Newmarket Era , January 28, 1916, p. 7

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j I l JANUARY SPECIALS In our window is a very nice neat pattern of a DINIfER- SET pieces fine quality china Bargain at TEA Fine quality of English China Four very nice border- decora- lions pieces 500 the in the next About 30 ladies Cum for Rooms tons and did a lot work for in the trenches spare a couple oh Friday afternoons corned those In charge Penny Bank S The pupils of the Pubiio Schools manifest a good deal of interest in the Penny which was recently instituted- Ac counts have been opened by pupils and last Mondays busi ness amounted to in posits No doubt the habit of thrift and economy so necessary loa successful life will be fosr lered by such an Institution In schools Society J from to yih WVdi Bfsg A Direct Importer of and Fancy China MR A PICTURE OF FATHER AND MOTHER How it would delight your children how it would please your friends Let Us Make Them For You I E Phone Photographer One Door West of the New Post Office NEWMARKET J AND- promptly attended to reasonable Outof orders solicited CUT FLOWERS ALWAY8 ON HAND PERRIH 135 Decision Given In the piano case was argued at the Division Court by Mr E for the prosecution and Mr T J Rob ertson for the defence His Judge Denton has given his de cision in favor of the defendant The Piano will now be sold by on the Market Square Dont His have kindly consented to play at the Skating Party Feb 2nd under the auspices of the Good Cheer Chris tian S Class proceeds to go to the Field Comforts Society Croat Knitting Tea next Red Cross Knitting Tea will be held in the school room of the Presbyterian Church on Tuesday afternoon- of next week It is hoped that there will be a good attendance r An Appeal Mrs O is a Second Shower behalf of for Field Comforts for soldiers in Trenches on Tuesday the of February in the- World Building Richmond Street Toronto she fakes this method her many friends i espe cially in the Township of North for their assistance read Miss 13 meet AH asked to read tie iavdntc In ari- Call if Infhience to it and tiei- oclock our Monthly business meeting will AH young people are cordially Invited to com id our peo ples j Si W mail Mo her at the clock am See ad addreBSi Our Men The principal Holstein callli men of York County held a meet ing in the Lome Hall Toronto recently There was already an Association for North York ul at Saturdays meeting the limits were extended so as to embrace the whole county Officers were elected as fol lows President Hill VicePros Mr Hicks Bales Directors Messrs Ramsay Loveless Dough erty Elliott Watson Cooper Sharkey A Committee was appointed to draft bylaws and report at next meeting Will be gratefully received the need is very urgent as military Club There was a large gathering at the Military Club House on evening ahjl time passed very quickly- with- cards and pro gram- Quartette and Soldiers Mouth Organ Band contributed selections also solos by Messrs Eugene Barker Jack Alex Eyes and Duett by Bahs Bros Speeches were by members of the Executive Rev A Brunton Keith and Aubrey Davis The sol diers all report a good time Wednesday evening is be Ladies Night All the mem ber of the Guard of inviting their wives or lady friends The ladies ex pected to provide the program f GREAT OPPORTUNITY Having installed an electric plant I have no further use for a small dynamo having a capaci ty- of from to lights to run from a steam plant Can tie seen in operation at any time Cost will sell for THOMPSONS MACHINE SHOP Prospect Ave Newmarket NOTICE TO CREDITORS Pursuant to the Revised Stat utes of Ontario Chap and all other persons having any claims against the Estate of late of the Township of East in County of York farm dexoased who died on or about the day of November arc send in to ihos J Robert son Of the Town of Newmarket Solicitor for the undersign ed Executors of the Will of the said Thomas on or before the day February a of claims and full particulars thereof and- a state ment of the securities if any held by them for claims And notice is further given that immediately after the 8th day of February the said Executors may proceed to dis tribute the assets of the Estate the parties there to having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice not he fable for the proceeds of as sets or any part thereof so dis tributed to any person of whose claim they have not had notice at the time of distribution Dated at Newmarket this of JOHN WARREN JAME8 Executors P A Great Game On Thursday night of last week Hie Newmarket trimmed the Milton team by a score of 16 to I Newmarket assumed the ag gressive from the start and notched goals in the first peri od The visitors were unable to find their hearings They seemed handicapped by the lightning strokes Coleman in the nets in