Kir ii a very pleasing para graph accompanying a to lihis office for printing- The work was done promptly and was very a I is factory DCS is all lie ick me IS Seed Special For SpriDg Mangel Seed supply just i from sec I J A- time lo get your We have a good received to lb Turnip just in two consignments and two more arrive Price is than last year hut you had MCcr loo after your supply Timothy Seed We have a few of choice No on hand price last year In fact most all Field and Garden Seeds will he higher and some i very scarce owing to last season being very wet Dinner Sets Good Value for pee from up Toilet Sets up for Womens Institute Monthly meeting Thursday St Take 3 oclock car Newmarket You distributed for a the meeting On Wednesday evening a special from Toronto brought between and ladies and gentlemen and ladies Aurora to Lodge Fifteen candidates we initiated the being performed by Toron to ladies At the conclusion of a social time enjoyed arid refreshments served visitors left for home about one oclock Pretty Good Last week Mr Proctor of Yonge St sold two beef cattle to for the handsome sum of Mr says that these animate were the- best finished that have been sold on the market here for years andj the price indicates that it pays to provide the arKfcle besides the prestige that Mri proctor will get as stockfeeder England Struck dff strength of the Battalion could not readdress for him- have given the his great me VI in a Importer of and Fancy China Salvation Army Do not forget the Illustrated Lec ture at the ftlethodist Church Thurs day March at p rtf On Thnrsday March at p m in the Barracks the Aurora Comrades are putting on a special musical Service entitled From Ileveille to Last Post a story of the present w This will of the childrens prices and I promises to he a most interesting You should not fail to Je Benefit Mr Winn has kindly consented to give Tuesday at the Strand Theatre for the fit of the for supplying for their members 32 of whom arc in at present in the firing line There will be a tworeel Chaplin special one of the famous little marts most recent productions besides other interesting reels Doors will open at first show begins at Make a special effort to help the boys and enjo an entertainment in this Yours IrulyV Verret Major Bait 1st Please accept my most sin cere thanks for your kindness in sending me a parcel of field Com forts revived by hie today in good condition and please convoy to my gratitude at the manner in which they are considering of the boys in the field of action It is perhaps needless to welcome such articles are to us out here and you can resVasv tc 6 B A PICTURE OF FATHEH I AND MOTHER How it delight your children it would please your friends Lei Us Make Them For You I Phone Photographer Irish march St Johnsfl Church Drama tic Club presents- Erins in three acts and four scenes Do tory ine preeai w wiu be the occasion the distnbji- of flle worlds greatest war each repre sented by costumes and flags of country There will also be there by ticket The Songs Dances program will 1 real one Studio Door West of the New Post Office Curling On Monday night six Granite curlers came up from Toron to for a friendly Owing to the storm It late when they got here but play was continued till oclock with the resuH that the visitors won shots Lunch was served in the rink before they for borne in a special car were well pleased with their On Wednesday night were played for the Cup and that veteran curler Mr Luke Doyle came off victorious by shots over Mr A team of Hail opens at Patter- Drug Tuesday even ing March at oclock and advise you Ho be that we fully appreciate everything on our experiencing some very inclement weather just now mud seems to be the predominating feature of the country How ever we are all awaiting the opening up of Spring It gives me pleasure to know that Newmarket has done so much in showing patriotism I see by the lo cal papers the towns activity along the line of recruiting Red Cross work and Field Comforts for line soldiers at the front I am proud to think that I am an iId hoy of and my is that success will the reward your YOU am Man to Hold f vou work indoors forts in overwhelming early to get your scat as nation we aie up in there promises to he a big maud for reserved seats and best ones are bound to he taken I rt- a Is greenhouses A ST NEWMARKET tb ions in J in nth sold Christian Endoavor On Tuesday evening March the Society hold a very line meeting being consecra tion night many took the oppor tunity of consecrating their lives to Christ The regular business meeting was also very encourag ing all officers and convenors of committees being present and Friday Night In the Town Hall The citizens will have an opportunity of- doing honor to a returned soldier in the person that Private Walsh an Englishman injuries at the Front We understand that Private an Englishman by birth served through the South African Campaign and ujion his re turn settled with his family in As soon as the present war broke out however his old ador re vived and prompted by a patriotic