v HEW TINSDALE AGENT MOUNT ALBERT fc MOUNT ALBERT and Mrs S Terry Of are spending i Horace Broad left for the on Monday after spending the winter at the home of his parents of Knox College in charge of the Presby terian Church here for the has arrived in town and en tered upon his duties Miss Dunn spent the weekend with friends in the city Lyle Stokes is home from There no doubt be a num ber of visitors in town for Easter We shall be pleased to have the names The condition of our Main Street which runs to the station has been the subject of much unfavorable comment this Spring We understand that the street is included in the Good scheme so we may expect an improvement shortly There be no sale of baking this week but it is hoped to have one on the following Saturday The market was very well at tended on Tuesday and good prices were paid Seeding lias been rather back ward this Spring the having been wet and cold The regular meeting- of the P held last Thursday evening was In charge of the Uterary Different of the Society gave favorite Passat of the bible Miss Joy a address on Memory The attendance each Sabbath at the Sunday School shows the interest taken in this work fey the scholars The Services of Pleasant Church will be held the of May There will be a fiU and entertainment on the following Monday evening- Trull particulars next week Rev Atkinson visited in this com munity several days this week Mrs John Hamilton srent a few with her daughter Mrs Boag of last week Misses Edith and Jean Atkinson of were the guests of over the weekend Wed ling bells are ringing EGYPT U5TTJBR MALTA The following JetUr Dp Boss Shields who was one of the Medical Staff in Hie Campaign has been received by Mrs Jas Secretary of the Ml Albert Womens Insti tute Hospital Malta March I Dear Madam received your l lovely only yesterday I have not read yet hut I am sure that I will enjoy it immensely It was very kind and thoughtful of the good ladies of the Institute to have remembered me I am such a stranger in good old Mount Al bert I would have received the book long ago except that I was sent away from the Dardanelles sick on the first day of December The book followed me there and then back to Egypt then to Mal ta and from Malta to Sicily I left Palermo before it arrived and back it came to Malta after these travels ami adventures only yes terday I have been off duly for three months but having quite regained health and strength am new again on duly and quite fit Please convey to the good la dies of Hie Institute my hearty thanks for their kind Thanking you all I am Yours sincerely Ross Shields Lieut ft A Maple sugar making isabout to an end Mr ID Mr H Keer Mr J and Mrs have made a great season ol it this Spring Mr has started wprk on the O Mr John Hazelton has made a round I parlor for Mrs Franks It is a very handsome piece of furniture Dont forget to come to our Horse Races at Cedar Brae on April Good We expect the record will be broken The horses are as follows Grey owned dp Mr A York Royal Jennie Foster of Detroit is visiting his rashes as Flush owned Mr A owned by Minnie Ye Haw by Mr Prizes not known A very exciting time last Friday evening Baldwin Our pet Crow undertook to pick the eyes out of Master Vera but only one pick did the Crow get when he found he had a bleeding face black eye and also a muddy coat Bruce Riddel and Mr Glen Chapman spent last Saturday night along the Sucker Creek but report no We need a warm rain to brine them ud Hie small stream Who dumped the pail of water on Johns head You not make such a noise when to work Jack Pome have started t plow ar here was the first to start plowing Rose Bud father Mr Albert Foster Service Christ Church follows Good Friday am and 30 pm Easter Sunday Holy Commu nion am service I am and pm Rev Emerson Pastor The grass and tulips have a springlike appearance We are sorry to hear that Mr- Alfred is in a very low condition Our constable Mr Chas Mc- Connell has returned after spending a week with his daugh ter Mrs Andrews at Bond Head and Miss is now visit ing at Bond Head Mrs Deavilt and young daughter of Midland are visiting at the home of her father Mr Kavanagh Messrs Fred Henry Wright Win Kavanagh Michael Cain and A went to the City on Monday as representa tives of this district on the depu tation