Newmarket Era , January 28, 1916, p. 6

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MOUNT ALBERT toe Saturday a large tree close to the Centre Road was blown down A number of on the Mount Albert TelephoneCompanys line were broken and tangled include line to and traffic on the road was time Air the damage was promptly repaired and but inconvenience resulted li WELL FED CATTLE Mr John A Hopkins purchased five young cattle from Mr J Shields on Oct and them unlit Nov after they were stabled until the Hit ho Jan a period in all of days when they were sold and shipped During that time they made an average gam of 242 lbs each This we understand is pretty hard to beat On Wednesday Jan at the home of her stepfather and mother Mr and Mrs Armstrong Lot 2nd Con of Scott Mary Isabel only child of the late of Brock was united in marriage to Gordon youngest son of Mr and Mrs Miller of Lot 3rd Con of Scott was performed by Rev of leresUng incident has unrecorded v J- KOMPANY Annual fleejing of the SharehordetffdfHie Telephone held in the Board on Fri day afternoon last reports presented of were and prosperousndi- iioh The sum of was Voted as a donation to thy Cross Fund The election board of directors for the year in the gentlemen being chosen Messrs C- Davidson Tfios Graham Geo SHammetl John A Hopkins E Love John Moore- Hv Ranisden Eu gene Byron Sliver Stokes The directors met on Saturday and elected the- follow ing officers President JoiinA Hcipkins VicePres Eugene en E Love Newmarket and Mrs Fred family spent James of Bradford vfeited at Col on Tuesday- Mr and Mrs of land Landing Visited at Ernes family are letter Mrs and her Mrs from nSe Mrs W a of their friends v IN Stiver In loving memory of Grant Sliver who died Jan He like a little faded flower While lying quiet and still His sweet brown eyes were clos ing His little hands were chilled When day the Master came Arid from among the flowers He came to gainer lilies The day lie gathered ours Mother 1 PUBLIC LIBRARY The annual meeting of the Ml Albert Public Library was held in the Reading Room on the evening o Jan for the purpose of electing Directors and Officers for the following year The Directors elected were as follows Mrs H Rarnsden Mrs John Moore MraJ Pais ley Mrs Mrs Dr Johnson Mrs Shields Mrs Mrs Dr Cody and L Terry The Officers elected were Mrs Mrs M Main- prize and Miss Dike Librarian The Board of Directors have lately added worth of new books to the library which are now catalogued arid ready for cir culation PERSONAL Mrs Ira Morton entertained a number of children to a parly and taffy pull on Monday honor of be son birthday day Mr J son of is spending a few days Willi his brother of Holt Mrs I spinta few days at the home of her daugh ter Mrs I Whitby Messrs Fred Franklin and e lo join Own Hand for Over Service The number of young men en listing from Mount Albert is In creasing We hope have a of names shortly Mr A MacKenzie of Queens was in on Tuesday Mr Ramsden reeve of East attending a meeting of the York County Coun cil in Toronto this week When we omit to slate that a certain Individual has honored QUEENSYILLE The annual meeting of the Queens- Ag Society took place Jan 20th and was well attended The Treasurers report was verp satis factory showing a nice reserve on hand- The election of officers result ed follows President John 1st Vice Pres Silas 2nd Vice Sect a Directors J Moore Cain Scott Crone John Smith Hall John A Rose M A Ramsay The directors have decided to hold the Fair on 11th On Jan 30th the League are arranging for a Our deepest sympathy goes out to Mrs J Moore in the deth of her sister Mrs Harry Meuser of also the serious illness of another sister Mrs KaSee of Winnipeg Man The M held its first meeting for the new year on Thursday after noon at the Mrs with a good After a short Bible reading and special pray ers of Thanksgiving for all oJHcers and members in the Mission work- That all ma fee found faithful so that everjf woman the Master may say she hath done what c Plans were then made lor the carry ing on the work lor the year The topfc that of French Canada was dealt with in a brief by the President I he next meeting held at the home of Mrs Huntley and the topic the Jew In our Umpire will be taken up There will be a shower of material suitable to make up for the bales Light refreshments will be served al so a- Missionary Salad All welcome The young mens Bible to grow The Presbyterian have cur tained off their class rooms The AntP Class will meet at the home of the teacher Bain on Saturday alternoon to do Missionary Work Dont miss the entertainment Fri day night by trie young ladies of the Hound to Win Class A and neighbors tea on Saturday The I Mission met at home of Mrs Allan Bhaw on Wed nesday afternoon and Mrs Hall with at couple of days this week Mrs couple of nays last week- Miss Merele Shropshire visited her sister Mrs M Duncan of Union a few days last week- and Mrs J friends on St last Friday As our genial friend The Owl re quested the names of the members of Sharon Band I am much pleased give them to Mm they aee as fol lows Tate Tate F T Hl RVk Shropshire Crone fe Weddel Fountain Sanderson Lunney J Gra ham Mr Prosier and son with colds Mississippi get along these days I can keep -v- l