sense of duty he to Toron to where he enlisted for Overseas as a member of the First Canadian Contingent He now bears tangible evidence what our bratve soldiers endured In the Battle luhen for besides being seriously wounded he underwent the famous gas treatment at the hands of the Again thanking yon for your Kindness and gen erosity and all success to your work am Madam sincerely H Quick Perhaps you Work indoors out of- doors man It makes Or perhaps you are an J no difference The point is this j If you are supervigorous you need Underwear of su perstrength Nothing hold you long Oar Toronto letter FUN -AMD- good reports from all committees A splendid meeting is in store for next week The members of Germans and a result was Company Battalion validcd home for the rest necessary will be present and they will fur- to repair his limbs and pari of the evenings pro- nerves gram Let all members of the j The members the local Company Society he present also all ad- of the arranged he rents of the Church an strangers are always welcome promptly attended to Prices reasonable Out-of- town orders solicited CUT ALWAYS ON HAND PHONE Complimentary The Sunday World the well- known Toronto who has given her talent so freely thin whiter for patriotic purposes sang a concert at Ah- Saturday evening Feb Miss splendid voire and sang an aria the Mes- hold a reception in the Town Hall on Friday night the 10th when a purse subscribed by Newmarket citizens will be presented to Private Walsh in recognition of Iris services and as some slight pecuniary assist ance to himself family The bugle band will par and accompany Private Walsh from his home in to the Hall when addresses will be given and entertainment rendered by the members of the 127th man in of wh Is by Handel with invited and to THE SITUATION IN THE EAST ln Mi met arc hi- at- dent to i bee was by destroyers and daifiae it is believed was Turlcfsti Mlerjes warn in replying the hut their lii wis had and they did not core oijyhils has heeu paving f he shore and been cutting oft sup and is HOW hi fa nad way for light beat wll as Other seaborne nine of I ho of and sort flfl iple bowed grave mfscalcnla- they believed that the Ooeben and give Turk the command of Black il the three for these waters ftr advanced in loan the reported news has come from eani the thai wwiUsh hi Mesopotamia been reinforced and 7 a big the who are the Tigris at a about below Kni- it not improbable the of recently spoke K it hardly to thai ground which lli0ro soaked by pains he the in front of the JW Will give them no rest by fl i held by and a charm- lyric voire in three by Miss also sang at a con cert In aid of Trench Comforts League held ju the Auditorium Oak wood lilgh School last evening and Saturday sang at a Musicale given by the Womens Liberal Associa tion in the Womens Art on St Miss been To at the Irish in Wall on March his appreciation of a fighting- man the rf5f Opening of the New Theatre Vewnarkets Moving luio The Patricia opened to the Saturday last at The theatre was filled its capacity shortly afterwards when the Unit picture was on till screen Jhis en titled and was by Francs and two of he most lists on the screen today 11 twoat ones interest sail through the play Tills was followed by a comedy production which to turn was followed onother rivduction cnUMod For Cash fjtuririK Universal Actor Mr conducted the musical part of program which was rendered good style and harmony with the pitures on Screen ihe Theatre neatly and the and veil IJIatioK were overlooked In the planning of the alterations The program was good and no doubt everyone enjoyed the per- oroaiiees each of which one and one half hours Mr Kfnley planned a comfort able and we congratulate him on the of his efforts The Town Hall should full of men Friday to greet Comforts The Supper on March was a huge success also were very in lioiKs to the labltj proceeds for evening Menu for March consists of Cold Dressed Veal Potato Salad with and as an addition Desserts proiniso lo be as tartly ever come ixs new work is to be for ladies in addifitm to knitting of wool at Miss Dont fougcl to come the after noon of March and encour age Guides in their un dertaking Tea served in Field Comforts on this to by The Centrepiece brought run in candy sold at on March ird and the Field Comforts Uommitlee wish to five the Church Club a vote of shanks for their generous flft of mot pro ceeds from the concert The Pri vate Secretary March 3rd The allowing letter- were received by Mrs Davis rotary Fuid Comforts The Somewhere In Feb Dear Mrs Davis Received with many thanks your feSft from the Am euro that nooks are the most appreciated gift wo boys get out hero and in to shine up for our mid-day- in spection fahe soap towels plaj a very Important part The weather baa been- much dryer lately and wo able lo move about without being mud Things in gen eral are looking much brighter and wo arc looking forward for our turn to do our little hit to put Huns to flight and chase thorn from their trenches The Quarterly Board of Trinity Methodist Church