to extend the North Toron to car line Mr John Smith is borne from A at having finished his exams The April meeting of the Wo mens Institute will be held on Wednesday the in base ment of the Methodist Church at Addresses will be given by all those whose names have not been on the previous programs and ah interesting time may be expected Good music Every body welcome Mrs Win Huntley spent a cou ple of days in Toronto DonL forget the Mission Band Concert to be held in the ment of the Methodist Church on the evening of Good Friday A good program will be given con sisting of dialogues recitations solos instrumental music chorus etc A small charge in aid of kindergarten work Everybody invited Clark who has enlisted in 55th Battery at spent Monday and Tuesday with his lady friend Mr Willie Mackenzie of To ronto spent Sunday under the parental roof J bet- in blushes When the lightning spirts at intervals and comes great gush es takes ome through the bull pushes and sings Sweet Lullaby Mr Silas has been these days sawing up his wood pile Mrs Grant is on the sick Hope she will soon be able to be around again v for I rtile he iusfiehdedand that the ByLaw rbe read second I third time this day Carried Council in the Whole Mr in cftialr rbsV and reported blanks filled- statute to be IJie amount read a second and third Mr Johnston loaded a car of time an4 passed a car very KESWICK Mrs A spent a few days in Toronto last week Sorry to report Miss Mary Knight is on the sick list Mrs Taos Brown was in a few days last week Mr and Mrs of New- market spent Sunday with friends Womens Institute met on here at Mrs Terrys when j Mr J Ausman and Laura ladies thoroughly enjoyed the j Watson were the guests of Mrs Jtogether discussing and la- Hutchinson on Thursday evening on Mrs Fred VanNorman ft What are we worth to our children our tones Waster Who can answer our friends have to die If fore we know worth Some very were by some of the members was decided to hold an some time in May at of Mrs Frank Terry who Invited us Proceeds for Red Cross and Field Comforts Dont to be getting ready to help At ttw close Are meeting ladle their way urstaire where Bessie has a fine display spring At the A Black and Tan Hound white answers to the name of Reward W A Hirst Keswick CASH FOR WOOL I prepared to pay the high est market price for all grades of Wool season Be sure and el prices before you sell Phone Zephyr Albert Miss Myrtle Terry of is visiting her sister Mrs Mack- rill for a couple of weeks Mr Stephenson of Aurora renewing acquaintances here dur ing the Mrs- James of arrived last week to the with her slater Miss Mr and Mm John Crone of Mt Albert fipent Thursday with Mr Mrs Crone Miss Merle Shropshire return ed alter a few weeks visit with her sister on Street Miss Myrtle few with friends on the 5th tine Mr Elmer Shropshire left on to train for a conductor on te Metroprlitan It Mr Frank Ramsay visited over the weekend with friends at Cold The Mission Circle met at the house of Mrs J on Wei- afternoon The Ladles Aid met at the homo of Mrs Hutchinson last afternoon Thtre will he and even- Ins service In the Methodist Church here on Easter Sunday Rev Newmarket will conduct the evening service FELLOW I It you have the real Rhode Red fever you will need a few settings of from my heavy laying Reds Last years average per hen for flock They have the color and type for tjoeelEfiJbitlon pen at for Albert Red Feather Yards MRS WORD TO THE you farmers that is this if anything for this corning etfton order it now as prices are up I have a on hand I can Klve you good bargains on anything you want A square deal or Phone rne Mt Albert HOLLAND LANDING Era Mj8 of Rrarnplon spent a few this week with Mr McCallurn Mr paid per for hoft this week the highest price on record Home of the farmers holding still higher prices for their hogs do they want The whole earth with a fence around It Mr Wight has secured a position In the city and Intends moving there Mis Clara of last with MIkh Ada Arrnwlrrtng Mrs Emerson vlt- friends Intlie elty this week Mrs R Is visiting at Oak Ridges a few days this Pie Wilson of Monday with his aunt Mrs Mr AVE of vIsltlnK hlft father Mr Albert Mr Frank is into the store this week yorr to hear that is sick Hope he will soon be around again Mrs Sanders from