TZQitF A LADY Has Too Many RINGS sE THE NEW STOCK Watsons jewelry Store Are Your Best Friend We Know How to Pit the Proper The Leading County- Ppeiv as well as the Oldest and Best No paper out of North unless paid in advance TERMS 9125 per annuriHn ad va rice when not so paid to United States TGWatson Graduate Optlolan I I Editor and Proprietor JACKSON 0 NT FRIDAY MAY io I QUALITY GOODS PROMPT SERVICE PHONE 28 5 THE PAINT SHOP Builders Painters Blacksmiths Electrical and Automobile Supplies Lord Kitchener sent a cablegram to Mayor Church in which he referred to Uie splendid battalions recruited In Toronto The biggest moving picture theatre in Canada is to be erected in Toronto at a cost of A man named Robinson was fined or days in jail for de fault on a charge of sneaking into Canada as a tourist against the the of South End Lumber Yard The Bio is Nearly Empty Order at once a of Coal BEST MINER AMERICA P W Pearson Order from Carters John Murphy Office INCORPORATED 1855 BANK Paidup Capital Reserve Fund 8439382 Account are the most approved and convenient form of thrift They can be opened and added to at any time Interest VI ng to balance halfyearly The Bank Small Sums of Toronto receives deposits or and upwards Branches in Ontario and the West NEWMARKET BRANCH A Manager migration laws He had served- years in imprisonment in I In I ted Stales for fraudulent use lite mails A cablegram from London on Tuesday announced that two Canadian aviators had been killed viz A J of Toronto and K Liddle of Iriinsby When ie perol tank burst and fill to the earth Police Magistrate administered real when he sentenc ed James Mulbn to two years in iieniientary and ten lashes in three and more in three months for brutally assaulting Ids wife Sixty members of the Varsity medical Class of have started on a special summer to graduate towards the end of November and will then enter on overseas service There are Canadian dentists in the soldiers camp overseas and more are in training for a like service The Citys Municipal budget this year figures up to and it is given out that the taxes for will reach have only nicely commenced spring work this season word comes from Manitoba that more than half the seeding and planting in the Province lias been completed A defective brake on the while passing Kccle Street on tore up yards of track and destroyed four cars laden with four thousand bushels of wheat which was strewn in tbe ditch Defaulting physicians will he pros- after this The Receiver- General has instructed the various Division Registrars throughout the Province to supply him with a month ly list of Physicians who have failed to register births as required by the vital statistics act Ipon the receipt of such notice physicians in default will be prosecuted About five thousand people as sembled in the University Camp on Sunday afternoon when the Regimen tal colors were presented to the overseas unit Of the York Rangers Battalion On Saturday afternoon between the hours of 3 and 5 auxiliary forced of the 220lh York Rangers Overseas Battalion loojc by storm Wistaria Room of the Carls- Rite Hotel Mrs Brown wife or B Brown in command and controlled the OK ALL KINDS LUMBER LATH tlie first time in years annual Police games will not lie this year to Saturday last vacancies returned soldiers who wish SH INGLES ETC ALSO DOORS SASH AND TRIM Out Is Put Through Our and Will Not After it Is Put Up NEWMARKET I BANK ESTABLISHED BOARD OF DIRECTORS I li U 16000000 Profit Oct Current of Interett allowed on in the Savings of the Bonk Of Montreal of arc received in by the the its the nurse The nil G Ross Manager Newmarket Branch the held for light employment are hold- the Aid Commission In the ease of Lillian Moore who died as the result of being adminis tered a dose of poison for salts mistake the Jury exhoneraleil nurse as some one had removed salts and placed the poison In place without the knowledge of The hollies looked alike Teachers Association of has made an offer to fit out recreation rooms In the Mili tary Home which Is be ing opened In the old Knox College An order-In- Council passer by Govt transfers the of the Trent Valley power undertaking to the Pro vincial Commission It was by the Toronto Open Air Horse Parade Association to again hold parade this year In stead of warding prizes for the best turnouts it was decided that the money be spent In procuring colors for Toronto regiments Women are In demand to under take work In the City- At the Arena last week a Com mittee of fifty women put up a com bined card and dance The early part of the evening was taken up with card playing there being over tallies at euchre bridge winners received prizes of glass and fancy china A dry Niagara Is meaning great deal to the morals of the sol diers in camp Kitchener Tag Day netted It Is given out that lenders of the temperance forces In the laying plans to make the Ontario Tem perance Act a thoroughly effective measure The officers of the 127th York Hangers Itattallonheld their weekly mess In new barracks Mount Dennis on the evening of hist a fine program of music by the band Clarke pivMdd Lady has headed llttt of hospital to go to Country on ureor call up PHONE fif or Prompt Charge Reason A- BOYD Otll on Phono 172 Promptly Attend to towartln a cheque for girts with Kir Adam Director of Cana dian