Newmarket Era , April 21, 1916, p. 5

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I J- Robertson Barrister Notary Public Ac Office- lo Main St Newmarket Loan on good Farm Security Frank Duncan AND COLLECTOR N SMITH Newmarket Phone Dr N Wilkinson DENTIST Grocery eeks EATS Dr J- Boyd M ApAAte inTledicine of To- J also Licentiate ihe Royal College of and member of the Royal of Surgeons England r assistant in Hospital and Uni Woi- and College Ear Nose and Hospital London Eng Cor Main and Timo- Sis Newmarket Telephone 10 Hours 810 thy Consultation P Morton Estate and Fire Insurance BOX 3T3 JEWELLER Park Avenue Brown and Pink Did you notice colors of brown and pink inpaper arid ink were loyally used in connection with recruiting of tbe Bat There is a reason for this Brown Commander and the second officer in com mand is Major Pink So you see the colors are very appropriate besides being effectivein artistic appearance A The late- John church whose was reported in the Era last week a gunner It the Battalion CI F A University of Toronto graduate of in the Department of Political Science He qualified for in the infantry preferred to stay with the artillery unit He died of wounds in No 17 Clearing Station in France having gone with the 1st Overseas Canadian Contingent Mr and Mrs Jas Hill have the sym pathy in the neighborhood of their loss Another son is in training with the Bat at Mount Dennis JacksonHill The Methodist Parsonage was the scene of peetty Ethel eldest daughter of A formerly of sol w ding Rev Hill Adjoining Yew Post Office Bert Green POSTER Ave 2nd house from Queen Street N Bolton Hewitt Practical Painter Paper Banger and House Decorator Corner Niagara and Street market Newmarket was married to Mr J Jackson of Edmonton by the brides father in the presence lial amount was asked from lime to time for any particular object The Fifty Thousand Club of Toronto contributes a large amount every month to the York County Patriotic Association The funds raised by the local Five Hundred Club will be devoted in first place to assisting the and Battalions in the manner a- bove outlined and any surplus will be in the supply of field comforts for Newmarket boys act ually at the Front The Committee has already met a generous response by he citizens the present membership exceeding three hund red and a systematic canvass will be made of the town next week when the membership should easily be raised to the five hun dred A full statement of the Treas urers books showing the amounts Honor Roll immediate relatives The brids subscribed and expenditure A Stouffer NEWMARKET Teacher of Piano Voice and Vio lin Dealer in all kinds of Music al Instruments and Repairs PIANO TUNING Agent for Columbia and Records Complete Slock Prompt Service Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES the Era Office Newmarket Office Private issued at private re- if desired was brought in by brother Dr Hill of Her sister Miss Hill was bridesmaid Tin brides gown was of taffeta with Oriental lace and her veil was arranged in a Juliet cap Later Mr and Mrs Jackson left for a trip will make their home in Edmonton NEWMARK LATEST DESIGNS IN and Head Stones Gall before ordering elsewhere Cut Stone for Building Purposes in Slock and Marie to Order LUESBY OXIDIZED On Short Machinery for Bale DAVIS East of of Toronto Newmarket COAL lie I Coal at prices Order- filled at all hours Telephone No Osbornes Shop Main St North Millard Ave GREAT OPPORTUNITY if an electric IK further use for a mail dynamo having capaci ty Wn trout a ito ration at any time e for MACHINE Prodpect Ave Newmarket lights lo earn plant Can BARGAIN FOR p Engine in running order with r Driving Bolt and Hey- ail inquire Era Office MEN IN DEMAND too young to ft V n Wrfofl 50 each to PJJ St To- IF YOU HAVE a or Fat Calves J W Lawrence Market Cleaning Up Time It is jiot too early for the health departments of our municipali ties to prepare for their spring cleanup day In Canada we are favored with a covering mantle of snow during several months ami as a are inclined to be somewhat careless of sanitary conditions With the coming of warmer weather the neglect be comes a source- of great danger and unless prompt action is en may give rise to serious epidemics and Boards of Health should initiate without delay plans for a general spring cleanup and a thorough organ ization developed for removal of What we need in Newmarket more than anything else is a scavenger who would make reg ular collections of garbage from private homes There is lots of stuff going to waste would feed many hogs in a town this size and it would he a paying invest ment if properly handled Fail ing Mils the lime has come when our Town Fathers should provide relief in the congested parts The Club To correct any misunderstanding which may have arisen regarding Ihe control and object of this or ganization we are