Kind We Sell Are Guaranteed Jewelry Store Editor- and Proprietor FRIDAY A 1 7 Slle Copies each 10 QUALITY GOODS PROMPT PHONE 28 THE PAINT Painters- Blacksmiths Jar Toronto better On Saturday last owing to difficul ty in making ocean shipments there were nearly horses at the Un ion Stock Yards The majority of these remounts come from Illinois and St Louis North i A Off Witt Electrical and Automobile Supplies Lumber Yard The Bin is Nearly Empty Order at once a of Coal BEST MINES P W Pearson Order from Bishop John Murphy Office Phone rain and i and listed Mr for and of for A- INCORPORATED SV BANK Paidup Capital Reserve Fund The Convenience of Saings Account Deposits may be at any time Interest added Money to tela Safe and not likely to be spent needlessly Yon may be withdrawn as Branches in Ontario and the West NEWMARKET BRANCH A- M LISTER Manager OF AM KINDS LUMBER LATH SHINGLES ETC ALSO SASH MOULDINGS AND TRIM floe Inside Trim Put Through Our and Will Wot After It la Put Up j NEWMARKET BANKOFMQN ESTABLISHED BOARD OF DIRECTORS I CrtwAii iu c a A c up 16000000 Profit BANK MONEY ORDERS if of tratumltl- to any or Unite ncbtfibc of iff a MONTREAL Ross Manager Newmarket Branch i fj to go to the on Business up PHONE us make you Comfortable In a Prompt A BOYD Wily to That- was a magnillcent recruiting meeting in the Town Hall TorontoHamilton Highway Newmarket on Saturday afternoon The inspiring music of the Band of the York Battalionaroused enthusiasm and It was maintained throughout the entire meeting jCapt Aubrey Davis called the to order and Secretary Keith read three communications whi ch the North York War irary were asked to deal with The ftrst two Ivorc the resignations President and VicePresident Aubrey Davis and Col T Lennox who have gone into active work fin- Overseas service The resignations were accepted amid congratulatory applause The retiring President was pleased to observe that notwith standing tile bad roads there were representatives present from all parts of the Biding which was now thoroughly organized with distributed among every polling subdivision On motion of Mr Sutton seconded by Mr Wells of King Mr Win Keith was elected 1 Commission want the City to P3 in addition to the original estimate of The new esti mate or is exclusive bridges over the Etobicoke Sixteen Mile Creek the Bronte rivet and the bay at Hamilton A fire from an unknown cause broke out in Alfred store on Street and did damage Lawrence hal three fingers from his hand by the ex plosion of dynamite Cap which had been picked up oil the street The Km pi re Club of this City favors Imperial Federation aril has passed a resolution to that efiect The Toronto Ferry Companys steamer Queen made the was first trip of the season across the Bay from Point on day of fast week A young woman was sent to Sad for days a ch of being bogus collector for the Cross So- The Prison Farm at is filling up There ate now some prisoners The total damage to hidings and contents in Toronto by tire during last month reached There were alarms during the month As evidence of return to good trade conditions Toronto receipts for the year show an increase of over Male teachers of this City are to organized for military drill under Chief Inspector parity and Col Thompson Towards the close of last week the Union Station was sixty men in freight handlers A spirited discussion as the legality and right of the City Council to spend 43000 of recruiting in the city was par ticipated in at the North Toronto Association Saturday evening Ii was the unanimous opinion that llic Do mini Government shonid pro vide the iiuf for recruiting There were 5 1 iapes during March in city an increase of over the month last year At the Strand lltealre hi Sliu night Mr Justice Riddel made scathing remarks about the men who remain homo to hide behind their moth ers or sweethearts skirts Ho could hardly nee how they could hold their heads Up when they encountered a friend in khaki Mr Mulock who was confined to his home through ill ness last week is reported to he the mend The Toronto Vegetable Association held an exhibition of greenhouse products In the Labor Temple on Saturday Between Saturday evening ami Monday morning no less loaded freight cars left the Union Station yards for Montreal and the seaboard John failed in his at tempt to reform the alehouse by demolishing its stock The mil itary had declined him with thanks and unless he can raise and costs spend days where the only moisture is the dew on the surrounding lawns Steps are now being taken lo ascertain where women will he accepted to nil places of men who have enlisted for overseas service from any of the factories and manufacturing of the city Commissioner J in the presence of a largo audi ence laid the corner stone of the Salvation Army Go I lege on Davis- ville Ave Saturday The on Saturday last The esti mated cost of the new structure is 100000 The site of oyer acres cost Mr folks man ager for Home Smith A Co was drowned in the number River from a canoe while assisting linemen to install a- telephone system It Is officially reported that men have boon attested for service in the Toronto military district since the outbreak of the war It includes the territory ing this summer He was al6o pitcher of a local baseball team Martin has a mother a little old Irish lady of whom he is the chief joy and support One day I heard Martin Ryan had vol unteered for a soldier and the next time I saw him I asked him about Sure he told mo I am leav ing lomorrow But your another I asked What will you do her Shes going lo the city with be six f 50 AGO s J FXpm Era April me lie replied President On motion of Mr Ego of Geor gian seconded by Mr of the same Township Mr A elected VioePres On motion