Newmarket Era , January 28, 1916, p. 4

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m 1 aw Off LTfii ATS u J a k l 1 1 i f- Fir CLERK ALL RUM to- Health By Vino I am ft clerk fa a hotel and was all run down no energy my blood was poor and my face covered with pimples I got so weak I had to rip an awful fight to keep at ter taking many other remedies with out Vino has my health and Roy F Bird For all rundown weak nervous condition of men and women nothing equal Vino oar delicious cod liver ana iron tonic without Try It on oar J Patterson Druggist Newmarket Ont EDITORIAL The Crown Department of acres and MISSIONARY very long -y- ATTEND THE BEST I IT PAYS I TORONTO Has a National or superior Business and Shorthand Education Catalogue Free Commence Now J St Toronto WINTER TERM nany municipal men and others ap pear to ignorant of Section enforced on owners thaldogcojlara or plate with tag attached cannot be without incurring penalty statute aimed preventing thelts but It distinctly person shall remove a collar or plate from a licensed dog ASKED TO ON NOW WANT OFF rf- it Li at the present 1 am and in the spare Bon am it in the villages nioreiiianever and that is a great help to me full of work P is certanily getting reading the and we oclock to Of course practicing the heat But the people rise early in the will soon have A- REPRESENTATIVE WANTED at once for NEWMARKET and District for the OLD RELIABLE NURSER Farmers Why remain idle all Winter when you can take up a paying agenoy list of varieties for Spring Planting Liberal Terms Handsome Free Outfit Exclusive Territory WHITE NOW FOR PARTICULAR AND WELLINGTON TORONTO ONTARIO WANTED NOW Reliable Salesman to act as Agent In York County PAY WEEKLY 9 Outfit free exclusive lerrilory and money making specialties Our agencies are the best the business for sell the highest grade Of stock at most reasonable prices and guar antee deliveries in first class condition Nursery slock is selling well this year and good money can be made in this district For particulars write Sales Manager CO Toronto Out During the debate on the Speech from the Throne at the opening of the Dominion Parliament Mr M P for Richmond took oc casion to remark thaty General Sir Sam Hughes was directly responsible for the Shell Committee and the evi dence of that fact could be found In Premier Bordens own Mr Kyte then quoted Sir Robert Bordens remarks to the discomfiture of the Hon Miniater of Militia The Asylum cattle herds are good milkers The Provincial Secretarys Department reports thai over worth of milk was secured last year from I fie dairy herds at the Provincial Asylums and the Prison The production of milk was secured last year from the dairy herds at the Provincial Asylums and the Prison Farm The total production of milk was 3102671 pounds The Ontario Public Institutions Kingston Whitby MimicoWoodstock don Hamilton Oriljia and have saved the Province according to returns of produce at present in the hands of the Provinvial Secre tary does not include dairy but represents the food crops these places grown during the past year At Whitby an eleven acre field hitherto mar shy recently drained tons of silage corn It is staled that unmarried men with the necessary qualifications for military service will he left out of consideration so far as the employment of Provincial Hangers is concerned Hon Mr Minister of Lands eats and Mines made a statement to this effect Any unmarried man who applies for a job of the kind mentioned must show first a cer tificate a doctor that he has applied for enlistment ha been rejected before Ills applica tion will be considered i for three nights to see the Woodcock and W Pcgg ime pictures over again and one Miss- Sadie Smith has gone down before me and begged Fergus Roller Flour MILL LIKE PIE Of course you tlo when you know it is made Horn MOSS R03E FLOUR You can always count on turn ing out the lightest sweetest and delicious AND PASTRY A impress despatch from Ottawa states that the fourth which the Government has offered for ser vice in the field will absorb practi cally all the total enlistment up to dale There will be men in irehcnes inuring on reinforce ments at per cent the rate which now prevail there will be a for at the base As force across chan nel from England there will need to- be a corresponding movement from Canada to the overseas training de pots A despatch from Ottawa states that Mr Stevens M P for Vancouver will introduce the following resolution at an early date in the House of Commons That at this time when the at the conservation of the wealth and resources of the Dominion and the promotion of the efficiency of our na tion be materially aided by the among the people especially among the lower classes to spiritually that my life will not hinder this people see ing tire Christ They are hungry no doubt but customs seem to rule the world so we face it here I man fortyfive years of age who has a wife but two years old who lives in his home She ought to he to him when she grows up This is not see many child wives with the red mark on the forehead the sign Fourteen thousand widows in In dia under years old 1 This last week at has been trying and yet one of the most blessed of my life We had Evangelistic Meetings for five nights one night among the Mo hammedans who are the hardest to rpach of all yet they were won derfully moved by the story and pictures of Christ Some follow ed got us to to his home and cat with them and would not let me go until I did They eat meal and arc very free except they are more strict about keeping their women shut up than the Hindus could stay for Saturday night but it would make up loo late for the to get home and