Newmarket Era , May 5, 1916, p. 3

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ig 5 Ji jpsjti r5 JS Til success attended the sale of Methodist Talbot W sl he Pauls Sale in llc ftoro on Friday May homemade cooking i from l MM for Electric per day at Blnns Hardware Vacuum Cleaner 1 I Meeting la read On the to charge there Sssucli a difference of opinion I in iQ I I urn was Tin fore vol- aw was tfemltf I make a spe- lo attend lodge next Tuesday nominal are May for of officers Annual Parade will Sunday evening May Presbyterian Church requested to lodge room at Farm Produce Good last Saturday but egg were the- principal Butter per to to Chickens per lb to 20c basket to Onions per peck Live per lb ICc Hens per lb to live Turkeys per lb ICc Picons per pair per pair to Young Pigs per pair Ruling prices were as I during week Sir lias made a great im provement to his ptoperty6n the corner of Prospect Ave and Queen The young Church will hold an At Homo pn Wednesday evening May I hi the Wesley Admission only a quarter riie prize will be a Surprise Watch for fur ther particulars r Dont Delay J Setting that Oil Stove until summer is half gone Let us show you the very latest The prices are low ft inns Hardware Mens Own Bible Class The election of officers for the above class in the Methodist for the coming year resulted as follows Rev A P Addison Secretary A Harris Lewis Teacher Teacher Auditors Ayers W Clark- son Membership Com W Social Com Devotional Maw ftHfflato this The suckers arc Maid Street looks fetter foe its Oratorical contest in High School Wedding The first Soldiers Wedding in Newmarket since the War began was solemnized by Rev P Ad dison at headquarters tjie Bait onWednesday even ing when Henry Sutton and Miss Katjileen Lloyd both of Aurora were united in the holy bonds of in the presence of many men in khaki rli Wo It Pays To sell only the Highest Grades of Paints and Varnishes You can depend on what you get at Hardware Special Arrangements l Mr Kinley of the Patricia Theatre has made special ar rangements- for the presentation of the famed Broadway Stars in all their latest success in Photo play The Garden of Lies is the next of this series to he shown at the Patricia and will present Jane Cowl the famed beauty of the stage This will be a fiveact produc tion and is taken from the novel of the same name written by slice Miles Home Guard Items There was a good attendance at the Home Guard meeting in the Town Hall last Friday evening and it was decided to continue the organization and drill the coming Mr A lirunton was officer in lieu of Mr Aubrey Davis resigned for active service Mr Andy Davis was appointed lotlfcmTicc of Adjutant former ly held by Mr Rev A Addison was appoint ed Assistant Chaplain to Rev T who expects to go to camp Committees were appointed lo canvas the Davis Tannery Canes Factory Office Specially Works and the Town for members and report at the Town Hall lonighl May for Fly Time Our slock of Screen Doors and Windows is very complote Prices same as last year Snaps In Secondhand Stoves at Binns I Coal and Wood I No with Tank and High Shelf splen did shape cost new for only See our Soul Window for New Stove Bargains lUrna The regular monthly business meeting of the Society will lake place is the Council Chamber oh Monday afternoon at Full attendance of is Make a note of the date of the closing May loth The next Knitting Tea will be in hi Pauls School Room on afternoon next The was not wawn on Wednesday evening as Wfwfrni tickets were not sold s at Liindys tickets can be for each The draw W tin the Hie Society deeply efforts to reproduce for the benefit Hie Red Cross at MnifluMi for Closet 35 niUjane for large Can Wonderful Hand Clearer for P Cleaner Removes large can floor Dressing fori Linoleums- Repairs Nearly Completed Willi the exception of a few small bridges adjoining the town the damage caused the rain storm on Thursday of last week is about repaired The bridge on the side street north of Mr Dennes resi dence was carried away entirely and the bridge at the north on the way to the Cemetery was only held fin position by the ef forts of njeii Jiving in the vicinity It was nearly gone At the corner of Eagle street a culvert of the Metropolitan Rail way Co was badly damaged and a gang of men were busy at a late hour repairing it Reports from King stale that the storm was felt badly there also and several of the bridges were swept away East was also affected It is stated that the loss from a monetary view to the various townships will be very large Military Entertainment Under the auspices of the Ball the Toronto Dramatic Club will give three plays in the Town Hall Newmarket on Friday ev ening May the They are entitled Love is Yopng 2nd A Pair of Lunatics There are performers and any one of these plays is worth the price of admission Among the artists are Miss Jessie Armstrong of