-AT- IT CWatsons Jewelry Store Next Lot We Buy Will Cost More The as well as Oldest JACKSON Editor and Proprietory QUALITY GOODS Builders Painters Blacksmiths Electrical and Automobile Supplies v VM South End Lumber Yard The Bin is Nearly Empty Order it once a t Goal BEST MINEB IN AMERICA P Pearson Order from Carters Bishop John Murphy Office P Salvation was in week reorts that the army plans to 5000 and Canada alter tha war war Magistrate oa the sent aged years St John School for an on charge therts of can teen funds belonging to the County iBarber In his suit damages against City was awarded Court on Tuesday On Tuesday last Air Rid del transferred the Division Court actions brought by Ottawa teachers the Supreme The transfer was opposed by H on behalf of the teachers After weeks of tri the Judge says evidence to support- Urn charge of conspiracy- in the Mb- case Regarding prohibition The liquor ranks with Jigging Appeals are made to spare their tirade Alas vile ambition he worid is rouse id a a To see the devastation The fade wrought from shore to Defying coniputatipn Reviewed cbristernatipnJ It seems the snappers picked hi it fail tbcmeot criticism lliafwreaUhj same time seenis to placing any but a head the Canaan for It naturally keep Sir feusy hopping out of the frying pari into the lire and back a burftry both his ears are for honors- Ti INCORPORATE BANK ofTORONTO Reserve Fund 56439382 A General Banking Business The Bank of Toronto with W years of suc cessful Banking Experience with ample re sources with large funds and with widely extended facilities offers to Manufacturers and other Men unexcelled Banking Service Branches in Ontario and the West NEWMARKET BRANCH A M LISTER Manager II I LD I MATERIAL OF ALL KINDS LUMBER LATH SHINGLES POSTS ETC ALSO DOORS SASH MOULDINGS Our Inside Trim l Through Our and Shrink After It is Put Up mm sou NEWMARKET AND TRIM Will Not The junior fourth gills of avenue School of which Miss fij Wilson is teacher are to be com- Of mortals mendefd On the is last month they organized a Club started with ten talent arid on the first o March they had cts gathered irom selling candy cakes dolls garments doing housework etc They have working the soldiers doing business at Toronto will be more careful lcss cafves were by the inspector last week as being un fit for food Thats business The demand for calces is good tbpfietdays but the rovers pot atuck One of the first John after bis from Jhront with pieces shrapnel received at St still in was to pay the sum of taken from John L The Consumers has made peremptory upon the City for a claim The money claureit under an for expenditures made in connection with grade separation Work in the northern part of the City Herb the has applied to the city for a grant of 1000 towards the cost of his unit As his is to he an Irish battalion Col proposes commencing recruit ing on St Patricks A lire which did ae oc curred in Toronto Wood Specialty Works Street Toronto corporation has won its case before the Railway Commission lor the protection St Clair ave nue as a thoroughfare Harvey Pollock who was guilty in the selling trad ing stamps to merchants 15 fined by The employees ol the Kills Co presented fifteen wi 1st watches to that number ol theiT fellow em ployees who have enlisted sta service little girl came near being strangled to death las week when swallowed a copper coin which had given ier to play with The mother rustic child to the Hospital where an The Hoard of Health report that during February no less man eight persons dropped dead in the City The cause of thai swells the Of men with vile delusions That flH the of wrong And fraudulent collusions The traffics sway Has The The present carinol compare In loss slain each passing By drinking dissipation A shameful trade- Of blackest grade Yet screened bylegislation A band one Hundred strong will war With authorized commiesion Against the traffic near and far In spite of opposition and brave Our land to save From bar rooms operation Our brave men for right eousness For mankinds exaltation While the drinktraffic breeds distress And degradation I The soldier fights For freedoms rights For mans emancipation Then shall we brook a greater foe That robs mjn of salvation No hope to oilier as forth they go lo reservation Their a void By No lime for reclamation I P Grant Richmond Hill March General is a great of it handing medal The opinion is freely express ed that the Minister of Militia for Canada could do good work stand ing Op for the rights of Canadi an officers who are- sometimes sacrificed to blunders commartdersV These re marks go a little further Colonel but they are a inference from his suggestion that Canada should be represented on the Headquar ters Staff and in the army court- cils Canada is half a million men and a half billion in money to this fight and is con 8effuchtly entitled to give her share of advice Some enthusiasts are favor of Canadians entirely suspending their intellectual faculties during the period of the war and let ting the British War Office mud- die along without remark But this consorts neither with sense nor true loyalty If we art going toy be os British as