Took A I June 20th v and drove me wild Some time Ago I got box of Fruitatires fruit medicine and they completely relieved me Today I feeling fine and a physician meeting me the street asked the reason for my i iking Fruita4itYS He said If make you look so well go ahead and take them They are doing More for you than lean as WILLIAMS We a box for trial sire At dealers or sent postpaid by Limited Ottawa i83MoKo7orraexly Aurora le EvangeUsllr meet In pborch t1v increasing- in interest power Toe who is and Impressive speaker is meeting with a gratifying reception in her home town V I A 2 Building Lois Park and Avenues- Apply to WGf Newmarket SALE CM HEAP A St 10 Mrs Lloyd FOR ALE OR TO RENT Brick House on Prospect Ave All modern conveniences good and cistern Enquire of YAW MAN Grace St Newmarket HOUSE TO RENT On Prospect Ave All conve niences Apply to Richard- TO FARMERS S The Sunday School here proved a success Mr Chapman was president and Mr of Newmarket A attended- recruiting TOcetlng held the school house Tues day evening Only two recruits secured Afr ot Locust Hill bought a valuable one from Mr Marshall Wilson of Aarprai splendid matched pair The Foresters hire held a concert on Wednesday eyehing Jan The following talent- entertained a hall Miss soprano Lillian Wllon pianist Harvey comic vocclist Geo A Mit chell ih Hi spoke on behalf of the Order and Fred Supremo Secretary also delivered a fine speech on fraternal and patriotic lines J Walton Esq Aurora presided The proceeds were con tributed to the Red Cross Society The chairman and speakers made a strong appeal tor recruits to Overseas Brigade ZEPHYR The Jersey Bull BRAMPTON MERGER Bon of a Worlds Champion in Milk and Butter Fat Ami also a Registered -am- Boar will be kept for ser vice on Half Lot Con 3 DAN Foreman SHAWS Toronto Canada give the thorough courses which lead to good salaried office ap pointments Free catalogues explains Enter any time H President Head Offices A Toronto For Good Looks a woman have good health She can do her part by helping keep the blood Sure the liver active and the regular with the aid of the mild vegetable remedy Married a the home of the brides parents Mr and Mrs Armstrong on Jan by Rev Mac- of Mr Gordon Miller to Miss Mary The Womens Institute which was held at the home of Mrs Eh Profit on Wednesday Jan was not largely owing to the stormy weather Whats the matter with John ami George Cheer up boys the girls will be back before Private Allan Armstrong was home for the wedding of sister Mr of Jan tinnicjfUQcHrvmbioa East at the Subscribed statutory of office seal viz Reeve John Proctor Councillor John A pole and were read for the positions of Assessor also for the printing A- Road and Bridge the current year auU that the members he assigned the as parried two huhdr red yards of gravel be placed He town line south Coh3 One hund red and fifty yards be placed on con A Inradred and- fifty yards on the con and that the suiri of one hundred be expended on the North Town line on condition that grant a like amount Carried he refunded one dog lax tarried of the of the Township for hundred dol lars be And that also- the Clerk order six copies of the Municipal World for the members of the Car ried StiqkwoodColcllmt lie sectir- of the Treasurer after examined arc found satisfactory and are hereby approved Carried Cole ilaincs IhO meetings of held on tic Friday in each month February to at oclock initio fore noon with the exception- of the months of August and September meetings Which will eheld at in the afternoon Carried that the Reeve and be a commit tee purchase feet bridge cov ering inches think and 30 pieces of cellar 6 feet Moved by proctor seconded by Cole and resolved hat the Reeve Issue his orders on the Treasurer for payment as follows viz General Hoapiial 5600 Eves supplies Arnold Dunn work The Reeve introduced a bylaw to appoint certain- officers read a first time moved and sec onded that rule be suspended and that the bylaw be read a second Wvf f feiCifsltSjIinitatiOiia fld a for Oil Paregoric Drops Sooting It Opium Morphine nor other Its ageia its guarantee Jt destroys Worms and For more years it relief of Teething and Diarrhoea Itreatesrbemach andBowela assimilates the Food giving healthy and natural sleep The Chfidrens Panacea The Mothers Friend You Always Boogf Bears the signature of In Use For Over Yeara Strictly in S is over on a visit to his and third lime this day Carried Wfl vilk Enry Vtisi la aU YOUR EARNING POWER by at Lending the Popular father Mr The Sunday Convention or the of Scott and and the Town of which was held in the Methodist Church Good wood on Friday Jan largely attended from this place Mr- Armstrong Sun day last with his ladv friend What takes the Dr to the north- end of the town so often Wedding hells arc ringing Enough said BRADFORD Messrs Warren and JjcKin- entertained their friends num bering about forty at a card partyi on Monday evening Mrs Mdvhv- try at whose home the evening Was acting as hostess son of Rev met with an accident at the skating rink last Tuesday nigh whereby he sustained a fracture Council in committee of the whole Mr in the chair Committee rose and reported the blanks filled with the names of A as assessor Geo as collector Frank Milne and as Auditors Abb Wilson member of Board of Health and Robert Rose Clark John Steeper and Jas Merchant as sani tary inspectors Bylaw read a third time and passed Council adjourned the day of at 10 oclock in the forenoon in the Municipal Hall Sharon King Council that not will be a grant for hauling