Newmarket Era , January 21, 1916, p. 7

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M3R T JANUARY SPECIALS In our a very nice neat pattern of a DINNER SET pieces line quality china Bargain at CHINA TEA SET Tine quality of English China Four very nice border decora- lions pieces ft a- See fiarner in Town Hall tonight Proceeds for the boys inthe I j AVS Juotor Hockey Newmarket Juniors played rora on Monday evening arid gave them a great switching the score being A special Metropoli tan car was packed Willi support ers and their cheers were V good fast game was the result The Canadian regular meet ing this evening A large number of candidates will be initialed attendance of members requested 1Vigv Independent Order of Foresters Regular monthly meeting Thursday Jan at pm Sharpy has a initiation as a result of his ten days work here in the of Order A full attendance Newmarket Man Wounded When the 35th Battalion sailed away from Canada to lake its place at the forefronl of the bat tle line it carried no more en- 0 the members is requested member than Hare of tympany who formerly worked in the Office Specialty here and was a member of the Berean Class in the Meth odist On Wednesday he was reported in the casualty list as seriously wounded in action He has no relatives Importer of Staple and China PHOT A PICTURE OF FATHER AND BOTHER How It would delight your children how it would please your friends LET MAKE THEM FOR YO Let Us Make Them For You E ZURBRIQQ Phone clog rap her Studio One Door West of the New Post Office Photographer In Tour Town Field Comforts A very successful meeting was held in the Committee Rooms Jan about forty ladies being present A great deal of sewing and knitting was accomplished Next meeting Friday Jan at pm Everybody try to be there The Committee wish to thank all who have so generously con tributed their old magazines and books Anyone else having them please notify Mrs Andrew Davis and they will be collected on Fri days Lunch served as usual Saturday from to i00 Supper from to Oyster Soup special this week besides lots of other tempting eats Proceeds from last Saturday Church Rev Fox preached last Sunday morning and even ing on the subject of Missions and will be continued next Sun day by Mr Keough of To ronto The Choir rendered good anthems morning and evening and Mr Williams ed himself in the tenor solo QORHAM ST NEWMARKET -AND- Instructive and Educative Over people gathered at the Methodist Church on Monday ev ening and were greatly delighted with their trip through Yellow stone Park The views were ex cellent ami were thrown upon the canvas by Mr Atkinson with the aid of a powerful electric lan tern The descriptive talks were given by the pastor and the mu sic was supplied by Mr loiis Gramophone Altogether it was a pleasant and profitable evening The collection for the benefit of the Overseas amounted to over The are indebted to Mr Atkinson for these views and to Mr who so kind ly loaned his Edison Diamond Disc Phonograph for the occa sion Adjourned Meeting Owing to the small attendance at the Cemetery meeting last Monday evening the meeting was till next Monday even ing to he held at the Secretarys Office on Water Street at o clock Those interested shou 1 make a note of the meeting and put in an appearance Ladles Do you wish to do patriotic work and do not know where go or what lo do If so come lo the Field Comforts Rooms over Drug Store Friday afternoons You can be of assist ance in packing boxes knitting for which wool is there machine sewing and hand sewing Come everybody The boys in the trenches are suffering from ex posure Work land help bring comforts to some of our soldiers work promptly attended to Prices reasonable Out-of- town orders solicited CUT FLOWER8 ON HAND 8 PHONE GREAT OPPORTUNITY Having installed an electric plant I have no further use for a small dynamo having a capaci ty of from lo lights to run from a steam plant Can be seen in operation at any time Cost will sell for THOMPSONS MACHINE SHOP Prospect Ave Newmarket Christian Church The Christian Endeavor meet ing on Monday evening instead of Tuesday evening Miss led the meeting Miss Laura Morton gave a helpful pa per on How to work with others Miss Annie Knowles gave us a reading and Miss Luudy favor ed us wilh a solo Next Tuesday evening is a Mis sionary Meeting- to be in charge of Miss Flo Verity and Miss Mary Sibley Lesson is found in Cor If has been decided to have all the officers convenors of committees try their efficiency sis on All members arc requested To bo present next Tuesday evening also any young people over fourteen years of age art cordially invited lo attend Com Nearly a Blaze The King George Hotel had a narrow escape from fire last Sat urday night Most of the evening both Mr and Mrs Brown observed the smell of burning cotton but were unable to locate the cause until Mrs Brown was about to retire for the night On entering her bed room