the British we cannot afford less frank than the British in our criticism of the blundering It is worth noting that the Tory press in London has never shirked its duty in this respect It was a poet and a dead pool at that who said Theirs not to reason why theirs but to do and die The English newspapers do not talk that way Why is one of the best things do Co is merely following a good VALUE OF POWER BOARD OF DIRECTORS v C Ait ft An ii Sir l up Ret Undivided AiteUOct SAVINGS received from up cm which it allowed G Ross Manager Newmarket Branch i New NEW SHORT ROUTE to WESTERN CANADA Cert It O I k TORONTOWINNIPEG Scheie J l 1 J pm Tw Tim ft00 p Sun oat WPfclx i t W TI4M I lion itOf O a mc4Um rnuiVCaCVtw For supplying man with cocaine last week a City druggist lined and Toronto and York Radial Company hae notified the sen tint the council against the decision of tht appellate diSifclon or the high court that they had no right di vert the on Street at avenue the fcldewalk into their private property The Ontario Hallway Board had pre viously dechVd that the company had troops paraded Toronto on Wednesday of last week and were reviewed by MaJorOtneraV Sir Sam I The about live miles long In the NonJury Chancellor Boyd se Judgment for tho full Claimed in the suit of Geo ho brought action the Stamping Company on behalf o Wa Kevervyear old daughter Elsie who while crossing Queen street On Nov ember 194 was run down by the motor truck sustain ing injuries The amount claimed was were registered as being lKrn In on the will only have birthday once in lour Several went out on strike last week lor pay They were receiving per The found the were to supply their without mucji Is boom real various the sent to jail for six lie grossly assaulted arrested him for abus ing a and costs for his rtocJ ft at Ilia says Arnold While in the When that received to engagement lie rose from his and in his nightshirt in the early morning he penned the despatch with his own hand that Nelson lo Cadiz Sea power is silent power is slow Sea power is irresistable for sea power exerted as it has not been exerted since the of the war a premature and disastrous is inevitable We the power enable iens of the to sleep qui etly in their The navy pod- Besses the power of collecting tribute from Germany for fifty years to come by making Ger many pay heavy dnlies for the use the sea Vwothirds of the planet is salt water The control of that water belongs to lojd tomorrow noon hat in of her crimes she will not he allowed to use the purls of he eis for twenty or lo fly the flag- on any Herman for a like period the vast hut un used power of he navy in alliance with four out of of the grenl sea powers of ha world would he advertised lo intelligent They would learn that a with sea power means hard for a century example SCHOOL Kettleby v tiassl7IFnpson lion Hon I Hon J J Class Lulu lion IS Hunt Davis III Hon III Class- V if Dove Kaake I Motin Lewis If 1 Hunt Hunt Fox Hurling Hurling Hurling fntton I Class ling P KHnk Primer Br Warren I Pax- ton M Foster raldJ Printer A M Mount M Lewis Primer HW Bain V raid low report on Teacher Tho of complaint is that he would have got his decoration if Major Sen Sir Ham Hughes had said so All it needed was the Ministers and for some reason or Other that was willhhcld Instead of medals which are dear to the soldiers hen Mi Sir Sam now hands out a Certificate of character to the ef fect that Colonel John was a brave man and did the best he could under the circumstances This is faint praise and comes late To get it Colonel had In air a grievance Which was tantamount to asking for a show down Meanwhile a gallant of ficer has been obliged to carry a load of suspicion which he didnt merit Sir Sams explanation that the who was found behind the lines at St was General and not onel Currie would have come with- hotter grace nionllhs ago wheiiil was most That Colonel Currie should have to horn ill oh the budget debate lo get a square ileal speaks ill for Sir Sams magnanimity It causes people remember that Colonel was a rival for tho post which Sir Sam now Oils so energetically It seems that it is a duly t remain behind the lines Where he can do his thinking in safety Ihn farther away the heller the thinking and thai was doing his du ly Similarly is a colonels duly be at the front with lift men and thats where Colonel was at every stage of the game He was doing his duty loo Hi a pity in view of confusion it bus caused thai Currie should he a duplicate name In the list of Canadian of ficers Most people will he inclined to agree with Colonel somebody stood helween him and the coveted honor Honors easily to people and hard to honied from overhearing angry remarks V This is the budget of the igalSori whose story I never read without thinking of poor lit tle calf which was sacriilced to give him a goonfeed The poor little calf in case is the Do minion of Canada So far as the common people concerned this is a false- budget It is really an attempt feed the poor without giving them eat If the really 10 help the farmer why doesnt it as Miv Oliver points out give the prairie provinces the boon of free wheat instead of the grain rot on the