in- road division No for not to be drawn- at the rate of5fc per yd said stone to be placed on the road by labor J anil J afgrav- el grant of Town line King Vaugban west end of Con providing gives an equal Hoov er and M P Wood And a grant of given on op posite MeCalrum Com missioner l ByLaws were passed appoint- ana Webb as Assessors and A and A Fry as Audit ors and a appointing a local Board Health Or Medical Officer of Health WJ Wells as Chairman and ns Member J Jenkins ByLaw appointing of meetings for the currenl year Council adjourned to meet hi on Saturday Feb 12th i Postal Notes ar the cheapest and safest way to send renewals WE HOPE TO MAINTAIN THE HIGH OF THE ERA i I and give value for the money without going into bankruptcy on account of the War as some papers have already done Editor and Proprietor v- THE BROKEN Statutory meeting of the above Council was held at Tem perance Hall on Monday Jan at am Members- elect executed the Toronto Heal place in Can ada for Vow Open all year Catalogue free Young Churl Struts YEARS Marks C tr4cG kticb fcswrttio free unlet mm for mffiWMtMUi tit Scientific ff for declaration of qualifications and the leg Leslie who is a little chap of office arid look llloir Beats and was run into by a tig fellow Word was received on Satur day the death in Saskatoon day of Thorpe wife of Melville Mrs McOeary was form er girl well and favorably known as operator in the central telephone office here and her many friends were greatly shocked to the sai tidings of her death vas married about two years ago to Mr who is a of Mr 1 formerly of Bond I read The ladies of the Church entertained the recruits to an oyster supper Wednesday night thwe ladies have an enviable re putation as caterers to the public and last nights supper was no ex ception everything being done to make it a great success After the supper an illustrated lecture giv en by Rev Dr on the war one hundred pictures being Illustrating the leading fea ture ntiods of warfare aeroplanes siege guns submarines shirs defence guns pontoon bridges cavalry and Infantry charges trench warfare etc a follows J Cornelius Coun cillors A Campbell Kaake ami T A After brief addresses by each member outlining Ihc work for the year the the Clerk was call ed upon for communications which were received and read The following account were i rosea ted and ordered paid Jos months pay Hospital re ward JO It J last Daily Service TO AND the TRAHSOANADA Toronto 00 pm Through lo your ticket read CANADIAN Particulars from Canadian Pa cific Ticket or M Murphy Agent Cor- and rtrehto L roan who cwi five children with A and who wa later rr SIXTH LINE KINO Hello Here I again Mr John bought another fine driver one day last week Mr Clifford spent Sunday with his lady friend Stick to it Cliff Mr Karl Cook has been with a bad cold Worfder why Harry didnt UK toSpringdale Mr apent Sunday with uncle Mr Albert It aeerns this leap year when the of the fifth line south travel over the rough to their gentlemen frUnda a what it means fe If the young fellow who long lane on Sunday keep It up he will have atrorfger driver and atuck a number the on lislfc Mr Harry Webster returned home on after apendtnK with John Arthur Atkinson blacksmith Win Sou shovel Win Carson road grant lied Nightingale on ac- opening gravel pit Elliott for clevis ring lost V That be authorized to order six copies of the Municipal World Thai tin Treasurer be authorized to pay the following sheep claim Luke KankeCampbell Thai usu al grant of the Hospital for Sick Children at Toronto lh Clerk be to ask for lenders Tiwnship lug for the current year CufiipbcllKaakeThat the be instructed to pay for Booths Deputy Of ficers Poll and mileage for Municipal Elections for the year in accordance with the governing said Tht the I bo Instructed to accept the sum of 7300 for ccioout Backs returned to Cement CO per J A Watson McCainCampbell the Treas lip authorized to pay Put the suhi Of 3 as a re fund re destroying bitch KaakeVMcCiilcheonThat Street hoi refunded re Icgul overcharge for McCuloheonKake Thai llio communicate with tit re his ditoh RENDERED In the Purchase of Horses Cattle or for Breeding Purposes Owing to the heavy drain upon the live slock of the various war ring countries of Europe they have been forced to go abroad for supplies The longer Ihe war lasts the greater will be this de mand Moreover whenpeace is restore these countries will re quire large numbers of the vari ous classes of animals to replen ish their herds and flocks should be home in mind- how ever that the buyers who lo this country after the war will require belter animals than have been bought during war Utile as they will he used largely for breeding purposes With this end in view the best of the females and particularly Ihe young stuck should be kept lor breeding purposes Breeders should not fall torafffe all the live stock possible at this lime in order that I lie may be able lo supply a large number of Mo animals that are certain to bo needed by Ihe warring countries At present however there is an unequal distribution of live stock in the country In certain see- lions there is a heavy surplus with a corresponding scarcity in other parts During the past year hundreds of young cuttle from our Prairie Provinces have gone to United Stales as stock and feeders These should have been kept at home particularly the females Section of lie West arc reported as being in need of good draft horses partic ularly draft mares while In sec tions of Ontario there Js an over of this particular class In order loremedy