Newmarket Era , February 18, 1916, p. 4

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HC J yX Wit ww- a 1 1- oViV WEi i i- Of I Li is X i ii ll 1 ftuotl J WOMAN ILL RUN DOWN Strong ftad Under the above James states I J1 down is the science after a hard spell of tapMdtfsMitww forme to keep about I bad pains In my and look cold A friend me to try I did and it up so I am I am able to do my housework I had not done for before taking Pa- Vino an tion pure blood and Your money back If It fails J Patterson Druggist anxious ivniiiH if at the flctsignof a or you will urn brUina Cough It the it bronchial tisiue rive good If Inflneriij Bjon- or Whoop ing have you can on this splendid old fam ily remedy for tare relief FIVE COMING EVEHTS ATTEND THE BE8T I IT I i TORONTO Has a National Reputation for superior Business and Shorthand Education Catalogue Free Commence Now I J ELLIOTT Principal St Toronto WINTER TERM OPEN8 A REPRESENTATIVE WANTED at once for NEWMARKET and District for the RELIABLE Farmers I Why remain idle when you can take up a paying agency Choice list of varieties for Planting Liberal Terms Handsome Free Outfit Exoluslve Territory WHITE NOW PARTICULAR AND WELLINGTON TORONTO ONTARIO A or MILL 111 Flour LIKE PIE I Of you do when you know it is FLOUR You can always count on turn ing out the lightest sweetest and most delicious AND PASTRY When you use flour Its recognized a best by all compe tent Judges TRY FLOUR THE NEXT TIME YOU BAKE if Your grocer will GUARANTEED Phone ROBINSON Prpprletor of universal bracing the entire circle Then foil owing obi with some introductory remarks he proceeds to name five comiug events in the his tory of Ihe world FirstA Universal Language which he declares to mean known by all spokcnev- erywhere Dr Gordon believes our mother tongue is destined to be a world language surpassing in influence- land power every other mode of expression which has ever worn the crown of in ternational supremacy Second The Removal of all Barriers now Dividing the Nations of the Earlh rje things tend toward in ternational unity Tariff walls are an expression of national and class supremacy Third An Equal Distribution of the Wealth of the World ac cording to Skill and Ability Un der this third event the Doctor says- The worlds greatest problem is not the removal of poverty but the proper distribu tion of wealth The solution of one involves the removal of the other He expresses the thought that modern democracy has too many instruments of power in its hands lo be content with crusts for food and rags for garments For every man who is willing to toil and achieve there ought to be work recreation and the refine ments of life Hence he predicts final distribution of the wealth of the world according to skill and ability Fourth The Restriction of the Liquor Traffic to such an ex tent as will Guarantee Universal Sobriety Dr Gordon contends that he saloon is a national nui sance and an individual curse The- liquor traffic he declares is the evil genius of our civilization and the devil of our modern life drink being the mother of sin the father of evil arid the first cousin to every mean thing He believes that the final restriction of the liquor traffic will guaran tee the enthronement of universal Fifth Political Equality for all Persons Without Regard lo Sex Color of Properly Under the heading of this Fifth Event the Doctor wonders why women of high honor noble purpose and broad intelligence should not en joy the privilege and prerogative of political suffrage He thinks the masculine portion of ty has no right or reason to insist upon the political silence of fifty per cent of the race than our mothers daughters sisters and wives have conjointly a right lo decide that in the future all crea bearing unmistakable signs masculinity shall be prohibited participation in the of the world He is quite in of of Womanhood To his Dr Gordon acquiesced in the thought expressed by Herbert Spencer when he said In the history of saddest part con cern the treatment of woman The brutal treatment of woman has been universal- and constant The amount of suffering which ban been and is borne by woman is utterly beyond Imagination but he declares women have fought their way and are prov ing themselves equal to all emer gencies and nothing can now slop onward march 1 m- I HEALTH PinMianrt etable Compound it ftK The present session adianParliament inarkSlhe centurydata of its existence Wonderful been the changes marking the history of the past fifty years All the members of first Cabinet under Confederation mother of four children and have WARNING TO IN with female trouble backache nervous spells and the blues My chil drens loud talking and romping would make me so nervous just tear everything to pieces and I would ache all over and feel so sick that I would not want anyone to talk to me at timesl E Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills re stored me to health and I want to thank yon for the good they have done me I have bad quite a bit Of trouble and worry bat It not affect my youth ful looks My friends say Why do you look so young and well I owe It all to the remedies Mrs Moore Avenue Washington Park Illinois We wish every woman who suffers from female troubles nervousness backache or the blues could see the let ters written by women made well by dia E Vegetable Compound If you have any symptom about which you would like to know write to the Pinkham Medicine Co Lynn Mass for helpful advice given free of charge COUNTY APPROVES OF GOOD ROADS SCHEME Will Take Years to Complete it is announced that a special edition of Ottawa Free Press will be published Feb Womens Chrrgtian Club inad the Soldiers Comforts Committee The venture has the R the Duke Connaught The Wilson N in ccmber fast remarked In the of wearing each other out thesp warring nations things mightily uncomfortable for their neighbors Uncle Sam may he reckoned upon and counted as one of the neigh bors of last week