Remounts is now purchasing and bought about fifty at Western Cattle Market one day last week Middlemen are now ex cluded In buying horses has flevenleen ift the Woodbine at the present time Mrs of Ik being congratulated by her friends on the completion of tjid one redth pair of she ban knit for the boys at the front In addition to doing this Mrs Semple baa attend ed to her household duties as usual War has declared upon dc- from Ids Majestys forces and Alvin Thompson of the was the first to drop be fore the Magisterial rifle for a two- year term In the Kington tactical situation from headquar ters at the door The 1 York is a fighting Regiment is well known and has won undying fame on many battlefields It was the York Volunteers that General Brock gave his last order just before died shot through breast at Heights in the War of That this Regi ment has maintained and perpet uated its fighting calibre is by the fact that it is now on the road to raising an other Battalion Be it or any other kind of fight this old Regiment will still on and iLthc battlefield is of such a kind thai the men are unable or at any rale ought not to fake part in the lighting and shed their blood the women of York are ready to join in lite and shed their lea Hot that Ihe daughters of those bravo heroes of old would be backward in stepping into Hie and acquitting themselves with true Amazonian courage Up to the present such a call lias not come to the women of York The only call has been to give up their menfolk and they have and surely will answer bravely to this call as men are still a cry ing need and also devote their time to the interests of the York Rangers Overseas Battalion To return from tljis short- digres sion the TV was a remarkable success The beautiful dining- room held several ladies and gentlemen Asisting Mrs Id own were Mrs I Mason Mrs Pink wife of the Sen ior Major and Robertson wife of the Acting Adjutant Com ing in out of Ihe rain into the cozy lounge and pretty rooms proved very acceptable lo the guests scene was one great bril liance The many hues of sash and ribbon and dress combined with the khaki of the Officers to form a colour scheme that beg gared description A pink tea it could hardly he called brown and pink would be more correct as epithets The hostess was array ed in beautiful pink gown and the young ladies win acted as waitresses wore on their glisten ing white gowns pink armlets bore the words in brown letters The York Rangers Over seas Battalion Ill fact these two colors had more than a mere ly descriptive existence Looking down the Ili ion Jacks and splendor the visitor saw in the northwest corner of the room a windmill twilling merrily around beside a of Dutch appearance From time to time Dutch lassies Stepped furlh and on the vard in front of house away their mo ments on musical inslruinenls charming the assemble throng will their lovely melodies Lieut ijohnslone of the who to be slaying there on leave at time also delighted the his tenor solos This tea is the first of a series lli at will be given J Mills Capl At weekly meeting of If Brown and the Officers Of the Rangers Bat talion on Thursday evening May satisfactory reports were given by the Officers in charge of tbe various depots all that bus been made as result throughout the County About eligible men are on the list of the canvass in the Newmarket and Sutton dis tricts is felt that when seed ing Is over there will be a the colours roads art Im proving and the Inroads of Offi cers into villages that stand aloof from the highway discloses the fact that there are men in plenty It was- remarked that farmers are Justified In raising a kick at- the attempt to recruit their men seeding is late and labor In a present a necessity are be ing filled in in the districts depots in whleji durations When I enlist ml Reasons Why 1 Servo my being answered are being diado for placing men aro mod- unfit as substitutes for men who are fit A gymnasium class of men who are anxious to serve their country but present defective A novel scheme has been initialed by the Officers in command it Nordi Toronto A printed list of pertinent questions has been prepared and is to be sent to signed by a lady friend or acquaintance A num ber of ladies have already volun At the same depot has originated the march of the sand wichboys who carry on their backs the words I wish I were old enough to enlist in the North Toronto Company of York Rangers Overseas Bat talion The strength of the new Battalion is now over the 300 mark and holds record in re cruiting for the month of April Open air concerts are to be given at on Tuesday at co on Wednesday and at North Toronto on Saturday which among other films route march of the 127th York Rangers willbe displayed on the screen On Sunday Slay the men from Mimic North and West Toronto and Weston depots joined the men of Headquarters and paraded to Century Baptist Church on Macpherson Avenue Captain If Pickup Ihe acting Chaplain of the 220lh preached a most learned and elo quent sermon The appointments of the fol lowing Officers to the Rangers Overseas Battalion have been confirmed at Ottawa V Robertson Lieut J Una- worth Lieut Lieut M Winchester Lieut J Rumball Lieut Lieut Gibson Lieut- Lieut J A Lieut Hunter Lieut A Griffin Lieut A Bishop Lieut Wait Lieut A Palmer Mills WOMEN AND