has moved In town Mr K P Phillips and family also Mr and Mrs J WyWer and daughter have moved to the city Mrs Abbs is a day or two In the city Mr Ira Fountain of Sutton was calling on on Monday The Aid the Methodist Church held a social evening at the Church on Tuesday evening when Mrs Ambrose the fol lowing address a Mrs A Cold made the presentation Mrs although taken by surprise made a brief reply Mrs 0 Dear Friend We the and friends ol the Methodist Church being aware of your approaching departure from our midst and realizing that this will sever the ties that have bound us together In our for the kingdom of our Lord take opportunity of expressing our re gret that you must go from us We wish to express the hearty we have always felt for your splendid qualities of mind and heart of which you are possessed We will never forget the kindly disposition and readiness of and bright words of cheer which us so much In the work of the Church We can fully testify that In all things and ways ser vice what vour hand to do did It with your might Your in will be keenly felt and place hard to fill a token of esteem and regard we ask you to accent tins nurse Horn the friends you made Indebted to vou In innumerable with with ask vou to accent the continued good wishes of the givers We hone for vou a verv future that Clod continue to shower the of bis loInv favor n tb a and useful life On behalf of Church Mrs A M Cole A i iron this week for Toronto Quite a number people from this burg have been in the revivals on the Mr Grant unfor tunate enough get his knee bad ly cut with an axe last week We are glad to report Mr Fair barns culbert Is finished now Is ready or traffic over It The spring flkods ga with the cuU around the town Morris and Johnson oaded a of live stock this week Prices Wonder who those young guys were on Sunday night that got in that awful mixup Who drove their horse and bursty into a culbert damaged buggy a little and cut thd horse some but not serious broke harness up badly I say careful hoys Sleeping Beauty of Newmarket is announco1 to conduct Easter Service here Sunday at a AH are invited Mr and Percy Wilson Au rora srent a few days with Mr and Mrs Walter Wilson of Mr Jas Merchant loajied a of of for Toronto this week Mr Paul trip to Toronto this week We are pleased state that Mr Harry moved Into town neighbor is added It is reported that Mr of Newmarket takes the service in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday He will be greatly appreciated Our buzzer has been V manufacturing UP wood in Town Some class to this burg eh Pshaw Mount Pleasant Report For March Jp Sherman Marshall Mary Gordon Stephens Thomas Wight Herbert Stiles Ruby Hamilton Carl Anderson Johnston Bos worth Jr HI Harris Wight Ruth Jack Stiles Joe John- Yrk Everett Sweet Tom Carson Taylor Warren Si Hamilton Marshall Thompson I Wight Nora Moved by Haines and resolved that the reeve his order the Treasurer payment as follows shov snow Fred Andrews Wright Ed Ernest Dawson Foster Walter Wright Fred Williams Mark rordon Railey Win Ed Williams drawing gravel Sharon Sidewalks Fred rep Culvert Frank drawing gravel J Rowland Arid that the Seal be hereto attached Carried Council adjourned to meet at Sharon on the day of May at 10 oclock in the forenoon AT ft Clerk ii Ml viz 95 2160 200 135 495 345 These Bargain Links to May IS Only The goods are not lasting at the prloe now offered goods will sell- Going every day First one here first one JUST THINK I We have a large of Footwear mentioned here received a shipment of 100 pairs week We Mens Reg and 91 lino for quick sale at a very low margin 75o pair Womens Reg and Plain Overs for quick sale pair Overshoes sizes to Reg Sale at Childrens Plain Overa prices range according in size to palp We have also a largo stock of Mens Woinens and Children Everyday and Pino Shoos conaid erably low marked 260 PAIRS BOOTS AND 8HOE8 SMASHED TO If you want Mens Overalls at the right price before we get in our new shipment hurry along or youll miss It Bull Dog M 0 Big B and Hammer Brands carried in stock at 1 and Overalls will soon pair higher The are raising the Quantity limited per he per inls GROCERIES JU8T WHAT YOU WANT 3 Excelsior Dates 25c lbs 25c lbs Prunes lbs Host Tiger Salmon I lb tins Reg Sunflower Salmon I lb tin 