the Senate of this Dominion unani- mously adopted Ihe Address to Imperial Parliament asking that the British North American amended to provide for extension of the term of the Parliament to October It was carried without a division j 1 TAYLOR8 LETTER Furnace Work Plumbing of Our 8peoaltle8 flt the At TUB He to iitiow vitft W Taylor of Aurora has received a letter from his son Taylor wiUi No I Company Canadian Engineers- who stated that he keeping In good health and well satisfied with conditions as he finds them Although Taylor has been in most of the big engagements and was one of the first to go from Aurora he lias escaped se rious Injury and has never been sick One narrow escape refer red to by the following extract I was fixing wire entanglement and in some manner tore band a little It was note bad wound but I thought it wiser to get it dressed at the dressingroom In case of poisoning Afterwards I found that who had tak en my the work was five minutes after left otic wroiori MX Headquarters was gave a short address Quickness and vigor of resolu tion was easily seen in the busi ness at the closing session last Thursday of the which now stands adjourned un til Monday June 19 The good roads proposals of the committee which brought a scheme for the whole county of miles at an expenditure of between 700000 and were adopted Of the Coral mile age miles have already been constructed in South York leav ing half a million dollars to be expended upon the system with in the next five years Reeve Griffith and Deputy Reeves Miller and W Graham of York Township pleaded for more con sideration for their municipali ty in view of its high assess ment and argued thai the town ships of Vaughan and and the towns of Weston and were also entitled lo more mileage Reeve Griffith suggested the appointment of a committee composed of the Reeves of East and West York to consider the claims of these mu nicipalities mentioned above Reeve Win Keith reminded Coun cil thai any delay meant putting the scheme off for a whole year and Reeve Griffith promised no further opposition if he is per mitted to accompany the York Highway Hoard to Ihe Govern ment when York County good roads scheme is brought lo the attention of the Government Deputy Reeve J McCabc King Township and Deputy J Whitrnore in troduced a resolution allowing the ratepayers to vote upon the pro posals before adoption but their motion was lost Not until the next session of will it be decided what is lo be done on the scheme this year The Highways Board has sufficient work on to keep them occupied until then Reeve William Keith Newmar ket and Reeve William Richmond Hill were appointed Highway Commissioners for five years The city will appoint two members and the four will choose a fifth member who will lively be Mr George Henry The Government pay per cent and the city a third of the cost of good In the county Mr Lennox K is going overseas and it was de cided pay him his sulary of County Solicitor until he returns from the front A despatch from Ottawa slates that Rideau Hail the residence of Canada Governor General at the Capitol is now being strongly guarded for fear of possible in cendiarism Definite knowledge as to the origin of Ihe fire which destroyed Parliament Build ings has led to taking this pre caution oh the part of the Gov ernment A press telegram from Ottawa dated Feb tells us where the Senate assembled after the fire They found a comfortable luxu rious chamber in the Museum Building There were red carpels on the floor redlopped tables for the clerks red leather chairs for the Senators red painted walls and even redlined waste paper baskets An Ottawa reporter on the staff of the Toronto World sloes that appointments to the civil ser vice of Canada preference is to be given hereafter to veterans of the present war This was the announcement made in the House of Commons by Sir Borden who slated that a copy of incouncil had been already laid on the table of the House The prime minister further intimated that all the provinces would give a similar preference in making appointments and it was hoped that the same course would be followed by all municipalities It has happened- occasions that dealers charged lion Act- have Pleaded ignorance of its as their ex- Thispjea no force in law and guiltless the to be n0 is cpmpelly topay the The rnost which law was pleaded serve illustrate this matter The only oil a Salad Oil until years was Cotton Seed Oil properly refined a perfectly wholesome and cheaper When sold under its own name no fault can be found with it But spine manufacturers have discovered thai by offering- salad without other description it sells rapidly because the buyer thinkshc is getting Olive Oil In Order belter to deceive the pur- chaser the label is frequently printed in French or Italian with the name of a French or Italian producer arid a French oV Italian France and Italy being the chief producing countries of Olive Oil in The practice is not only fraudulent as deceiving the buyer but an in jury to the producer importer and of the genuine article This fraud is recognized as under Section 3 Subsec of the Act- In order more effectively put a slop to it an Order in Council was published in March requiring that Cotton Seed Oil when present must be named on Samples purchased in more than two years after publication of the Order in Council referred to were found to adulterated inasmuch as they were labelled Salad Oil Nice thus leading the believe lo be of foreign origin and genuine Olive Oil They were entirely Cotton Seed Oil but no mention of this fact appeared on the label The defendant claimed he was ignorant of the requirements Of the Adulteration Act in the case that he bought the stock some years ago believing it to be genuine that he had no fraudu lent intent all of which is un doubtedly true It remains however that he vi olated the provisions of the Adul teration Act after fully two years time granted in which it was his