warm Look Wlihere coat of aiid sleeves imagine it is really truly Just a queer- caper of the get lip with the last Friday night They hap a The Choi r Church had a very niiht Oh no lie enlisted yet easily have heard iWClK still on job people their enter In we have been told to be the best evt given lh these parts Sii studetrtaylrom irton will whole program ins reading darkey sketches- and a tie fey weltyorthrnbretiuth as but it is not supposed- thejt will charge than that It the well to friend from Heh a deal all until day iiiorning last- These arc days for the temperance canvassers Weave xm Mr John of Aurora is pleased with the results around old you hear that in Not from POINT Mr Mrs visited Mr arpl on Sunday Glad to hear that Mr and are improv ing Mr and Mrs Ross a daughter were visiting at Roches on Sunday undo ahd Mrs A Mrs of Newmarket was visiting her brother at on Sunday Miss Clarice siting het aunt Mrs J at Newmar ket The skating was good by the loos of the on Sunday Mr Young who as been sic- for some time improving slowly Mr Young was visiting his lath er on Sunday The have not had very good luck but are waiting hope of better luck after awhile Wildfat way Miss Rogers of British a niece of Mrs Jesse Any Sunday night you may now attend a very snappy interesting meeting of lhc Christian Endea vor in Ihe Christian- Church hav ing changed the night from Mon day to Sunday Come and hear music papers and enter into MOUNT The annual of the Pleasant Congregation held in the Church 0 Thursday Feb it the Ladies Aid and Worrtens- Mis sionary Society will hold an nual meeting at of Mrsl George Moulds oh J an All numbers are requested to be pre- sent Thomas took busi ness triptothe City Mrs John Hamilton is spending- a couple of weeks in Toronto her daughter Mm Cowie Mr Will Hamilton spent a few in the dtp this week Feb Our Young Peoples Society What it has done it Way do more and belter Oscar Mrs Gordon Stephens we bl In- WORK NEOK clear up broken i BUY THE6E At YOUR OWN PRICE OUTFITTERS Issuer o Marriage License and consists of a and two lots In the same place valued at According to the will is left one son William and the of the estate goes to an other who is now a Toronto Died Huntley In North on Thursday Jan 20th Gertrude Mary Irene Huntley wife of Huntley 25th year Funeral on Monday YORK COUNOIL J T quilt wMl play All Cross be auctioned the a are or the the with a visit an t hi- S3 BARGAINS Now for in anything j in my Mm of all kinds 30 days as I want to lake down my and a one special prices and on buggies wagons In fact anything I have in slock I to down my old ahop fell Ml day a FOR mi it acres on lot in ville Good house and barn and to elation For apply on premises DAN A good set of Bob Sleighs nearly new all In good shape For particulars apply to Too Late for Last Week A couple of horsebuyers visited our village last week We did not hear of any hordes being sold Whore Is Uncle Henri these days Mr Young of Toronto spent Sunday at borne i Sorry to hear that Mr Young is not improving very rapidly is the order of the here certainly got beauty last Friday A number of our youn people at tended the oyster supper In Keswick on Friday night and report a good time Sorry to hear that Mr has had a severe la grippe Mr ludd Cole has a very sick horse Why did you stay i Keswick so long Howard Some attraction purely Mrs Arthur visited at Mr Bertram loughs on Wednesday Some people to prefer the walking these nice moonlight nights Too bad the car cornea so Miss Violet Williamson has return ed from her visits In Patty Mr and Mrs Leonard were visiting his uncle Mr M on Sunday Kenneth attack of BALDWIN Measels the kids have the measels long as it gives a holiday Ihey dont mind This very mild spell of weather is due principally lo Venus hav ing got into a fever period will wind up about Thursday More winter climate will follow and the filial fortnight of will he ruled by a Mercury period which means chicksna Cold Our are responding nobly lo their countrys call This is just as it he Our Mother Land old Britain is in need of our help Should old Genua ny gain the ascendancy which God forbid twould mean black ruin and slavery for us Ugh I You wouldnt like he routed out of your cozy homo now would you light like then Two of our young men Merlin and are having good limes Nothing lo do and lo eat Theyre getting in fine fettle and respectively Bui theyre not going to war and leave their girls behind them Theyre going to help dad so are Pr ingle recently receiv ed a letter from Jack Hurst Versailles acknowledg ing the receipt of a sweater coal from the bountiful hand Amongst all letters from the that I have read Hursts let ter descriptive of a battle all others It was a well- composed and well chosen terms- In military par lance In fact it was a sketch Ive got a deal to say hut when fed going it all gels mixed in a in my and I cant say A sad plight to he in Our local physicians are kepi on the bounce these days must be raking in gold ami shinplasters galore A great freenup would inake smiles playground the mouths of the young people Did yon hear a robin Who Owl Ihe ft is made handy for the farm here now A chance of load ing grain at Keswick at very good prices Mr Walter lives of New market is