particular apparently experienc ed much difficulty in seeing the puck as the home lads rained the shots at him Milton put up a belter game in the last two periods much better in fact than their lone tally would indicate which in the final period Newmarket played the belter combination They are fast as quick as cats and good marks men They are counting on tak ing a fall out of the Toronto Aura cos in their little packing box rim which they have down to a science The best of feeling prevailed between the players of earns and the was very clean In will MARION VIA Urtvsnlty Mills ratepayers carried a resolution York fSotintyubelUo Iho Patriotic a Meeting held last Andrevra Church The Annual Congregational meeting held on Jan and was well attended The re port states During the past year we have labored under many difficulties and discouragements due chiefly to the stress of warfare and the efforts put forth by our people to aid the various relief organiz ations and do our bit towards helping our soldiers to defeat the nations cruel enemies We are proud of the fifteen brave young men who have left their homes and our Church to answer the call to arms in de fence of their loved ones their King and their Country- Encouraging reports were pre sented from the Church organizations Our membership totals School an in- of during the year Cradle Roll GO The Willing Workers Wo mens Missionary Young Peoples Guild and Young Girls Mission have each main tained an efficient working mem bership and contributed greatly to the general prosperity of the different church enterprises The Choir have suffered verely through the enlistment of many young men hut they are able still render valuable as sistance and support to our de voted Minister In the services Our services have been well attended eapecially In the even- in The financial receipts from all rcs amounted to out of which we have contributed to Missions the aum of 3B800 The Board of Managers Is com posed of- Messrs Duncan P J Anderson moce A Gibson ft ft W J and W Burrows fiabbath Superintend- J Boyd invite you 1 our services all seats free and everyone Welcome Some Good Music When the Choir of the Meth- Church filed into their place last Sunday morning everyone was delighted to see Mr Geo Young a former valued member Of the Tenor Section in his ac customed place The congrega tion at once knew that a treat was iu store for them and they were riot disappointed when Mr Young rose and sang Arm Arm ye Brave from Judcas Macca- The solo in itself was very appropriate and while difficult in was rendered perfectly and proves beyond a doubt the talent and ability of Newmarkets favored tenor Mr Eugene Barker also sang a most pleasing patriotic number written to the tunc of Onwarii Christian Soldiers the Choir joining in the Chorus after each verse The anthem during the evening service Paradise was excep tionally well rendered Miss Carty look the solo part assisted by Mr Barker in the duett The Methodist Choir has re cently been strengthened by Mr a former member who has returned town He will si hit next Sunday evening Com worth League the presence of No Co of the gape a military aspect t the service last feunaay ana was a constant reminder of the great strug gle in which the engaged And no less was tne admirable and inspiring sermon by the pastor depict ing tho courage of the English at the battle of Waterloo and demanding the same courage from- thesame of King George every en forcing vie spirit of the text th where much is given much- is also required The solo by Pte Geo Young Tq Arms byllandcll and the solo by Mr Eugene Darker with the chorus Onward Christian Soldiers by the choir were very appropriate At the evening service Mr Kough of Toronto male an admirable plea for greater sacrifice for missions be cause of the greater demand of the war both being Identical In the spirit of freedom a justice to hu manity the anthem by the choir Miss McCatty too the soprano solo with beautiful effect At the close of the evening service a lour rtvaa held in the during which a program vas rendered- and refreshments were by the League the object be ing to make soldiers of No 2 Co feel at home in Newmarket and be come acquainted with the young peo ple of the Church Field Comfort The Christian Church Drama tic Club Concert was a huge suc cess the young people deserving great credit for the way they ren dered Silas The Com mittee wish to give them a In arty vote of thanks for generous donation of net proceeds from concert which amounted to The shipment of Field to Newmarket Boys are as follows Dec pairs socks caps pairs wristlets pairs knee caps pairs mitts sheets paper and envelopes Jan pairs socks caps 30 boxes Oxo bars chocolate packages gum handker chiefs cakes of soap un dershirts candles 100 en velopes and paper towels packing