Hamil ton Contralto Miss M of culionist a Lieut Johnstone of Bat Tenor Also exhibition of Gymnastic Tumbling by Physical Instructor PSI Toronto Tickets and Pro ceeds in aid of Band Instruments Reserved Seat Plan opens at Pattersons Drug Store at pm on Tuesday The Private The Dramatic Club of St Pauls Church deserves great praise for the manner in which they played The Private Secretary on Wed nesday evening last Taken throughout it was the best en actment by local talent in Town for years All did their but Miss Taylor Mr Leslie and Mr Walker deserve special mention while Mr J an employee at the Office Spe cially as Secretary was par excellence His appearance voice manner and every gesture created roars laughter Those who missed seeing this play a treat Much lime and thought was he- slowed the scenery costumes and furniture the latter being loaned by Mr Road house Splendid music was also pro vided during intermissions by Newmarket Orchestra There was not a very large at tendance hut considering the wet weather and that it was the second time for the play the Red Cross is to be congratulated on he success of the evening oooo SCHOOL REPORT Friends The Pastor was warmly wel comed as he resumed his ministry after his sickness He preached morning and evening At the former service the subject dealt with was A Threefold Cord In the evening at the popular service the preacher was tho roughly at borne with his subject Marriage and Homo Life in its relation to the gospel and Chris tian service A good congregation gave very marked attention to the address Sunday May 7th am- The pastor hopes lo give the Second address on A Threefold pm Peoples Popular Ser vice subject Springtime JU Meaning Everybody welcome All seals free For the month of April V Class Marks Possible IMG Lena Mar shall hon Janet Da vis hon Joy hon- Dorothy Dove Class Marks Possible Lulu hon Fox Gertie Hunt Davis Willie Dolson III Class Marks Possible Ethel Dove hon IIL Class Jr Marks Possible Dorothy Fox hon Beatrice Lewis hon Victor Bowman hon Bertie Dol son hon Kenneth Mount Wilbur Kaako 722 Hazel Dove Class Marks Possible Edith 752 Gladys Bur ling Arthur Fox Jack Davis Frank Burling Kenneth Talton Edna Hunt 528 Robbie Hunt 509 Telfer Bur ling 450 Class Marks Possible 700 Gladys Lewis hon Gertie Burling Primrir No of Stars Dorothy 72 Elsie Warren Marian Foster Tbelma Talton Jennie Lewis 37 Primer A Florence Mount Murvin Lewis Grace Burling Primer Waller Bain 20 Al ma Burling Ruth Edwards 18 Ruth Hunt Fasten Promotions From to Jr Gladys Lewis Gertie Burling From Primer to Jr Warren M Foster T Tatton Teacher TOWN LIRE ITEMS of the hejtyieHrain accompamVd by- vivid light Yung arid pealing thunder of Thursday the last Practically all the Vicinity were swept out arid the new cernent one on Town Line between lib and 5th Liues went the way of all the rest and rail fences were carried round like chips The damage done was something great to land and took at The rainfall one would think the ground look as if it were gbing be ing alreadysurcharged with water it could not contain any more The Village of felt the effects of the storm more than any place bill as this is not in my vicinity twill leave the Ket correspondent l towrit as she is often hard up for some thing to say must be doing a rushing business in this district as his representative Mr- Fred Smith set up six new Cultivators oh Easter Monday Mr Geo Chappelle spent two days visiting friends on the Line last week On account of inclement weath er and bad roads- the Kettleby Red Cross Entertainment was post poned to Wednesday evening May ion Miss Vera Barradell spent last week wjlh her sister Mrs Mer rill Johnson on the 2nd Line Mr and Mrs Andy Watson and family of the Old Survey spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Cliff Cook Mr Walter of the 5lh Line has purchased a Registered Shorthorn Bull Sorry lo hear Mr Frank had the misfortune to cut his foot We wish him a speedy re coveryas the busy limb is at hand Mr John Cook has dispensed with the use of crutches and moves around lively now with the use of a slick Misses Florence Mount of and Curtis of the 5th Line spent some days last week with Miss Mary Glad to hear Mrs George Blackburn of Cherry Lane Farm is on the mend Mrs David Dales returned home on Sunday after a vacation with friends in New market Mr and Mrs Albert Shank spent Sunday with the sister Miss Maggie on the Town Line Mrs Ferdinand of New market is visitng at the home of her son Mr Fred Bogart on the Lino Mr Dales occupied own pulpit in King Christian on Sunday Mr and Mis Luke Lyons and family of were visit ors op Sunday with Mr and Mrs John Black on the Line Mr Edward White of Buffalo was the guest of Miss Mary Bar radell at Easter Mr John Brodie of the Line was a visitor with Mr and Mrs on Thursday and Friday of lasl week Miss Mamie of Aurora accompanied by Mr McAllister