard feeling assured that they will be met with the same hearty response as before and will be placed in a position to carry on improvements so well begun Mi Albert will soon have one of the mosl beautiful and well kept burying places in the country OFFICERS President Ada Stiles Lyman Pearson Organist Gertie Hamilton mm DEVOTIONAL Nettie Anderson VicePres Mrs J Hamilton Alex Hamilton Mary Moulds Carl Anderson MISSIONARY Myrtle Hamilton ViceiPres Florence Stiles Garfield McMullen Clarence Moulds Lloyd Stiles LITERARY Joy VicePros Lyman Pearson Stiles Ross Glover Gordon Stephens SOCIAL Dora Stiles Florence McMullen Ross Stiles Helen Taylor Johnston LOOKOUT Win Moulds Vera Taylor Elmer Hamilton George Stephens soon be again of the band I was wonderi Mr J Merchant loaded car of who grain this jfhey Aiieapher Vieascd fe see some of oat old neighbors againj to visit friends Both- clerks from Brownie ha- been spending a lew days in the city this week Bargains aan cold I can hardly write Sleeping Beauty X Baldwin brsees The weather is so these days little wonder there are many tic doloreaux in pleurisy all traceable to colds Mrs A is from pleurisy Treacherous icy footing paused Mrs Pringle to across the a tub severely injuring her side She is pulling hloiig favorably Meetingswere held in a number of places last week to interest bur young meii in recruiting for the army Our section has already knvn him high fifty years News remarkably abundant the a piece KESWiCK Some people here dont seem to this paper with out- items this Sort of a sympathizing spirit have so to save reputation pfths Era goes Meet a friend out townHdw sering then you got them everything at Keswick Oh just s usual without micn change here boost place and say Why great Fine Best ever Why say really its the liveliest little place in Ontario 1 be lieve and- thats true Now a very well spare any more Anions Hie contingent sent up here from Newmarket MV A Eves a line youngnan son of our old- time friends Mr and Mrs Chan tey Eves His style and make up very forcibly reminded me of his uncle Long John Eves famous as a long distance runner years John was said to have been good for a mile in five minutes It is perhaps necessary to add that no man in the world lias been aide to week mi belter than I The following is clipped from a Manitoba paper An Interesting event look place the home of Mr L Shuttle- worth of Cordova Man for merly of Ml- Albert Out on Wednesday Jan 5th when in the presence of their relatives and friends I heir daughter Lottie Pearl was united in marriage Denis J of Winni peg Tlie was perform by J Anderson of The bride who was 1 given In by her father was unattended and wore a gown of sapphire 11 silk trimmed lace and pearls and carried a boofuel while roses arid lily of the valley The wedding march was played by Mrs Geo of of llie After buffet luncheon was served The table was centred by the cake and the floral decorations were and white carnations The in which the held was evidenced by acres on lot 20 In ville Good house and barn and to station For particu lars apply on premises DAN SHARON Mr of Toronto vis ited his mother Mrs last Friday Mr Win Barker is attending the Court at Toronto Mr Mike Ramsay visited at on Sunday Mr and Mrs Thos Shropshire visited at Mr M Duncans Union St on Sunday Mrs and daughter- inlaw Mrs Lundy visited at Mr Richard last week Mr and Mrs M Ramsay visited a couple of days this week Mr Lloyd took a business trip to Toronto on Monday Miss Ethel of is spending a few days with her cousin Miss Merle Shropshire Mr Clifford Terry and sister Flossie of King Mr Fred a few days last week Mr Alan Shaw bought a team yf black driving horse in the city Oil Monday Miss Clara Tate and Miss Mary Brown are laid up with la grippe Quito a few folks around here are sick with the measles A large crowd attended the dance in the Town Hall last night The funeral of the late Surah was held here Oil Mon day in the Methodist Church Was conducted by Rev of Holand Landing Interment Sharon Burying MOUNT The North Sutton and corgi a Association held their annual Convention at Mount Pleasant Presbyterian Church on Tuesday Jan Morning session open ed at oclock Addresses were given by Rev Atkinson Dr If Wilkinson and Mr All Were much enjoyed by Dont forget the regular meet ing of the Womens Institute to lie held at the home of Mrs Pear son Wednesday Jan at pm The program will of a debate Resolved there is