sooner than see it get away from a highly protected little band of Canadian millers As matter of fact it would help the manufacturers of east if the farmers of the west had more money to buy their products but this is a Govern ment which does not see that far For reply we have a gas attack from Arthur who appro that the wheal would lose ideality south of the line As if the wheat cared 1 Do Ganadi- an fish when they swim over the border refuse to accept tho price they bring in the American mar ket simply because the money looks different So far Mr Olivers questions have not been answered why does this persist in the policy of taxation and restricted trade which nearly sent Canada to the dogs previous to I89G Why does it slaughter the free wheat resolution by three- quarters of its working majority Why does it overtax when it says it does not the money Why has it increased the taxation bur den on lhe Canadian people seventylive million dollars in lour years said Canadian people being less numerous Ihan they were in and the counlry proportionately less properous Why does it go on overtaxing in stead of dulling out waste and extravagance Why doesnt it retrench Why to instance just one sample case mentioned by Mr does it have hun dred and fifty Post Office em ployees in Quebec City when sev entylive were enough in to do far more business Incidentally Verville the labor member from Montreal present ed a point of view which demands attention Why he asked if this Government is tender toward the poor man doesnt it gel after Bread Trust which puts a mono poly price on the stuff of life big cities Flour may up The a of- llie pastyear of Hollano Landing appears- toiday- Total- receipts 1 2 and expenditures 10 less than receipts accounts for last year receipts and ex penditures less than eeipts Newmarket abstract I805 of and expendituree 1150114 less than Alexander and MW were the auditors J secrolaryitreaRi Aurora Public School Board advertises Oils week tonders for the erection of a brick- school house Postmaster of advertises unclaimed now in the Aurora Post grand concert is announced to take place at Jersey North on Friday evening next to be followed by a promenade A span horses belonging- 167 Mr Peter Megan of East limbury got scared near the Rail way Depot last Wednesday arid ran away The shopped on Main Street but the wagon was considerably injured The Sabbath -School- of here Will hold Anniversary services in Mechanics Hall Lot Street Monday evening next will bo delivered by Dr of Toronto and others Mr jr met with an accident on Monday while templing to jump on a moving was bis room ever since v r AGO or down but the price of bread once raised never lakes a tum ble Vervilles opinion is Unit the honest manly way to meet bud- gel deficits is an ox in telligently graded lo fall heaviest on those best able to pay He suggests the might make a good beginning by taxing the salaries of the Cabiuel Ministers Gorman Interned Could Any Look The Ottawa Reformer says Since Hans Whelm at and interned in Stanley Toronto as German enemy who was a menace to the Country some very has been aboiit him lie marie I oast while- working Mr that not a I house in Oshawa he not enter some Tint he could make this and rather statement along that line they are telling was borne out by that he Kyle Mar The At the residence of the brides father by Ho- on the Mr J to Miss Miller all of The Tomb hi King Thus father of Mr John llarker of aged years The Dominion election in Nor to York resulted in the return of Win by a majority of over Col Tyrwhitl and the contest in Ontario re sulted in the election of J Ed gar over Mr White by a majority of A successful anniversary was held in the Methodist Church on the nil Methodist Choir of Newmarket under the leadership of Mr A J Hughes furnished the music speeches and recitations were nil very good A presentation last Friday lo Mr John T- Stephens teacher of the Public School at Clenville Mr photo artist held his not at home on MonCJ day when he loft Newmarket for- a I rip to the Sunny South and Bahama Islands Mr will keep his gallery open ho Is away l Mr Jacob Johnston of Musk was in town yester day He called down on ac count of the serious illness of his mother Miss barf accepted a position in the piist office Mrs A Stevenson of Aurora was visiting in Newmarket Friday Prof Can field of Toronto was he guest Mr J If Millard last week Mr I Jones returned front Bruce Mines last Mr and Mrs Calvin arc visiting with Mr ami Mrs Harding at this week V SHU i SBSl Jie i 1 k r J 1 business of this delegation I want doors so thev cmd4 be with in you on any clajmed to be a which has been re- distent of the Kiaaser and conferred on you by clever r least his- true Is claimed by one aUo throughout toMjglil man Empire ftsSJii mo 9ViApialIylhn Kftirfiim J EXCURSIONS To the Land of Wheat in- Excursions to Western Canada at fares via Pacific Tuesday Mar inclusive from any Canadian Pacific Agouti or Howard District Passenger Agent cS The Italians Score this Time r Geneva March hun dred Austrian in wore killed or wounded raid made Feb iSS of the staff coinmahdoriivchiof of the p Italy are said to have been killed One