of Mr of Aurora seconded by Mr of Aurora Mr K of Newmarket was elected Secretary A communication regarding Compulsory Service was referred a Special Committee composed of the President Secretary and Messrs and Wells The newly elected Presidnl look the chair and briefly the meeting interest manifested by the people of North he sure they were ready to assist in bringing the War lo a successful issue Col Brown of Toronto who had been a member of the York Rangers for 30 years and in active service during the Fenian Raid made a short speech and hoped that all York Volunteers would uphold the record of the past Mr J of Peel Co declared that Canada was on trial fighting for a place W the Empire and it is up to flier to raise the men that the War Office require from her He for another two yearsOf war and was in favor of compulsory service Col Brown of the Bat was by the en thusiasm manifested in all parts of North York and his great was that East and West Yoik did not have a similar War Aux iliary He was perfectly con- scions that there weremany men and women who will never get credit for what they are dojng to help out in this great war but ho expects North York lo give him men for his new Battalion in days Gapt Beckett declared that the Government was justified In au thorizing the Bat and he urged the men of North York to yet into the game which will make Canada rise transparent radiant and glorious Col Mulloy was the speaker of the day and for an hour or more he held the attention of the eloquent He was brought up on the farm afterwards became a public school teacher in the wa valley and when the South African War broke out he was the consciousness that 11 wan his duty to defend the Em pire While In action he lost the sight of both but with his indomitable pluck he entered the University on his return to Can ada and qualified himself for the position of College lecturer in history It was quite evident from his logical speech that bo HI If position with great cred it We gave expression three schools of thought regard ing war 1st The Military which voice M I BROWN Commander of the 220th York Regiment duces prosperity selfishness and Moderate that war is a great evil bringing suffering misery and woe 3rd That a great war is impossible under present scientific inven tions which of course is annulled by present events He then pro ceeded lo show that defence is of the first importance and that if we are true as Canadians this will bring Canada into Hie right perspective among tile na tions of the world When it comes to last analysis the citizon must assume responsibility and the honor of every mania being protected by the men now in khaki He an eloquent appeal for men If Quebec he said is letting slip its golden op it is not fault of I he FrenchCanadian private citi zens hut of their leaders and after the war the fault will be placed where it belongs Out of millions British six million had joined the colors by December At that time Canada had unlisted of which were British horn when she ought to have had together with another on hand and ready when needed W ion our neighbors are regards war as a vood thing he of lie fittest being that peace idea pro fit trouble it natural for us lo respond and now when the nation is in need of help the path of true manhood is the path of duty On the conclusion of his admirable address Col- Mulloy was given three rousing cheers A telegram was read from Col Lennox regret I his ab sence Johnson of the sang several patriotic selections in line style accompanied by Mrs and was loudly en cored eg More music from the Band of Die 1 Bat of which they hvo great reason to feel proud brought the meeting to a close As a result the speeches enthusiasm a number of men signed up with the and new starts off with nearly men from Lincoln to Ontario Counties and North lo Parry Bound On completion of the Canadian Northern Hallway to Niagara Buffalo It will connect with the Delaware and Lackawan na line to New The new Presbyterian Church at Ave and Queen St was opened last Sunday- A youth under years named Ered Parker while riding on the step of a wagon fast Friday to the pavement brotco lite leg the alleged attempt to destroy arouse by fire on Brunswick Ave recently led to Iho discovery of a Jar of- coal oil on the toot the the Era lMt York Rangers Battalion thousand volunteer soldiers sta tioned in thai city training for duly overseas In the early morn ing about oolock was awak ened Iho tramp tramp tramp many feet passing the hotel I arose quickly and looked Into the street A battalion was passing on its morning hlka which is a part of the hardening process of training It was cold and raw Only a glimmer of the ap peared the sky I looked down on those boys maroh- ing with hare hands to their sides and heads well up and my heart filled with the pulsing pride that 1 was of their blood following extract from too had been A Canadian speech made by Fred ftn Wall New York before the as they and had Canadian Society of New York Is the call III worth over- they months in training and when I go she will have all I gel I looked Martin over thought fully Like his mother he is small but rugged and as I looked into his blue the boy grew as if touched by a magic wand and I felt small in his presence What induced you to volun teer Tasked weakly Well you see he replied the boys arc going through here a carload or so every day going down lo the war and at I couldnt sleep for think of them and a- voice kept saying 10 me Martin you ought to go till I couldnt stand it any long er A voice asked It was Canadas I guess Martin replied slowly and In looked dreamily out over the lake That is the answer I knew that Martin with clear vision and hearing of his race had seen and