by unanJSmous vote requested Rev Tovell to continue another year as assistant Past of the church- A few days ago in the whole sale dry goods store of McKay Co did damage supposed to have originated from defective wir ing Lady Melvfn Jones among those giving patriotic bridge parties this Mrs Sugar in Ontario advanc the price on sugar cts per wholesale last week Hon Dr Pyne Minister of Educa tion returned from England this week A womans suffrage bill has fceen introduced the Legislature fie world moves on- The Opposition in the Ontario House attacks the patronage system on Monday and there was a lively debate A hearsed John French was sentenced to six months imprison ment in the Police- Court on Mon day on a charge of deserting from the battalion On Monday evening Mrs J Murray who resides on Carlton St was the hostess of military and jam shower It resulted in real izing bottles for the Central Military Convalescent Home On Tuesday afternoon bis Honor Jhc I ircut governor presented colons the gift of Mayor Church to the battalion The ceremony took place front the Parliament Buildings During the drifting fitorm of Monday evening no less than three people fell on the sidewalk and re ceived broken legs or arms and had to be rushed to the Hospital Compared with figures the license revenue lor IMS has by almost 60000 according to a report Issued by the Ontario License ranch Two members of the Dominion Gov ernment Hon Rogers and Hon Tr visited Toronto on Saturday A luncheon was terider- Toronto corporation With rank of Captain John made his first appear ance as of the 201fit tallon at Trinity Methodist Church on Sunday last and assisted Dr the service Cohurji Is going overseas With his The buffalo shipped to the City from a few days ago has been sold to The not been made public Twentyfive citizens who failed to snow from sidewalk after the on Monday bad to each In the Police Court Frank rerlst was fined and costs in his for sale eight boxes of apples packed contrary to the Sales Vet The Magistrate stated It Is an against the ood name of Canada the hall of tha Convalescent week Kttdner outlined work intended to done way of teaching new trades and help In educating returned soldiers who are convalescing Davis law who practised his la Toronto for many and latterly In died on Monday at his home ficld follow I illness Deceased was years of age Sir Foster who was hi soldiers the front vote the pro hibition referendum is impracticable Ontario men could not be picked out from the thousands of other soldiers Yes the world is moving comes from New York City this week that the eitizens are to have a self womens note be named the Hotel after Mrs Irvin president the Mrs the welt- j known in To- on Tuesday on her way to Hamilton She will return to this City next week The seven Towns which carried lo cal option bylaws at the elections were a follows Aurora Carlton Place Essex Dr Chambers Governor of the day appeared the of week aft j against the criticism made gainst the use- of the imprisonment cell which had been designated as a dungeon He admitted It was a dark cell but protected there was j no cause for the attacks made The Mayor told Dr Chambers that the criticism was not personal but who was present said the jail rales people differ Dr Chambers was once a Mcthddlst clergyman in Newmar ket This was his first charge and Newmarket was the municipality in which he spent the first years of his wedded life Mr John dent of the Mall and Print ing Co passed Tuesday night last He was years age Mrs widow the Thomas Druete died at Richmond Hill this week in her 80th year it Is announced that the Second annual Ideal Home Exhibition Will take place in the Aren during the week of April to It will be held under the auspices of differ ent associations The Provincial Treasurer announced during his financial st the Legislature on Tuesday that 1 should bo Imposed on race tracks admission tickets moving picture shows theatrcs halls skating hall games circus es meet Provincial needs The Province had a deficit last year of etui Good the blizzard Is blow ing and the thermometer Is making low bumps Customers imay not think the time Is op- portune to order a Spring Suit or Overcoat but it Is changes quickly days Moreover there Is a decided advantage In getting ones or- while the patterns are complete You can fix the date of delivery to suit yourself Order a Suit Today I i I Phone Mens Toronto Mb to attend the were fathers Sketch on i a miserly rrrlllion- by friend used his most persuasive powers to have him dress in accordance with his station life I am surprised Amos said the friend Mat you should allow your self to become shabby VBiit Im not shabby in- the millionaire Oh but you are returns his old friend Rerjiember your father Tie was always neatly even elabor ately dressed His tailored and of the beat material Why shouted raiser Ive got on OU5 Tuesday to October Every Wednesday During Season Navigation Groat Routs out on Crop was there waiting ft you -viva- write W St Howard- T mm ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO