V Is too difficult for ut to WAY WE DO All Work Warranted I Watchmaker and s copies each Circulation Editor and JACKSON AssistantEditor Average FOR TH f PAINT SHO I Builders Painters Blacksmiths Electrical and Automobile Supplies i- South End Lumber Yard The Bin is Nearly Empty Order at once a of Scranton Coal BEST MINEBIN P W Pear son Order from Carter bishop Jlles John E Murphy Office Phone INCORPORATED BANK ofTORONTO Reserve Fund When You vel Take money you in of Bank of Toronto Travellers Cheques or Letters of Credit are absolutely safe and are a protection against loss fire or other Their Obtainable from any Branch of the Bank of Toronto Branches in Ontario Quebec and the West NEWMARKET A Manager Off ALL KINDS MB LATH SHINGLES ETC ALSO- DO MOULDINGS AND TRIM Our Inside Trim is Pot Through Our and Will Not After It is Put Up NEWMARKET Li ESTABLISHED BOARD or DIRECTORS H V MUDITH Em Htm I C K P C J FrV T j CapiUl up 516X0J00 Rett Undivided SAVINGS l received from up on which allowed G Ross Manager Newmarket Branch The New Transcontinental NEW SHORT ROUTE to WESTERN CANADA Cta I T It SyvUm i w Set OtiUrfo I J -J- Kfi PftOTJF lVU toaw3Ti ft rusts iiio when car collided wih a in sno vujjub assize gave of wefeBd iiiis Urr denied the charge of assault and aYiegeoV that been ny J Ijnn Hum eating ltis on evening of last week L- fell uead at in He loaves a wife and six A rod fox was captur edjaslweek near Grenadier in the Swansea District An order was received last week from Ottawa at Toronto Univer sity for the mobilization of mo doctors and nurses the staff of the Ontario Hospital in MajorGeneral for the Mir Division is now for Eng land on three months leave of absence to visit lhetrciiclies and training camps of The names of barristers and law students on Hie honor roll of those on active service are to be found recorded Ninety- three are students The Provincial Treasurer aiiuouuced a few days ago that Ontarios war tax for I 1 up to Saturday las amounted to 510000 with some 50000 still to come This will make a total very nearly sum originally estimated Final returns show that On tario gave to the Brit ish Cross At Assize Court last week Joseph Troup ike Cohen and Gold were found guilty of stealing diamonds from jeweller valued at 000 They re manded for a week for sentence and will given opportunity to disclose whore the diamonds are secreted- The Commission in their report recommend cheap and ra pid transportation the reform of the laud system to stop land spec ulation he establishment of ag ricultural classes in urban schools vocational guidance in Public Schools more practical education of girls in homemak ing Occupations and the organ ization of workers associations among girls Toronto Board of Control has decided to apply for legislation at he coming session of tin Legis lature to exempt from the payment of business and In come tax during the war soldiers must be in active Hon urged the of speeding up Canadian industries and farm production on Tuesday last be fore a Hamilton auijieuee A strong feeijnji is growing favorable to the Lake Shore route as against the proposed Queen deviation through New Tiiionlo a ml for the new Hamil ton highway At the Assize Court on the of M Cowan lor against he City for auto collision and the Citys contra or damages were both as were at fault to start the organiza tion of a registration bureau for wo men to take the en list is formed here Almost every week a serious auto mobile accident occurs In Toronto Saturday Mrs Scott Street while crossing the street w knocked down by an auto receiving fractured and scalp wound Ontarios contributions to the pcd considerably exceed all other provinces of the Dominion combined Up to last the amount reached Mr Parsons who his been In the leather ahd shoe trade of this City for fi years died on Saturday lie was born at In Join pastor of the Ae Methodist Church who was rejected when ho offered for over seas because of defective eyesight since been accepted as a prttate in 109 til He took an ac tive part In the recruiting campaign Sunday Eire in the Kent Regalia Factory Street on Sunday mpr ng resulted to the extent Elizabeth who was in on warrant is sued by the county with appear before Mag istrate ronton in the County Police Court to three months at the The accused wan convicted a set of furs Mrs Swift and Wrs of Z iff Copies Following let tor was written by Cross Nurse Cane which permission to pub lish Military Hospital Malta 1 Mother- get your letter oh Friday jiist one a long it wait But Of course of anylhink these days Well you could what I have been doing last Last Wednesday a the maid said was wanted in the Matrons Office after breakfast Well it was the and she said want- you to lake Miss Workman to officers with you and explain your to her The Matron will make her officers at You are to ho ready- to leave her at on a mission cannot tell you of- 830 Matron appear ed and said- cliild have a thunderbolt to drop on you The Matron in Chief of the Island has had an accident is helpless and yon are to go and care I dont know whether turned pale or not but I fell like it I couldnt spoak She put her hand on my shoulder and said Its a task thats why I have you you are- loHV- I thought Why me when there are about hundred nurses on this little J f A i six Island Then I remembered a letter Mrs gave each of to read after we left Toronto in which was something like this send you forth to repre sent Canada Do her justice and I made up my mind it was do or die The Matron in Chief was on her way to the funeral of one of the voluntary aid girls from England when she slipped and fell to the bottom of a flight of stone steps she didnt get to the funeral No bones were broken but she was frightfully bruised could not