Newmarket Era , March 31, 1916, p. 3

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Kr as mam i NEWMARKET ONT FRIDAY MA STl V fleas Coming a have been lot of custom delivered in Messrs yard to be Davis into lumber ESSE will parlor fern fflance re bold in Aid the day Good those popular Red will lake place Block commencing prompt invited- lie are in the Public Interest Hall was about half on Sundayevening tohear free illustrated lectdre on its effects and prevent it The lecture educati and well d Salvation Army evening nest at pm the meeting will be conduct by Sister Mrs A J Parker and Sister of Corps Toronto Those who have heard these comrades before should not mis hearing them again Mrs Parker will speak and her subject will be Who is to blame You really must come to hear her Com Here a Week Ago Saturday was the first day llal ad II Eves informs mat ibe firsi robin was in the trees around her corner all last week it- welcome souk- doubt I win have cold toes yet awhile M are always glad to hear harbingers of Spring Lo quiet wedding look place at King St Methodist Parsonage 1 Ave Toronto on Wednesday March Miss Bertha Victoria Scott bride of Mr David Hunter Love both of The ceremony was performed by Rev Wilson a former pastor after which the couple left Palmers ton spend llieir Red Items The following supplies were forwarded to the head office this week pairs Socks doz pairs Pyjamas Night Shirts Head Bandages doz Handkerchiefs Compresses Pads pkg Squares Quill The proceeds of the Knitting Tea without refreshments in the School Room on Tuesday amounted to Newmarket War Auxiliary If you havent into khaki why not get into the Five Hun dred Club of and help do something for the hoys The Club have one Motor Truck ready and a Meeting at the King George Hotel Monday night a Committee was appointed to look into Hie purchase of a second and report Be a volunteer and dont wait for someone else to waste his time going to canvass you Call up the President or Henry and say want to join send me a pin Wanted man to drive delivery wagoii Apply to A i The rata on Monday to gether with the melting the put a foot of water into many cellars in Town is AIL Fools and get married The license fee is to be raised from to r Junior Christian Endeavor The regular meetings of Ibis Society will continue to be held at 3 pm every Saturday after noon It is encouraging to see so many attending j Friends Church Sunday next April 2nd A Meeting Worship Song Service Peoples Service The second in the series of ad dresses on Love Courtship and Marriage Young people specially invited All seats free Friends Church The peoples popular ice was up tc its usual standard both as re gards numbers and the quality the address ffhe first of ser ies of addresses Court ship a as replied to Christian life was given ationfot the subject was found in Gen J 29-20- And Jacob- served seven for and they seemed unto him but a days for the love he had for her Some of the strong points of ser mons were That love is not mere or physical passion That love is spontaneous and cannot be to as one would grow a plant or flower love is pure unselfish peaceable gentle Juli et mercy and good fruits va riance without hypocrisy Love gives itself not seeking reward Love is true eternal and beautifying and becomes every young man and maiden it is a halo of glory to the latter and a crown of to the former was a powerful address and an earnest ap peal for love the Divine flame- A grace to be for a devoutly sought by every young man and maid- en FOR Cm ALL GOOD USE i mm I Room for Spring Goods which are arriving dally it We are Clearing Furs at just half what they are marked A i Carry the Best uptodate of Boots and Shoes In the and Guarantee the Workmanship of Every Pair W A i Soldiers At Home was a large attendance on Thursday evening of last week at OddFellows Hall when a farewell social evening was tendered to Co No of the 127th Bat by Newmar ket Dancing in upstairs and euchre stairs Refrestcnents were served at intermission and it was one oclock when the party broke the soldiers declaring they had hat a most hospitable evening i young to honeymoon Mobilization Postponed On account of Hie bad roads lie the York which was fixed to start on April 2nd ha- now poslpoiicil for a Irisenl arc to Hit- soldiers IiTlh Bat fryin the at Newmar ket on Sunday morning in time to attend