12Vjc TO SOLVENT Walrus Hod Salmon Lib Ijn 15 Sea Lion Salmon I lb tin Kippered Herring in sauce or Plain per tin 3 tins Pease 3 tins T Corn Dove Tomatoes special to April only Early den I Eng Sold In 3 for and Full In One of 0UOVER No I able TIMOTH 1 GUI Have Pattern view In Itself honey Clifford Pied Stephens Allan York Thompson Mildred Abbs Mahoney Si Primer Veina Pearson Irene McMillan Wilfred Wight Delia Jr Lloyd Stephens Eve rett King Prod Stephens Copland Joy Teacher SUTTON Smoker and Entertainment The officers and men of the Bat arranged for a evening for men only at the Town Hall Sutton on Friday commencing at oclock Motion Pictures will be shown of the March of the Battalion to Mount Dennis also actual War Pictures In France The famous Trooper will also he present and a Patriotic Stir ring music by Newmarket String Orchestra There Is no admis sion fee anil there will be no ap peal for recruits at the meeting East GwUlimbury Councn Hello Everybody commotion Mr Max a buabms trip to the city last week gome people in thU burg some notion of to put hi their garden I say not for a while yet Get up in the a wet Read That Hells Mr Merchant and P Collins took fa business the city for a couple of days week Wonder what kept David out so late on nlght That me the muati repeat It to him Tonight will be dark stormy and you take a lantern child and light your Sharon April The regular meeting of the Municipal Council of the Town ship of was hold On the above with all mem bers present Minutes last read That Mr W Hill represent this Town ship on the Agricultural Institute Hoard as required by the new reg ulation in behalf ProctorCole That the Statute Labor of Mi Alfred Robinson bo changed from Road No 2 Con to South Carried W ho and la hereby appointed Road Overseer Con In lieu of Walter Wright resigned Carried That Warren bo notified to remove hie lumber from the road at Lots Con Mt Albert at once Carried StlckwoodProclor That the Clerk be to purchase a Piling Cabinet for Township The Private Bills Committee of the condoled its work tor the session by unanimously the bill for the reorganization Ancient Order of United Workmen The effect of the bill is to ce the order in a position ol actuarial solvency that it apparently not had since W chairman the was for the production of the measure redd a lengthy report of the findings of the subcommittee It at the e of in spite of the attempts previously by revision to Improve the condition the society it had liability to insure of and the assets of 5830000 to meet it proijIes for a readjust ment of rates according to the Na tional Fraternal Congress table of mortality and for reduction of the insurance in force amounting In case of each certificate to 20 to 30 per cent Mr said the re organization provided for would in the opinion Prof McKenzle who had been consulted make the society henceforth society had gone into there would not be 15 for each member Two additions made to Sec tion 6 before presents ed One of these provided for an valuation all certificates of the order subsisting on Decemter 1916 and every three years and any surplus of assets over liabilities found tp exist at any of trenlnlal valuations shall be used to Increase pro rata the amount pay able under any then subsisting certi ficate as by the act till there no certificate prior to July 1016 which has not been re stored an amount to that at whicb it stood on June second provides that In cases where ttt benefit payable by the society been reduced below the amount pay able under any then subsisting certi ficate as reduced by the act till there remains no certificate Issued prior to July which has re stored to amount equal to that at which It stood on June The second that In all where the amount of benefit payable the society been reduced the amount Pay able as at June in accord ance with this act for the reduced amount shall contain an option to be exercised by the holder during his lifetime by which the may receive bv an nual Instalments spread over any period to ten years a amount than Ik In the cer Increase la the amount fount the value of the Interest at ccntf Per annum upon all such deterred Instalments A large num ber of representatives of lodges of the were present and exnreised entire approval of the measure HURRY AND