move fingers on either hand had to he How I dreaded the first meal How ever I found she- too been dreading it The only treatment aside from general care is mas sage an other of the Canadians comes night and morning to give it This a patient was able to hold cup in right hand Well you see I am still living and have had a delightful week The patient has been an Army Nurse since before the South Af rican War was all through it as Superintendent of Hospitals contracted typhoid and somehow managed to survive No nurse to rare for her just an orderly or native girl to bring her food or whatever she could have Sin- says it seems to be her luck to be in places where things hap pen Was in South Africa when war broke out there and bad been stationed here in Malta nearly years when the present war broke She seems Consider her self fortunate to in- able to gain all this experience It is very I cresting lo hear her tell tf all I be old places jn Malta the dif ferent old Castles of the Knight of Malta This building or Au- was the resi dence of he Spanish ages ago In peace ft is the residence of the Ceneral very often is promoted lo be of the Inland I understand of lived here for a time Now it Is the Military Families Nursing Home Resident nurses live here and look after their siek Of course not so busy now as so many military men have sent families home- The regular hospital they used to have has been taken for soldiers a fierce thunderstorm yes terday which lasted from about am to am The lower locali ties suffered heavily The low er streets were flooded In some instances tbe police were to pump water out of the houses The windows and doors are not proof They say the beat shrinks and the lain heats in the windows pours down through skylights and stairs lead ing from roofs maids were wiping tip water all a The sea was and waves roared as they heat upon the rock been damp and yesterday and today We have had lire in grate and present moment I doing what have longed lo do for weeksrsittlng in comfortable chair toasting niy toes in fro ill of an open Ire it seems almost cruel for the poor out here to see in the papers what jolly pond times the fellows at home ore having while they are out fighting battles for them Aim the hard ships they gone through while as they call lire single have no resphnsihHly resting on do not gel coil lo do their bit Captains said to the wounded to in the seothe ghastly the fallen around you or to ihidjybu lying across the cpidform of a dear ofd fpugh beside for or to look see the cruel eyes of Turk or man Officer staring into your face They all say the man who home and keeps is doing bit as much as any of them course I dont think one could stand it if there were not somclittje pleasures help to forget the depression The opera is open even bore and llie people are always getting up con certs for the wounded All entertaining has been- slopped Tbe Governor has given oyer his box- at Opera House to the use of the sisters once a week Last night was Tignos turn and I was of the fortunate ones of the party Matron her Assist ant and two other Reserve Nurses Two Canadians two Red Cross and two St Johns- Amhu- lance Nurses is on It was a chance to hear sortie music The Soprano is an American sweet but not too strong a voice and she is very pretty The 1st was Service here for Edilti in St Pauls Church I was somewhat disap pointed Of course I didnt ex pect it to he nearly so impressive as the Memorial Service we at tended in London for the fallen Canadians In llio Church as near as I can tell was Oil right fro hi Governor and family Lieut Governor and Army Rep different Consuls JanR6th Steel i the residence of Philadelphia has had fires Mr North alleKed incendiary origin The Rev Lake an state of affairs prevails at the Mitchell to Miss Susan Car Company of that City and the Machinery company all of are engaged the Market prices quoted in New market today as follows Flour also as broom grass wire per fall wheat glaze mill of the American lo J barley 50 to to oats 30c Co rye butter to Powder at Acton wrecked and other buildings damaged by an August eggs 1 to per The officials Who investigated matter as well as the ofUcers advertises to- cominy gave it as their belie fm tenders for carrying the that the destruction was incendi- between Aurora and The eXLlosion occurred daily early in the- morning and tor that reason no one was injured But it was so terrific that it broke doors windows and dishes in houses miles away Many explosions and lires have occuiral in the last four months in factories in that section of New where supplies ar for the Allies A fire at idrnce a lew Mr Thurston American Consul at Toronto is announced to lecture before the Mechanics Institute on The Sighs of the limes this evening The officers for King Township Ag Society for the current year are as follows VicePres Joseph Stokes Jos ago whs attributed to the war Thus Jos Cotton valued at and intend ed for consignment to Russia was destroyed in the buildings of the Providence Warehouse company I Other munitionsmaking factories at and in that vicinity are being guarded night and day The of the Aero line Company at Y was pari J L Pearson and Tbos animal meeting was held at Lloyd town Inst Saturday Fire in Sharon Thursday night destroyed the premises occupied by Mr Collins and an adjoining building tialty wrecked by an explosion in There no aeroplanes day elected lb following officers Pies John Ironsides Belgium French Italian etc On the left Admiral Limpres Deputy Surgeon etc Then one row right across he church for the congre gation next reserved scats for nurses then soldiers and sailors The scouts marched up the centre lo front Carrying their pennants hoy had a black band on his sleeve Dec 1st A treat A nice warm