Newmarket Era , February 18, 1916, p. 8

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v The on Feb- Mrs Marshall Ose had a relapse and lhan before There was a crowd at Tues day afternoon A very IcVnooii was spent service at Church Sunday night was quite a change for the neighborhood We were pjad lb see so from Tuesday Mr bad been an invalid for about four years He was born in yearns learned the trade of wheelwright at came a 1 in and In this ho uniii about cUiraaljireibngenibGrotth Methodist and took a great Wing ephnpe tir lime with county and town- L WELLE Jan I suffered for many years with Indigestion and Constipation thin and miserable I bad frequent spells and became so down that I thought I would well again A neighbor me to try I did so and to the surprise my doctor I began to improve and Fruitolives I continued this medicine and all my Indigestion Constipation was relieved I consider that I owe my life to and I want to say to those who suffer from Indigestion Constipation or Headaches try Give this lovety fruit medicine fair chance and you will get well the a box 6 for trial size At all dealers or sent postpaid by Limited Ottawa all are hoping this dread disease I will not rite this Work at ice was going nicely but llie men could stand the on the lake today of lheni being frostbitten in their attempt to keep the channel open Mrs and infant also Polly of spent the weekend with friends here The box social held in the school house last Tuesday even ing by the Foresters was a de cided success A horse belonging to the Knick erbocker Ice Co fell Into the lake today but it was soon rescued none the worse of village Mr perhaps than any person was Instrument al in the organization of the Cemetery CbnYpanJvaiida deal of the success of this organization was- duGtb ef forts he having served as for nearly twenty years He is survived by his wife sons and three daughters Herbert of Hamilton Wilfrid of Syracuse Mrs Sri ell of town Mrs Bert Matthews anaVMrs Dr The remains r were brought to Bolton the fune ral taking place in the afternoon to Laurel Hill Cemetery devotees be useless because knows men who have become habit that can- riot break away from see some of trying break suffering untold failing aflertiine they give up in despahaiid plunge in deeper hopes of ending misery- Mornhiiiisaioanabit it is li used compared- various is riot pleasant to the because iba has- not become actibnis very similar to that of or riioderaje doses the HOUSE TO RENT On St with acres of land Orchard and good Apply to J Proctor Box Newmarket or Phone 111 FOR SALE 2 Building Lots on Park arid Lome Avenues Apply to Newmarket FOR SALE CHEAP A New Collage on St Apply to Mrs Lloyd ewmar- BY TENDEfl Two new Brick Houses on Block A Lome Ave at a bargain P and Fire Insurance Newmarket Mrs Evans gave an afternoon on Wednesday for the members of the Womens Missionary Society and others in terested in the work PatMcC5arvey who is home on sick leave came to town Friday night for a short visit Pal is a victim of gas poisoning Jlis many friends been glad to welcome him back and on Satur day evening he was presented with a Wrist Watch accompanied by many kind words of appreci ation The progressive euchre given on Moiujay evening by the young ladies was fairly well attended about being present A very pleasant evening was spent The prizes were won by Miss- Edith and Mr Oscar Suther land As a result of the even ings entertainment the young ladies have handed the treasurer of the Red Cross Society the sum of A3 Miss Jessie Lemon of Winnipeg Who lias spending some weiis Mis Silvester Mrsl Brown Lcmonville left for borne Monday She was unexpectedly called back a week earlier than she SUTTON r BAN INTO HOLE IN ICE Barbour a Toronto com mercial traveler met with a bad ac cident and narrowly escaped drown ing while crossing Lake in Mondays big storm He was motor ing across the ice from to Sutton and blinded by the storm drove into an icecuttors hole His car went to the bottom but ho jumped clear and was saved FOR OR EXCHANGE Chapping Mill and Temperance House business Lots and good paying concern No Reason for selling Call or write to L IT At North End of Newmarket 2 Acres of Land Apples Pears and Small Fry its Brick House Artesian Well Apply to Mrs 1 Lazcnby on premises or to BOX Newmarket P ABM FOR The WejL of lot in 2nd Con of con taining HO acres of clay loam in good stale of cultivation Only miles North Of Newmarket roughcast House orchard email abundance of good water fences in good repair i acres hardwood 10 acres fall wheat of hay and balance plow ed twice oyer last fall Apply on farm No B ft Newmarket IN not lease to a tenant YOUR EARHINQ POWER by at tending the Popular Toronto Out place in Can ada for- High Business Ed ucation Now all ear Catalogue free Young Charles Streets Fast Daily Service AURORA An exceptionally line musical treat will be given to the people in Aurora on Tuesday Feb 22nd and Thursday 2Uh The Aurora Choral Society as sisted by the following renowned artists will present a program of music such as the people of the vicinity rarely have the opportun ity to hear Mr Fletcher of Toronto is the Conductor and the repeal ed successes of his many Choral Recitals are the best evidence of his ability The artists that will assist arc Miss Marguerite whom alone to hear is a privilege mid worth the admission fee Miss Eileen Ferguson Violinist who brought down the house a year ago so magnificent was her per formance and Or Harvey Pianist who makes the piano speak Tho Choruses are of an excep tionally line character and cal culated to thrill the audience The