they want the pictures again so will go back Tuesday for one night unless God plans differently have promised a week al I never was so moved in my life as when an old man begged us to come to his village arid he would get people and give collection for carbide and then to find a small couiityard filled with people which lias only room for and the great interest they showed and hungry expressions on their faces I tried to pray as I usually do while runs the lantern but I could the sad yet gloriously hopeful sight was loo much for me and I could only trust them to Him and shed tears like a child There kept ringing in my cars The kingdom is coming Oil I tell ye the story Gods banner exalted shall he The earth shall be full of His knowledge and glory As waters that cover the sea AGO Continued from About lonsofr ice were tak en from during the past The Friends of are holding concerts this A lodge of about 50 members of the of T has tfeon- organiz ed SchombeVg The Methodist party al was a great success was realized York Ag Society elected the following as officebearers for the current year President- 1st Vice J 2nd Vice Phillips Jackson Directors Win A J Rogers John Trent T Aurora Jar thirtypine young men who year and were trying on the voters list Are j already trying to entries on the assessment stricken stated they put on when their attention was called to the possibility of this action by dames Ha paid a tendollar tax for the privilege ojxiptiniin local option contest to get on the list but hard to get off saiaVTown Clerk in speaking to the Globe of the unusual request made by the men to contribute the town Treasury return for the privilege of voting that the vote has been taen on local option the young auxtoiis to remain on the list and pay the tax of ten dollars- each Local option workers raid the 39 was a big lead to overcome in the recent fight ITS not a cata logue but a book otiaior- brimfuliv ofvajuablemoney facts for the farmer It tells how construct fireproof buildings arid provernentsolindes concrete the most economical all building I materials FARMER CAN CONCRETE l Locating UnderWater craft to- visiting in town Mrs Oliver and Mrs arc spending he weekend in Mark ham Miss Evelyn Dennis has receiv ed an appointment to leach school in IN CANADA AND GERMANY After meeting ended an obi man came to me and begged us to go to his village that very night and it was then near oclock for the people had lislened an hour and forty minutes to the story of Jesus The old man made us sit down and we talked another half hour with a- crowd still wailing for more hurt me to say No we cannot come your village 10 several people and a month in each would he very little to give Many express ed their desire for Christian There is a tremendous situation in Canada and the situation in In Ger many the chief food products are under he control of the Govern ment Only upon certain days may meat bo eaten The Government commandeers supplies and regulates prices because supplies are scarce and because the people must live Fond must not he put to such a price that the people as anallcrna- livcfo starvation will rebel In Canada food is plentiful if dear Everyone can cat as much as he chooses Every ablebodied man has a job The point is that here we desire to establish a savings account Whatever we consume subtracts so much from what we might save and saving contributes the war The down to the point where hey must consume only what is necessary to keep them alive Hero we are consuming per capita more than two Germans Why can not we live more carefully and have more money to hand over to the Government for the conduct of the war Where- an enemy controls a coAst line a submarine near that coast line appears to have- about- as much chance of escaping destruction as a celluloid dog would have of an asbestos hare in the pit of hades The under sea craft is faced by two dangers An high the heavens can sec a submarine low the surface of the water and when discoery is made destroyers can be summoned by wireless to circle prowler and pound it to pieces as soon as- it comes to the surface A second danger to the submarine is found In a new tele phonic hearing device This device haa been so attuned as to carry to a listening ear the peculiar hum by the electric engine of a submarine when the craft is submerged The jam can be heard for distance of miles and where there are two hearing devices some distance apart on the approximate position of the submarine be locat by It the book thai laved time labor an J money for more than prugrt si ve Cana dian It lave money for yob if Canada Cement Company Limited Herald BaildiDg MONTREAL i Clip the Coupon below Fill in your name and address and mail TODAY OUT AND CAHJIDA CEMENT COHPANT M it me a do ED StrcctiodNo Ciir PfQT IT r 1 teaching and expect in a few prohibition of manufacture im portation and sale or intoxicating you this floife for beverage purposes and In fit i lent judges moss rose flour the NEXT TIME YOU BAKE Your grocer will supply you EVERY GUARANTEED Phone Newmarket 1 Proprietor QLEMVILLE forthwith Furnace Work Plumbing Hon V J an address delivered at a ban pet in the Metho dist Church London No vember last stated that per cent of the Inmates of urisoncrs were confine directly or indirectly through drink- The Provincial Gov ernment Report of Ontario Prisons for shows that persons verc committed to Jails and lockups that yean If per cent of tbis were committed directly or indirectly through the drink habit It moans that men and women were neat to prison through intem perance Prohibition seems to tc only true remedy for this monstrous alcotollc evil In our Dominion of Our Specialties Outfit tin Shop THE LEADING The Conservation Commission of Canada report that during no fewer than Area one million and a hall damage to property end tte loss of 38 lives occurred as the direct result playing with lire The report Is terrible one especially as it arises from carelessness or tboughtleMJaeas on the part parents or guardians more it- is quite within the perhaps BOO whole Villages accepting He will hear and we will seed Pray that God will put it into tic is people lo help on this glorious work We have now two hundred and fortyfive in the Hoys Orphanage and girls in the Leo Memorial turn fioinc away sometimes We cannot the good lhat will he accomplished through these children They are housed fed and led into the Kingdom of Christ to go out as women preachers In and make Christian homes of their own On account of floods in some parts many have bean left homeless One walked miles and without for two days or the Ave to pay the railroad to see If could gel work J got him work In a rope factory Ho has two hoys and ho offered to give them to mo as he could not gel work arid wanted to Now ho In Boys School until ho a house in Calcutta He asked to be baptized and his two and he got down on floor and took my feet in his and- wept a child in gratitude paying was a LOOKS MORE In at least three of Its most Im portant- recommendations- the Gov ernment Commission on Unemploy ment in its report published this week confirms pollcies of Mr Howell and the Liberals and goes against the taken by tht in the House These Hires arc the head for tax the of a Department of Labor and he unfortunately close interrelation be tween traffic and social reform The Government In last few sessions has rejected pro posals of the Opposition for taxre form and also for a of Labor Now their own Commission recommends these reforms Mr Howell for years has been em phasizing what serious hindrance to all projects reform the drink traffic constituted now this Gov ernment Commission says the samo thing A son of Mr bookkeeper at tne Penetang tannery had the llgavnents his legbadly torn caus ed by sliding down of probability that a large proportion Of axe caused stranger and I did fob him what by a la il proper Hindu ever did of would dor ls wise have Mohammedans who to at4ng Mtk are starving I got the mother a HOW8THI8 We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any ease ot Catarrh that cannot he cured Halls Catarrh Cure J Cheney Co Toledo O the undersigned have known J Cheney for- the last IB years and him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially to obligations made by his firm NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE -v- Toledoi Halls- Catarrh Cure is tkea in- directly the and mucous surfaces of the system sent rae price bottle- Sold fcy all ttugrftts sound waves and as soon as this is ascertained destroyers can be sum- to keep- on its until it rises and then it is all daySvith the craft It is not surprising that In the English channel and about the Brit ish Coast where whole shore line Is under allied control that the Ger man submarine menace has ceasd to exist o a- FROM INTERNMENT GAMP An Aurora Boy Mr Harry Marshall Field professor of music in Toronto for many and recognised as the finest piano- teacher in the ha been re leased from Ihe Interment Camp ltuhlebeni Germany and is at present in London A cable to this effect has rcccivco from him by his sister Mrs J Alex andra Apartments University Ave It is not known whither he Is com ing to Toronto Mr Field was released as being unfit for military service owing to a defect in one loot although he is in good health Since Mr Field hae been a resident of Dresden Germany he taught music He was born at Aurora and Is years old He made his first trip to Germany in 1883 anl stayed there for five years After spending a couple of years In Toronto he went back to Germany and made a slay another live Returning again to Toronto he stayed hero lor some time and went back to in and settling in Dresden where he had extensive clientele staved un til war broke out Ho was arrested as an alien enemy and Interned at He was released in the early part of January stories ho tells confirm the rumors of poor food supplied to I prisoners and the wretched housing conditions in the internment camp A system of selfgovernment has been inaugurated in the camps but food still continues to meagre anjd the prisoners are largely depend ent upon parcels Bent by friends guards express admira tion for the prisoners who remain loyal to the British flag and scorn for those who give vent to proGer man utterances In the hope of InjL some advantage thereby Mr waj given penntsslon to buy meals and take exer cises tbHs Veep ia good condition Angeles Eight dead seven million loss in property live marooned on stranded trains near Los Angeles with- the food problem grave hundreds washed away and thousands made homeless This In brief is the toll the raJInstorrri baa swept Southern California since Saturday MEWMA K ET LAST BALANCE OF CARLOAD DELIVERED No I Government GEORGE FOR TERMS Phone Pickering TIME Resident- and Day School for Boys and Girls Preparation for and Teachers Examination IN SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING BOOKKEEPINO I Preparatory Course Leadin to Colleginto Department MU8IO ART I Address- FIRTH A Principal i v 1 r a Don t let your system become lowered by the attacks of a cough or cold take a ot Chamberlains Cough at once It the Cough so thai it soon disappears the soreness the and lungs so unaffected by chsngcaottemperature no or harmful While telle from the flret it may be safely used with the youngest

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