more pleasure in te pursuit of an object than in the attainment of it Music will be provided All ladies cordially invited Program for the League Jan Topic Farm and Nation Build ing Lesson II Speaker L Bible Class The young ladies of the Bound lo Win Class intend to reproduce a play in the Methodist Church on Friday Jan 28th at oclock Proceeds in aid of the Red The Ladies Aid of the Presby terian Church held its annual meeting recently and reported an excellent years work The fol lowing officers were elected Prcs Mrs Mrs Doan and Mrs Atkinson VicePres Mrs Watson Treasv Mrs A Waite Mrs Putnam During the serving of lea the pastor wag presented with a I companion The address was read by Mrs Putnam and the presentation was marie by Mr Atkinson made a brief reply expressing his ap preciation and also his pleasure in the work of the congregation The following is the address Jan I old one A good- set Of Bob Sleighs new all good shape For particulars apply to fc CHAS Out ALBERT Announces thathe has as nice a lot Of COlters that ever came to Ml Albert Be sure to see them buy I also have a grand lot of Blankets and Harness now specially for and for you cant beat rue Be to see the in It is a dandy If Mt Albeit Strayed Oil Lot St Kastpwllliuibuiy about middle of three Owner requested to prove properly pay WM Afternoon addresses by Madden and Rev W Hal- penny were both interesting and helpful At of the ses sion supper was served in the basement thus promoting the sociability of the Convention The addresses by Rev E Stevenson Rev J Hall and Rev received the good attention that they mer riled Music was provided by Ml Pleasant Presbyterian Choir The Convention was well attended and because of the splendid discus sions which were so entered po doubt good methods and hotter results of Sunday School labor will ensue wish to announce that the death of Mcleod as report ed in the list was not Mcleod lately 0 ML Fleas- ant hut a near relative Mr Oscar laineil quite a numberof young people on Tuesday Miss of to visiting friends relatives Ml Pleasant Mr A Armstrong Miss Law of Zephyr guests Mr Atkinson- We the ladies of your wish show our ap preciation of your work among us We confess we have been very unfaithful which must have been very discouraging to you Inn wo trust you will forgive us and that we will avail ourselves of so great an Opportunity of receiving I he Word of God from one of ex ceptional ability Please accept this Gentlemans Companion us a slight token of our appre ciation not because of its value but as a remembrance and that we all may bear one another up in prayer Signed by Mrs Brings Mrs and Mrs The Young Peoples Society meet in the Hall On Sunday even Jan at oclock The subject is Missions The lend is Mrs McKenzie The Ave delegates who were present at the Convention at the Church Wednesday Of last week report a good meet- Mr Sandy Milne gave the report to the School The annual meeting of the am very much o me opinion that a good number of our kids need lessons in good as James A taught his dog with a dose of shot but by a liberal application of a well oiled strap to the most appropriate anatomical section I think some of our kids are next thing to young pa gans Last weeks icy freeze- lip was as good as to our local son of Vulcan J J Foster but it has drawbacks Its amazing hard on the back setting shoes A simple but effective remedy for backache was discovered by a lo cal pater fa mil as is a broad belt of pure rubber affected parts Several local martyrs are shouting and leaping for ioy Ask Donald Just to please the boys who will not be content unless tell in niy own inmvidnnl style how lat was lost in the wilderness So here she goes Zip Well sir Patrick Cain So yus he home again The balance of this little po etical gem will not appeal Ive given yon a taste He content therewith Faith if I were you Patrick if I couldnt kftpe from getting alarming my friends I would never venture into the wil derness at all at all You must imagine Pal as talking lo him self So says he Pat me bye yed belter go down into the wil derness away Jerusalem and cut a bit of good wood to make the stove dance on ils hind legs in the could weather ra an- Ill do that an thank ye for the suggestion Away Pat put for the hush and labored very faithfully until he got so turned aland as to be able lo distinguish West from Sun Wml yus help for iet youre friend that sup per I told you about a couple weeks ago