boxes of magazines Another large shipment goes forward next week Will you give your magazines to the boys in the trenches If so notify Mrs An drew Davis and they will be col lected Our supper Saturday last was a great success We have been requcsled lo have oysters this as well as load pork and apple sauce ac companied by other delicacies too numerous to mention Come and try our cent supper You will go away satisfied Lunch as usu al Saturday lo i00 supper to Proceeds from last Saturday The Committee also wish lo thank the Editors of the papers for so kindly giving paco for the gtiOu in cause in their papers each week j v Perhaps you Indoors Or perhaps you are an outofdoors man It makes no The Is this A If you supervigorous you need Underwear su perstrength Nothing hpld you long f Come In here and get a warm comfortable suit of 8tanfelds Unshrinkable ft The Men Main St Newmarket i v To Introduce the New We are Putting on a TOWN LINE ITEMS Prohibition Coming The President of the Committee of One Hundred fdr North York received the following encourag ing telegram from the Central Committee in Toronto Toronto Jan Dr J Wesley Newmarket Meeting with most favorable response all over Province Thousands signing petition who have never favored Prohibition before Only need to work together and absolutely cover all voters to succeed beyond high est anticipations Dont let over- confidence especially In Local lake place of hard work Advise us of progress A Warburton Every indication points to a hearty response to lhc 20000 Canvassers who circulating the petition all over the Province this week asking the Government from a nonpolitical for Provincial Prohibition of the Traffic in Ontario Hie Dominion Government is also getting busy on lhe same The fact is that the mil lions spent In stimulants- would wipe out our war debt The Prime Minister of our Empire urges strict economy if we are lo win this war Whereas there any greater waste than In the Im mense amount of money spent in liquor The week set in spring May be a pet The Ladies Aid ol the Line I met at the home Mrs Wednes day last week when amount ol sewing completed for the sol diers the We are glad to hear the operation performed on Mrs Farm at the Western Hos pital Toronto has proved success- Miss Leila Webster is confined to the house with an attack of la grippe lie Misses the line arc victims a severe cold Master Harry Webster has been successful In securing a situation In the All success him The Ladies Aid of the villo Methodist Church met at the home of Mrs John on the Line on Thursday afternoon of last week when a five oclock tea held for which the email sunV of ten cents was charged and even ing a social took place price which was five cents So numerous was attendance at both that quit a snug sum was handed over to the Sunday school treasurer lor the or the school Much praise is duo Mr and Mrs and Mrs ton for sumptuous bounties supplied Lambs Mr John Cook the Pen Lino Is the owner a that gave birth to a Iamb on day last the earliest we have heard of Mr John Is visiting old friends at the past week Torn disposed of his entire flock week at satisfactory price The Patriotic Meeting in KettUfcy Hall on evening last as well patronized as we would liked to see It Mr Fred Walton many signatures to the petition he Is cir culating this for total prohi bition Miss Porter the new teacher In school district Is proving a Pupils bee much praise Mr- la suffering from sever cold and cough farmers In the vicinity of J Clover eed eleven dollars per bushel I stand Mr Blackburn of Cherry Farm made eleven dol lars and ten cents Very sorry hear that Mrs FOR plain white and stripe effects sold regularly at and 125 to clear at 59c cuffs in white and stripe effects up to tf to clear at I 8ulU Heavy Ribbed all sizes up to to clear at inn Silk Knit Nook 8oarfs in all up to lo clear at Mens Coats in all colors up to lo clear at 100 Silk Knit Scarfs in all colors up to to clear at 50c and 75o ffTf lo clear 3 for J Mens Boots in Tan and Patent Leather button or in latest shapes and Bull Dog Toes to 550 lo clear at Pairs Mens Boots in Black Tan and Patent Leather button or lace up to to clear at 315 Pairs Mens Trousers in neat stripe effects all sizes up to 325 to clear at Mens 8oft and Stiff lata in latest shapes reg up to g A clear J I Pairs Mens Lined Kid Gloves in all sizes up to 150 to clear at A Line of Mens Felt Hats suitable for work to clear i i Six Only Overcoats In latest style Jo clear at Reduced Prices I DONT FAIL TO COME IN AND EXAMINE WHETHER YOU BUY OR NOT WE WILL BE PLEA8ED TO W ANV ARTICLE ON THE BILL i 1 J The Mens Outfitter tin St Phone w Old Post Office Stand Main St Phone A- of is Indisposed fewfS ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO

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