buyer A movement is being made to secure a Milk Jar on the Radial lliis far North This can he done if the faroiers who ship bream would ship milk Think it over Someone will call on you soon My I We were sorry to lose Mr and Mrs Haddock and will be glad to see them back again in lhe Spring believe we arc lo have something in the form of a Li brary Small of course to start with but if everyone interested in good reading will put their shoulders to lie Wheel the result will he a library to be proud of some day Going willi the crowd lo the tonight Sure I Via Fee of was in town on Sunday Sort of renew ing acquaintances I suppose you have told every body about the special lectures in our churches next Sunday is a prominent speak er of Toronto A good of girls should greet her at in Christian Church and then wlien she crosses lo Methodist Church at let the Church be full of women from up Then boys have the privilege of hearing her at in Christian Church will give the men a chance to get a good seat in Hie Meth odist Church for the lecture Christian Church Congregation welcome Mrs last Sunday morning It is some time since she lias been be out Feb enjoys good Music Singing and plover Darky Jokes be Union Street Church Musi go eh Well- be good Miss our High School Principal has been kind enough to consent to the teacher of what will be known as a Class as provided by the Ontario Sunday School As sociation for the puroose of making its pupils mor efficient Christian workers Pupils- years old and upwards of any de nomination are invited to attend the class Kindly hand in your name to Miss Tait Or leave them for her at Mi When sufficient names are re ceived the Class will be formed and will hold session for halfhour each week for the next 12 or weeks probably in the house after oclock oh Fridays for Study Hook and for Note Book is practically lhe only cost per pupil Furnishing Store is having a sale of Shirts on Sat urday Any Sliirl in window for Now clfaike as there will be some SI lines in the lot Shaw and W of were home over day A load of young people from here attended a dance at last Friday night They had to come home on the bare ground Mr Oliver of Toronto spent a few dnys Inst week with friends here CATTLE Well not lhe Mrs M Is spending couple of weeks at Jf- Bradford friends here on Sunday Mr It hag returned after a months visit with friends fa M Paris Jan What has been to in certain French newspapers as the aviation crisis was ended by a reassuring statement by premier In the Chamber so6 was abandoned Charles farmer Belleville was struck and killed by an express train While driving over earold on Tuesday of had knocked while Here we are aKain in moderation Miss I- spent over the En button La has been very rapidly through Brown Morris anil lonnson car of live stock this week Prices ex ceedingly good Catching skunks the of ill- day experts keep them thinned out Mr las Merchant has been on sick list on evening Some of our young people will Retting in the A man with speeder and a great feeder too canVe town last weet- to see a last race races are the order Hurrah I las A Some people from this burg took In the on on Sunday They report Good services Mrs Mary Draper took trip to Toronto this week The weather Bet mild and so fair can express ZEPHYR Quite a large number from here attended the annual meeting of Scott Agricultural Society We congratulate Bains on his elevation to the presidency The soft weather caused a second postponement of the car- Mrs J Messrs Arnold Thomp son and Arnold attended the Convention at Goodwood on Friday They report a good at tendance Taylor has purchased M Clarks young driver ft has ev ery promise of being Speedy The purchase price was not far off lhe shooting J won with a score of in rounds The fol lowed in the following order Pickering Long- hurst ft Curl and Pickering Several farmers from here hauled their hogs to Uxbridge a cwt more looked good lo them Mr and Mrs Barker from Alberta who intended spending winter with friends in the east were called home by a tele gram stating that their hired man whom they left in charge of lhe stock was found dead in bed was one of Con boys who left here a few years ago and we are glad to say he has made good DOS flTHEET We dn honor be able to report one of our young men- who has offered hlnwlf for Kin and country Mr ose son A J Is now training with the Battalion Real KstaUis booming on- ifjlfl Three farms have changed bands during the week Also Mr Ham rented Ws and expects to dale In the near future A special car of Brothers went down Newmarket on the 1Jih and put on the 2nd degree at a lodge of instruction there A number of grand officers were on hand lo criticise lhe work and they admitted they could lid very few faults We are plcaocd nolo this as the members hern a Utile in taking hold of the degree work They were royally entertained by vac Newmarket members and all seem anxious for another trip They are working on the 1st and ft Hi degrees now as they have a number of members ready for thyse degrees was men night for the ladies A number of life enlisted for an Honor has been hungup in the Hall for them litem are five in train ing a follows Geo Shaw Bro Bio Godfrey Bro Fountain Bro Fred Thayer Lodge A big delegation