asked publish the following Apart entirely from the York County Patriotic Association whose efforts are confined to providing funds for the care the families of the soldiers an organization was formed several months ago under the name of the York County War Auxiliary intended lo render such assistance as might desired by the military authorities whether in recruiting raising funds for the Red Cross the care of returned soldiers and in fact any object connected with the Branches of this parent Society were formed in all towns townships and subdivi sions throughout the County and each of subdivisions has its own local officers who in the case of were elected at a citizens meeting in the Town flail and comprise a committee for each ward One of the flrfct calls on the As sociation came in the form of finan cial assistance remilsite In the or ganization of the and both of which are re cruited entirely from York County spite of ihe assertion of the De partment of at Ottawa thai battalions are fully equipped by the Government the fact remains and must he apparent any ver that there are considerable ex penses necessary in ihe purchase of equipment the of which must fall upon the Colonel and officers Who raise the battalion or being met by voluntary contribution Both County and Peel County raised over for each battalion sent out Believing that each of us as are unable lo should at least see that the soldiers of each County arc provided with all necessaries and some comforts It not sible to recruit throughout the County without expense and one of the principal items is the cost of cartage transportation of baggage etc The local Committee of the War Auxiliary after investigation con cluded- that- no better assistance could be rendered than by furnish ing a motor truck and this has al ready been done in the case of the Battalion and at a figure con siderably below actual cost through the generosity of Mr K son To raise funds the Committee also concluded that an appeal the citizens at large lor a small weekly or monthly payment would not only furnish a large a- mount but would not ell try made will be time to time THE AFTERMATH Ill be along Such were the words that issued from many a as the brave boys of the I27th Hangers Overseas Battalion bid their relatives and pals adieu as they wended their way on that glorious march from New market to the Eastman Barracks at Mount Dennis that will shed an undying lustre on the annals of York County words embodied the thoughts of many since that march Those thoughts and resolutions find ful filment in the not distant future Those who feel heartsick now that reasons stood in the way of their trekking with their pals of the must lake cheer ii Ihe belief that they will he march ing in another grand march of the lads of York County down Street that is to he the equal of the one before Another Battalion is arising from the County of York a Battalion that takes to itstlf the proud title of Lfon not that it deserves title more than its sister Bat talion Ibe This title have been destined to it and the Battalion is to be known in history as Ihe Lion Battalion of York now sends out its call to arms Tim new Bat talion is meant lo emulate Mm Lion in its fastness and fearless CSS is tip to the boys of County to see to it thai it does and that Ibis Battalion raised quickly Lieut Col B If the Commanding Officer of the expressed the wish and the confident belief at the last meet ing of the Officers on last Thurs day evening lhaL this Battalion would quickly reach completion before conscription is resorted to as he wants a Battalion of Youk Volunteers not of conscripts Without a doubt men of York will live up to traditions and see thai such iA the case Whey will without fail show them selves worthy of flUCn an emblem as the Lion Think of the pride and joy that those who enlist in this Battalion will experience whin in years lo come they tell lo their children maybe as they read In history of the Bat lalion that they served in that famous Battalion In the great war So let the men of York come In now while such a chance offers of handing down their names lo history and able fame B Brown at aforesaid meeting expressed himself very strongly about the way in which Clarke used every means In his pover during lh6 route lo out recruiting for the He played the game all through to quote the Colonels words- It is the deeire of both Commanding Officers to have the two Battalions brigaded together and they feel confident that their wish will be consummated the pals now left behind will Join hands with pals later on however Is necessary the Battalion there are excellent chances still offering Musicians are needed A man with a knowledge of men and skill In horsemanship Is required for the of Transport grooms are wanted Men of pan get appointments as signallers and machine gun operators are needed Remember recruit