heard aright Canada had called him and it was Canada who called all those farmer boys and clerks with blue clenched hands wko were tramping through the King ston street that morning Canada I spiritual impelling Ibis boy volunteer con ception of her In Victoria British Columbia in July last summer I stood bare headed In the street at oclock at night and watched a battalion take the steamer for Vancouver to go direct lo France The High land Band marching in Who van played the hoys lo ship The Home Guard of substantial citi zens was their escort of honor Then the soldier boys- Came in broken rank many of thorn arm and arm with lie heroic sailors of the- Battleship lying in the harbor more of them with arms around their fathers and mothers many of them clasped to wives and sweethearts as they walked and every man and woman of us standing along the way with tears running down our checks Canada had called thorn from Ihcir charming island home and they were going six thousand miles and more tonight so that liberty which is the soul of Can ada and the soul of the British should continue to live in lh is world I crossed the continent on the Canadian Pacific I saw soldiers in uniform at every little station without exception and I saw them coming in from the branch lines lo join the main stream of travel eastward over the seas lo Eng land France to the Darda nelles to do their bit for Canada I have talked with all kinds and conditions of men and women in Canada about Ibis war and there is only one opinion It a righteous war and there must ho no cessation of effort until the menace of a world dominating power has been effectively de stroyed Men of loo old to light will give their wealth to ward that Women will work and tirelessly toward that end and the young men will go eastward as fast as the call comes to them five hundred thou sand of litem if necessary and I believe more even than that num ber The Canadians ore a people and Canada is a Sovereign Germany must recognize that fact and forever reaching forth her iron hand threatening conquest and servility to this people I have been ovor thirty years out of Canada I had novor for- gotten the land of my childhood and youth but the sentiment of the soul of the homo land was giant In my heart and in my mind did not know Canada But- now mo that I too had a vision of Canada just as Martin and those other boys had I the spirit of Canada and I glory In her and rojoico in her and am very proud of her For if ever a nation on earth was a clean virgin nation strong her honor and her uprightness Mr Trent has ust returned from Montreal and other placed whence he has been making spring and purchases- Dr J J Hunter has s far recpT- ered from his recent illness as to be able to appear upon the streets again The question of erecting a Fir House will engage the atten tion of the ullage Council next ireeting At St Pauls meeting on Monday evening Mr Mster and Mr John were m j chosen church wardens for the ensu ing year of in stalled the following as for the current term M P Br A It S Brooke T Caldwell F Bro Hamilton Chap Rev p Will Bro J I A I I Simpson jr The Farmers Club of North York elected Mr I Phillips as the President 25 YEARS AGO I 1 April 3rd The Altar At the Methodist Par sonage by Rev Large on the 1st Mr Albert to Miss of At Mack by Rev J Harper on the ult Mr John Watson King to Miss Harriet of At home of the bride on 31st lift by Rev Hassard Mr Angus of floronto to Miss Porter of Mount Albert By Rev Large on the Mr Hiram A to Eliza Winch both of North bury The Tomb At on the Lucy Cody widow of the late Aaron Cody in her year At Holland Landing on the 26th Mary Ann Bell daughter of Mrs Lane aged years A daughter of Mr David who married Mr I logon was In- terred at St Johns Cemetery to day The Society season was re opened on Tuesday evening by Messrs were At Home with- their friends a the residence of Dr Stuart There were between CO 70 guests present Among the Toronto boys who some of their Holidays in Newmarket we noticed Messrs Herb Ed Clarence Caldwell Arthur Albert Anderson Trios Gardner and Frank Wilson Mr Herb Brown formerly of New market has closed an engagement as Mate on boat plying on Lake season Miss Alice Price Miss Kate Mc- and Miss ot Toronto and Mrs of West Toronto Junction spent the Easter holidays at the home Mr I Street of Toronto brother of Mrs Aaron Cody who is in his here this week attending his sisters funeral and spent two or three Mr Lyman Mr M Hughes left for Mount Forest on Tuesday to visit a sick brother Mr and Mrs George Rlragaboon are the guests of Mr and J this week Mrs Dr Patterson Was vialting with Mr and Mrs1anlor4 Roche over Easter Mr Thos spent Mr Hilborn of King KetUeby sold a for MOO Mr- ira Morton of Horth willing bury has made about gallons maple syrup this Mr Waging visiting week at Col Sharon The Conservatives held a gathering at QueensvUle On The feeling that they would give Mr Mulock harder trial An old Reformer told them was cheap Vs Ale Logan lanry Sound whose store and dwelling were de stroyed by- Just before tilfil a Mm lire loss two StX Mm wtagff end I have visited within the year Irtflnlng lobe a sol- practically every section of f a da with the exception of wore these hoys Maritime Provinces and having so- Earnestly daybreak related my experiences to- my Martin fCfUti mo j Until a few weeks ago Marliii they have requested- me to leH you Was railroad how Canadians at home station village- a acting these days of great lake in of great sacrifices KIng8toftJhBre I have oin and in way lo other Midi ration She loves Utt erly and so that lie best of lo to the death in of which wfjrf these will sure ly with York VFJ shed went fetht hearse team etc Hilt- lose heavy as the about 35 per