duty to acquaint himself with the terms therof This Act specific ally deals with foods of which he is purveyor and it is natural and proper that the Vendor should have made himself familiar with the law on the subject J what rae A CAN WITH CONCRETE insure If you ti8 In the last week the Minister of Finance Introduced to amend the Rank Act He exclaimed that last year an amend ment to Che Bank Act ha been made allowing the banks to loan to farmers on the security their seed grain and the crops grown there from The period was to last year If was to make the amendment permanent one and to allow the banks to on scour amendment partner that the could loan money on the security the stock farmers Council Above Council met atloilerlaw on Saturday Mem bers all present Minutes of January Meeting read a adopted A ByLaw to authorize the Issue ol Debentures to amount to build- a school in school Was passed said extend over a period Ol years and to interest at per The resignation of Jos Kay as Collector taxes was received and accepted a resolution being expressing Councils regret In part ing with an old and truHty olHfcer Mr Ky Collector for about yeats and during that time ha ling foiled to return roll by Dec 14 andthe Council as a slight token of thoir esteem presented him with a Handsome Clerk was instructed to the owners ol the telephone lines to the poles set back er the fence as they axe In the- way Thursday week the Irish commenced their parade A stirring ad dress was given says World by St Lawrence armouries who in an- to the soldiers the auth orization of the Overseas Irish stated that he would It at1 In them to go on active service He was aware of the lact oh the number of men I of the grader be la- Charlie appointed col lector ol taxes i In this city there would lor and effort needed in the overseas inlt Hut there those who felt that the time had come to make some sacrlllce for Canada he like to sec them all battalion Ho personally was moving some sacrifice but thought It his duty to go overseas CAST A For Infanta and Children In Us For Over 30 Years Always of YOUNQ MEN IN DEMAND Bright Fellow too young to enlist In flroat demand for Three offering 50 each were received at Head Of- of In ont day It Will pay to pre pare Write us H Harry of the line Mnrkham was kicked on the Head by rt on Tuesday morning It required eleven stitches to close up He is doing very nicely now Now Feb On Wednesday morning shortly af ter the National Express left halt on the T O Railwayed Are detcclcd in the baggage and mall car The train was brought to a stop and backed again where the burn ing car was set out and every ef fort made to save it hud gained such headway that it was impossible to rescue the car or any its contents After the burned out a party inspecting the ruins found an 18pound shrapnel shell supposed to have been in somo of the baggage Much comment hasbeen express on flhdand it thought the O will in- was granted to Red Society to purchase Council adlourned to meet ferlaw on Saturday March IB at p DEAFNE88 BE CURED by local cations as they can not reach the diseased portion car There la only one way to euro deafness and that Is by con stitutional remedies Deafness is by an inflamed condi tion of mucous lining of the Tube When this tube is Inflamed you have a rum bling sound or imperfect hearing and when- it Is entirely closed Deafness Is the result and unless the Inflammation taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condition hearing will be destroyed forever nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh which is nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucous aurfaoes We will give One Hundred tor any case lleafne caused by Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hairs Catarrh Cure Rend for circulars free J CO Toledo Ohio Bold by Druggists Take Family Pills for -7rrr- I I 2 a a t V This Free Book on It con in a pujjei 11 shown here pi gcB for improving your in rm explaining the most economical way to oil kinds of buildiniiTTttlki fouodationi walla troughs and other things needed pa every farm There arc ol Information vital to every farmer who intend to build a pages flhoiv what concrete 111 how to mix It I the tool needed kind of land and cement are to make forma j how to place concrete and reinforce it eto etc In fact It tells everything necessary to know about the worlds and most economical building material concrete TMsboofcls aialhorltyoafsrmlmprOTi a copy quo will teat you tree Fill in coopon tad bull todiy CANADA CEMENT COMPANY LIMITED BuILHob MoDtrftt OUT OUT AND MAIL HtriU MONTREAL lend me free copy of the Farmer can do Conereie CI If I I SOUTHEND i a Royal Household Flour The Leader for Bread Made from Old Wheat MONARCH MOSS ROSE and OK ARTE CHOICE PASTRY FLOURS ALSO PURE BUCKWHEAT FLOUR BRAN AND All Kinos of Food for Fowl AND LEAE YOUR ORDER I Prompt Delivery A HOWARD ALL KINDS OF A ND TEAM WORK ATTENDED TO Phone GO far Items No particular time when you are asked look at Furniture Gome any time thai pleases you and stay just as long as ever you arc interested We claim hut this stock of ours will its own arguing and wo far rather show you than tell you So we natural make our invitations as strong as possible And you are entirely welcome all the time pOErr Coaler In Furniture and Funeral Dlrootbr Undertakers License License Jj College Newm ENTER ANY TIME Resident and Day School for Boys and Girls Preparation fop matriculation and Teohers Examlnatoos- IN 8HORTHAND TYPEWRITING BOOKKEEPING Preparatory Leading to Department A ART I Address P FIRTH A Principal fev e- MAIN i Ad PAW Ard At I t iGut I ft WANTED Who can qpll most modern contracts for one of Canadas most popular Insurance Com panies Whole or part tiino Assistance Write Box TO Bend tfrm to The Jersey BRARIPTOM MERGER Son of a- Worlds Champion Milk and Butter Fat And Registered Boar will be kept for on West Half Lot 35Cpn feVS

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