day ilayo had three cold rough seas One pi- ties those on hospital ships- wherever they Miss Pell one of our unit is at Sick Sisters Home She is one of the Ottawa girls Believe she will have lo go to on sick leave However her home is not so very far from London Your last letter got here very promptly days Dec I bad expected to he in Sicily before this but as was with Hie Matron when the nurses were sent she said I couldnt go with thai lot to go later if more ore more Canadians landed here yesterday hut this is not their destination Am sending Ibis lei even though was started a mouth ago How the wind blows ami rains I Happy New Year to all I Olive so sorry Mrs p- J never got but one tailor Wonder if Mrs Holt Mrs L- J Mrs or Mason ever got one Pi In at the time A Ger man was suspected but as there was no against him he was not arrested Teuton agents are vaguely accused of several tires that have occurred recently in munition plants near A month ago lire on a Baltimore and Ohio railroad pier at John Rogers 2nd VicePros John Randall- Jackson Directors Tims Scott Seth T L Smih Parnham Mor rison and Angus Ego Point did mote thai damagef Fires of unknown origin but of An obituary of the late David LIST OF IN MUNITION From Wilson Star The recent the Pont Powder companys hill in Del in which thirty lives has en lost their to have been have caused the destruction of more- than worth of property Vir ginia during the last three months The fire the grain elevator at Newport News In September was Jbo most destructive Government iimclalsare still investigating accident Two recent in the plant of Aetna at Emporium Pa destroyed the cotton section and killed lour tnen property loss was A short time after thib the mixing plant of the Aetna company was de stroyed by an explosion and three persons were In Pittsburg the most explosion occurred at the testing plant of the Aetna Explosives com pany where the process for the manufacture of trinitrate of tol uol was being used Seven men were burned three fatally A mysterious lire In the Diamond Forge and Steel comprnvV plant in Pittsburg caused damages to the department in which shells were being made In the company an explosion in the anneal ing furnace used to temper shell steel recently caused one mans death In addition to the above disasters there have hern many more of less importance which aroused suspicion because they had no apparent cause The United States government also and In navy yards Hut almost al bas had its troubles with numerous and explosions battleships ways the cause has remained so appears ill this issue He is spoken of as the founder of the Children of Peace Tbe Hoard of Trustees again elected Mr Jackson as Chair man and Mr Trent for vear Esq Warden for York and Peel A S- Ash ton of Aurora and Wilson of Holland Landing I- 25 YEARS AGO I From Era Jan I The Altar By on the I Mr Amos Herbert J The linn of as BEARING BURDENS from A young from whom were swept in a short time husband home llie money all that scem- jueney of fires amT elated upon the manner in which she bore her calamities She answered explosions munitions plants throughout th United States dur ing the last tour months It is estimated that military plants have Hear them Why I must bear them Why should 1 not bear Charles lo Miss all of Aurora By Rev J on the hist Mr Jesse Davis of to Miss Susannah Hoover of The Tomb At the residence of Mrs A molt Newmarket on the Peter A Davis years A J Road house and is announced Messrs Dan ford Co ami RJ Davidson are the most prominent adver tisers in todays issue A man named Stuff Jos stole a horse from the stable of Mr llondbouse last Sunday night Ho was caught on Monday pleaded Willy and was committed for tri al John Savage was con stable who took the prisoner to Toronto A meeting of the Novelty Works was held last Tuesday when Jesse was elected President ami Jackson Cemetery Co was held last Monday following officers 1 1 heen damaged j have been enduring with loss of lhe the world- began that sixtynine persons been friend my count- killed and many scores lined Vet womjpn of whom I have never lieKast hoard have borne just these things West reveals there were lnc I can do it rxeccdingly few fires or explosions a not in way different year ago in the plants which recent- have suffered nCfds breadth Federal authorities upon life to see her own been working hard on the I experiences in this but I i ft when lb elected Pies Ii Howard M W Treasurer J J Pearson i Jackson The following are also on in Cane CO Webb and Asa Phillips About one dozen Indios gentlemen went Holland Land ing- and gave- an fc3 that these depredations were the It she will turn her for of work of- conspirators II and Mr M and were bottom of grace It saves from last asters their organisation has lcm so despair disease Insanity The North York Projection So and perhaps death This Is held its annual meeting iu may call having a philosophy jift Hut the best thinkers are begum to know that real philosophy be separated from a belief In the mysteriously complete that officials have a yet been unable to roun up the alleged plotters The Ha Pont factories alone ha suffered from ten fires or explosions It la estimated the fry Pont 0O intentions the universe and live times as many explosions and In an underlying have occurred during last pervading rlnhteausness which must months as occurred In the corres- religious faith if the period 1914 I human would relax Its hold in On November fire sell wire shop of John t Company at Trenton L One thousand persons were Winnipeg Jan prohibition M last Saturday when the following were hearers c Pies K Jackson i 1st Vice Kruhcitr Starr 2nd Vice Millard fohi- Randall Ed Hunter Charles Wilson Uriah Marsh Lot Rogers John- Rogers Al Stephens ii