those condi tions the Minister of Agriculture through tin Live Stock Branch has decided grant Iberal aid to breeders who wish to secpru good breeding stock The- condi tions under which aid will he given are as follows In the event of a number of farmers fir any district of Can ada wishing cooperate for IJiu purchase of stock In carload lots front some distant section of the country De partment will pay the travelling expenses of their duly appointed representative iluillig required to effect the purchase transport the shipment to its destination it be desired the will nomi nate a Huil libit who will directed to accompany this ijescntutive and assist him as far as possible and ping Persons to take vhntage of thi8 I with Stock Commissioner as to place and lime of before out Did you ever hear of One day Iht people in a of Italy up and found that all the boardings announced that Paganini was coming on such as never had been heard before filled the hall The people in that town never forgot wonderful experience they hud hud of and his one string The Carpenter of Nazareth is also a Musician He upon the strings of human hearts They all began to itjSomctiines they break but He never for was the most wonderful as His bevel helps Him to fit into odd upon the violin thai the world had ever heard and crooked corners so His love helps Him ihtl When the evening of the concert makes music with broken lives and crooked largest hall in the town was packed fromfloorlcmpers and weak wills and feeble faitli It to ceiling with eager expectant people all does not matter how many strings of to be charmed with the wonderful mil- have snapped or how many unexpected con- sic Exactly as the hour struck the platform ditions meet Him in His work if there is a door opened and in stepped a little dork left and an opportunity given Him with jetblack hair and great glowing bevel He will make the beam to fit and a violin under his arm as tenderly as if it with His wonderful hand He will make the hen- was a little child He came forward with light music Bandsman Songster and mincing steps bowing to the people who rise Officer and cheered and cheered The piano note Hounded stood ready A silence that could almost be felt fill tile hall With one curved sweep of his arm the player drew his bow across of the violin and music thrilled eve snap went one of the strings How annoy A RETROSPECT weep ma in lie four strings drop our work Then Hie old home when we turn the key on and forget where we left it We never people have lokV old was half so andsohic he- wait ill new siring been fixed But Pag- Hire nor did we ever dream windows seemed lo pay m heed He simply ptishtd ft J Mi hn1 pleasing a away broken ends of siring and went in J- fs horizon How soft boil The people held heir pillow inviting fled Then snap wen another of Strange we did not prize hem more III What was wrong That secinod W he long Jgfc and was to stop music And I we discover lhal here is magic in jusl broken he cake is lighter and ends again and went oh playing te brood more wholesome than any wo Home or people were angry and had risen incl Pavels in their places hulas notes continued seemed hard once lo go to thai painp settled down again lheii snap went an- the door and listen to is complain other string This was loo much The audi- ere We saw water In wo were I ins was too iniicii ino audi- Ihey were being mocked some hissed mistaken then it was not complaint bill leave demanding theu money felt some hack In the midst of the stood the little dark man with jelhlack hair He lifted his hand with- a commanding gesture hind in a inoincnt or two there was silence Ladies und gentlemen ln said have lience I and Then soul of awoke and tie I llllW fresh We sec if now How lonely il used to be how ipiiet no where to go and to do and Ihe green ields were all far away we were world was very merry Yes ft is quiet even here is an eloquence in this pros out silence thai expresses infinitely more we can tell great glowing eyes Hashed mid the violin seem- Hie of the old school hell I to know that the hand that held the it now Tor lie A spell fell upon the people r our They heard ho sleepy note of a single blackbird J sweethearts we Jo his mate as the dawn w Wing marry and in lie wood calling proached then another and another till he e tree has grown am woods seemed filled with singing birds The 8 And sun arose and whole world was Hooded grown even as ho tree Here gladness and light Life seemed palpitating lc and life was they have gone ing Then the soft swish or the wind mingled old church Willi Is high pews with singing of birds and oh it was glorious deacons and longer sermons tho he in that land of birds and sun and breeze is shorter But as the day wore on the sun faded arid strange for the young are old wind increased AWay in the just out- could hear tho sea sighing like a creature In church door is filling painTlio sigh changed a wall- llio mhh iuu wan deepened a moan the moan into a wild AM grow dark We end that mean came a Nash of lightning followed by rat tle and ftea seemed to wasting of our lives hul God for us larger nobler things Selfcentred bo tossing and churning with dispones of Inland sordid ambitions are small and ignoble sorrows and far strong broad seomed vain Prayer Clod would have us live Have ambitions mockery hut make thenv At after weary hours the that A great a man to maintain his been to be station with honor so thai lie djypf hopo broke with flickorlhg ho meets his a that- lights and a series of staccato that sound- would fain end ffl