services in each of the four churches Methodist Chris tian Presbyterian and Anglican Band Concert at i oclock on id- Market Square Proceed to Aurora Monday morning and fliencr to the Barracks at Penny Bank The School Penny Bank which lias established iu the Pub lic Schools of the Town- for three months continues to be popular two hundred and fifty- one of ho pupils having opened deposit counts These in size from a few cents to twelve dollars The largest deposition any one day was which was the amount added lo the pupils last Monday During the quarter a total of has been placed on deposit Evi dently are wisely the children to use this The Auditorium owned by a pri vate company but used as Town Hall was ablaze at oclock Sun day morning a fire breaking out in a beneath the main hall The flames were effectively stopped by the firemen water sys tern has recently proved a real ser vice j in extinguishing what at first looked like destructive fires lStt SNOWBALL means of acquiring the habit savin Missionary Friends Dr Wilkinson the Sup of Mis sions for the Convention was our honored guest ad speaker and contrived to keep everyone in tensely interested the wonderful story of the Power of Christ to win the natives of heathen lands away from superstition and to the living The School much enjoyed the ad dress and look forward to another visit some future occasion The Missionary offering for the day amounted to Com Opening of New Spring Millinery at Christian Church The services last Sunday were ably by Rev I of town congregation greeted him morning and evening and many flic on his sermons Mr pastor of li church Sunday the pulpit will lie taken by Prof J Dales ton Old will be dially Welcome Tuesday an enjoyable ev ening was by the young at Hie Vs K service when the Peoples of Aurora Baptist Church visited Newmarket about CO coming up Metropolitan car A the umlay School was held last Sun day afternoon Lantern views lines thrown upon the Report Not True J Walt an is operating ranch in Alberta and is equipping it with high grade horses and cattle and an outfit of implements lie has sent out this spring two carloads of stock and implements which include some fine pedigreed horses purchased from Eomeof the best breeders in the county Mr Walton will go to Alberta about tte middle of April and two months- superintending build- of new barns and a ranch house Toronto papers in error have print ed news items saying that Mr Wal ton would discontinue his business here and confine himself entirely to his ranch In the west There will be no change whatever in the Aurora business Mr Walton will probably make trips to Alberta each summer for a few t look after his interests there Word and Works The April of the above monthly periodical Hicks editor issued at St Louis Mo Is at hand and full of interest The editor tells us in a weather fore cast for the month that reaction ary period on the 3rd and may be anticipated the weather probably being stormy From Monday to Wednesday may be markal rain fall uroducing floods and also from the 5th to the storms ot a violent and dangerous character may sweep from west to east across the country This will be a regular storm period A reactionary period will follow about the and two following das to be succeeded by a warm wave Then on the and 21st thunder storms may be antici pated Then will come a change to be followed about the 28th of April to the ir of May ol disturbing weather Weather begins to look like spring Stanley Eade of is visiting frienifc in Snowball Whats happening the girls They are all leaving home j Mr and Mrs Roy Haines spent Saturday at Mr Itojert The Red Cross meeting will be held at Mr Cases oh Satur day April 1st Everybody felt quite disappointed on Sunday Rev Fox did not come to take the pulpit ty 5f j Or Bruce is Gone tin- death of Dr at Iffy home on Tuesday Canada loses one of the most noted in and mental diseases ill- lifeWork has been the of well as a lo Improve the for the core and eii of he insane Or had been ill a year in hi- domiKii Or Smith v born Mitchell on May I the minister the late Andrew A lie bin early education at and High bill later proceeded lo ami Toronto graduating with his medical ptttt from the latter in tot years he carried on a practise in forth Mien In- waw appointed a iu the Hamilton Asylum This was the beginning WW interest in the in 1000 lie