attended Ma- lone Lodge here Inst Wednesday night Members were present from Toronto and markel The grand were also present An At Home is to be tendered Dr A Greenwood W lonighl In the Town Hall by the members to which public are Invited The ladles are asked to sandwiches Mu sic and dancing will take up lhe lime HOLLAND LANDING A Valentine Social to he held at Lloyds Hall on Feb under the auspices the Methodist Ladies Aid Holland Landing Suit able program also an Autograph Quilt to be sold On Sunday nitcrnoon rs J passed alter short pneumonia the cause of death Deceased was in her and leaves four daughters and one son to mourn loss The funeral place on Tuesday after noon interment at Newmarket ceme tery Mr Kester Toronto spent Tuesday last In Town is attending county council this week i Jas Toronto Is looking alter the business during his absence Horn on Saturday the to Mr and Mrs las a son Mr Thompson of speht Sunday hi town Miss Male Perry Toronto Sunday at her home here Miss Inez Fuller and Mr Earnest Pcgg of are spending their vacation at their homes nere With practical no discussion and with a spirit of unanimity never fQre equalled the York County Coun cil granted to the Toronto atiri Patriotic Fund and Cross sum of the lull amount agreed upon as between executives of the joint organizations Never in the history of The has so much interest being attached to any inaugural meeting and the re sult when shown by a standing vote was the signal for a great demon stration NO decision was reached as to the manner In the amount vot ed will be raised oer the County the of trn that the full amount aakul for would he con tributed being the chief point urged by Sir William Wood- p so ciety Practically every municipality from York to the north and to on the east and west has already adopted resolutions the Imposition of a levy as against volrntary contribu tion The County of York has covered with honor and I never was so pronl of a in the Township of as today de clared Stir William The action- of this council win have a stimulating effect on the city cam paign and over the Dominion It re presents Infinitely than the involved and will bring big in terest Another thfing the council did at their inaugural meeting was elect their warden for the year the honor falling upon William 1 Knowles who for the eight or ten years has occupied the position of reeve of Town of Aurora he se rious competitor was Leonard Wal lace reeve of one the rising J members of the council who for three years been That vote was strictly non- political one Lb shown by the that while Mr is a Liberal the political of the coun ty council this year is overwhelming ly Conservative The new warden Is about years of and a success ful business man In Aurora where he has resided practically all his life The candidates nominated Charles reeve J CI Corn reeve of and Nigh keenest interest centred around the selection of the men who will ap point the standing for year the following chosen Messrs Keith Cornell and Wells 55 Annual The annual dance of UK In aid of the Cross Fund will la held in tlie Town Hall at p hi music and refresh ments iconic andhelp on tills great work Admission to all pretty roses sold at the Hall in he worn during the The Jftnies a maker who died years ago filed yesterday In urrotatOCoUrt London Ian A despatch the Telegraph Company from Home British has sunk up In the Cpper Adriatic an Austrian also Austrian torpedo boat which went to the rescue taking the crews of loth craft prisoner WOMAN AVOIDS OPERATION Medicine Which Made Sur geons Work Unnecessary tne lupins LOOK in returned homo Mr IT for the West last week with a car of horses He expects to return In about three lb The Lake the Woods Milling Co are running day and olght to catch up with their On Wednesday morning Mr and daughter narrow escape from asphyxiation causrp by the coal stove VegeUble Com managed to door open- and told ray husband about It I t i ABtorla Y For two year I Mr who baa been visit- feeling 111 and took all kinds of I was worse everyday would ache was always tired I could not walk straight because of the pain pains In my atom- ach I went to a doctor and he said must go under an operation but I did not go I read In the paper about I Mrs McCarnan wae unconscious for admeUmel are doing as well can be expected people can- j not be too cartful in handling icoal It appears tho feeder at the loo of stove was partly open which was the cause of the gas es caping- Two been committed for trial by J P on charge of sending a scur rilous to Mary a and both accus ed were on ball of each J of has resigned his position as candidate the Muslfoka to accept a commission In i I know nothing will help me but I will try thla I found improv ing from the very first bottle and in two weeks time I able to sit down and at a hearty breakfast with my I am now In the best of health and did not have the operation Mrs A KOKNIO Flushing Avenue Astoria Every dreads the surgeons knlf and the operating table else will do but many times doctor say they are necessary when they are not after letter cornea ifj to the telling how wera advised and were not no good bat fePInknama And good followed If you want to

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