will IN MPRQRIAM Gunner Carl Granger died in action In France September 1915 Mot of those who have Answered ti6 Call and are Lining Up for Klnff Country QtMaster Aubrey Davis Pie J Eves Capt A B- Greenwood Lieut Jack Lieut Lieut Harry Penrose Lieut Surgeon Greenwood SgtMtr FOlen Harden Pearson Hill Mortimer I D Ross Sgt A Smith Walter Trivelt Geo Vale Corp Bailey Corp E Cody Corp Dixon Corp Godwin Corp E Hare Corp E Hardin Corp J J Mountain Corp Morris Corp G Proctor Corp John West Master A Smith Wheeler I Dunn Gunner Gunner Mont Bandsman Harrison Gunner Bruce Morion Gunner B Clark Gunner A Martin Gunner Lloyd Gunnel- Verne Gunner Proctor Quick Gunner A Sanders Gunner C Wesley Driver Lyons Inch Sapper Sapper Sapper Murray Sapper A McCaffrey Bandsman loss A Adams Adams Br Pte Roy Anderson Pto Blackall Pte W Bailey Pie J Bell Barnes Pie Barber Geo Pte A Art Pte Frank Pie Reg J A Cox Pte P Ptc Pte J Clark Pte Caldwell Brown Pte Ted Samuel Carter Pte A Cox Samuel Carter Jack Gunner Ed Arthur Pile W Cain Pie E Dunn Stanley Draper Pte Dilman Pte Draper Pie Davis Ernie Dunn V J Pile Geo Flanagan Pie Flanagan Pie Gibson Pie Granger Pte Gordon Gordon C Granger Pic Wm E Hatch Henderson Hill A Hare Pte S Pie Howard Signaller Charlie Hilts Signaller Harry Hilts Pie Irwin Jones Pte Johnson Ernest Johnston Pte Jas James W J M Kennedy Ptc HKeliy Harry Kaiser R Lundy Laker Pte T Pte Aif Lovetl Pte Geo Lovetl PIl Silas Miller- Pte A Mitchell Pte W Martin Pte J Martin Pte Ezra Morrison Pte Millar Pie Miller Ptc D G Mitchell W Manger J Moore Pie Geo Murdoch PlcH McKay Pte John J McDonald Pie Donald McDonald Pte McDonald Pte McCullough Jno McDonald Pie McKay Pte W McTavish Pte W Pte F Pie Newman Pte Norman Osborne Pte Geo Ptc Potter Pie R Pearson Pte Penrose Pte Pie J Robinson Pic J Rowland Carl Pte McLean Stewart Pte Geo Smith W Smith Pte Smith J Shelley Pic Stoddard Stone A Smith Pte Smith Pie Claude Vale Ptc Reg Wilson Pte Geo West Pie Wesley Pte J Watkins Pie W Ward PteA Williamson Wallace Wilson J I F4Si w 09 i r I Enlisted In No 2 Company Newmarket York Rangers Battalion I I J If Andrews Albinsou Waller Aril James Abbs Wm Charles Burrows Brown Lawrence W II Bailie Ernest Big Canoe Enoch Leslie Samuel B Maurice Barnard Wm Brown Geo J Black Harry Beck Richard Holland Marshall Holland George Bridges Victor Brooks Wesley Corp Brooks David gt Harriett Herbert Charles Oscar Frederick Wm Clias E Hugh Fred Cooper Chapman Wm Donald laprnun Corner Jos Lewis Donne Dougherty Stewart J Dean Harry William William Eves Wm Alfred William Eves Samuel Fee J Albert Flanagan Hoy Forth Albert Gee Henry Alfred Orvlll R Rutherford Graham Fred Godfrey Thomas Leslie Harden Joseph Harris Harry J i I 71 J I I I i John Corp Hill George Hayes Wm Geo A Silas Huston L Hill Sydney Hopper John Hartley James Hugo Howard V Johnson Edward Johnson Lee James Lee John A Lundy Henry Benjamin Liscomhe J Laviolelte M Miller Will Mcintosh Alexandor Mears Fred Metherall J McTavish Brown McDonald John McLaughlin Carl Rowland Norwood Chas John Nugent Walter Near Rupert Orion Geo Pearson Clarence Page Leonard John Pipher Melbourne Peat Edward Holy rod Pratt Albert Racine Henry Rose Robinson Win J Donald Wm Rose Rye Freeman Smith A Ivan Be well Stanley Stickwood Robert Smith David Starr Edgar Stone Hemy Edward Clarke James J Smith Geo Saunders Waller Ed Martin Leslie John Thomas eimmersori- Charles Vc mm i Vmk Hi J I Tudaday March to October Every During Season Navigation Great Route out CuiAdai Crop wat a for you CANADIAN PACIFIC you there fl the Information about hate and you to it u is warn Particulars from Agent or write Agent Toronto any Canadian Ticket B ATKINSON AGENT NEWMARKET Our is the largest and most uptodate In North York The Fit and Workmanship are guaranteed- Our prices are right because we bought before the recent advance An Inspection is solicited MERCHANT TAILOR Phone 160 Main NEWMARKET ffiffl fiii a i received a limited quantity or LIMITED QUANTITY OF SEED EARLY BRITONS Also Clover White Blossom Clover Alslke an Timothy all Government Standard Royal Household Flour Made from Old Wheat Choice Pastry Moss and K Flours BRAN SHORTS AND ALL KINDS OF FEED FOR FOWL WJ Prompt Delivery ALL KINDS OF CARTING Phone GO A AND TEAM WORK ATTENDED TO Add play hours to your day Summer will soon be here and you will want all the time you can get outofdoors free from work and worry g Get a house Telephone to help g you Nothing can do it so well and it will cost only a few cents a clay 1 No charge Let us call and talk it over S fill out the Coupoa below and mail it today S it V ir Bm mm The Belt Co of Canada M me about Kant- i i mm Taylor Martin Thompson Frank Tunny Clarence Walter Thomas Vanderburgi Wellington R White Sydney M Wilkinson Corp Watson Oscar Sydney Wells James Woods Leonard Young mm i mm York v a

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