became of the iu 1004 be appointed inspector of Ho- and Public for Ontario This position eld bin death He was vicepresident of the an Medical JMOf the Ontario Medical He has several uofial medical conventions and IMS he made a lour of the of the United Kindom a and per- friend of the the and the he much fell He waft in the W and wan a Methodist devoU of lime to church a he iSf M V he is survlv- three daughter Farmers Institute The Directors of the North York Fanners Institute held a meeting in Newmarket on Satur day last at which the following resolution was passed Which the Secretary Mr Win Dunning has kindly forwarded to this office Resolved That we the Mem ber and Executive Committee of the North York Farmers lule hereby protest against the present manner of recruiting In country district as we arc of tho opinion hot one man beside the iwnor should be left a acre farm Owing to scar of farm labor the land will be left uneuUivaled if it in found that a number of recruits cannot he tallied by leaving one man be sides the owner for each one imidred acres we would hat a moderate form consr riploii be adopted ft nil lax lo flint of and that a iopy of this resolution be forwarded to the- Minister of Agriculture Ontario and the Dominion Home Garden Contest During the corning summer the Lo cal Branch of the Department of Agriculture is putting on what is to Ire known as the Home Con test This contest is among the farm boys of the county preferably the boys who have just finished pub lic school These boys will be provided with the seed for the following crops corn cabbage peas beans onion radish parsnips beets carrots and strawberries as well a small booklet telling how each crop should be grown A blue print with tbc plan of the garden Is also fiupdlled and Contestants follow plan as outlined These will be in spected several times during the summer and liberVil cash prizes will be to the live boy having the lest gardens The object of the contest is to pro vide more Uptodate of raising the farm and it to hoped tllat the will take advantage of the There is only a limited number of gardens to be In this contest The toys to apply will be the ones to got the seed until the number of which we have seed for Is o any farm hoys interested should ap ply at once to J De partment Newmarket Gertrude and Master Frank spent the weekend in Toronto Mrs Albert of has been spending a ween with her sister Mrs Stephen Leonard a Mr K New market was in town Wednesday Mr Luke Lyons busi ness trip Aurora Tuesday Mr Coffey made a busi ness trip to Queen City Monday Mr J A Armstrong return ed to Ottawa on Monday after spending the weekend at his Pie Cooper of Toronto spent the weekend with his uncle Mr Thus Cooper Mr add Mrs Frank of Kettleby spent Monday in town Mr and Mrs Waller Sloan of Hells Lake and Mrs Sloans fath er Mr J Fry of spent Saturday in town Mr and Mrs Luke Lyons and family Spent Sunday at the lat- lers parental home- nit Mr and Mrs John Macks I wonder who the young gen tleman wus who upset his lady friend in Sunday Messrs Frank Downey Thos Coulter and Fleming of Tot- ton hum were in town Sunday Harold Brown Maxwell Doyle and Leo Smith of the Battalion left Sunday over- seas Mr Will spent Sun day with the Schomherg boys prior to their leaving 9 ei KKTTLKHY Have you any Armour on Your Watch If net BUY A COAT OF MAIL THE NEW SHIELD PROTECTIVE 9 Arrival of RADIUM DIAL WRIST Jewelers Opticians were all very glad to SCO the electric cars running on Mr of the spent Mi day in Mr Hurry Sibley and Miss Viola of Toronto spent river Sunday with the bitters parents Mr and Mrs Misses Mildred and Dulclicr of Newmarket spent over Sunday at their home here We all wish Mr and Mrs Karl Cook a long and prosperous life Mr Gordon Hunter of Toronto spout over Sunday at the home of Mr on the lino Little hoys should not go for a walk after church for they are sure to be watched Mr and Mrs Terry Miss Margarct Newmarket spent Sun day afternoon with arid Mrs Curtis Prof Dales will preach in King Christian Church next Sunday after noon at oclock All are Invited Who Is the Snowball girl with the seventyfive dollar Miss Mary Is with her slater Mrs of the second line Mr and Mrv Earl Cook attended Church here on Mr Summeryille and Miss returned after pro longed visit at are sorry to report Mr Burling Is not Impfovlng as rapidly we Mr and Mu have gone