people of Newmarket can procure tickets at Codys Grocery at Store and up on request a block of seats will be reserved for them Proceeds will be devoted to Red Cross Work You have the opportunity to enjoy a rare treat and at the same time to help the Common Cause that appeals to all at this lime Fifty years ago Wednesday Feb Mr and Mrs T Brown ing of united in marriage at Eng land And enjoying nine years of married life in the old laud young couple wilh their three chil dren decided their fortune in the new country and to Aur ora live where Ihey have resided ever sinre Mr Browning who is a mason by secured a job the he landed In town on building a the Queens Mole Many friends railed the happy couple on Wednesday and presented their The live daughter Tnslian of Aur ora Mrs of Newmarket J Mrs Cokcrill and Mrs Cameron of Aurora and Mrs Morris of Toronto and two sons Mr Mark Brown- and Mr Fred Drowning of this TO La grippe and measles seems to be the order of the day around our locality Mr- If Penrose sponl the week end with his friend Mr J Mr and Mrs spent a few days down at Pino Orchard celebrating Mr Prossers birthday Mr John McClennin of Toronto spent a few days with his nephew Mr Will Owing to no church here Sunday and being such a nice day a good many of our people took in service at Rev Stevensons smile and good sermon seems to draw a crowd Mr and Mrs Anderson of Aur ora spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs T Wilkinson Frank seems to be all smiles now days its a little wood cutter Mr George W Smith of Shackle- ton intends taking back a car load of horses in the spring A few of our young men have on- listed and they were trying- to in duce Bill to do so but Bill says lie is going to stick right with her Sorry to hear Mr Roy is sick Hope for a speedy recov ery Prayer meeting was well attended on Sunday night was held at Mr A Knights Lust Thursday night a vcr en joyable evening was spout at the home of Mr and Mrs Smiths when they gave an oyster supper for Will Council as Will has enlisted There were about forty- live friends gathered lo say good bye In him The following address was read by Mr Frank The watch was presented by Miss Maggie Sanderson Feb To William Council Dear Bill As yoii have answered the calf of duly and feel your King and Country meed you we cannot allow you go from our midst without expressing our high esteem for you During your short stay amongst us yon have made many warm friends As token of remembrance we ask you to accept this wrist watch Trusting while your bit- as you look upon the time you will think of the good old times you have hud in lids locality Signed on of your friends s Find Johnston reply and Gentlemen Friends of the common cause wish try and thank yon for this beautiful present you have ho kind ly given me and which I hope I shall live wear a good number of years after this present war is over pain and in large doses causes a stupor resembling alcohol once habit Is is almost impossible to break off make a specialty of treating the drUanialcoIiol habit tell mo is easier to cure permanenMya morphine fiend than an alcpho fiend Thafcjs probably due large ly to many form ed urging friends to drink The not pass ed when some would take it as an insult if you refused to drink the dope Both these mugs have the effect of blighting the moral sensibility so that a drinking man do or say with perfect indif ference what he would shrank from wiHi horror before he acquired the habit Examples of this We have had in plenty of late when men sloop to the most despicable acts utterly indiffer ent to the need or fate of their Country Anyone who has studied the question knows that much of this moral degradation has had its in drink on the part of the person or his ancestors Morphine and alcohol are both poisonous drugs and both have a tendency to affect the higher moral centres first It is dreadful to contemplate the power which the traffic has acquired In England France and Germany they have defied the Government and the War Office lo do more than slightly curtail their business In Sweden the people voted a hundred lo one in favor of prohibition but they die not get It In Ontario people have voted by largo majorities on three different occasions in fa vor of prohibiting the traffic Not only that but resolutions and pe titions almost without number have poured in to the Government begging that the bars be closed On the other hand no one but a quiet deputation of liquor dealers asked that the business be allowed to continue But that deputation seems to have more influence with Governments tnan the votes of the people the reso lutions of the most important bo dies and all the petitions that have been presented humbly pleading Hint the great evil be slopped AMERICAN SUBSCRIPTIONS IN ADVANCE ONLY NOW THE TIME TO PAY Postal Notes are the cheapest and UP safest way to send renewals 9 WE HOPE TO MAINTAIN THE HIGH OE THE ERA a fev- and give full for the money without going Into bankruptcy on account of the War no some papers have already done Editor and Proprietor J DR HOWARD VIEW Dr Howard A Kelly o the John Hopkins University at Baltimore one of the greatest authorities in tho medical recently said Liquor in all Its and for any whatever I believe to be an unmitigated evil J in fighting it In every way possible For about fifteen years I have never prescribed or recommended it for any cause whatever Tell your surgeon who prescribes alcohol and says it does good that he Is living just ten years behind this age KIDNEYS Why Theyre Sold 1 May In the nut of continual back A I Irlei various rmUlei without apparent