it was suc cess why yes and little in the serving put then when you got them yum my And there was slow I can tell you at out the concert alter arid Edith Morton really excell ed herself I heard a number say Goodness why doesnt she go in for Elocution Work Weve had quite sles The folks at Mr Squire Yorks are now quarantined Mrs Isaac also is under Doctors but we are glad to say she is im proving- My everyone enjoyed the good ice on the rink Saturday night There was line bunch out He and conic next Saturday What are doing Why Well the Christian Endeavor are Up to Mr George Hamil tons for a sleighride and social ev ening Come along do theyll all make you welcome The load leaves Mr Jesse at seven has gone- to join signal corps which is being formed in Toronto Oh yes and is home a months leave He li mighty chick in his Lieut suit You will have to be sure and be out to Christian Church on Sunday morning to hear Rev Fletchers rous ing sermons They certainly ore bet ter now than ever if thats possible Do you know about tfti great in store in our town Sunday Jan No Well Dr Helen Burt Toronto a noted is to the girls under in Christian Church at p m What are you worth The women in Methodist Church at 330 p m Lifes Truths The boys in Christian Church at p Hoyhood Men at in Church is life Tell everyone you see about it Large crowds should greet her at each meeting Busy Why this is real alive havent told you haH Come me out whispered the still low voice letting alarmed at at approach of lide a rescue partly was organized prominent whom were Prof Enoch Brown 1st violin ftddlo Peter the Scotchman accordion sweet musician and lessor Cole- ft The great joke am told is that the rescuers got so fully bewildered youd a thought they had discovered a cache of litjuid refreshments Anyhow 1 have heard rumors that the It was turned lurvy and hud 10 find himself and res cuers I cannot vouch for the only Ihut it Is current news Mrs OBrien has l reside in aid see for yourself So long will call and see you next week IOOK Air Cook has gang of five men in the bush cutting logs Mr Tom Hagcrnian and daughter of Sack are visiting Ids brother Arthur and his father here Mr Henry Meyers of is siting friends here Mr was l Toron to last week on business The carnival Wednesday of last week was postponed till night of this week Weather being suitable large crowd Is as some good prices are Mr Peter Arnold had bh foot sprained Tlie young attended the charivari of Frank tooi their lady friends with the proceeds of the charivari had an oyster supper at the home of the newly married couple An enjoyable time was spent by all till the small hours of the morning on Monday afternoon attended a hearty feeling was manifested The fol lowing were elected as hew mom hers of the Board of Managers Putnam Bruce McMillan Huntley Mrs A It Me- Kenfe was elected Choir Leader and Miss Annie McKenzie ganlst The of he new Board of Managers will take place Oil ASTORIA For Infants and Children In For Over 30 Years Always bears SUTTON 1 1 feel like one forsaken forsaken forsaken I feel like one forsaken liven my Sylvia is no longer with mo now scoms to miss this remarkably brilliant minded babe never came across her superior Mrs J J the Miss es Myrtle and look pleasure drivo to on So inlay It was enormous- rough day but they navigated the trip safely Just years sincb1 Hub of North York Quoous- ville and ago I rfimemiiot most of thorn as kids A few oldriiniers on deck Id like to give Ihc M Short Hilly Miliar AAi BARGAINS YOU COME OVER the weeks stocked up with a big line of Mens Womens and Childrens Good Staple Quality Boots and and also a quantity of Mitts and The Prices are Right I Com and avoid the Rush I You Dont Know What You are Missing PRI0E8 I CALL IN TO CHAS REDUCED 1 r V Dealer In Dry Goods Groceries Boots Shoes Flour and Feed During the thirty days we offer big In- ducements in WORE MITTS NECK MUFFLERS TIES Etc to clear up broken lines I BUY THESE GOODS AT YOUR OWN i GENTS OUTFITTERS Issuer of Marriage Licenses Allan V I in See J Merchant A Dixon Warden I Dent Conductor It f II I I it A I V Brown Bro a L Hose I S Bro Motcalf O Pianist Med Ex OS Noble Sutton Ag Society The Annual Meeting of Sutton Society was held on Satur day when the following officers were elected for President- Geo 1st Vice A 2nd Vice J Kay Directors- Stiles Scott Ego J La very Greenwood and Win Lake Helena Hamilton left on Saturday for Toronto where she