he odor was very strong She instinctively turned down the bed clothes where she had put an electric pan a couple of hours- before and here she found the whole centre of the bod charred doing about worth of- damage covered by insurance A broken wire in the pad caused a short circuit Fire Brigade Meeting The Annual Meeting of the Fire Brigade was held on Friday Jan in the Fire Hall when the following officers were elected for Chief Fred Doyle 1st A Boyd 2nd Osborne A After general a dis cussion of wants look place A motion of thanks was extended to Mr F for his cheque for 25 the Brigade also lo Town Council for grant to Canal and got got as far as out of the train and took me up to a big military ball there welcome- by be the town era this band toto tnenail to the 5ee tie Con Believe me felt itecypus when they pulled that oil on me and my hand was nearly shaken oflr and hat with so many of ladies wanting to kiss mell- escape from it at last The Mayor was a him self and I was pap and he was glad to see me in High land dress The following is the story a Territorials brave deed and is Buchanans and the Bombs The two Buchanans both of whom are of my own and thodgh their surnames are the same not related to each other but belong to the Territorials my native town My wrote me that one night th2 two Buchanans were in one of the bomb stations of the 5th S TheTifr3cs attached and threw a bomb a piece of which struct J on the head and knocked him to the stunned At the moment he was hit he bad lit a tomb with a seconds fuse fell grasping it in his hands Without a moments hesitation T Buchanan sprang forward wrested the bomb from his unconscious com rades grasp and flung it at the where it immediately burst By this brave deed Buchanan sav ed the lives of all the men in the bomb station and for it he received the Distinguished Conduct Mdial an honour which he richly deserved The Buchanans were very quiet and un assuming young men and the officers officers and men of the Battalion heartily congrat ulated them on their great achieve ment and the coveted honour they had won- Such is the story of the two Buchanans and a story than will live as long as cherish brave deeds is indeed proud of two such nolle sens Glad to hear Master Vance Wefts is n worse Mrs Hacking housekeeper for Mr Sandy took suddenly sick on Monday last It is to be hoped it will not serious Everyone in expected to the Patriotic meeting of the Ket tleby Branch ot the War Auxiliary the Hall tonight Speakers are too numerous toy men tion but as there are of them who have borne the brunt il battle It will certainly be interesting to hear them as well as the vocal and musical program Sorry to hear that Mr Leonard Black of the BlnmV Hardware New market is home Glad to hear Master Harry Wilson had recovered from a severe attack of appendicitis Mr Albert who is serv ing the jury spent Sunday at his home returning the City- on morning j fcJ Hire Yon Perhaps yoif work Indoors Or perhaps you are an man It makes no difference The point Is this I If you are supervigorous you need Underwear of parstrength Nothing hold you long A T Come In here and get a warm comfortable suit of Unshrinkable The Men Main 8tWeot Newmarket I 4 NEWMARKET Resident and Day School For Boys and Girls Preparation for Matriculation and Teaohera COURSES typewhitinq a Preparatory Leading to Collegiate ART I Address w p Firth MJt YOUR EARNING POWER by tending the Popular A and In structive on Weeds and Wild was delivered on Tuesday everting Jan Mill by Mr 1 tinder the au spices ft the AYlA After a introductory talk on pollin ation distribution of Bceds and other interesting of plant life a number of splendid lenn views were shown of the va rious and- wild com mon to this part of the country A fair is reported and all voted most enjoyable and profitable evening All minihers A P A and their friends are invited to tin Party on Tuesday the open air All are requested meet at a quarter to in the School Room will he served after the skating erybody and Ihis a grand succeH Toronto Out place in Can ada for High trade Business Now Open all year Catalogue free Charlea Garment vorkers numbering on strike at Philadelphia Monday for higher wages and belter working con ditions 50 factories are closed P P The Young Peoples PflttfoUe Club which has been doing such good work for the past three months urgently requests every young person id town lo attend weekly The each week has been good ml there are many young his cousin Miss lva Walker spent Big Patriotic Meeting The Hall was packed again last Wednesday to hear he patriotic and music Dr Falconer of Toronto University and Norman ville were the chief speakers Ihey were splendid Lieut Gordon the But now recruiting in York Co also made a short address The solos by Mr of Toronto were ex ceptionally good Mrs broker a Toronto vocalist also gave u couple of numbers The Irish Band did not arrive from Toronto till oclock