DONT THE SPECIALLY REDUOED PRICES I Produce Butter and Eggs taken In Dont travel I or send for miles to get these goods but come over to Hill MAS Store Dealer In Dry Goods Groceries Boots Shoes Flour Peed Hardware Oils BROWNHILL ONTARIO HERMAN Aast Phone Low Rate Excursions every Monday LOW TO THE CANADIAN NORTHERN ALL THE WAT How your f Winnipeg vancouver AST la I Leave Toronto Union Station 1045 pm Monday Wednesday and Friday for Parry Port Arthur Fort William Winnipeg Brandon 8askatoon Calgary Battleford Edmonton and Points Tickets ami Berth Reservations from P Butcher Newmarket or King St Toronto tUUtlllHIIII Having bought Mr out we are selling entire stock of Furniture at PRICE and have some Big Bargains to offer the public Come early and get choice Dealer In Furniture and FRED Funeral Undertakers License lOmbalmers License We Buy 8 Proper buy or send Farm in on Far Second of year Eatabll oall M Broker his was with the Canada Life Assurance Company Ho is at present in the city recruiting his battel on ooo TORONTO LETTER motor truck mired dining oar nothing heirs more p make a Journey really than a lelt to the Car especially If it be a Pacific Dining Car where A big motor truck was mired so Pacific Dining Car where deeolv on the at New passenger Is assured of the Toronto Friday that six men and form of efficiency In the tour horses were engaged from the choicest provisions the until p In extricating prepared a m It principle known market lebtUM Dietetic A In Every Generation For Many Years Carried That Urn application of and Joyce for bonus on fence on cast half Con rods and Joyce Lot Con 8- Center Road for Carried Reeve Introduced a ByLaw to define and the pro- Lieut of the 84th Battalion stationed at farantford cames of a good fight stock Tracing his ancestry his mothers side back some hundred of years to Roger de Montgomery It Is discovered that every generation has a military man- one of the mostf being Jen Montgomery who fell at Quebec 1775 John Montgomery was a foremost figure of the rebellion of and alter whom formerly Montgomerys Corners Was named Another of the family was Mentgornervi who distinguished himself and fleo Montgomery Moore who acted as secretary Lord Aberdeenjwhen he was governorgeneral ot Canada Lieut is the son of Mr George who for two days bad been oil trial- In the Your favorite dish live l for the murder Joseph may be enjoyed at reasonable cost was found guilty amidst Ideal surroundings W last Friday evening He reveled a travelling on tho Canadian term in Kins to i tentlary I ca of by iw The Masons Is spending the sum Army of the Grand Duke J Of on Masento great news The fall of the men Building in this Important Turkish point A man was on Saturday Sea the Russians a for something he had written for the of operations for their for he had written for the la Asia Minor New legislation passed at Toronto Controllers voted acted upon by proper leas for charity this years than 1016 will soon very On Monday evening last an Interest- inmates of Toronto Jail and aw ing lantern lecture was given In the materially reduce the Timothy Eaton Memorial Church to that Institution Following lergs by legislation R NORTH or and bibs of- Cornet lended e JOHN Phone 2 Bat Vet Slot Th Tho i Poied and night from a Hall and explorer She claims to be the only white who has traversed the of the Dark Continent Is lecturing In the Interests of the Red Mayor Church announced oh Tues day that the Board of Control would pay the Toronto General Hospital trustees a year rental for the old General on Street which It- Is proposed to hand over to the Government at a mili tary Rev Dr Powell rector of the Holy Trinity Church Toronto person confined In any one common alls of the province sentence of Imprisonment tor any fence against the- law of may by warrant signed spector of Prisons and public w tlee or such other officer a thofized by the Lieut Governor J that behalf be transferred common jail to tho Ontario or to an Industrial Farm to be Imprisoned for tho 0P riortlon of the term of to which such person was Ontarios Premier a ft Jrfc Mr Normal Co i at of home over te 40 or away for West York Monday had gone for months sojourn In the West mo though the Portion of statute labor to bo and Mrs p and upoa months visit account of hn- SrSr