purposes Inking a course in mint ing Hospital Mr Bailey was here of days last week returning on Sunday to Detroit enlisted in the Own Toronto oh Wednesday minion Parliament Wilfrid made an appeal to Premier Bor den an assurance that tion would not be resorted to an Sir Robert Borden in reply dismissed the appeal with the most emphatic assurance that the Govern ment lid not propose conscription Sir Wilfrid in the course 0 his speech speaking for himself de clared that neither the Eng land nor the Parliament of England could a Canadian soldier go to the front or take a dollar from the Dominion treasury o FIRE AT Brandon Jan Two have been recovered and two oth ers lie buried in the ruins of Iho Syndicate Block thai was one of Brandons finest busi ness blocks this horn tug now a steaming ruin The bodies re covered are those of Miss Clarence Walker When the lire out Walk or was a street car He rush ed from it into the burning build ing to the aid of some the employees and his body was found not far from that of Miss in what had originally been the office Ill lire broke out from an known cause in llnnkin and depart mental store and spread so rapidly thai many of the fifty employes had lo jump from the third storey windows In fifteen minutes it ablaze Loss Dr Greenwood is leaving for overseas service this month having received iipoiutmeut on the Messrs W verwell spent a few days in De troit lh week Au tomobile Show A good time Is reported at the dance held Win Oh aimers Jacksons Point last night Knox Church Choir assisted in the singing the anniversary services on Sunday Over eighty attended Ihb Horners on and a lime is reported clearing out- Goods Now Is the time to ilicruits from The recruiting campaign of the new I27lh is proving Very successful in North York Iho meetings held being well attend ed and very enthusiastic Al the gathering here last Thursday night six recruits responded lo the appeal of the speakers Al though recruiting office has been established here if is un likely hat he men recruited from this dislricl will be located in the village for any space of lime and as soon attested will probably he attached to Iho company being rained at Newmarket Mr I I M Andersoii of Metro politan No 32 inslnllcd lie of TORONTO LETTER Prom lo llie middle Of the month men enlisted for service in the city Succession dues for the estate totaled It would have been more but about had been be to charities from which succession duties do not apply Mrs Louise lull and Mrs Hay were arretted a charge of murder on Tuesday in connec tion with the death of Mrs belli by an alleged il legal operation The President of To rontos Hoard of Trade staled in his Closing address on Monday that contrary to public thought during Iho year Iho war had brought prosperity Canada Two John and are leaving he County Court office to Join the in Cairo The Citys chief librarian added nearly books a day to various libraries during last year very largely books of including for juveniles On W was lined lor soiling Honor with out a license The Police Magis trate is not sparing these fellows was all Whitby fan Two Hie Hospital for the Insane named and Beckett had close lor their last night They vcre at work in a shallow passage one of the buildings when a large Rteamplpe burst and with force that a section of pipe weighing pounds was thrown thirty bet Tim live steam escaping into the con fined space where the men were threatened their lives at the the engineer was In the powerhouse and had his eyes up on the He saw It drop and with presence of mind instantly shut the steam This prompt action undoubtedly saved Ills lives of live men one of whom had already been severely scalded They had to crwl for a hundred feet out of the trap in which they had been caught and were from- had scalds and bruises RAILWAY SYSTEM WINTER RESORTS Special RoundTrip Fares Long Limit Stopovers and Hot Springs C Charleston Nassau Springs hid Jacksonville P Hot Springs Ark French and all Florida Points Havana Cuba and New Orleans I a via Now York and Hail or steamer according lo destination or via Detroit or Chicago Bermuda West Indies and Other Health Resorts Mount Clemens Mich Creek Mich SI Catharines Well Out Preston Springs Ont Further particulars on appli cation to Grand Trunk Agents Full particulars and berth res ervations on application to Grand Trunk Agents J Depot Agent Phono

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