spent Sunday a the home of the formers parents Mr and Mr Thomas of the Town Line AGENTS BUTTER PATTERN COOKS PQWDBHi S5 Wa are now the Best Stobk of House- In i the trade Large Variety of Carpet Oil Cloths Linoleums 2 yds wide and Furnishings in the trade v Squares at old Prices and ind4 yds Curtain Draperies In Endless variety Madras us line Art Damaaks Art Drills and Cretonnes r Wm CURTAIN POLE8 AND EXTENSION Most Lines In this Department we are selling at old are 25 below new prides A i l i The Department in Charge of Brave Down from the Highlands up from the Lowlands Forth from the Castle the Cot and the ben A ready to rally The pride Scotland the Cameron men Pibroch s sounding through and clachan Winds the west waft the well known refrain Sons of the heather gather to gether To follow and his Cam- men Proudly theyre marching these brave sons of Scotland Marching to victory or to be slain Everyone steady everyone ready die for Lochicl and his Cameron men 1 fl I tfa v3b Church Sundays services were by Mr J of w lo Rote that W K in we numbers are united I Aether and A Interest pastor the kept up in all its the member are united vuog I iaou the Mat by oh last were fcuZj ay was Have you any Armour on Your If- not BUY A COAT OF WAIL THE NEW 8HIELD New of RADIUM DIAL WATCHES Day was duly SH W io of Cor A v 1 and ptlolcna Madly they leap from the cold sodden trenches Bravely they charge again and again Surrender no never I Scot land for ever I Hurrah for Lochiel and his Cameron men I P SCH0MBERG A quiet pretty wedding was on Wednesday April at pm by Rev Thoa Scott of when Mary Margaret eldest daughter of Mrs John Ellison was married to Her bert of The who was given away by her brother Mr Will Ellison of Brad ford looked charming in her wed ding dress of while Georgette with tulle veil and -orange- blossoms and carried a shower bouquet of bridal roses and She wore the grooms gift a pearl sunburst Rachel Ellison only sister of the bride acted as bridesmaid wearing Belgian Blue Georgette Crepe while Coventry of Belmont supported the groom The grooms gift to he brides maid was an Italian Ring and to the groomsman Gold Links Mr and Mr loft on the 30 pm from Tottenham for Eastern points amidst show era good wishes their return they will reside at Guests from a distance were Mrs mother of the groom arid Miss Troyer of Edge ley Mr and Mrs Will Ellison of Bradford Mrs M Stevens of Kettleby and Mrs Geo Walker of MountDennis Mi and Mrs Wm Stephenson and Mr George Ellison spent Sat urday in town MissBertha Coulter of tho Line spent Sunday at her uncles Mr Joseph Browns Mrs paid a business trip to Toronto this week Mr Alfred of Toronto spent Sunday with his family in I own Mr John Smith of who is going through for a V S is practicing with Dr L Gra ham The heavy rain on Thursday af ternoon swelled the creek to the highest it has been since the flood The railway track was badly washed in places Mr Joseph Rogers of Toronto spent Sunday with his family here v Mr and Mrs I spout Tuesday in Toronto Mr is going on lo lo visit bis son William Mrs Ruth and daughter Mrs M Skinner spent Tues day in Toronto Miss B returned home Sunday after spending a week with friends around i Dr L Graham spent Mondny in Toronto The annual meeting of Branch of the Wo mens Institute will be held In the Bapjist Church on May 12th and all members arc requested to bo present REBELLION IN IRELAND AT AN END All the rebels In Dublin have sur rendered and those at points are surrendering to the mo bile columns of troops which are country The authori ties have prisoners In Dub lin of whom Were sent to Eng land the night before last Uncondi tional surrender arc the only terms granted the Insurgents Dublin Is now quite safe and the country Is nearly nil pacified The military lesson from tho Whole wretched busi ness Is that armed mobs stand no chance- of survival against modern scientifically trained troops HEAD OFFICE TORONTO Capital Paid Up PELEQ ROWLAND President Reserve Fund HAY General Manager Drafts Money Orders and Letters of Issued available throughout the World Dealers In Government and Munlolpal Dealers In Foreign Department at all Branches Interest halfyearly at Current Rates opens an account Manager Newmarket NOTE8 DISCOUNTED ON APPLICATION GENERAL BANKING TRANSACTED Fa STREET SOUTH a AG AIM In and 8hoes Ladies Mens and FRIDAY AND of Latest 8atln Bailor Hots 125 each Flowers all colors regular for MurkoU May Wheat per bush Oats per bush per bush per per lb Shorts per ton 0 52 300 32 Bran per ton 000 Potatoes baa 2 00 Turkeys per lb 0 Chickens per lb 0 per 17 20 Toronto Marked fc May Wheat- per bush 00 Oats per bush Hay per ton IS Butler per lb per do Potatoes per lb SO per lb per TRIM PRICELESS MWTS I i FREE OF with them their Country I J YORK AU6RBV DAVIS Quarter teaUr AM wes and good wishes i ii

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