THRIFT The Poultry Raisers Opportunity present Indications eln will require all the eggs and poultry Canada can produce Last ye ir as a result of great ly increased production Canada Wa Able to ship to real lie largest quantity of eggs exported since and at the same time re duced her Imports for home consump tion by nearly million dozen Canadian eggs have found favor on the British market and the prospects are that providing they are available nuch larger quantities will be ship ped this year The unusually high prices prevailing at the present lime largely due to this anticipated ex pel demand Prices of poultry arc also high ind will likely continue so for Ihe rest of Ihe season Last fall and winter all the surplus Canadian poultry was exported at highly pro fitable prices Between fifty ard sixty cars of live poultry were ship ped from Western to the States alone and In the Maritime Provinces particularly In Prince Ed ward Island the export demand for canned poultry lias greatly prices to producers Although uneasiness litis existed on the trade as regards facdiN In view or the frdnt and shortage of boats it now ihly certain hat ei even de mand for Canadian poultry anJ will occur this year Is therefore that poultry produc er takes steps to profit thereby by hatching as chickens as pos sible this spring Now Is the lime by hatching early by hatching everything pos sible In the month of May lo guard against the marketing of so much small undersized poorly finished poultry annually becomes a drug on the market In fall of the year Again It Is only by now and giving the chickens every possible chance to thrive And grow that a maximum supply of eggs can he obtained in the winter time liven their proporlallonnte amount of the growing of poultry brings profitable returns lo the farmer With the Increasing cost of meats milk butter etc there Is a constantly mand fur poultry and eggs The labor problem Is not critical so the boys and grls on the farm can readily take care of the poultry 1 cost of feed Is nominal prices for poultry arid eggs arc high highest In fact for many years It Is obvious therefore that Canadians have a as well as economic duly to preform In making the year- the banner year for poultry produc tion In Canada women of the land will rest tlie greatest burden of success In the campaign for thrift that- has been Inaugurated As heads of the household are the chancellors of domestic exchequers It Is for them to bear- In mind that expendi tures upon articles that are not ac tually needed Is not alone lessening their own resources but also depriv ing the country of something that might be more profitably applied The majority of men will agree that so far- as the household Is concerned their women are pretty thrifty But stinginess or miserliness Is not thrift The thrifty women combines with a natural ap titude for economy the wisdom of selection and utilization She knows when to save and when to spend She knows what Is necessary and what can be done without and she makes Ihe best use of everything Neither docs she do all things herself When help Is at hand she utilizes It with discretion The great aid thrift Is thought- fulness In fact without that cle ment thrift is utterly out of the ques tion The thrifty woman too not on ly exercises wisdom herself but sees that her children do the same thing not by Indulging them but by delegat ing to tliem sundry offices of which they are capable by making them selfreliant But the woman cannot do all these tilings by herself She must enjoy the support countenance and influence of her mankind The greatest enemy to thrift Is the pro miscuous doling out of the money It Is not lo boys and girls a sign of good nature it Is death to the re cipient It poisons their disposition and sows seeds of weeds that can never be eradicated For that sort of thing women are but little responsi ble but where their efforts shine Is In allowing nothing to go to waste In making use of everything and In exercising food dress household labor and the bringing up of children Aa Incentive to the ac complishment of these thrifts Is a re flection upon the times upon the needs and experience of their male re latives at the front and upon the fact that every ounce saved Is a contribu tion to the welfare of the country and perhaps to winning Ihe war Single Copies 3o each Vol No 50 YEARS AGO From Era Kyle May mi mi Married At the Manse Newmar ket oh 3rd Inst by Rev John Brown Mr Robert to MIbs Esther third daughter of Reuben Esq of Or Bendy druggist has a column advertisement In todays paper also has Mr Oban Aurora arid Simpson and W of Newmarket Roc advertises uncalled for letters Intils office The Rook and Ladder Co of New market elected officers last Monday night as follows H Captain J P Jackson 1st Lieut Ceo 2nd Lieut Scarf Messrs and were appointed Auditors The annual meeting of the Me chanics Institute took place last Monday evening when the following officers were elected Mr K Jackson President Mr P Irwin 1st Vice Mr 2nd Vice Pros Committee Messrs J J Pearson fount Kirk and Newmarket Fire Engine Co elect ed the following as officers for this year Mr James Allan Captain Mr Hodge 1st Mr 2nd Lieut Mr Trent SecTreas And Messrs Spencer and Michael Gain ranchmen The Hose Co officers are Messrs John Norton and Jones -vi- UN 25000 8OLDIER8 TO