but they wore enthusiastically receiv ed and rendered several excellent selections Before the close of the meeting live recruits enlisted The Knndand other entertain ers were kindly served wilh refreshments by the ladies in the Field Comforts Rooms before leaving Toronto on a special Metropolitan car LINK Dangerous walking for pedestrian the roads arc flecettful Youll have to he cautious or down you go Miss Walker of AILcrt is visiting at the home of her Uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs John Cojk the Line Mr and Mrs Puree Browning of Sharon and Mr and Mrs William Mont of Kettleby spent Sunday last with Mr and Mrs John Cook Mr Cook accompanied by t people who are not taking this opportunity of doing their bit for our boys in the trenches Let every young person sacrifice one evening each week pres ent at the Club every Thursday evening at oclock the Club will en lerlain the members the local of the Battalion There will he a good program of and instrumental music and a Address The New market Club Orchestra very kindly consented to bo present on this occasion Let every young person accept this notice as an Invitation lo be present on Ibis dale and every Thursday evening last Friday with Mr and Mrs Albert It was very as Martin has procured tome of the latest for his which are certainly up to date The following is the copy of a let ter received from a townsman of my own Douglas al though citizen of Victorlg for the last tew yean responded to the first call to arms and went to the with the first contingent In the Canadian Highlanders but hav ing received bis discharge from fur ther active service after being verely wounded In Franc has re turned Victoria and writes me on the hearty welcome he received from he Canadians I had great time i EDITORIAL NOTES In the discussion in Parlia ment on the Speech from the Throne both Sir Wilfrid and Sir Borden voiced Can determination lo assume greater responsibilities and to make even greater sacrifices for the prosecution the war lo a victorious peace The Speech from the Throne at the Opening of the Dominion Par liament lust week referred to the progress of the war and the heroic action of Canadian sol diers The one piece of legisla tion forecasted referred to the extension of the life of Parlia ment In the Commons Mr J Turriff P for Assinfboin gave notice of resolution advo cating frci wheal and products Discussion may be delayed it is thought till the Hon Minister of Finance in troduces the Budget Speaking Of Ihe reduction of liquor licenses in York County the Telegram of Friday last ob serves Much to li censes at Thistle- town and is in evi dence and a large deputation from Ihe district will the board to cancel at five li censes licenses at Islington and Now Toronto will also bo op- posed by the clement and it will not be surprising if the board refuses licenses for 19 id to several of the York Co hotels In Toronto is not likely lo be a serious cut except where licenses are being used for saloon purposes alone The board that hotel accommodation is scarce enough now without im pairing it lo a grealor degreo by cancelling the licenses of used by the travelling public- A press despatch from Ottawa dated Jan stales that the Canadian Government has receiv ed from Czar of Russia acknowledgment of Now Years Greetings sent by the Dominion of Canada The messago is a personal one from lib to the Duke of ill was as follows I beg your Highness to extend to the Govern ment of Canada my deep gratitude for their New Year good wishes kind appreciation of- the ser vices rendered by the Russian armies We all follow with a feeling of greatest admiration the splendid part which the gallant Canadian troops are taking in lh great historic war Signed Nicholas The despatch further states that the Russian Govern ment has tendered hanks for Canadas gift of towards a Hospital for Russian soldiers iij To Introduce the New We are Putting on a tearing in plain while and stripe effects sold regularly at 100 and to clear at plain white and stripe effects sold up to lo clear at Heavy Ribbed nil sizes up to to clear at Bilk Knit in colors up to 250 j dear at 3Q Mens Coats in nil colors up lo clear at Pairs IVIen8 Boots in Black and Patent Leather button or lace in latest shapes and Bull Dog Toes to clear at Boots in Black Tan and Patent Leather button or lnco up to clear 8llk Knit Neok in all colors up to to clear at 0c Ties l0 ft f 100 A Pairs Mens Trousers in neat stripe effects all sizes up to 325 to clear at i- and In latest shapes reg up to to clear at Pairs Mens Lined Kid Gloves in all sizes up to to clear at A Line of Mens Felt Hats suitable for work to 8lx Only in latest style ff to clear at Reduced I DONT FAIL TO COME IN AND EXAMINE WHETHER YOU BUY OR NOT WE WILL BE PLEA8ED TO 8HOW ANY ARTIOLE ON THE BILL I I Old Post Office Stand Main St I A Outfitter 243 iegg mm mm

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