Having GEN PILLS tor num ber of yean I most good la lc not I and the results I to be good GEO ROGERS a box boxes for M tent if you write the National Drug Chemkal Co of Canada limited Toronto Sharon Feb The regular Municipal Council of the Town ship of East was held on- above date at the Municipal Hall Sharon All the members were present were read from the following The National Sanitarium Assn The Salvation Army re grant J M Walton A The Co Public Libraries at Mt Albert and re annual grants The Reeve introduced a Law for the purpose of appoint ing Road Overseers PoundKeep ers Fence- Viewers and Sheep Valuators which passed through the several stages having blanks filled in and was finally passed That a grant of be made lo the Pub lic Libraries at Mt Albert and Carried The Treasurer was authorized to pay the following Hoy sheep Collector sal ary postage sUtiony Seymour Aiircws drawing gravel Co opening grave for gent- for tile Ml Albert Public Library QuoenHyille Public Library valunlfng Council adjourned meet Oil March am at Up Municipal Sharon- A Mackenzie Clerk LEAVE TORONTO P M DAILY VIA THE TRAN80ANADA through equipment Inoludlnfl Lighted Observation Oar standard and Tourist Dining Oar NEW The I Service passing through Ihe Business Centre of each City is asset lo the Traveller Particulars from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agent or write Howard P A Toronto ATKIN8QN AGENT NEWMARKET w AND VANCOUVER Via TRAN80ANADA Toronto pm Through Train Ho Chang a that reads CANADIAN PACIFIC Particulars from Canadian Pa cific Ticket Agents or write District Passenger Cor King and His lilac were all for happy which I trust will not very tariff ji 11 1 Toronto VS- COAL markrL Phone 207 flail fcveii- extend Mr and Mr Browning our congratulation and many more happy years Ihe event of the season the rink here was the racing carnival on Saturday evening McCaffrey of won the first heat and Train or Kleinburg sec ond The skating party at the link was well and very Tea was the A of Hell- linemen are wording thin district for the sake of our people and also of Allied powers Now I rust your confidence me will he when lime jcojita for each man do his duly After milt some songs Sanderson everybody alii farewell May Coil keep and you send you back safe us again Mr Will and Miss A and other friends Sun day Willi Mrs Pollock prop jr In n will bo fret University OVER I of Vic toria Square had his moustache Hinged off and was knocked over Archie has re- J carried a lantern to the West A concert in Church 011 Monday wan V TfupcMAiwa ran kaindjSfcrlpin wctrluiTcnr fiuc to 1 rioIrendiauLUUlOKO lip for iivi ibrriuj ilana A Co Ut thirty iu lb JWicrlcait- toy i Digestive Troubles cause headache constipation impure blood and other unpleasant symp toms If troubles are neglected they weaken the body and open the way for serious illness Many chronic diseases may be traced back to indigestion that could have been immediately relieved by Pills This well- known home remedy has proven itself dependable safe and speedy during sixty years use The fame of having a larger sale than any other med icine in the World proves the dependable remedial value of THE LINEN SHOWER As the merry crowd of girls went chattering down the street Cynthia looked alter them with shining eyes She knew them bless their hearts She understood everyone- the they had droppol with a air into of laughter They were planning a linen Shower for her at Betty I a towels- with exquisite croasstrtch and little garlands tabellncn handkerchiefs initials well what of them was intending to do down before the fire with a sigfc of sheer ran itv radiant ture to the little home that to be filled in every nook comer with the of all her dear faith ful A noise at the door started her A girl stood there was not but her thin dark face was aglow me come in she said Cynthia sprang up wcl- conic Theresa I tome straight Ih let me you a cup of tea I jam so to sea The next day Hetty a note that she react aloud to the girls gathered to on the fie- tails of the shower My Dears I know all the things you are planning for me Wl listen came just al ter you left She Is to he matte next month She Is not even to have a weddinggown because i saving every rnny to their three rooms girls you do It for Theresa Jnstead nl I have so I Dears Cynthia The girls looted at each other lently Hut each oncknew what would do eoo LOSING In losing your you do not lose a great deal Some people he vastly better oil it in strolling some back lot they dropped I heir temper and never a Hit when your are likely to things ftnioij them a portion After way to a tit that cert people whose opin io you value not happen to be a vow eel ashamed of yourself are DOOM Our Insli I how good you wereto me PL I my place Let rne at you oft aces If you cried yon are In the letter of with a bloomed a Kg M rose Theresa VWere going to he married next morjth going have any trousseau Id In losing vour temper you rather put what Ive saved rower of Every Lome YOU yield to the Impulse of anger 11 Tell me every to yield mote I cult to keep the our sol So while Theresa told about the And that is the most of an losses Implied In losing the ten wonderfully she was golng to 1 per her in ord listened and Wen Theresa B1 Sir WilU ABtu Di Reft T6UI Mother Shipton should from the grave and go out two stood a moment with street some Saturday or Sunday- a 1 clenching hands All the differences between their worldshxd vanished in their common low Hut alter Theresa root to with and sec all to and fro would v i k i I t V i 1

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