IN CAMP AT LAKE 8IMC0E Site Goon OOO GERMAN I AT IT Washington May The British steamer City of Alexandria for Liverpool was torpedoed without warning April30 and sank within minutes crew of sixtytwo were rescu ed after five hours afloat London May The Cymric was torpedoed oclock Monday noon It reported that she Is still afloat and Is proceeding to an Irish port The Cymric left New York April with an enormous cargo of munitions As she usually makes a voyage from York to being formed in North pool In ten days she was therefore of Square Miles Has Niagara to bo Superseded From Toronto A Valcartler camp In Ontario has been discovered anil now the sum mer camp problem nears settlement While at headquarters no Information Is available It Is a fact that lie Militia nt Ottawa has procured the necessary site- for a Valcarlclr and within a few days the troops for this camp will he announc ed probably 25000 In all Residents of the district around Lake felmooc between and are familiar with the scheme Thls rtOW concentration camp near Lake will provide accommoda tion for troops and will he big enough Jot any requirements for this military district The site Is stated to be about ten miles square whereas Valcarller Is ten miles long by three and a half miles wide There Is the best of water within easy reach There are at least troops yet to be disposed of In sum mer camps but the Long Branch and ramps are not likely to be used The site was not secured early enough to supersede this year but It foreshadows the passing away of the Niagara camp In the future SOMEWHERE IN Somewhere dwell two grls The fathers of these Muskoka maids arc In the ranks of the Battalion to do their duty for Home for Country and King The girls are between seventeen and eighteen years- of age and the eldest members of rather large who occupy typical Muskoka farms where much labor Is necessary to make ends meet Polly Is the name of one of the girls Lily name of the other Meeting the former one day asked her what wi to become of the farms now that the fathers of the families were enlisted for the great war Without any hesi tation I was Informed that Polly was to take care of her farm and Lily was to do likewise with tiers Can any city country or district In this broad Dominion equal the splen did spirit of patriotic of these two girls Illustrated edition of the Renfrew Mercury last week was a the town and reflects the of tho proprietor When three coaches at tached to a P train bound from Ottawa lo Toronto derailed about a mile east of Sharbot Lake at oclock Monday morning and turned turtle over a twentyfoot embank ment only one passongor received serious Injuries Infests sad Cfalldtea torn of 25 YEARS AGO from Kyle May 8 1801 in TfiL wtsta i Altar On the by Rev 1 Wilkinson Mr Jantes W of Sutton to Miss M Wood of The Tomb At Manitoba on Aprjl Sarah Jane wife of Mr aged- years Mr J A on behalf of the Public School Board Invited the Mayor and Council of Newmarket to attend the ceremony of laying corner stone of the new Public School Saturday afternoon Quarterly Board of Church at Its recent meet ing Invited Rev Large to remain with them another year The annual teaparty In connection with Franklin Christian Church Is announced to lake place next Mon day evening preached In Christian Church on the of King last Sunday L Jackson was elected A Davison Vice Atkin son with the following Directors to manage the Newmarket Mechanics Institute next year viz 1 Messrs W Rev W Rill J Ross and J Millard inning the week Lieut Col Inspected the Armoury here and expressed pleasure In finding every thing In fine shape oOQ- There Is more Catarrh In this sec tion of the country than In all other diseases put together and until tho last few years was supposed to bo Incurable For great many years doctors pronounced It a local disease and prescribed local remedies and constantly falling lo cure by local treatment pronounced 11 Incurable Science has proven Catarrh to be 11 constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure manufactured by J Cheney Co Toledo Ohio Is the only constitutional cure on market It Is taken It acts directly on the blood and iimeois surfaces of the system They offer for any cnselt falls to cure Send for circulars ami testimonials Address 1 J Cheney Co Toledo Sold by Druggists Take Halls Family ills for PLANT BURNED Quebec May The Car Machinery Works at which employed some eight hundred men was destroyed by fire last night The cause of the fire Is unknown but the fact that ono or two explosions were heard just about blaze started at 1040 has given to rumors of It being the work of on Incendiary Charles A general manager and president of the company has not the least doubt that the fire was of Incendiary origin He says that there never was a single fire or any thing Inflammable In the section of the shops where the fire Be tween six and seven Sunday evening about three hours before the fire neighbors caw two men Idling about r The Is about PX The drinking fountain given by the ladles of Town M Society at WCBton In memory of first President Mrs Bertha was unveiled Saturday night In the MS term In the Kingston in North In ten daysi she was therefore J of presence of large crowd The SSR I physical development within a day or two of destination fountain Is In front of the Town mm ARCHIVES OF