to tha West where they will make their future home A TOWN LIMB immense The culverts in many instances are loo small to carry I he water and the result is that the roads are overflowing The damage from water in many cases will be great Miss Gertie Blackburn spent the weekend in the city Wonder whose horse it wrenched away the verandah post to which ho was on Sunday night I havca faint suspicion Mrs Albert Shanks of the Lino spout over Sunday with lriends in Newmarket young men of the district presented Mr and Mrs Cook with a handsome Morris Chair op Monday evening last on occasion of bis marriage to Miss Florence Harrison of Mount Al bert They have the best wishes of the neighborhood for their success in life Mrs Frank Griffiths of Aurora spent the weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs John Cook Farmers arc realizing top price for hogs Messrs Albert Shanks and John Cook each got per on Tuesday 2d Blackburn of the Line delivered a batch of fat cat tle to Hoove on Monday- Messrs Harry and Gordon Webster of Toronto Kodak Co I spool Sunday at their respective homes After a few weeks visit to the homo of her Mr and Mrs George Blackburn of Cherry Lane Farm Miss Barbara Gold Medalist Nurse returned to resume her In prof Dales will occupy pulpit of nth Line Christian Church on Sunday next April correspondent scorns uneasy about Lot mo In form her I am not responsible for my mail matter not reaching its destination in time after I de posit il In the mail box and as for pie and I always have enough and to spare but know that enough is good as feast and she will better son that Bill has a supply before ho goes lo trenches if over he picks up courage to go as he will not feet too much and cake there 1V I Urn MtQ Friday Saturday and Saturday Night Sale New tweeds suitable for and School Dresses Very Special Bargain 35c yd Raw Silk 38 in wide good value at Sale Price yd Fancy Net Curtain Material 20o Sale Price 14o Fancy Cotton Delaines 38in material 8plondld Cloth for Childrens Wear Bargain IB A Splendid Towel good size- Reg 35o This Weeks Salb 3 pieces only Fancy Cretonnes Sale Price J in HEAD OFFICIO Capital Paid Up TORONTO Reserve fund E HAY General Manager IHO iirn ftudden change look placo Sunday night Unlit dur night and the ponds of water In thedow Cook on Among the women of Canada who are seeking to do their bit are the members of Cross Society at who under leadership of their capable and through the financial assistance given by since its organization the forward to Hod Cross Headquart ers since the organization the of August the following garments pillows pairs of flox Quarts fruit Total tl6255 The of ficers are President Mrs M Hutchinson ViceiPreswMUs Wright Grace Talbot Treasurer Miss Clarke Yarn Convenor Mis Hast Work Convenor Mack- lero Owing to the condition of the roads mall failed to arrive here on Monday I Jul attendance at I the Methodist Church on Sunday last was good The pastor Geo Honey the and preached a wry impressive sermon his text being- Who hath to hear 1st Mm hear Mrs leathers and daughter ol the sixth line visited her sister Mrs Drafts Money Orders and of Issued available throughout the World Dealers In Government and Dealers In Domest ana Foreign Exchange Department at ail r Interest halfyearly at Current Rates opens an F Manager Newmarket FARMERS DISCOUNTED 8UPPLIED ON APPLICATION few GENERAL BANKING BU8INE88 TRAN8AOTED Vb Miss It ay mo visited her friends in Sunday Official circles in Paris Jiave no doubt at all that the Sussex was torpedoed warning art missing As the vessel was entirely unarmed and absolutely incapable of selfdefence the outrage la to revive the friction between Washington Berlin owing to the Americans on board It must also the anxiety in official circles in London regarding the safety cross Channel route over which so many troops intended to reinforce tho Brit ish artny must pass l4 q LIVE MARKET March 1916 j Highest priced in Toronto this week Cattle Calves v v io50 per bush Oats per bush Barley per 0180 Butter per Shorts uer ton Bran per ton- 1 Potatoes per bag ft ft 2t Chickens per lb 0 18 0 Geese per 0 acnloMMnWta i March Wheat per Oats per Hajs per ton 00 Butter per lb per Potatoes per bag I- Chickens per ao- IMicks per lb T 0a Turkey per mm sS- in git and rtth line vllt her Mr off car V

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